I don't read books written by women

I don't read books written by women.

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I don't read books

I have sex and I don't read books. How am I so much better than you?

This, but also by fags, jews and POC

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Stop paying attention to women altogether. They're just evil dumb children using those slimeholes between their legs to manipulate you.

I don't read books written by women, I don't eat food done by women, I don't have any type of relationship with women. Am I based?

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I have sex and I read books, bow

So you don't read much, huh?

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that's 60% of the canon

Modern literature? No, all trash pushed by the nepotistic collapsing publishing industry. Women essentially didn't write before 1990, though, so there is a massive backlog of worthwhile literature. Thankfully!

There are like 5 or 6 worthwhile works of literature authored by females and you aren't missing out on much if you skip those. Just consider the state of books now that they're written, published and read by women - soulless, infantile, sexual. It's a perfect reflection of their interests and desires.

>Step inside bookstore
>Top 40 dance music blasting
>Instantly assaulted by multiple stands for books with covers featuring garish colour combinations and huge bold simple fonts.
>They are all best sellers with 75 awards each from prestigious literary institutions that were established 3 weeks ago
>They all have trite, nonsensical, pseudo-poetic titles like 'All The Fire That We Hold Tomorrow'
>The authors all have vaguely African or Indian last names, or are Sarah J. Maas.
>Every book is covered in reviews claiming it is 'brave', 'timely', 'a pertinent reminder', or 'necessary'
>Another stand is full of books promising me how to Un-F*CK YOUR FINANCES or beat Anxiety with Keto.
>A giant poster for a deeply moving celebrity autobiography hangs from the ceiling
>Trip over a stack of books from 2017 about Trump gathering dust in the corner
>Return a week later to find a whole new suite of books, authors, and awards have been randomly generated and placed on display

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Is this a pasta? Sadly accurate, don’t forget about all the YA fiction advertised with TikTok logos in the front and Zoomers hanging out in the manga section ready to move on to the tarot cards on sale

This is what an ignorant would say...
But now this:

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Why is that?

I try my best to not read women unless they’re saints or have great reputations as authors. Virginia Wolfe and Lispector are on my list. Hate roasties, love me mum, love my sisters, love the Saints, love women w any genuine talent. Sinple as

>This is what an ignorant would say...
nigger if you want to be condescending instead of making an argument at least have correct grammar

No, at that point you're gay

easy summary

Camille Paglia's Sexual Personae is the most redpilled book on feminism and manages to incorporate the Western cultural canon/pop culture better than any book in the last few decades. She still appears on Youtube videos and filters me with her references, a bit heavy on pop culture but she's sharp as a tack. (Hannah Arendt is probably the closest author to Carl Schmitt/Amgaben who were based. Even if she wears her Jewishness too proudly)

Also The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar that one user has been spamming threads about. Vilar:

Vilar writes, "Men have been trained and conditioned by women, not unlike the way Pavlov conditioned his dogs, into becoming their slaves. As compensation for their labours men are given periodic use of a woman's vagina." The book contends that young boys are encouraged to associate their masculinity with their ability to be sexually intimate with a woman, and that a woman can control a man by socially empowering herself to be the gate-keeper to his sense of masculinity. Vilar states that this has been going on for some time.

>>Every book is covered in reviews claiming it is 'brave', 'timely', 'a pertinent reminder', or 'necessary'

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Do you know how much energy it takes to write an argument with quotes, etc., that has the power to accommodate the ideas of the pseudo-literates of Yea Forums?
I'm generous but not that much

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I am actually terribly misogynistic but often read female authors. Sometimes they are goddesses of literature like Emily Brontë, sometimes they are pretty good like Donna Tartt, sometimes they are mediocre leaning to shit like Ottessa Moshfegh. It's alright.

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>Trip over a stack of books from 2017 about Trump gathering dust in the corner
lots of Obama books too

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Vilar is kinda reddit but it's a good book all in all

Who is this semen demon?

I don't give a shit.


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>file name
>fake png
lol, lmao
>argument with quotes, etc.
noone wants your reddit opinions. go back.

So you don't have a coherent argument is what you're admitting to? Then why say anything at all, if you have nothing to say?


>Camille Paglia's Sexual Personae is the most redpilled book on feminism and manages to incorporate the Western cultural canon/pop culture better than any book in the last few decades.
I haven't read it but I do admit to very fondly enjoying Paglia's essays. I think reading women is important but also there is just so much amazing work out there in general that discriminating isn't worth it.

I bawled my soul out at the end of “The song of Achilles”

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hell yeah i love zeppelin too

Favs from Emily Bronte?

women do not write. if you see a book with a female name, it is not actually a woman but a (((woman)))

I would recomment Robin Hobb's Trilogies (do not start with the Liveship Traders).

Story: good
Characters talking: good
Writing: good

She's also not a hoe - very important. Grew up in Alaska, married her husband at 18, he's a fisherman, she stayed home to take care of her four kids, on top of that she hustled in waitressing and mail delivery. This was at the same time as writing her books. She's also very nice.

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Just Wuthering Heights really, and then you can get in her poems randomly, she has very little stuff.

moshfegh mogs tartt to oblivion. you just outed yourself as a pseud

>young boys are encouraged to associate their masculinity with their ability to be sexually intimate with a woman
Hasn’t this been going on for time immemorial? A man who is able to reproduce and leave a male heir has always been deemed successful and masculine.


Eileen was shit, Year of Rest and Relaxation was mediocre at best. I will never understand why some retards around here like Moshfegh.

>that a woman can control a man by socially empowering herself to be the gate-keeper to his sense of masculinity.
Personally think it is better now. Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't fathers the "gatekeepers" in the old days. Kind of sucks if your only way to get a girl is to make sure her family likes you. Some people are still like this today, like the unreasonable in-laws who will never like the spouse no matter what. Better that girls can fuck after being wined and dined, and you're not stuck trying to get someone else's approval.

I speed read chapters or paragraphs that have or talk about women.

homesick for another world is her masterpiece

It's better if your hobby is to bang sluts, it's worse if you're looking for stable monogamous partner because they've all taken double digit of cocks before turning 20.

yeah but if you aren't impressive, her father would not like you and you still would not be able to find a monogamous partner. i guess this dilemma only applies to those considered "low value" males i suppose.


Never have, never will. I don't even think the "classics" they make you read in gradeschool were ever written by women. I honestly don't know how bad women are at writing and I don't intend to find out.

i want /r9k/ to leave

I’ve been very happy since cutting female authors out of my life.

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huh thank you!

You guys don’t read books by men either. If you don’t read women, you aren’t well read

got 'em

Normoids are so deeply immersed in the gynocentric consumerist race that they can't comprehend how liberating it is to ignore women completely. My life improved tenfold ever since I've stopped talking to women except my mom. All the worst periods of my life were caused by female bullshit, but that's something I understood only in hindsight, after removing the hole drama from my mental space.

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I think it’s a question of focus.
Male writers tend to focus on creating books that I love and enjoy.
Female writers tend to focus on taking things I love and enjoy away from me then kill them and desecrate their memory

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If you don't read them, they don't exist

I read more for enjoyment than to tick off some box, jump through some hoop and get a pat on the head and a little pink ribbon that says ‘well-read good boy’.
So what could a man and woman possibly enjoy together?

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You can’t be a modern intellectual without hating women.


>You can’t be an intellectual without hating women.

Name a relevant book by a woman

You aren't, dick for brains.

terminal case of incel brain ^

anything by oscar wilde because (s)he was actually a woman. not just a woman, but a fat black pock woman you fucking bigot. and gay.

Why do you care?

>spoonfeed me something safe and approved

not him but this is meaningless

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Bros how many years after social collapse will we keep women Imprisoned and used only to raise sons? I think we’ll probably keep their numbers low and have cages designed for breeding. After total ecological and war torn nuclear annihilation I think limiting women could help us get a space program back into orbit in about 40 years or so and then we can finally explore space.

Female writers are the incels of the literary world.
They’re like ‘ah bloo bloo bloo. I’m entitled to Male readers. I’m entitled to their love. I’m entitled to their respect. I’m entitled to their attention. I’m entitled to their heckin’ dollarinos.”
And male readers are just like “No. lol.”

So she's adult Rowling?

^^^ reddit ^^^