When did you realize that the Bible was the Word of God?
When did you realize that the Bible was the Word of God?
larp belongs on
When Trump held it up in that photo op. Jesus is still a fag though
This is a redpill nobody is ready for. Let the sodomites and blasphemers burn
Why not all the other ones that claim to be the literal word of God?
Isn't that like the whole point of it?
Threadly reminder that you WILL worship the Pachamama
When I was 2.
Based. A child's faith is the strongest. An adult can't believe the same way since rationality and common sense get in the way.
The church claims the bible is the word of god and I derive my faith from god not the church
Oh my God fuck you
>bro the true faith is this shitty religion, not the biggest and most successful religion on earth!
Fuck off retard
You will never be a woman
>most popular thing must be correct
I bet you worship capeshit movies too.
because they're wrong if you ever read any of them (you haven't, atheists don't read)
>bro if there’s a god of course he is the god of this religion no one knows about it or of this one characterized by terrorism!
Do you legitimately have an extra chromosome?
>it's another episode of user gets his values from playing strategy games on the computer
I bet you list your preferred pronouns. Have to go with crowd am I right
Chromosome is King!
It wavered and waned from about mid teens into mid 20s and came back very strong from events in late 20s. For a while I had faith in God but doubted the Holy Bible. Then I started really understanding a lot of the contextual matches between what it communicates and what I see of the world, and once again faith and Holy Bible returned into sync with each other. When I was given my first copy at 2 it wasn't even something I questioned, it was plainly obvious.
Why do r*dditors point out how terrible God acted in the OT as a reason not to believe in Him? If you think God must be a wrathful creature then it makes more sense to worship Him, not less. A truly benevolent god wouldn't punish you for lack of religious observation.
Because a benevolent God is used to prop up the truth of his existence. If you don't believe in a benevolent God you can't pray to him for help and no one goes to heaven. If God is just an angry asshole you have no emotional reason to believe in him and you're just left with the massive vacuum of evidence pointing to his existence.
This kys op. Take your larp trash and fuckin die.
The real take is that all the neoplatonist arguments for God don't apply to Yahweh or Jesus, it was just a bait and switch to convert the Romans. Christians still haven't figured out how to argue for Yahweh-Jesus in terms of the empirical materialism popular with contemporary people, but they were able to argue for him in terms of the platonism popular with the Romans.
Go back.
>just be Urself
Very young, I can't remember. Then I realized I was retarded
>argumentum ad populum
It’s better than the argument that if there is a god he is retarded and made a religion no one cares about as his own. If you never thought of it your a crippling imbecile my friend.
Depends how you look at it. Maybe God hates those who go with the crowd.
The most straight forward answer though is that none of them are true.
What about the problem of evil?
P1a. God exists.
P1b. God is omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient.
P1c. An omnipotent being has the power to prevent that evil from coming into existence.
P1d. An omnibenevolent being would want to prevent all evils.
P1e. An omniscient being knows every way in which evils can come into existence, and knows every way in which those evils could be prevented.
P1f. A being who knows every way in which an evil can come into existence, who is able to prevent that evil from coming into existence, and who wants to do so, would prevent the existence of that evil.
P1. If there exists an omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient God, then no evil exists.
P2. Evil exists
This is the logical contradiction because evil clearly exists as he describes in the fire and brimstone condemnation of the evil that people do, so this would mean that if god exists, he cannot be omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient all at the same time.
Logos is not the same as some boom compiled over centuries by people working for the devil who wear the sign of Christ's murder around their necks.
I estimate you have a total of 6 gorillion chromosomes
>Maybe God hates those who go with the crowd.
What would make you think that and not think that God gates people who don’t go with the crowd?
Also, it’s funny how you’re probably a young atheist following the crowd of young people becoming atheists.
If one accepts that God exists by any mechanism, be it the cosmological argument or religion or otherwise, they are met with a problem: why does suffering exist?
The problem of evil posits two options
God is wholly good, but is unable to stop it. Therefore, he is not omnipotent.
God is able to stop it but refuses to, therefore he is not wholly good.
This posits what we call "circular logic." For example, the argument eventually concludes: "if God is wholly good, then those in Hell deserve it." If so, then he is not wholly good. "But he is wholly good." He cannot be if he tortures people for eternity. "But they deserve it." Why? "Because they are evil-doers." In that case, he is not merciful. "But he is." And so the circle continues.
>no arguments, only an ad hominem using the same offense I already did
Lmao atheists for sure are fucking dumb
Yes, if you make a direct agreement with God whom freed you from captivity, then you honor your end of the agreement and remain loyal. Otherwise, stay yo ass in Egypt and make no agreements. He could have just left things as they naturally were, under the results of pure natural human choices. But He *benevolently* offered to interfere and bring them out of slavery, in exchange for following His rules and being His representative people. They kept going against the agreement and being spiritual whores.
They don't have so many fulfilled prophecies.
>*benevolently* offered to interfere and bring them out of slavery
What of the poor enslaved people in other empires whose foreskins weren't desirable enough?
when i realized all is the word of god
hi im god
i just wanted to say
youre retarded
specifically by words
>What would make you think that and not think that God gates people who don’t go with the crowd?
I don't think that, but I don't see any reason why that would be less likely, either.
>it’s funny how you’re probably a young atheist following the crowd of young people becoming atheists.
I was actually into Christian apologetics for a good portion of my teenage years, but I thought about it more and concluded that what I believed didn't stand up to hard scrutiny.
evil exists cuz god wants it to exists
Therefore he is not wholly good.
just trying to show you the way out of the flybottle
its clear you havent read your wittgenstein
>don't see any reason why that would be less likely, either
If you're a being like the christian God it makes sense that you would make your religion the most popular one, you can do anything and you want people to be saved
>"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."
Great, then why did you make this thread?
But then why only go part way? Why stop at most people instead of all people?
i didn't you sweet cinnamon cunt
its only the word of god if its the kjv version
Because there's something called free will and someone called lucifer.
Did those people maintain any connection with God? Were there any among them who walked with Him, called on Him? From the time of Enos the Hebrews had some among them who called on the LORD.
God, you guys are so astronomically gay
>there's something called free will
what creature would freely reject god without being either ignorant, insane, or stupid, and what creature would choose any such quality without possessing the very same quality before hand?
>God in the old testament: Genocidal asshole
>God in the new testament: Benevolent ruler, also weirdly Greek
Even after 2000 years of lefty meme tier copes Christcucks never could explain this.
Obviously you have paid no attention to what Jesus said was to come. Not to mention there is nothing asshole about genociding a bunch of child sacrificing ritual prostituting pagans.
There's an easy solution for that. God is all-knowing, so he can use his foreknowledge to know who will accept him and who won't, so just don't make anyone who won't (including Lucifer). Just like that, you've got a 100% Christian population without violating anyone's free-will.
Careful, your god might not like you talking like that