Left-Wing Catholicism

I identify as an anarchist but I grew up in a Italian family with heavy Catholic tradition. I still consider myself to be a Catholic even after having read extensively about atheism, freemasonry and works promoting skepticism against the Church.

I know there are many TradCath Larping Zoomers in here so I don't want your input but I want to talk to the few genuine Catholics here if they have read anything from Maurin or Day and what they thought about it.

Falangists are also welcome here I guess.

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You might get a kick out of Georges Bataille

You can’t be a left wing Catholic. Catholicism is about family values and traditional morality. No homosexuality, no feminism, no abortion, no transgender stuff. A lot of Catholic integralists such as myself are against capitalism, but that’s not the definition of “left wing”.

Do you believe in the Church’s teaching on faith and morals?

You might as well read straight from the catechism.
>You can’t be a left wing Catholic

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Funnily enough, I do have a book by Bataille If I remember correctly, it was gifted to me by a friend who was attending the Seminary near our College. I'll check it out later.

How do you recommend I start with him?

How is Pope Francis left wing? What are you talking about?

>He thinks Bergoglio is a true Catholic

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Yes mostly, I say mostly because I'm not confident that I understand it thoroughly yet.

I'm still reading the Catechism right now, you tend to forget a lot of what you read from it after a while, to be honest.

shoo shoo sedevacantist

Liberation Theology

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Have you studied the French non-conformistes movement? Lots of lefty Catholics there. Some fascist adjacent. I think John Hellman writes on them.

Georges Bataille is not a Catholic writer. He briefly converted to Catholicism out of guilt over him and his mother abandoning his sick father when German troops advanced in their city. However, he left the Catholic Church after reading Nietzsche before he even wrote his first work, Story of the Eye. He loathed religion but acknowledged its necessity in enforcing taboos. If there are no taboos, he thought, there can be no transgression and transgression allows us to have mystical (but ultimately atheistic and materialistic) experiences.

Here I found the book I was thinking of
>Emmanuel Mounier and the New Catholic Left: 1930-1950

I haven't yet but I have heard about it only because a young Francois Mitterrand was influenced by it allegedly.

Simone Weil was basically catholic. You might be interested in Liberation Theology in general: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberation_theology

People who say you cannot be Catholic are just Pr*testants who prefer the greater and mightier aesthetic value of Catholicism.

Make me, heretic

Thank you, I'll give it a read.

>That neck

I really liked his book on the Lascaux paintings but it's horribly out of print. His novels are mostly smut in a sense, but his critical works might point in a roundabout way towards a materialist, radical Catholic mysticism.

OP, If you knew anything about how Falangism was originally found, you'd know that they were anti-Church.

Falangists post-Rivera only larped as protectors of our Church because they needed the support of working class Spaniards who were still mostly Catholics back then.

Falangists are not Pro-Church.

He wasn't guilty over leaving his monstrous (blind, syphilitic and perverted father) he was maybe temporarily inspired to have faith due to the horrors he experienced. To me even a brief conversion is instructive.

Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi's book I forget the name is good short

Visions of Excess is a good short intro to Bataille's major early works

>Left-Wing Catholicism

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How can anyone be a Leftist and a Catholic? The popes themselves spoke out against Socialism many times.

It's a stupid oxymoron.

Nietzsche might have something to say about that

A thread to argue about Christianity and Socialism at the same time?
OP, you're a genius.

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Pope Francis support something called "Inclusive Capitalism".





>le pic
That was a gift from the President of Bolivia, everybody use that pic to say "Look the Pope is a communist!".

Cope. Francis is a true Catholic, namely a left-wing spic

Why are you retarded?

Promote a catholic economic system rather than capitalism or socialism

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Stop being memebrained

Not Catholic but a lefty and in the U.S. there's a tradition of that here like Dorothy Day who was radicalized with encounters doing social work among the poor. Also you'll see this with figures today like Oliver Stone, Michael Moore, etc. They're both Catholics and I think that informs their worldview in some way. I think there might be something about the greater concept of sin in Catholicism (and also guilt and wearing a heavy burden on one's shoulders) compared to the self-righteous self-improvement stuff that tends to predominate in American Protestantism. So that Catholic emphasis might take a left-wing form as well as a right-wing form, with the left wearing the sins of wealth, greed and empire. There's also a great deal of value placed on pacifism in this community. Stone is an interesting man:


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>Michael Moore

So, Communism then.

You may enjoy the works of Charles Peguy, who combined fervent Catholicism with socialist politics to create a body of work unlike any other.

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Come again, pussy shit?

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I dunno what you expect. It's just true. He's a big-time Catholic.

Much different but there's a guy I follow @RedMaistre who's both "red" and Catholic and is always posting obscure texts from authors I've never heard of and I like his t akes. Like I said I'm not Catholic but it's interesting to me in the way the Dune universe is or something like that.

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Moore is a lib

>Someone gave the Pope a socialist gift therefore the Pope is a socialist.
And I guess you’re a sock enthusiast becasue that’s what your grandma gave you for Christmas.

Catholics can be Libs too lol.

Yeah but this is a thread about left wing Catholics not lib Catholics.

How can a believing catholic vote for a candidate who supports abortion over a candidate who does not? It’s clearly sinful.

Would Ezra Pound count ?

This is a bait thread created by a jew but I'll bite anyway
>I want to talk to the few genuine Catholics here
Genuine Catholics are traditional Catholics that will tell you to shove your globohomo propaganda back to hell where you belong. You CANNOT be left wing/liberal/progressive and also be Catholic they are opposites.
This user is correct
Jorge Bergoglio aka Pope Francis is an open heretic, you cannot worship pachamama and be Catholic
Shoo shoo novus ordo and take your lgbt flag with you
They cannot, the traditional Catholic church is the standard of morals. There is no compromise in our stance.
>true Catholic
True Catholics don't worship pachamama and openly preach heresy
The Catholic church is staunchly anti communist, we follow distributism.

He's not a communist. That's not the point here. These lefty progressive Catholics (or whatever you want to call them, liberal, etc.) are driven by certain values. A right-living society, justice, education, ending child labor (back in the day), anti-militarism, etc.

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Based unapologetic SSPXposter

>The Catholic church is staunchly anti communist, we follow distributism.
picrel here says distributism = muh proletariat owning the means of production. That's Communism.

>namely a left-wing spic
>ignore every single link in my comment

>muh proletariat owning the means of production
It's just a meme. Distributism wants property to be owned as widely as possible while commies want to abolish all property ownership.

Catholicism condemn liberalism and democracy.

>Jorge Bergoglio aka Pope Francis is an open heretic, you cannot worship pachamama and be Catholic
Catholicism has elements of Pagan religions and Roman political procedures. Also I'm not religious so I don't care.

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>Distributism wants property to be owned as widely as possible
why shouldn't the church own everything?

>we follow distributism
More like you have autism

Distributism is the opposite of communism. Distributism gives all the power to the people through private land ownership while communism gives all the power to the government through government controlled everything including land, resources and employment
You cannot be a liberal and be Catholic, liberalism, which was started by the Freemasons, is the antithesis of Catholicism
Correct we are traditionalists and monarchists
Because then the Church would have too much power and we understand our limits as man and man can be corrupted. Not to mention that if the Church owned everything then it would be no different to communism which we are the opposite of
In the name of Jesus Christ during this Holy Week, begone jew.


Are you the opposite to communism or are you opposite to liberalism

>Distributism gives all the power to the people
>Because then the Church would have too much power
If you are capable of giving "all the power" you have all the power... which you'd call too much power. Same commie conumdrum all over again.

ellul and dorothy day are great (day was a wobbly who converted to catholicism because she wanted to baptize her daughter into the "church of the poor" and literally refused to pay taxes to pay for US wars)

there's a textbook I recently read: Christian Peace and Nonviolence: A Documentary History

that was filled with great essays over time (it covers from biblical writings onwards so there are multiple "lefty" takes from like 400 AD and stuff)

>You cannot be a liberal and be Catholic, liberalism, which was started by the Freemasons, is the antithesis of Catholicism
I'm not Catholic, dipshit. I don't care if you think some other Catholic guy isn't really Catholic. Go tell that to Oliver Stone.

Liberation theology is your go to, you stupid nigger. Go and read.

Ellul wasn't left wing. Anarchism =/ left wing, especially his form of anarchism.

The Traditional Catholic church is the opposite of both liberalism and communism. You mistake liberalism and communism as being so different when they are working towards the same goal, your death or enslavement and the condemnation of your soul to hell.
Communism is a jewish created economic model of government control over the means of production which involves genocide of their own people, ask the Russians and Chinese.
Liberalism is a deceitful and treacherous political philosophy created by the freemasons (who were created by jews) as a direct attack on the Catholic church, they saught to remove Christ from all aspects of life, private life, school, cultural, government, economic etc. as a way to remove the populace from the righteous moral structure God has given us for the express purpose of of replacing that moral structure with their own. Look around at society, they have done it, people take to the streets to champion the murder of the unborn, the mutilation of children to "change" sex, tolerance of false religions, they take vice as virtue and tsle virtue as vice. I don't know how you think we are not the opposite of that.
We are bound by God, not materialism
>Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. - Matthew 7:21
To be Catholic it is not simply enough to call yourself one, or simply go through the rites, you must do the works every single day and live your life accordingly. Go to confession and live piously, unwavering in the face of the heresy of modernism.

What a stupid faggy interpretation

Mysticism certainly, but I think it'd be disingenuous to call anything Bataille was doing remotely theistic

>Pope Francis is an open heretic
Look at this larper trying to be more Catholic then the fucking pope while fapping to anime on a Tyrolese goose-stuffing website.

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