Write What's On Your Mind

fat brez edition


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Someone asked me in the last thread how things have changed since the best time of my life and I went on a tangent

Re:Hanging out in the oughts with my old friends. Everyone else got married and had kids. I didn't and regret it. Though its not my fault. I mean most of the women I dated were bona fide whores. Two of them with penchant for coal burning. I know its not right but I physically accosted both of them. At 39, even though I'm a sexhaver I sympathize with incels that I hang out with them on forums and I'm still alone to this day. Hell my last ex accused me of rape even though she was more into it than I was. Women should have absolutely no rights at all.

STILL no big titty goth gf

Going overseas next year. Don't know whether to go to Korea or the UK. Government gives me $6000 if I go to Korea and adds on $1200 for the overseas study loan if I go to anywhere in East Asia. But I'm not really intrested in going to Korea or really learning the language.

Guys, I fucked up big and wrote a paper for university and now I realised that I had forgotten to register for the exam in the first place! I still submitted it earlier but do you think my lecturer will accept it or no?

What have you tried recently to rectify that?
I'd personally choose Korea. I like Europe. But also probably good for your personal development to go somewhere non-Western. Just make sure you don't get recruited into a moonie-type church while you're there

I am so sick of this fucking shit
I think that i could try and fix the big, obvious problems in my life but then id just be left with all the little, complicated problem so i might as well not bother/top myself

Korea is dope if you like the idea of going to Asian Mexico. Otherwise head to the UK as long as you're not staying in the sound like a fucking faggot.

STILL no mediocre titty goth gf

My veins are bloody. My intestines are muddy.

Stop doing heroin and booze retard.

Father came home with the good bread again. It was only a matter of time... Some people drown their pain away with liquor and drugs. Me? I drown my bread with olive oil and balsamic...and it causes my pain. What can I say? I'm an addict. Half a loaf? Full loaf? A loaf and a half? Makes no difference to me, Ill eat whatever's there. My family wakes me up some mornings. "Where'd all the bread go?! Did you eat the whole loaf?!!" It all seems so ridiculous, but then again, aren't all addictions? I can't help myself. That golden oil slowly soaking into the slice as that sweet sweet vinegar seeps into it. Its just so beautiful. I become entranced. I disassociate. Sleepless nights rolling around in bed caused by the pains in my stomach. Sometimes I wonder if this affliction will kill me one day. Maybe its not such a bad way to go out...Only God knows at this point. For now I must get back to the bread. I can hear it calling my name....That beautiful loaf and those gleaming bottles of Gallo and Colavita.

My body is ready.

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What do you think of auscultation ASMR? Do you think doctors get excited listening to the hearts of cute girls?

>what being italian does to mfer

Why is Yea Forums getting worse?

everything i write carries with it a terrible sneering tone. sneering at the world, and then when that's not done, sneering at itself and then sneering at the reader. it's rarely apparent when actually writing, but always apparent on re-reading. even when i try to do something silly and lighthearted, the result always carries the aftertaste of sneering. but i couldn't for a single moment isolate the problem well enough to eliminate it.

i don't envy better writers, but writers with flaws i can identify, because i sit and think: they either missed this, which would be bliss, or they settled and sent it out to the world anyway. they had the courage to open up and share what they had to say, flaws be damned. but in my case, it's not a question of showing some spelling errors, some bad plotting, or some obviously stolen jokes, it's a matter of showing off some terrible inner sickness, a sneer that stretches out to the corners of the universe, a sneer that manages to sneer even at its own sneering.

bro you are sneering so hard at us with this post. wtf bro

Hahahahaha Elon is offering to buy 100% of Twitter now, that's the funniest shit I've ever heard

I expect it to amount to nothing like everything fucking else amounts to nothing, nothing ever happens, but man what a great troll. Normally not an Elon fan, don't give a shit about his cult of personality, but this is great.

Also everybody should be reading Solovyov's prophecy about the Anti-Christ since it may actually be Elon

because you're not creating engaging threads

To me it's even just the fact I'm going overseas. Could be Pakistan for all I care but I do want to go somewhere were I think I would enjoy more. I never really though of going to Korea before I knew there was Government free money for it since I wasn't sure if the loan alone I would get would be enough for the UK or US. I do think some things will be a bit of a waste like learning Korean since I know I won't be learning it outside of the fact of going to Korea or being in it.

Because jannies and mods won’t clean it up. Seriously, other boards are great but why not Yea Forums.

I feed seed to my bird

>other boards are great
imagine thinking something so debased

He's right though. /tg/ is a better philosophy discussion board than Yea Forums since they don't have their heads up their asses.

>janitors delete posts
>people seethe
>janitors don't delete posts
>people seethe

all the stuff that breaks the rules is gone pretty quickly
usually when Yea Forums is bad it's because people just don't reply to good threads

>>janitors delete posts
>>people seethe
I doubt people would seethe at low-quality threads and posts being deleted.

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>Book for this feel
>Coomer image
Shit like that should be deleted on sight.

my mouth is now salivating for bread with oil and balsamic. fuck you

been thinking about fucking my best friend. he definitely knows i want to. thought i wanted to date him but really, i just want dick. it's not a big deal if he says no. i'll ask in a couple months.

What's up with the moonies anyways? Isn't their belief basically "incest is best, and we are the best of the best, gods chosen, so we must continue to fuck our family members" not sure if that's right but sounds like very judaized Christianity if I'm not mistaken.

Should I pretend to like punk rock just to hook up with a girl for meaningless sex?

Bee yourself. Otherwise, you'll regret your actions. You can see them lurking in the dark. They call your name with your mother's voice.

Honestly user, I have no idea and haven't looked into them deeply enough to tell you. I just know that westerners get targeted in Korea by Korean qt's to attend their churches
I told you in another thread: use her as a guide into it. Bond over it. Then fuck her.

why not just listen to whatever she listens to and see if you like it?

Yes. Pretending to like stupid shit just to get your dick wet is part of being a man.

>use her as a guide into it
i’m not going to get into punk music kek

I'm Anglo and I always liked olive oil soaked bread, then again I probably have Roman rape baby genes due to my dark hair and eyes
Some Orthodox Patriarch told me Solovyov was a heretic, plus I heard he dabbled in Kabbalah which is a distortion of Neoplatonism anyways
Boy they got rid of that Agamben thread real quick. Butthurt much? Though the worst jannies are on /his/ with Yea Forums a close runner up

Why do I have to talk to women in order to get a gf? Why can't she just walk into my life? Pretty stupid

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What kind of punk? Are we talking 70s punk or hardcore like Minor Threat and Discharge?

That agamben thread was based. He must really make the tranny jannies seethe.

The peak of music was 80s arena rock guitar solos and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

>Agamben thread

Idk yet but probably more like pop punk kek. I would unironically have sex while blink 182 dammit plays.

I listened to Triumph and April Wine earlier today. Shits tight. Now I got on Rigor Mortis, a Texan death/thrash act.

I heard from a Danish friend tell me its mostly the left who are anti-lockdown in Europe as opposed to here in America its the reverse

God, my old drummer tried turning my Jesus Lizard-Flipper-Discharge style punk band into that kind of dreck. Drummers should just shut up and play drums not try and "control a bands musical direction"

Having a really difficult time finding a job. Everything is so bloated. I have to look for places that are hiring. Fill out an application since most places don't take resumes. Then usually do an assessment then a phone interview then an in person interview. It's ridiculous.
This week I have 3 interviews. One was a phone interview where I was left on hold for 20 minutes to be told they cancelled the position and to apply to their other jobs.
Another was also a phone interview. After it I had to do an assessment and fill out a more detailed application. The assessment was literally an IQ test. Same type of Mensa shit I took in high school. Was not ready for this.
Tomorrow I have a zoom interview. Never ending. I'm tired and just want a job.

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who tf cares. elon musk is just kim kardashian for men

kill yourself for being on twitter and kill yourself for being a tranny

lol rude

Go blue collar dickcheese. I quit my job to hang out with my friends and baby momma in Texas in December. Walked up back to my old job three weeks ago and asked to be hired. I went to work the next day.

anyone see any good movies lately?

I saw that gook demon movie the other day. Shit was long but my girl gave me succ during the boring parts so it was cool I guess.

no responses to my thread yet. had to bump it. this happens often.

I think I fucked up. I relaxed too hard too soon. Fuck I held out so long too. I'd be exaggerating if I said I hated myself, I just think it.. well, I mean it is what it is. user, if you're out there: I was a bit harsh and self involved desu. I used your pain. I spoke truly. Hell I don't know if I used it- I spoke truly. Maybe I was just really worn down.

Just let it die.

I used to think I made it so she couldn't love anymore. she couldn't love then. doubt she'll ever empathize with a man.


>space is a vacuum
i refuse to believe this. its beyond upsetting, and probably the worst thing we ever learned. science was a mistake

I used to think a lot about what it would mean for there to be space without anything in it. I know nothing and could be wrong in every way, but I came to the conclusion that if it can be permeated by radiation or things like this, then it is something