Jesus Christ

Why does this have so much leftist propaganda.

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Steinbeck was a socialist but sold out in the 60s


what would tom joad think about BLM, shemales et all.

>so they’re poor! So what? They’re too lazy to get work. It’s just the way the markets work! They shouldn’t have tried to farm in a desert! Serves em right for being so stupid!

Depends. Would they be told the truth about their origins and what other political shenanigans have been going on since Roosevelt was president?

By the end of it I didn't have any sympathy for those stupid dirt people. I was sick of them.

Sign of a true Murrican deadweight “conservative” liberal.
>I got mine. Quit yer whining

I like him, but I have only read Of Mice and Men.
He doesn't write Satanic things, which I like.

t. Ayn Rand reader

You cant say bad things about the Jews in your country

That's liberal pathology, nothing to do with leftist ideals

>anything with a political message contrary to my own is propaganda

You are mentally ill beyond help.

>ITT: seething welfare queens

Why didn't they just stay at the government camp?

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I have never once seen a "real leftist" stand up against any of those things.
They will pretend "oh we are just about class those are liberal distractions" but they will never actually go against them. They will never say women give birth or blacks commit more crime or anything that a totally gives the lie to those ideas. They will just vaguely say they aren't about that, while agreeing to all ther basic propositions and never daring to offend them.
Commies and liberals have been basically identical for a long time except you have somewhat worse economics but they are catching up.

Why did Roosevelt get elected four times? You don't have to agree with a certain ideology to be able to see the glaringly obvious circumstance which made it attractive to people at a certain time.

>Why did Roosevelt get elected four times?
Because Hoover was so inept he vehemently denied the existence of a market downturn long after the fact. (1932)
Because Roosevelt promised unheard of gibs which were realized and then promptly widely taken away. (1932)
Because Huey Long got assassinated before he had the opportunity to split Roosevelt's vote (1936)
Because the South had a unmitigated hate-boner for the Republican Party until at least the late 1950s (1932, 1936, 1940)
Because a wartime President is always popular (1944, arguably 1940 despite lack of wartime status yet)

It's not as simple as "because he gave gibs"

Propaganda isn’t necessarily bad. So even this has that you believe conveyed in art can still be propaganda and IS


>somewhat worse economics but they are catching up.
Socialist thought, and with it socialist economic thought, explicitly inspired the social democratic movements of Scandinavia, establishing an economy that is mixed to a degree that most americans would consider pure commie as well as a strong welfare state that most americans would consider pure commie, resulting in the Nordic Model of economic governance, which is by all empirical metrics, social and economical, one of the most succesful systems of governance ever invented in civilization.

None of this is refutable. The only way to deny this is to deny that wealth, health and well-being (the prime metrics where the Nordic Model outclasses other systems) are worthwhile goals for a society, in which case you're just a faggy little nihilist.

you have never once left your mother's basement

That wasnt the crux of that anons post. Youre such a propagandized retard. That you only responded to the very last sentence. Plopped that pile of human feces thought down and called it a victory. Kys you fucking retard.

John Gardner had something in his book on writing about this. Something about how Steinbeck forced a good versus evil plot onto a complicated subject matter.

Well, you're giving a pedantically literal answer to my rhetorical question, which is what I did to the OP's disingenuous question, so I suppose I deserve it. But at least you've elevated the thread by saying something factual instead of posting an opinion with no justification. Really I don't even give a shit what people's opinions are, I just wish they would put a little more effort into them one way or another before posting.

What the other user did was talking about trannies and niggers in a debate where he is angry that we are speaking too much about trannies and niggers, that we are not speaking in opposition to trannies and niggers, and angry that the left cant do much but speak about trannies and niggers.

When a leftist then engages with him in non-tranny-and-nigger-discourse, there is anger that it is not about trannies and niggers. It boggles the mind. If user wanted to talk more about how we are talking too much about trannies and niggers he shouldn't have mentioned economic policy.

Seethe harder.

Thats alot of assumptive thought there you fucking retard. I understand dumb opinionated people think that way. Which is what your post was. A pile of human feces. Just keep your retarded human shit to yourself you dumb motherfucker.

>worse economics
we're coming for your daddy's trust fund, oogabooga

>I ask you to seethe harder
>you seethe harder
Good goy.
My post remains unrefuted.

Okay retard. The dude was responding to an user to this user and said that they dont actually denounce and you took one sentence at the end. Wrote an opinionated statement and called it a victory like the retard you. Lmao what are you talking about you moron? Only retards debate a single thing. That like i said wasnt even the main focus.

How dumb are you user??

Like the retard you are""

Fucking kek. Probably true though

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Why do retards breed like rats if there is a labour over-saturation?

>I told you to keep seething
>you are now seething so hard you cannot even spell

>nooooo xD

Haha, yes, homogenous countries with 9m people (sweden) are super comparable to a country with 320million retards. In the US you have the freedom to live like an olympic athlete and the freedom to go to mcD 5 times a day, granted swedes or finns have the same freedoms but they have a different culture when it comes to this. "Free" universal healthcare would not work in the US. And newsflash, idiot, it does not work so great in germany or britain or canada. The standards are dogshit and you have to wait months to get treatment. Get fucked, idiot.

t.german fresh out of hospital

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I'm still gonna.

Yes, you claim it cannot scale, but provide no evidence for this claim.
You then make a vague point about cultures being different. How this relates to social democracy and whether or not it can scale is left unexplored.
You then claim that standards of healthcare in social democratic socities are dogshit, ignoring that by all metrics, a very compelling argument can be made tat Norway has the best in the world, and the US has the worst:

In short, you have presented no argument whatsoever, just incoherent assertions without evidence. But do get well soon, genuinely.

Writing seethe harder when you argue a point just makes you look like an even bigger obstinate retard. Who built up an argument around a throw away sentence of what someone said and called it a victory. Thats not a victory when the user was saying that all these leftists claim that

>oh thats liberals not us.

But you're to much of a retard to know this. Jeez

Lmao look at this retard.

Steinbeck didn't exactly try and hide is socialist beliefs

Thanks for letting me know, just deleted all his books off my ereader.

hahaha what a baby

I have a huge backlog and no time to waste on 20th century retards that advocate literal braincancer.

Steinbeck leads to SOVL. Your mind is already rotten if you think he would lead to anything but kino.

Steinbeck's longer stuff fucking sucks. His best work is SOVFVL shit like cannery row or Tortilla flat.

Steinbecks books are bereft of entertainment and are full of preachy garbage.

I dont really know anything about him, I had heard about him here and there over the years and had put wrathful grapes and the east of eden letters on my kobo. I was feeling a bit sad while purging, becauae i'm sure I would loose out on good prose, but in the end I have no time for nigger ideology.

Hilarious sagelike quads of truth

>>I got mine. Quit yer whining
At some point, when you become an adult, you realize that people who are chronically poor, disadvantaged, short end of the stick type people, are that way for very obvious reasons that have nothing to do with anyone but themselves.

>which is by all empirical metrics, social and economical, one of the most succesful systems of governance ever invented in civilization.
Except for the ignored-by-leftists fact that said model has literally only ever been successful in small homogenously white societies, and the more "ethnically diverse" those nordic countries become the faster we witness their system failing in real time.

Sorry bro but Letting some user dictate your opinion instead of deciding for yourself is peak bigger ideology

>Because Huey Long got assassinated before he had the opportunity to split Roosevelt's vote (1936)
RIP Kingfish

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Only been tried in homogenous societies does not imply it only works in such.
>the faster we witness their system failing in real time.
Not happening.
Is this how rightniggers argue? Imagine some reality that would make their arguments sound and true, and then claim that that imagination proves their point?
Substantiate your claims faggot.

Why on earth would want to waste my time reading someone advocating for anti-human collectivist ideology?

Great depression + socialism was seen as the obvious future of humanity and the only rational solution to the problems of the time by literary types (and still is, mostly)

you really don't know what you'd be wasting your time on, do you? you must regard that user's opinion highly

American literature cannot be soulful

did you just...ignore his entire post but reply anyway ?

Umm you cant in yours either

Well get busying tangling with his 4th wife!