/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General

Atlantis Edition

Previous Thread:>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent
Never going to be created.

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What are you guys currently or planning on reading?

Going to pace myself from now on, so I’ll be just reading a chapter or two. The chapter I read is Daenerys’s fourth chapter, and by far it’s been the best one from her so far. In the sense we get to learn more about Dothraki and the Dothraki sea worldbuilding. But truth be told, I’m tired of Martin just making them caricature of the Mongols, the city was great since it shows they’re okay with actually building something, instead of being nomadic. Daenerys standing up and hitting Viserys was okay if only I grew tired of Viserys shit at this point. But overall, Daenerys chapters have been hit or miss for me.

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Is this series worth reading?

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Why was the thread deleted? My post was on-topic. You could have just deleted every post but mine. Now I'll have to post it again but it won't be as funny.

The idiot mod is deleting actual discussions and threads today, it’s not just this thread

I've nearly finished reading The Day of the Triffids. Please recommend me some more modern post-apocalyptic classics. Thanks in advance.

It's pretty good but the character writing is lacking.

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I mean, you could do worse.

Finished rereading PKDs first short story collection, then hopped over to Doctor Who Timewyrm: Exodus and now : Revelation. I will likely read a few more DW stories while the fire is within me.

Jannie's having a melty. You ban the /pol/tards, you don't delete perfectly valid general threads that were made after the last one hit the bump limit. If this fag's a regular here, he's one of the Bakker/weebnovelfags as those posts were never deleted and derailed every thread for over a year.

All of the deleted Yea Forums threads, not just /sffg/ can be viewed here:

Why was the other thread killed? Duplicate?

Swan Song
The Stand
The Road
Alas Babylon
Earth Abides
Lucifer's Hammer
I Am Legend
These are the ones I could think of off the top of my head. How was Trifids? I actually haven't read it yet.

Bakkerchad book club in Quebec coming soon, only hunks will be accepted as members, twinks can be guests but they will have to sit on the floor near hunk feet, their opinions will be discarded but they can hang out to entertain hunk Bakkerchads.

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rec me some books where the antagonist is an incompetent who takes his job very seriously and receives no compensation for it

>Aching God
>Every female character is a Mary Sue turbo badass genius
>Names are some of the worst ive ever seen in a fantasy book
I would have dropped this shit long ago if it weren't for the horror fantasy aspect


Has someone asked GRRM whether Jon Snow's parents have been mentioned in the series?

I read the series in march and I think it's absolutely worth reading
You may balk at the number of pages but trust me, the writing is very simple and the pages go by very quickly

I honestly think it's just gonna be R + L = J. I know there are other options, but I don't think he plans to subvert that.

Yes, absolutely. They're really good and very engaging

Any fantasy stories featuring big and wondrous cities?

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Do we know how the Fantasy and Science-Fiction market evolved? Is it getting more popular or stagnating in volume of sales but also quality in content? Are the consumers of Fantasy and Science-Fiction in novel form dying out? Are the younger generations just buying more stimulating content like videogames and movies? Does that mean the audiobook the future for novels?

Books in general are dying out. Webnovels and self publishing is the future of prose fiction.


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How entirely delusional.

Currently on chapter 6 of Mistborn 3: The Hero of the Ages. This series took a deep dive during the final arc of the first book; there are way to many asspulls and the 2 protagonists are too immature for my taste. I'm gonna finish it because I read it aloud for my gf.

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Vin is cute!

Currently still reading the Kane collection Night Winds and the Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser collection the Three of Swords.

1/4 of the way through Birthgrave and I'm enjoying it more than I was initially. I hope the protagonist does ruin everything for everybody again :^)

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>Currently still reading the Kane collection Night Winds
Are you reading a sentence a day? What the fuck.

>I hope the protagonist does ruin everything for everybody again
Can't think of any book from the author where that doesn't happen. Personally, I both hate and enjoy that sort of thing.

Really? I drug myself through season 1 and felt like my humanity had been insulted. I've come to immediately associate the series with rebbit

Season 1?
If you mean you watched the tv adaptation than yeah, it's not great
There's way too much sex and nudity in the tv series

Fuck off nigger, S1 is the most true to the shitty books.

Yes I know but it's inferior due to it being essentially pornography

The other user here. Only watched season one and agree entirely with his description. I did hear that it only got worse with time.

IMO the story ended when they killed sean beam. And it was a bad ending. The continuity from that point in the story was tenuous at best, and the plot seemed to lose focus except for dragon skank feminism powertripping archetype.

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Just finished Canticle and am considering starting his follow up. Is "Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman" any good? Are there any good biographies to Miller's name?

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Any books about humans being the most racist organisms on the entire galaxy?

Ive just finishing reading Malice by John Gwynne, thanks to the user that recommended it a few threads back. I highly recommend it for anyone thats looking for non-woke old fashioned high fantasy with morally flawed characters. Dont let the generic cover put you off.

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Any Wolfe fans read Home Fires?


>epic fantasy

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Is Patrick Rothfuss dead?

Disregard Reverend Insanity, not worth reading more than jsut the first arc for the feel of it, otherwise trash.

Instead, read The Wanderin Inn, the Chad among webnovels

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Do writers think it's funny to have a retard character trying to save or heal the enemy who hunted them for months and made them live in misery?

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I read Guardians of the Flame in high school (around 20 years ago). I decided to re-read this year. First 4 books are good, they are pretty mindless but still fun. Book 5 is meh and Book 6 is absolute garbage. I've just started 7 and it seems to be just as bad as 6, the only saving grace is that it's very short. Anyone else read this series? Are the 'Not' books that come after book 7 any good? I realise there is no conclusion as the author died but I'm already prepared for that.

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can you have a meet or two in toronto?

Any good fantasy novels with femboys?

Looking for a new series. Is Malazan Book of the Fallen worth reading? What about the Expanse series?

No to the former. I liked the first book of Expanse, and the second is readable, but it takes a double backflip dive off a cliff in terms of quality beyond that.

Interesting. I had heard both were good. Any other series suggestions then?

> Is Malazan Book of the Fallen worth reading?
Definitely no. Instead, read The Faithful and the Fallen by John Gwynne.

Can't really give recommendations if you don't tell us what you like.

Currently trying Mistborn, which is utter garbage.

Just finished the Wizard-Knight, and really enjoyed it. Wolfe is an easy favorite. Before that I read Bakker. Also enjoyed that.

I'm not super picky as long as the writing and premise are good. I do actually have a particular penchant for horror.

You might like the Chalion series by Lois Mcmaster Bujold. A bit of a palate cleanser after all that edge.

We can only hope.

Got an elevator pitch for it?

I thought Wizard-Knight was a good cleanser. Nice and simple. Similar feel for your suggestion?

Also, thanks to you both for giving suggestions.

>I thought Wizard-Knight was a good cleanser. Nice and simple. Similar feel for your suggestion?
Chalion is a classic fantasy. No world ending stakes, no wars, no ancient evils. Each of the three books in the trilogy is a stand alone, and all of them are smaller scale, more personal stories.

That sounds comfy. Thanks.