Why don't working class people read books?

why don't working class people read books?

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granpa pepe!

Expensive, time consuming, complex, too much investment when it comes to time, effort and money for little immediate pay off. Working class people, in a time of inflated currency and government addled increase of market regulations, taxation and inflation influenced by the lobbying of mega corporations to remove the small and medium entrepreneur from the market and dominate the economy, forcing everyone to be overworked and underpaid, have no time for things like reading books.

All they have time for is immediate, mass produced and easy to consume self-indulgencies like alcohol, drugs, sex, entertainment and what not. These shit economic conditions don't allow for entrepreneurs to join a true free market economy and make money, become somewhat lavish in their accumulation of wealth and enjoy a lifestyle comfortable enough to have the free time and disposable income to dedicate to reading. Also the desire, once all basic needs are fulfilled, to enjoy these higher forms of self-satisfaction.

They used to
Wrote em too

they on their phones

because they gotta work all the time

theyre tired. why don't you read your mom or dad a book for them, huh? jerk.



Why don't they just stop being lazy?

They do.
And then there’s this. Television catered to many, but it’s an idiot box.
Less and less people care about the church, though some may still dust off that old book every now and again.
I don’t care if you’re trolling, I’d throttle your neck if I could

They do, just not the books you'd want them to read. Lot of Stephen King/Dean Koontz, lots of James Patterson, etc.


aways on dey phones

>Less and less people care about the church, though some may still dust off that old book every now and again.
more and more people are going to not read a single book and consume any type of media.

civilization is dead

The Bible is not civilization. You’re dead and clinging to corpses.
As a result, many of your type want to kill everything off that doesn’t revere your corpses.

The Bible is the base of western civilization

every single part of it, from law to science was created following the principles inside the bible.

Pascal, Newton, Fibonacci, Einstein etc... all the greatest mind of humanity consider the bible as the peak of Human knowledge

NO MORE VALUES without bible people turning into disgusting animals with the only goal of coonsume another day until death

we will never reach mars, we will never discover the secret of universe because for a group of nerds who never worked 1 single day in their life, who pass their entire existance to find new way to degenerate until their complete death inside and outside bible is dumb.



trump supporters are generally not that smart

Based commie discover the definition of Racism

lefty belive themself of being a caste of morally superior overlords.
these people are religius fanatics ready to kill everyone who oppse them
Cancer of the world

>proves my point

too busy watching the footie, shagging the wife (gettin bigga now aint she), eating the chippie, playing the FIFAs, downing the pints,
simple as, fookin fook fookin fook

proves that you are a retard who use the thing you hate.

Niggers are generally not that smart
this is fake because is consider all blacks as the few who commiting crime but your argument is right?

commies have no logic , are just religus fanatics.

Obey and belive no matter what
intellectual slavary

Colin Wilson was a working class lad who had a so so education but he read a ton on his own. After compulsory military service he worked a bunch of crap jobs like door to door salesman and dishwasher.
He wound up writing The Outsider mostly in the reading room of the British Museum while sleeping in a sleeping bag out on Hampstead Heath at night and otherwise being homeless. Angus Wilson lent him his typewriter and office so that he could type the book up.
Of course once he became a famous author he was no longer working class. He was now middle class.

Beer and cruelty is the opiate of the lower class lmao. And given more free time, they would have more of it

i do

Lower IQ

stopped reading there
glossed over the rest of your comment. just random schizo rambling about muh economy. go home to mommy, retard.

too busy cheerin on ngubu, yeah?

most people dont read books. And they dont have any social pressure to do so either. A higher class person wants to seem higher class, even to themselves, so might attempt to read.

they do just not what shitlibs would like them to read

There's literally a church on every street corner in America

Because average working class people where never meant to become intellectual academics or bother with abstract ideas. They where supposed to farm potatoes and grind wheat. The idea that we should all read books, go to university and become academics is ridiculous so don't be surprised when people don't read.

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Their attention span is absolutely fucked by constant exposure to 10 second TikTok videos. Anything that doesn´t provide instant gratification will not be pursued.

Books are expensive for the working class, you idiot
good retort, fucktard. go back to Yea Forums
>beer and cruelty
wtf does this even mean?

some of the people here should really consider suicide.

My dad was working class and he read books like Lord of the Rings, Dune, books about ww2, etc

My best friend and my building's super are both avid working class readers and recommend me (upper middle class and white collar) stuff all the time. My friend is a Teamster and loves Marcus Aurelius and Aleister Crowley. My super is a huge fan of Bernard Cornwell and Celine. Remember that blacks and mestizos are the underclass, not to be confused with the working class.

Absolutely bourgeois bait

You commies don't know any working class people.
The reason is they have an IQ of 90, no intellect, and would rather be watching Young Sheldon reruns.

We aren't the ones trying to kill everyone off who doesn't agree with us, moron.

Lol this is my parents, my dad screams at the football on TV.

My grandfather (died a month before I was born) read voraciously, apparently war and peace was his favourite novel, and he worked as a contractor, busting his gut laying bricks. He built my father's family home from scratch. I wish I could've met my granddad.

Have you ever known a single working class person or worked a single real job?
Commies all live in some imaginary 1920s larp world because they are rich faggots who hate and fear actual proles and only know them through romantic fantasy. "Ohh the poor genius working class people need to scrimp and save their pennies invetween 12 hour shifts at the coal plant to buy a book, only to get dust kicked in their face by a plutocrat when they try to read it."
Know what they spend money on? Xbox live, weed, and 60k dollar trucks. A 20 dollar used kindle and unlimited free books online is not a financial hurdle.

>doesn't know the difference between where and were
go till my potatoes then you fucking retard

They're busy working

Books are by far the cheapest commodity in terms of a price-hours ratio.
>Also the desire, once all basic needs are fulfilled, to enjoy these higher forms of self-satisfaction.
This is a good point. It is an issue of what your parents’ situation was as well though. If your parents don’t encourage reading, you are likely to end up hating it like you hate all the other shit they make you do in school. Normies 70% of the time seem to think of reading as like some self improvement activity and if they are trying to get their life together, they might read a book or two, but they treat it as something virtuous and unpleasant. It is annoying when you mention a book and a person feels the need to flatter you for even picking one up in the first place. Like as if you were bragging lol.

such mad COPE

literally one of the cheapest hobbies

Post feet peasant boy

Your looking at them.


how many people go to that church?

How many of the priest in that church are ok with modern degeneration?

relique of an ancien era when Coonsuming wasn't the goal of life

I do nigger

Most people here are working class.

Working class doesn't just mean being a literal fucking coal miner. You're still a member even if you're working some shit office job.

Nope. Office job doesn't reduce your lifespan, underpay you, and throw you to the curb when you start to ware out

Get it made! Join a trade!

But they do. People who work in offices their whole lives have all kinds of health problems. The pay is regularly poor in comparison to the time investment required for acquiring the job. Productivity is constantly monitored and people lagging behind get the sack. Ageism is also quite prevalent in offices that are trying to have a certain look.

That's not say trades are better or easier, but the elitism over what constitutes working class is needlessly divisive when we all stand to gain from greater solidarity.

Theyre too busy killing themselves to prop up the playground-economy that enables you to leech, whether by dole or a non-job, enough money to indulge yourself with books.

Even stones erode my brother!

Stand to gain what, exactly? Bear in mind that Mickey McDonald's and Olivia Office aren't comparable in skill, experience or education. What do you think they have uniting them besides some arbitrary shared cultural affinity?

The fact that they're all workers, subject to employers trying to rape every last dollar from them that they possibly can.
Unity on this front means every worker has greater power to challenge their employers, exert some level of control over their surroundings, and to avoid bullshit work hours, cruel and demeaning requests, unsafe work conditions, etc.

This only works when large blocs are formed. When groups are isolated, the disruption is only small and the people in charge can easily sidestep it.

Yeah, that's nonsense. Disliking work conceptually doesn't mean you form some sort of anti-work cult that frames every interaction with an employer as adversarial. This is why people hate unions, pointless politicization of a simple transactional process.

It's not expensive though. Free books at the public library. Lib Gen has pretty much everything in the world for free online.
Used books are very cheap like 5-10$
>time consuming
Just as time consuming as watching netflix.
>All they have time for is immediate, mass produced and easy to consume self-indulgencies like alcohol, drugs, sex, entertainment and what not.
Literature is also mass produced. Nothing you listed there is are any less time consuming. And drugs are certainly more expensive.

>How many of the priest in that church are ok with modern degeneration?
>relique of an ancien era when Coonsuming wasn't the goal of life
Not many. You're just revealing that you never go to Church lol

Poor people have big TVs and small bookshelves. Rich people that small TVs and big bookshelves.

It's not a conceptual dislike of work, it's a real need for greater rights and protections. This is literally the foundation of labor movements which have made work actually relatively humane in the West. See China's 996 culture for the effects of when ground-up union efforts are outlawed.
>This is why people hate unions, pointless politicization of a simple transactional process
How is it anymore pointless than the formation of any other kind of political bloc? Employers will absolutely agitate for greater power on their behalf with means, like lobbying, that are practically unavailable to everybody else. So why can't the actual mass of people beneath them form together and create something mutually beneficial?

Except Owen and Fourier (as owners) implemented policies without unions or parties to improve the material conditions of their employees in the 19th century. Employee agitation is useless, because improvement is always necessarily top-down.