What should I read to understand "the system" or "the machine"? I want to understand why the world is the way it is, why the political system is such a mess and why globalism and foreign policy is the way it is
What should I read to understand "the system" or "the machine"? I want to understand why the world is the way it is...
Other urls found in this thread:
The modern world system - Wallerstein
Empire - negri
La politique comparee - Badie
Diplomacy - Kissinger
Clash of civilizations - huntington
all of history can be explained in one book
Henry Kissingers World Order and Diplomacy.
Gravity's Rainbow
Everything boils down to money and neanderthalian hoarder instinct. All else is just so much subterfuge
Very cool thanks friend
Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan. Maps of Meaning by Jordan Peterson would also help insofar as it explains individual motivations.
So wealth of nations and tragedy of the commons?
Definitely a solid start
A 5-10 minute conversation with the dwellers of shitholes like Connecticut will tell you more than any book. There isn't a single higher order concept in their mind. They have risen to the top because they are solely consumed by materialism and they only speak of the material realm. You couldn't hope to fake their sincere passion over the scoreboard of dollars earned, cars and homes owned, and destinations traveled to. To call them juvenile is an insult to sportsball thralls. At least sportsball has narratives. They make for incredibly shit company, but they do serve their purpose of shattering the illusion of the allure to chase material gain.
Great recs. Anymore like these?
He's right though, these people don't read. Maybe you should read some Foucault though.
Michael Hudson Super Imperialism
Good rec, thanks
>materialism le bad
These people have no power or impact or influence at all. I don't care about them or what they think. I want to understand states and civilizations and the relationships between then
Anything to an excess and the exclusion of all else is bad. Especially wojacks.
These people own and run the multinational corporations that are more powerful than states and civilizations. Remember how no amount of science and research mattered when the airline ceo said the ruling was too harsh? Industrialized activity creates machines of commerce populated by cog workers. Government and citizen activity is but a farce compared to the lion's share of all human activity organized by industry. Especially government which is either pointless theater with badly skilled actors or a part of the machine itself. There is no larger plan behind globohomo. It's just various shades of making numbers go up and propaganda techniques to achieve this. Not number go up forever even, just number go up as fast as possible.
Spengler and yockey
idk huuh...maybe...Xi Jinping's biography?
no western leader would ever do something this human
like when he greeted the pigeon
>the pigeon
People are born and have reality coded onto them through language by other people who influence them. This process continues until you are too old to perform cognition. The people who are most influential are the most manipulative and have the most power. These people encode reality to the highest degree. Over time this creates culture and contributes to society once a certain threshold is reached. Now we have the internet and culture can be encoded without the need of an influential person but through subconscious messaging and symbolism. Everything is fucked because fundamentally humans are flawed and too selfish. Nothing functions properly because at the root of it is selfishness. And also, there is no truth in anything that is a system of beliefs, so it can be deconstructed and shown to not work.
Read Marx
I insist that you read this, and become a racist, like me!
A history book will tell you quite a bit
>*dramatic music intensifies*
the Chuckgavad Sneeda
Simulacra and Simulation - Jean Baudrillard
Propaganda - Jaques Ellul
Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman
the last one is just to understand how the first 2 affect every humans brain and outlook on the world. all i can offer, sorry, anom
If you value externals, the only thing you can do in the end is lose everything.
Why does it feel like there is a concerted effort amongst all but one user in this thread to not mention Marx. Marx answers all of this and more.
Kissinger's Diplomacy is a terrible book lol
I actually live in Connecticut ask me anything bros
Yeah you just need to know history and know how humans work, there's no great mystery to it.
Alright I'll bite ; which one ?
>Marx answers all of this and more.
The very first reply had several neomarxists
Obviously Dianetics. Putin is actually the secret offspring of L. Ron Hubbard and is in a desperate struggle against Lord Xenu who is trying to enslave all Thetans
Essay by Hoppe that explains why states lead to war and why the US is the top power right now
Read the last book of Plato's Republic. It's all a cycle.
You're just looking for any angle from which to defend the idea that there's something inherently noble or spiritual about poverty. It's contrarian nonsense.
>Kissinger's Diplomacy is a terrible book lol
>why states lead to war
Without states you'd just have private wars between resourceful persons and families. But someone might get really good at these private wars. Eventually he will develop a system of recruiting among the various families and communities he's extended his reach over, and use these extensions of his sovereignty to enforce his will on increasingly distant people. He will have rules in place, if you will, that in exchange for not being raided or attacked, you must pay him tribute in whatever you have that is valuable. Other such persons will be doing the same thing in the places he couldn't quite get to. But there may be places where they bump into each other and things get rather tense. Why should he have to buy off someone else—they are supposed to pay HIM for the right to be left alone. This cannot stand. War begins
Also want to know why. I've heard it's dated but still good
give me the rundown on L. Ron Hubbard, where do I start?
It's EXTREMELY basic bitch and also leads readers to wrong conclusions. For example Kissinger emphasizes American 'isolationism' leading up to World War 2 while completely ignoring the Mexican-American War, Sewell's ambitions to annex Canada after the Civil War and his purchase of Alaska, the Spanish-American war, participation in suppressing the Boxer rebellion, etc. It's just a very poor take on American history in general, the kind of thing they feed to naive high school students. I just cannot recommend it at all.
Humans lead to war. What a dumb take.
sour grapes
Can I read it if I don't give a single fuck about American history?
what does that have to do with marx
No, it's mostly about American foreign policy and history, not diplomacy in general.
"The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggle."
Historical, socio-cultural analysis.Guess who.
It's not though since governments don't give a shit about classes other than lip service
Based, love Mark Felton
The underlying mechanisms all point to it. Why do lobbyists exist? Super-PACs? Why do all the big corps make these shitty anti-union videos and advertisements?
For money for them and no one else
Seeing Like a State
After Tamerlaine
Decline of the West
Icarus Fallen
Thanks friend
This is based with how audacious it is.
Pretty sure it's illegal under the NLRA
Now you're starting to get it.