Religious as kid

>Religious as kid
>Discover said religion is fallible
>Cry to God, He is silent
>Nihilism ensues
>depression, addiction, anxiety
>Regain emotional control through stoic literature
>Discover Jung, learn religion is a symbolic expression of inner psychological processes
>Newfound respect for religion and spirituality
>Read Nietzsche
>Read Evola
>Realise reality itself is inherently meaningful
>Realise the arrogance of my youth
>The answer was in front of my eyes all along
>Pray every morning thanking God that I was able to see the truth
>Follow my destiny and become happy

Anyone else?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You should have started with the Bible.

Seriously. It's underrated. If you started with the greeks and got a platonic notion of virtue and justice you're in for a treat. Kneechee and evola and the rest of the later retards don't hold a candle to the original hebrew scriptures. It's not just an expression of inner psychological processes, that's a 20th century cope. Scripture is literally the foundation of all of western civ and the promise of YHWH is real, and it may be we've interpreted it wrong all along. Not saying talmudic scholars inverting the word are right, but they're not automatically wrong either.

The word comes to the patriarchs.

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>literally the foundation
>supports its physical weight
You goddamned retard

>he doesn't know how Being works

>confuses the bible for god himself

I'm glad I never fell for these retarded memes

>You should have started with the Bible.
I did. And now I find myself returning to it.

>If you started with the greeks and got a platonic notion of virtue and justice you're in for a treat.

Next on my list. I am told the greeks are essential, irrespective of neetch shatting a collule stool on socrates

>irrespective of neetch shatting a collule stool on socrates
You are so far behind, you're just at the beginning of wisdom. You still believe socrates can be btfo. He tells you so himself.

Spend a few years getting good.

Are you telling me the bible does not faithfully record the word of YHWH?

>You still believe socrates can be btfo.
I didn't say that. I haven't even read socrates yet

>You are so far behind, you're just at the beginning of wisdom.
ur a nigger how about that

>ur a nigger how about that

>I haven't even read socrates yet
you won't

I just went straight to the Nikayas and became a Buddhist because they won all the debates on this board. When asked by my friends why, "Because I was convinced through sound argument" they all gagged at the expression yet I smiled knowing the separation I welcome. I am letting go of all those Quaker fools.

You're a tool, sorry OP.

You're effective and reliable, OP
You're confident and balanced with the masculine, OP

>became a Buddhist because they won all the debates on this board.
Most pathetic thing I ever read.

>t. read his sacred texts in translation (and poor quality translation at that) and abandoned his own tradition for that of the monkey men of the orient
i would lmao but this is actually quite sad

>faithfully record
Lol, you weasel. You used the word literally incorrectly, and that's that.

>You used the word literally incorrectly, and that's that.
read aristotle

Nope, every single one of these people he listed were coomers and/or degenerates.

>reads aristotle
>turns out, a literal book was literally holding up the physical world literally
holy shit

What moral are you trying to convey here

>Listed writers are bad
Are you going to explain why faggot?

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just stop replying, you aren't educated

>His own tradition
That was an enslavement I rejected. An illusion that disgusted me by appealing to feminine emotions and the subjugation of moneyed powers. I now am edified with the bleeding edge business acumen of CHINA and India.
I will learn Pali. I might even forget English. I might even take karate lessons and wear cringe robes. Goodbye, West. Goodbye, East? Hello, world
Print purpose;
"I have found the unbullshitable jobs, get rekt you slowly boiled frog posting Amerigroid"

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>I have found the unbullshitable jobs, get rekt you slowly boiled frog posting Amerigroid

I'll rape you

this post is art, congratulations user

Schizo, occultist, adulterer, luciferian, gnostic
Coomer, effeminate perpetually angry manchild, atheist
Coomer, actually an atheist who hides behind spirituality for muh aristocracy

Read the Saints.

>getting good.
At deluding myself? I'm good thanks

Not sure why I forgot to mention Evola being an occultist and luciferian as well but regardless you get the point.

Stop larping as a fundamentalist christian on an anime forum

Every post here is a LARP. Marxists are LARPers, Fascists are LARPers, what's your point?

Every time I LARP as a racist, I get banned


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>were coomers and/or degenerates.

You're pathetic because you think you about Yea Forums discussions after you close the tab, and you even rate them on merit and trap yourself in your myopic little bubble. You're making a life-altering decision based on how much a certain type of poster appeals to your ego, think about that.

>others people do it so it's fine
You're cancer

I was being rhetorical. "LARP" doesn't mean anything anymore, especially when you use it to defend literal sorcerer men and a weak sickly man who wrote about masculine conquest for cathartic release.

This is what I hate about this board. Even /x/ is more sincere. Everything here is just larpers baiting larpers. The christian shit is the most obnoxious but everyone is guilty of it really

Smile and wave at the anti-aryans, boys

>You should have started with the Bible.
Start with Sumerians and Akkadians.

Adam and Eve discovering sex after eating a fruit? Myth about Inanna (Ishtar), becoming sex goddess via ripping a fruit from the tree of god Enki.
Cain and Abel? Myth about Inanna, preferring a shepherd Dumuzid instead of a farmer.
Song of Songs? Dumuzid-Ishtar love songs.
The Flood? Atrahasis
People made from clay? Atrahasis
Having to labour after leaving Eden? The inversion of Atrahasis motive, where people were created by gods for slave-labor.
Moses being found as a baby in a basket? The Legend of Sargon.
Moses having horns and shining when receiving laws from YHWH? God of laws Suen was also the god of moonlight, while having horns was a mesopotamian attribute of divinity.

>the promise of YHWH is real
>Yhwh is an imperfect hiphil verbal form from the root *√hwy ("to be")
>the Semitic concept of a *√hwy deity, a deity's whose name is formed from this root, began in the East when Enki, the Sumerian god of subterranean waters, acquired the Semitic name Ea. To this day Ea, written e2-a, is conjectured to derive from the Proto-Semitic root *√ḥyy ("to live"),

Enki is real. Bible is a huge plagiarism.

> I just went straight to the Nikayas and became a Buddhist because they won all the debates on this board.
What do you mean? As far as I’ve seen the arguments of Buddhists have been defeated by Guenonfag in debates every single time they argue, he has shown repeatedly how the Buddhist doctrines such as anatta and others are illogical and contradict our experience

>I converted to religion because it won low iq debates in somalian pirate forum
I'm sure you will reach enlightenment.

My religious turn happened years ago without the aid of literature. I just realized people tend to not like the cringy fedora guy who yells at people when they say "god bless you" after someone sneezes.

Complete retard.

>>Discover Jung, learn religion is a symbolic expression
>>Realise reality itself is inherently meaningful
Discover neuroscience, learn you can conjure apophenia out of your ass.

>>Read Evola
i.e. "People like skiing, because katagogic movement downwards, hurr durr, civilization doomed"

>>Read Nietzsche
Obviously, you have not read him well enough.

>>The answer was in front of my eyes all along
The answer is: religion is a biological group selection mechanism. Because retards should not be allowed to think.

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Great story friend - I had a very similar experience where at some point I just started reading spiritual texts and saw the genre of religion and then I found Christ.

Yes, except I was never religious to begin. It started with the Book of Job for me.

nice shekels there rabbi

This - it's also strange because Job gives the origin for Satan in the OT but it made me realize a deity was possible.

Would you mind detailing your experience user? Curious.

Nothing you just wrote has any substance

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Why Job?

You’re right. One of the craziest moments in my life was when I read the Republic, the Socratic Dialogues, Nicomachean Ethics, etc., and came to the sudden realization that I should have started with the Bible.

But what other posters have neglected to mention is that, while the Old Testament may have a distant Mesopotamian heritage that lingers over the horizon, the New Testament represents its utter fulfillment. This is the ancient story of perennial philosophy. Read the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians, the Chinese, and the Hindus for a closer glimpse at its earliest foundations and for closer exposition of hard-to-appreciate nuggets of wisdom. But none do better than the New Testament, since it includes everything and then some as the capstone of perennial philosophy.


>Nothing you just wrote has any substance
Because when you see THE meaning, you recognise it as such, right? Because clearly, you are exceptional, your beliefs are the correct ones, and you have definitely won the Magical Lottery Ticket.
The universe was created by an intelligent designer specifically for *you* (a furless ape on a moving rock in some shithole corner of some galaxy) to be meaningful.

Oh, wait~

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T. Guenonfag

>People like skiing, because katagogic movement downwards, hurr durr, civilization doomed
correct: he argues in Meditations on the Peaks that skiing has no value in terms of spiritual realization, unlike mountain climbing
you cannot refute this

Because life is suffering, and Book of Job explores why we carry on and try to do the right thing. I wasn’t a believer, but I was already “primed” intellectually to accept the premise. God is the ground of all things—do the right thing for its sake, we couldn’t have the good things without the bad.

We read it in class in high school, and I was horrified by the indignant reactions of my classmates—most who weren’t that great of people desu. “You didn’t give me enough, so I will not obey! What a horrible God!” No attempt at allegory.

It made me think about where liberal society was heading without God and the modern condition where nobody is born grateful for anything or obligated to anyone. That’s not a rigorous argument for conversion. But that’s what got me going.

>literal sorcerer men
>a weak sickly man qho wrote about masculine conquest for cathartic release
My son *cough*, listen to me *cough* final words

Interesting thanks for sharing fren. I think many would agree that the evident decline in society on every level is a big part of what provoked personal introspection that lead to later understanding.


Linking fallacies in lieu of an argument is a fallacy. So is using a bunch of snarky adjectives without addressing the claims.

Here’s the facts. God is real. Man is fallen. You have a moral obligation to look for the most likely and complete source of divine revelation that you can find. And I’ll cut to the chase to make it easy for you—it’s the Bible, augmented by compatible spiritual practices of other traditions. This is all self-evident if you think about knowledge, meaning, and existence for even a split second.

I know you’re going to ignore it and come up with some other bullshit cope. Not everybody can be saved. But maybe some onlooker will get it and be helped. That’s good enough for me.

>read Nietzsche
>realise reality itself is inherently meaningful
You didn’t read a single word from him lmao

That is one of the generational experiences of current 20-30 year old men. I went through quite similar path, and I think it has been a good route to take. There are some problems with Jung and Evola, but I personally like them in spite of them.

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>You didn’t give me enough, so I will not obey!

Indeed, just keep doing what the priests tell you to. Your betters clearly know better what is 'right'. Who are you to dare to think?

Why yes, God loves me! How could you tell?

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There is no three Jewels of Guenon

>thus spake zarathustra
You can leave now

Sounds light footed and throaty bowel yodel enough

It’s been a constant series of debates for years with dozens upon dozens of threads, you’d have to search some combination of ‘shankara’ ‘Advaita’ ‘refuted’ ‘Buddhism’ ‘regress’ ‘self’ etc in the archives going back years to see all the debates

I dared to think, so I became a Christian. I seriously considered everything else first.

That makes sense. I figured it’d be somewhere along those lines. Why isn’t Advaita Vedanta more popular in India then?

>it’s the Bible, augmented by compatible spiritual practices of other traditions
"augmented" == "plagiarism"? Potatoe, potato?

>Here’s the facts. God is real.
Indeed. Prove to me that *your* God is God, and not some lovecraftian Azathoth

>Man is fallen.
Indeed. Not enough gibbous frenzy around. Azathoth disappointed.

What the fuck are you talking about? I never said I know everything or the truth or anything like that. Your words have no substance because you didn't say anything relevant to the actual works that you criticised. You just called them retards then proceeded to project + seethe kek