For My fellows who read in public, do you ever worry about being judge by others for what you are reading?

For My fellows who read in public, do you ever worry about being judge by others for what you are reading?

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Nope, because I read from an e-reader/occasionally an iPad if the book is PDF only.

Oh, I guess that would circumnavigate the problem nicely, wouldn’t it?

Is that one of the reasons you bought your ereader?

No. I doubt people care. I do not remember the title of any book any individual has read in public near me.

does this book tell the truth?

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Neither of those sources implies those statements

I can name every book I’ve seen in public going back at least a couple weeks, and for more interesting spots, I can remember even further back.

You might be predisposed for Alzheimer’s

No. Anyone who is going to pass judgement based on that alone is not worth considering.

>Milton Meltzer (May 8, 1915 – September 19, 2009) was an American historian and author best known for his nonfiction books on Jewish, African-American, and American history. Since the 1950s, he was a prolific author of history books in the children's literature and young adult literature genres, having written nearly 100 books.[1] Meltzer was an advocate for human rights, as well as an adjunct professor for the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.[2][3] He won the biennial Laura Ingalls Wilder Award for his career contribution to American children's literature in 2001.[4][5] Meltzer died of esophageal cancer in 2009.[6]

>Categories: 20th-century American historians / 21st-century American historians / 21st-century American male writers / Historians of the United States / Jewish American historians

Most people that go out in public aren't autistic lit posters


Instead of being a psued, I'll say that I felt weird reading American Psycho in public but not to the point where I didn't do it. I outright avoided reading Lolita in public

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>I outright avoided reading Lolita in public



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I too use an e-reader.

when i go outside my books are a fashion statement, i pick books with titles clear enough for people to read while being well known enough for being off-putting to garner weird looks

Goddamn, I wish we still had the absolute courage of advertising in the 70’s


Best Spiderman

Insane how much that cover costs on the secondhand market

>expecting academic honesty from an ethnic jew

The cover is misleading here though, there is nothing at all titillating about The Voyeur unless you're a homicidal sociopath.

No. I unabashedly read Lolita and Mein Kampf on the subway. Got some weird looks but no one said anything.

total nonsense

To read.
Fuckoff Magellan

Why are you reading this? Black History Month ended over a month ago.

Why do you read in public?

Why do you not?

the fact that it was published should tell you no

Are you being serious right now.

Not that user, but I'm not paying for books written by dead people

>french author
>that cover

As serious as you are being.

But user, you are a dead man yourself

It's not if you know where to look.
I got mine for 2 euros in a Normandy back alley

Considering it’s literally illegal to sell the book in that country, I sincerely doubt that.

Why the lie, user?

Are you serious. Do you really think the cops are hunting down randos that are selling that shit at book sales.

I'm guessing you've never been to the Eurozone?

Who cares what the peasants think of their betters? They are peasants no matter their thoughts.

I read from an e-reader but I wouldn't care anyways. I live in New York and 99.9% of the people around me are subhuman and not worth thinking about.

You are a part of the monster you hate. You are not the mirror held up to the unwashed masses, you are simply one of the few who perceives the mirror is there at all.

I travel dozens of times a year by plane. I always read on flights. Out of hundreds of flights over the past decade I've only been asked what I'm reading twice.


Hey, I know you think you're smart for referencing Magellan, but just so you know, Juan Sebastián Elcano was the actual man to complete the first circumnavigation, not Magellan.

Fucking retard.

But how many times have people looked at you reading and silently judged your choices?

not enough for me to care. When someone is reading next to me I might glance at the cover but that's about it.

I carried around a small copy of the Bible that I would pretend to read in order to pick up chicks at my Christian community college

Worked twice, which is twice more than I thought it would.

Do people of the color care when they blast music on the subway ? No neither do I care about what people think of what I'm reading

I've seen more white (trash) people do that than PoC

Alright and?

user, I don’t even worry when I take a shit in public, let alone read.

I read picrel on a plane.

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The last time I saw someone blasting music on the train it was a fucking Jew.

That's a child, isn't it?

>everyone had a finger in the pie

This is nothing new

How did you like it?

>Juan Sebastián Elcano

Hey, I know you think you're smart for referencing Juan Sebastián Elcano, but just so you know, Sir Cumna Vigate was the actual man to complete the first circumnavigation, not Juan Sebastián Elcano.

Fucking retard.

Damn dude, I actually googled that guys name like “the fuck, why haven’t I heard of this man????”

Lmao, fucking got me, good job

What are some good books about voyeurism or eavesdropping?

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Hell by Barbusse.