Bible Thread III - Edición de Santiago

Looks like the Protestants are going to have to remove another book from the Bible.

>What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

>Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way? For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

-The General Epistle of James 2:14-26 KJV

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They can just ignore that bro , just like prosperity gospel people like to ignore the book of Job

>chantards LARPing as Christians
Fuck off

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>Fuck off

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I need help bros. I’ve felt increasingly demoralized as of late because of a passage I read, and the more research I’ve done into it, the more my beliefs into it are reaffirmed. From 1 John 2:15-17–

>15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
>16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
>17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

I’ve (likely wrongly) interpreted this to mean that we must give up on the modernity of the world and focus on achieving salvation and deliverance from Christ. I did more research into this, and just read about things saying that Satan rules this place and that we’re wallowing in Satan’s playpen here on Earth. And no, this isn’t mentioned once throughout the Bible.
It explains much about the state of the world, but I’m feeling disheartened because of this and I wanted to hear what other anons think about this.

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Isn’t mentioned just once* Sorry, terrible wording.

how christian of you

Evil is the absence of good.
Yes or no?
Learn Κοινέ and read the Textus Receptus instead of the KJV.
Jokes aside, I think the most simplified example of this would be if your given a choice by God to depart the earth to Heaven judged free of sin, even considering all that which you have on earth be it money, power, even a family, and having to give up all the work you've done to get where you are, would you take it?
Satan is the prince of the world insofar as he has no power in and of himself, but derrives it from the Sin in the hearts of men who could so easily forgo if they chose to.
Modernity is a relative word and should never be used in an absolute sense: what is modern for us now shall be antiquity for the future and what was once antiquity had been also seen through the lens of modernity.
Such is similar to what Herodotus said in regard to retrospect:
>For many states that were once great have now become small: and those that were great in my time were small formerly.

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It doesn't mean you should shun anything, just that you shouldn't give it any importance.
the passions, as some call those desires, are the issue.
don't put things above God, and know He is everything you need, and the only important thing is doing His will. basically.

No. suffering is not inherently bad, and it is the absence of comfort.
as for a practical example, someone who suffers will learn how to live with or around it, as someone who doesn't would be called spoiled, because they would not learn those things.

I meant modernity more as in the ever growing and prevalent evils in the world today, but I understand what you mean. Satan has dominion over sinners and sinners have power through him and thus thrive in his realm here. What do you think of the phrase “Not of this world”?

literally the opposite. the devil has power because of sin (and therefore sinners) and they're slaves to their own sin. there's no "power" in it, just some people need bigger temptations to give in.

Aa for the last one, in what context?

Well these slaves to sin sure hold a lot of power here on Earth.
I meant in the context of how it’s mentioned in the Bible multiple times. It’s interesting to me how it’s used and the many passages it’s seen in. I linked it earlier but I’ll put it here again:
I’d copy paste the whole page but I don’t think it’d fit lol

Ask them if they would let go of their riches or "power".

i didn't get your question then. what do you mean what i think about it?

>duuude chiliasm / millennialism is a heresy
Why does this cope exist? The 1000-year kingdom is the only reading of Revelation that makes sense

"Not of this world" simply means, not of this world, but in the context of our one true God, it refers to 'the world to come' - the afterlife. There is where we meet Christ - Son of the all-knowing Father - and come to be among the infinite in communion with true unity
I didn't say suffering was bad in and of itself.
Women - too - are quite literally an absence of Man, be it the algebraic reduction of the XY as compared to the XX chromosomal pair, and the more 'carnal' element, but women are not in and of themselves evil.
Equal duality is a malicious freemason concept, one of the two always has the advantage - how can darkness 'illuminate' light?
In Satan being a fallen spirit, where can he fall? Spirits - good or bad - do not follow Eucidian Geometry and they can appear in multiple places at the same time (Legion). So - logically - he can only fall from Good to Evil, but - in realising that we live always by God's grace whether we know it or not - there is a greater absence than simply a lack thereof, and that is a vaccum. We live on this earth - flat or not, it still holds in terrestrial physics - that has a pressurised atmosphere, warmth, and breathable oxygen: take those away and one's skin will split, blood will boil, and lungs shall rupture. Now, picture that but of a spiritual nature, tempting, enticing, and seducung, for we are made in God's Image and have Free Will, but a simple 2D photograph is not the true model, for we know both Good and Evil, but so does God, yet only benevolence and benediction is his way. So, as nature abhors a vaccuum, it is our duty to overwhelm evil with righteousness, repay confession with forgiveness, and meet mistakes with mercy.

Says the heretic, enjoy hellfire.

stop larping as a non-christian please

here's another argument, made by Lewis, mangled a bit by me summarizing it:
evil is nothing but good distorted. there can be no evil without good to be warped.
even in its existence, it has to take from God's benevolence.
as he says, "see now why the devil is a fallen angel?"

Take this analogy: Evil is as a house of cards, edified by excuses, and juxtaposed by justifications, all built up one after the other in coutntless levels of lies and decpetions like a Babylonian Tower to distort the perception of that which is objectively Good. Unfortunately, there are scarce few Dr. Evils who boast of their dastardly doings publicly, but rejoice in the fact that Evil presents itself never more than the counterfeit of Good, and without a watermark all its efforts can simply be cut down by Ockham's Razor since not only is brevity the soul of wit, but in the wit of the soul is brevity: Logos; and the only card Jesus Christ needs is the King of Hearts.

i'd rather not use cards even for such a reference. they were made in mockery of the Lord.

They don't have to be used for gambling, brother.
Have you heard of Uno?

James: 1:25 & 2:10
Peter 1:20 *Eternal Christ*
For later reference

We are dead to the world, and born again into the Spirit.

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>Satan being a fallen spirit, where can he fall?
From grace, what else?

So allow me to insincerely insult you with:
>Man I sure do love chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream...
It is not that the things of this world cannot bring physical, emotional, or mental joy, or that they cannot act as a temporary panacea to our worldly bodies, but rather that we should seek the salvation and mercy of Christ and the commandments of God before we seek anything else.
Satan *is* the god of this world, this is a fallen world and will eventually get bad...really really bad.
That should only dishearten you if you are unaware of the promises Christ gave to John and the other Apostles, that this world would be difficult and unfair, but it will not last.

Christ wants you to find Him and serve the will of God first and foremost, because that is the only way to make sure you're saved and ready for the trials that lie ahead.

And even then, that does not mean this world cannot have slivers of God's beauty in it, but you cannot be saved from the inevitable death of this world by ice cream or music or what have you.

It may seem like an ominous foreboding, but in reality it is the Father working to make sure you, his beloved son, finds happiness that will persist even in dark times, and even through death.

Which is your favorite entry level retard talking point?
>kike on a stick
>jew worshipper
>picture of a prot wearing a rainbow sash
>picture of the pope washing feet
>picture of a mulatto wearing a cross
>le 56% christian face
>Christianity destroyed the West
>Thor has a hammer hurr durr
>Bible verse out of context
>jewish zombie
>sky daddy
>stolen pagan rituals
>soijack e-orthodox zoomer
>2011 era atheist demotivational poster
>flying spaghetti monster
>jesus = communism
>flagrant display of historical uneducation
>strawman your position and then ignore sincere reply
>at least islam gets virgins

I'm a big fan of the out of context verse posting and historical ignorance, cause as soon as you offer any type of explanation they just start foaming at the mouth screaming "cope cuck cuck shill sneed onions carrots kike cuck"

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Calm down, it’ll be aright.

Read the Ladder of Divine Ascent by St. John Climacus

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that's a very long cope

checks out
>>kike on a stick
checks out
>>jew worshipper
checks out
>>picture of a prot wearing a rainbow sash
checks out
>>picture of the pope washing feet
checks out
>>picture of a mulatto wearing a cross
never heard of that one
>>le 56% christian face
also never heard of that one
>>Christianity destroyed the West
debatable, probably not
>>Thor has a hammer hurr durr
agree, it's cringe
>>Bible verse out of context
>out of context
mental gymnastics
>>jewish zombie
a what
>>sky daddy
checks out
>>stolen pagan rituals
checks out
>>soijack e-orthodox zoomer
era atheist demotivational poster
agree, cringe
>>flying spaghetti monster
agree, cringe
>>jesus = communism
debatable, probably not
>>flagrant display of historical uneducation
>>strawman your position and then ignore sincere reply
>>at least islam gets virgins
agree, cringe

Probably the people who can't come up with anything on their own

Bump for Jesus
Anyone got Good Friday plans?

The Passion play.
It's my first time going and there are two choices both taking place at the same time: traditional and a high school reenactment. I must say, I don't know how so one is different from the other. Is traditional with a different sort of actor?

My own reading of the Bible came to similar conclusions: that Christianity is, at its core, an ascetic religion, and that it's nigh impossible to be a good Christian and live what is today a normal life. Not totally impossible, but pretty close.

I like sky daddy and flying spaghetti monster because it's basically self-defeating: it obviously displays the ignorance of the one who espouses it.

Just finished planning my weekend out.
Today: Maundy Thursday Eucharist of the Lord's Supper
Tomorrow: Solemn Liturgy
Saturday: The Great Vigil
Sunday: Easter Eucharist
Pretty annoying to do all that driving but Easter only comes once a year so I'll just endure it. That, or skip The Great Vigil so I get a day off.

Thurs: read all Last Supper accounts, including John 13 through 17. Do communion.
Fri: read all trial/crucifixion accounts.
Sun: read all resurrection/post res accounts plus ascending.

Any theological books that discuss things like the many layers of heaven (7 or more heavens/etc), throne of God, angelic/related beings dwelling spaces above, Abraham's bosom, and etc?
Or commentaries?

I almost take that as evidence that we are set on the path God pointed to in Revelation. I can't mathematically prove God exists (I'm not that smart) but I can point at the decaying reality we find ourselves in and draw at least a few parallels to the religious text that calls so much of this out word for word.

It's reassuring in a weird way, I see the 'absence' of God in society and know that He is there.

>1 John 5:7
Non-trinitarians btfo

I can't lie and pretend that isn't tritheism and breaks 1st commandment

I am greatly disturbed by the fact that marriage has no sanctity in heaven. if marriage has no sanctity then what about the family as a whole? it seems like its all meaningless according to the bible.
This is the only thing ive encountered that truly troubles me and has put a halt to my journey

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Seraphim Rose on the tollhouses maybe?

Also unironically: Dante (the DC is a mystical vision)

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Also obviously Pseudo-Dionysius on the Celestial Hierarchies..

Although please be careful with this stuff. I recommend reading Versluis on Theosophia, or Wisdom's Children if you're interested in Bohme and his followers in England and Greece, and the follow-up anthology of theosophical texts, Wisdom's Book.

What if you're a remaried widow(er)?

>and his followers in England and Greece,
Shit I meant England and Germany.

pretty sure thats adultery, is it not?

I struggled with this too, but I don't assume there will be zero value to having been married and having children, parents, friends, etc.
I just assume the limitations of this earthly mind prevent us from clearly thinking about what rapturous joy really means.
Maybe you do spend your free time still with your spouse and family, but if you were fulfilled simply with the joy of being reunited with God and knowing your loved ones were too, it might not actually matter that much.
Just like how a human mind might think it would require some difficulty or occasional challenge to keep boredom away, and if Heaven is flawless entertainment, how could you possibly enjoy it?
Well my assumption is that you won't feel that inherent desire for struggle or if you do, maybe God let's you workout or something.

No, death frees you from the spiritual contract of marriage.

Heaven is so far beyond human comprehension it's not worth worrying about. How can our animal brains comprehend an existence which transcends time and space?

That aside though, it's more like everyone is unified. Your wife is there, and you are one with her, it's just that everyone is also one with everyone and happy about it.

"Underrated", as the kids around here sometimes say.
>leaning unto thine own understanding
It'll all make sense when we get there.

>marriage has no sanctity in heaven
Then why get married in Church and call it holy matrimony?

>Have ye not read, that he who made man from the beginning, made them male and female? And he said: [5] For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be in one flesh. [6] Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.
Mat 19

Are you ready?

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I've just looked up flying spaghetti monster and I think it's hilarious. I'm lost as to how people would use this in an argument or get angry at it

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Anyone else get their feet washed today?

Bible verses out of context are always amusing, because even after you contextualize them they just don’t keep spouting nonsense and don’t even care

it's just lovely when they try to be reasonable though.
take longer to come up with the next argument with each passing one dismantled. And they never take another perspective and see they were proven wrong, they either just start insulting you or leave without changing.

quite sad for the latter though.
most of them would be quite close to truth if they studied Scripture instead of just picking bits to warp into strawmen.

>accuse others of having bad talking points
>my opponents are literally satan and can only debate in bad faith
c o p e

point is, most do discuss in bad faith.
have you any issues with Christianity, as you claim to not be like them?

and i'd rather you didn't write an insult into your answer.