Literature for hedonists? Which books would encourage hedonism or just being a sexual degenerate...

Literature for hedonists? Which books would encourage hedonism or just being a sexual degenerate? Should I study Caligula?

>Chad genetics
>Only interested in casual sex, wealth and pleasure
>Fucking femboys and women alike now

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sade. also kill yourself

The bible.

fag thread

only fags reply

Hedonism is an unsustainable; unfulfilling lifestyle. Go off though, teenage me.

>already making Yea Forums seethe
This is gonna be good, get fucked nerds

thread 404 soon

just wanted to say neck yourself tranny before your thread necks itself

Think about how disappointed your father is in you the next time you have a 10 inch black dildo up your ass, okay? Failure.

I am a Chad not a tranny, have fucked over 60 women now and 12 twinks

Murakami, Joyce, the Greeks, fanfiction of whatever show or film you enjoy.

>noooo you can't have fun and be happy
>you have to be miserable for large chunks of your finite existence JUST DO OKAY!?

Based. Utterly Based.

Yea Forums fears the Hedonist Chad.

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Your happiness is not paramount in the scheme of existence or society at large,and if left unchecked will ultimately hinder progress, you noncontributing loser.

All lifestyles seem to be unfulfilling.

At least with hedonism you can have some fun while hurtling towards the grave.

>nooooooooooo you have to care about society!!!!!!!!
>elites siphoning money from you
>everyone else fucking you over


hedonism is a nigger mindset. You're all subhuman.

Nah, that's cringe. You have objective fundamental responsibilities as a man that you're not attending to i favor of the pursuit of pleasure. You're just lost to the nihilism right now.

>elites siphoning money from you
>everyone else fucking you over
The fact that you are one of the few who realizes, and still does nothing, nay, contributes to the degeneracy instead, says much about your spirit.

Hedonism doesn't necessarily mean being a sexual degenerate, substance abuser, or other wirehead. There are plenty of hedonist philosophers like Epicurus who believed that life should be centered on seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, and also on cultivating a grounded sense of what pleasures are practical, ethical, and lucid. The idea that casual sex, wealth, and drugs are the human ideal is far newer and lacks anything except willful deceit and hatred of the Sacred.

Still, hedonists are almost always still secularist enough to earn my ire, even if Epicurus' and co. are worth understanding to get a fuller picture of Western philosophy.

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real gay hours

do you read your own posts?
Feeling good is winning?
When is feeling good ever objectively bad?

>You have objective fundamental responsibilities as a man that you're not attending to

O how I heartily kek.

Please do inform us of these "fundamental responsibilities" and who it is that bestows them upon us.

the terrible art kind of masks the message.
No wonder the majority of great artists are degenerates, they can sell it.

>caring about your father's opinion

When that immediate pleasure only leads to emptiness and regret. You said it yourself, feeling bad is never okay.
Find God. In your own way. If you need a decade of hedonism for it then by all means be my guest. Just remember the struggle after will be all the more testing, but you'll be ready for it (the path of least resistance never is gratifying, after all).

>NoOoOoOoOoOo you can't have sex with that 18+ femboy with the cute ass, meaty package and soft skin! It offends my sense of appropriateness which has absolutely no bearing on your life whatsoever, and which I shall label "degenerate" purely because my subjective sensibilities have been offended!

Hedonism stays winning.

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Sounds reasonable but I'm extremely confident the Abrahamic god does not exist.



Be a traditionalist with a family.


It doesn't. Or rather, Yahweh is just another interpretation of the core concept. Any real believer hates christianity because it's just a tool of control and the trad LARPers are in for a world of fun.




Sad. Your life just made me sad.

Don't be fooled fellow hedanons. These guys will hate you even if you contribute more to society hurt nobody else. They feign benevolence by saying that you should find god, you will never find lasting peace, etc, but that's actually their sadistic wish. They want you to suffer.

I used a period, which made what i said more "final", objectively.

My greatest joy in life is dating trans boys and slowly but surely setting them on the right path. It's rewarding all the way from cock to heart.

Funny how all the arguments against Hedonism are from religious people.
But you wont think about this.
Your Bible threatened you with a knife that if you doubted for a second, you need to say NO NONO NONO NO I ACCEPT JESUS PLEASE DONT about 10 minutes later in prayer

i'll become a monk but I absolutely will not go into stem ok?

Crab in a bucket nigger.

>He believes in God

kek. Fucking retard. You can't even find the courage to stare the hypocrisy and contradictions of religion in the face because you're afraid of death, yet you think a bug-like serf such as yourself should dictate or advise to others how they should live their lives?

Pathetic. I'm drinking a beer and opening up pornhub right now.

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Agreed user.Any lit reccs?

Okay, but you have to become a Franciscan, haircut and all. This is super serious business

For the record I don't police other people's lives or claim the right to do so. I'm speaking about what choices are wise.


Layout your model if you would. I am interested in doing a similar good deed in this weary world.

I don't take the bible literally. I actually hate how the book has been used as a tool of control over the ages, even if I understand why that happened.
The further you get into the New Testament the worse it gets, and Revelations in specific is an awful tome, but don't let that deter you. Every time you smoke weed or feel your ass prolapsing from the poorly lubed cock you're taking in? You know. That's why you project your fear onto others.
Don't, bro. I love you. Love yourself too. Share the cord channel you decided to make this raid from so we can talk more.

>muh nihilism life no meaning
find god

You chose well.
Welcome to the good life.

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You can't find something that doesn't exist user.

Well you're in for a surprise then, faggot.

I don't smoke grass and I don't have casual sex.
I still believe in Hedonism.
The only use the church ever had was getting people to marry young and yet look at the world today. The church allows divorce and intervention from law courts. It's dead.

>The choice to believe in God is your own, but you WILL burn in the eternal lakefire if you do not believe in him.

Sounds about right lol.

God exists outside the confines of organized religion. Your perception is fucked.

I don't ascribe to that dogma, or any dogma, but okay. If that's what you need to write me off, then by all means.

Marquis de Sade
Oscar Wilde
Hunter S. Thompson
Giacomo Casanova

But seriously, why do you futiley chase after fleeting pleasures like a heroin addict?

Because pussy and bussy feel good.
Heroin would prevent me from getting that

When you start thinking seriously about metaphysics it becomes very hard to 100% deny the possibility of God's existence. Especially the "radically other" Fideist sort of God.

Pick one.