What's the saddest sentence you can write?

What's the saddest sentence you can write?

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I get zero pussy.

>And then I was alone again.
closing line of my diary desu, before the epilogue that describes how I killed myself by drinking four gallons of rubbing alcohol

I don't care if my mother cries anymore.

Today was much like yesterday.

For sale baby shoes: never worn

my name.

For sale condoms: never worn

my penis hurts

That nigga got ratioed

It might have been

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For sale: baby casket. never used.

I have never said the word "we"

The feelings that hurt most, the emotions that sting most, are those that are absurd - The longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible; nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been; regret over not being someone else; dissatisfaction with the world’s existence. All these half-tones of the soul’s consciousness create in us a painful landscape, an eternal sunset of what we are.

I don't read women.

I'm a man, dad!

For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been'.
- John Greenleaf Whittier

those who know know

I'm all in on chainlink

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Yes I post on Yea Forums

For sale: Virginity: Never lost

For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, /pol/ was right again.

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You're here forever

For Sale: Tongue and pen: Could have been

я cacaл, мeня eбaли

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I lost the only woman in this world that's would love me unconditionally; my mother.

Stop repeating this; it's cliche by this point

That just makes it more sad.

Of all sad words from ode and song, the saddest are these: /pol/ was right all along.

For Sale: Baby foreskin: Never consented

My bank statement.

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For sale baby sneed: never feeded

That's two sentences

My life’s story.

there's nothing here for me

i woke up today

been there - hope you're okay

I avoid life because it makes me remember.

as a friend

"I am happy"

Hitler lost

"Congratulations Madame President"

Operation Barbarossa has failed.

tfw no big titty goth gf

I write LitRPGs

Let's go Brandon

>What's the saddest sentence you can write about Yea Forums?
That a board about it will never be about it.


And then the palace made of dried, hardened feces crumbled into the sea, which was made of hot piss, and the bakelite soldiers all started eating pieces of the shitty walls as it fell around their heads, because they wanted a piece of their lost home forever kept inside them, that's if they survived in the waves of piss which also contained octopi made of cum


Gf doesn't fuck me but she hates when I fap so I fap in the shower but have to do it fast so she doesn't know

And then the temple made of dried, hardened feces crumbled into the sea, which was made of hot piss and the israeli soldiers all started eating piece of the shitty walls as it fell around their heads because they wanted a piece of their lost home forever kept inside them, that is if they survived the coming waves of piss which also contained gefiltefish made of cum

For sale: baby carrot: never chewed

she doesn't love you

I miss my mom

Currently Sneed's

Used baby for sale.

Mein Fuhrer, Steiner....

: _(

OP here. This was more saddening to read than I expected. Stay based lads, we're all going to make it

Just get a dog.

I am a man.