What makes their literature superior to everyone else?

What makes their literature superior to everyone else?

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Inherent pessimism.

it's not that good except for 19th century. Probably polish lit is better


not a single thing, and i really have no favorites regarding countries and lit

No russian born after the empire has written anything worthwhile.

Western midwits have a weird fascination with Russia because it's simultaneously European but also exotic and foreign.
Their literature is not better than any of the other bigger European countries and I'd say it's below some of them.

>Western midwits have a weird fascination with Russia because it's simultaneously European but also exotic and foreign.
This applies only to anglos and other western europeans.

Great Russian literature, mysterious culture, spirituality, the most beautiful women are the psiop of Russophilia for fools who have never been to Russia and probably never even communicated with Russian irl. Their literature does not exceed the average European level in the 19th century, and even more boring, and the revolution, most of the books of Russian authors are shit.

It really, really isn't, and the idea that it is stems from a time where everyone interested in literature was a scholar of ancient, anglo, german, french and italian literature already from primary school, and the way to set oneself apart as an elitist was to read russian novels which were rarely translated, necessitating that one learn russian - another display of intellectual force and excessive leisure time, further solidifying the elitism of russian literature.

The meme that russian novels are particularly highbrow stems from this - mistaking the elitism that used to be necessary for appreciating it with an inherent superiority of quality, as you do OP - but the meme has been kept alive throughout the erosion of erudition in proper european literature because today, russian literature is an excellent stepping stone for lower midwits to feel like patricians without them being it. The move from a supermarket crime novel to Crime and Punishment is tiny and insignificant. The move from a supermarket historical novel to War and Peace is tiny and insignificant.

Everything Tolstoy wrote post-1888 is wilfully designed to be as dumb and simple as possible (unironically: read Tolstoy's writings on aesthetics after his religious awakening). Tolstoy came to believe that art was bad and degenerate and should serve a purpose (disgusting), and that purpose was to educate retarded peasants on morality via extremely simple fables.

Dostoevsky on the other hand wrote journalist claptrap, and it is only considered groundbreaking today by people who have never read Stendhal - confer with my point about how russian literature was elevated to the status of superior concurrently with the loss of erudition in european literature.

Gogol is first-rate and world class, as is Pushkin - who remains the only one where knowledge of russian is necessary. But these two do not speak to the inherent superiority of russian literature anymore than, say, Hamsun and Ibsen speak to the inherent superiority of Norwegian literature.


I too have read Nabokov's lectures

lmao Yea Forums is fucking insufferable sometimes
So many pseuds in this thread
This being the most embarrassing of them all. Tranny hands typed this.


>Tranny hands typed this.

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This implies transgression of a social code, and I am too autistic to even identify such codes, much less care about them.
Try again.

only beginners think that russian literature is superior. its good but by far not the best.

french literature is better. also irish, scottish, norwegian and italian lit is good but the patrician choice is without a doubt german literature. it filters the plebians perfectly.

american, english and japanese literature is reddit tier.

Russian art is characterized by a sort of adolescent melodrama more than anything else. Enjoying it is just a sign of being immature.

*What makes literature superior to everything else?

Fixed that for you.

This. I distinctly recall my reading Dostoevsky phase coincided with my listening to Nirvana phase at the ripe age of 15.

>t. read 1 book (notes from underground)

Polish lit has produced exactly zero Goethe-tier figures.

>sour grapes: autism edition

Can you source these lectures? I am genuinely interested if this point is expanded upon.

The combination of Napoleon’s invasion, feudalism and it’s reformation, the various religions and cultures, leads to interesting work

No it is literally the case for the entirety of Dostoevsky's authorship, which is the one I would argue is the most melodramatic. It is the same in Poor Folk, White Nights, Crime and Punishment, the Brothers Karamazov, The Idiot, The Gambler and The Eternal Husband. I've not read anything else by him, but it is in literally all these works. Less so in the last two, but present.

It reminds me of the Japanese book In Praise of Shadows where the author speculates on how technology would have developed differently without Western intervention in Japan. There would have been Japanese airplanes, telephones etc. Instead of just American appliances forced into the traditional aesthetics. Russia is a view of alternative history, since they branched off from the same roots as we did but in a different atmosphere. It's like meeting a twin you never knew you had. This is probably what Dostoyevsky, Nabokov and Tarkovsky were hinting at with their themes of the double (in The Double, Despair and Solaris respectively)

melancholy isnt neccessary pessimism.

You will not find those points in Nabokov's lectures because they are not there. I stole the phrase "journalist claptrap" from an interview with Playboy (yes, unironically) - reprinted in Strong Opinions - not his lectures, and I agree with his assessment of Gogol and Pushkin. The other user took that as an opportunity to paint me as a plagiarizing pseud despite the fact that the similarities are superficial, and that taking such superficial similarity as a proof of regurgitation is, ironically, the most pseud thing possible.

I have no idea what this is even supposed to mean. What are the grapes?

Has anyone read Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics?

>feudalism and it’s reformation
Unfortunately never existed in Russia.
>Napoleon’s invasion
Literally any European country.


Yes, it's pure materialist bullshit cope as anything made by marxists and estructuralists.

Try to explain this term as best as you can, and how it applies to Bakhtin.

Most "russian" authors are actually ukrainian.

for example gogol was fully ukrainian but people think he's russian just bcuz he lived there



What's up the FSB shill's collective ass today? Didn't get to check /k/ yet, did something happen?

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>My opinion is objectively correct

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>anglos and other western europeans.
who else are you describing as western that are excluded?

Everything that's not Western Europe or Russia is still part of the Western civilization.

>The move from a supermarket crime novel to Crime and Punishment is tiny and insignificant.

just EBIN

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>Believes Ukraine existed when Gogol was alive

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These evil white imperialists and colonists. Just look how good the nigger states are doing without them.

Does anyone like Soviet era authors? I liked Yuri Olesha’s “Envy”

at what point did you arbitrarily decide melodrama was an insult? its a descriptor.


I do. They are overlooked just like collaborators from Europe are over looked (Pierre drieu la Rochelle for example)

lmao what are u talking about
learn fucking history retard
i did not say he was born in ukraine, i said he was ethnically ukrainian

you stupid cunt im half ukrainian, do you think you know more than me? get rekt.

In view of these I recommend this challenge: Someone post an example of "comedy" in Russian literature where the irony isn't bitter, or doesn't shade into sly trolling. Or for that matter anything rhapsodic, irrespective of the experience or living condition that prompted it. I'm genuinely curious.

Do you mean he was a Cossack? There is no such thing as ethnically Ukrainian. Just because you live in a puppet state doesn't mean you know shit. To the contrary, surely.

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here is the proof you fat american. obviously you are too lazy to google one small thing.

gogol is just one example. there are many cossack authors who are known as russian

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Derzhavin would qualify I think. Historical period matters more than nationality in these questions of fundamental attitudes. Pushkin's more juvenile work is quite silly, Tolstoy is basically optimistic and his satire is often gentle rather than bitter. But living too far north and under tyrannical regimes certainly doesn't help with being all happy-go-lucky, although I think it's probably hard to find much of that in any country's serious literature.

I wish all pidorashkas leave Yea Forums (and Earth) forever.

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Then say Cossack you disingenuous fuck. You're probably a Khazar transplant anyway. Ukraine was started after the Bolshevik revolution.

Harsh winters, alcoholism, and jesus. Cabin fever + religious delusion + intoxication leads to explosive chimp out displays

well do you expect him to be a faggot and say
>well this is just my opinion but.. um I think maybe perhaps
retard everyone thinks their opinion is correct


I don't believe I did.

quads of truth

lmao nice bait

But Ibsen does speak of the superiority of Norwegian literature.

Unironically alcohol.

Pushkin is overrated.

>name is literally Hohol
lmao you cannot make this shit up, Hohol confirmed Ukranian, russia BTFO.

Tbqh it's all moot, he spent most of his productive years in France, Germany, Switzerland and especially Italy, with almost a decade in Rome - this is when Dead Souls was written. He is properly a European and not a Russian. His main connection to Russia is violently satirizing it while ensuring that he did not live there. While Europe inspired him to write masterpiece of world literature, all his return to Russia did in 1848 was ensure that he went mad with religion, burned his work and killed himself with asceticism.