What books do you think he reads?

What books do you think he reads?

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Math textbooks

yuri light novels

Banal NYT best seller crap

And yet what is his contribution to society? What's the point of praising intelligence if it amounts to trivial knowledge?

t. brainlet

Why is being inteligent boring? You could learn anything and you chose math? Why not metaphysics if you are after the real truth? Better to be a midwit with heart and soul

This redditor fag is probably right about it being a grift by the kid’s dad


What does someone like that even do for a job?

Because language is the best tool we have, and the language of math is one that can approximate forms the best? Idk man. Maybe natura language hit a roadblock in metaphysics department - see Wittgenstein.

consulting for conglomerates and states

if my son does not turn out like him i will disown him by age 11. he better be able to drive with his eyes closed by age five, or he's GONE. i will ship him off to china to go work at a factory for being a failure. i cant believe this shit.


f gardner

So he should use his iq to solve it

not hesiod's theogony

I would call this a midwit post but I think that's giving too much credit


Because it’s astounding no matter which way you slice it. Bearing witness to the outliers of human potential is very interesting.

Guenon, Shankara

Mathematicians are almost never interested in the creative arts, lol. So he reads math stuff from other math people, most likely.
>t. rocket science mathematician grandfather

People that think this is real also think that the Ghost of Kiev and Avengers of Snake Island are going to defeat Putin

u jelly?

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Probably this i heard that people that smart sometimes are easily entertained by shit. Idk how true that is

I can tell you what his parents read:
>the education of Karl Witte
>bring up genius by László Polgár
>the works of Boris Sidis
>the making of a genius by Aaron Stern
Genius child prodigies like this always fall into two groups: savants who usually have some developmental disorder or neurological problem (like autism) or people who were just raised to be like that through methods that have been known and practiced sporadically for a long time, and that are not even particularly had to do. Ours brains are extremely malleable at a young age, and the idea that this topic or this level of understanding belong to this or that period of life is just a social construct, there's not stopping a child from understanding many languages or university-level mathematics if you know how to teach them and how to give them the right formative stimuli in their first few years

So if you're like and you want to actually help the world be a better place by throwing social conventions regarding education out of the window and focusing on helping humans reach our full potential, then read these books before you raise a child, and when you do, be prepared to face social stigma because there's nothing society considers more important than to raise yet another normal, well-adjusted shithead with all the moral and cognitive flaws that define their age

I dont want to make the world a better place. I want my kid to grow up to be an evil scientist. thats why i will send him to china if he doesn't succeed. why would i need someone so useless ? i want him to kill all the fish in the ocean by age 15

I can just tell you weren't smart enough for math so you picked a subject even more abstract and pointless instead.

Slit your wrists.


Why is he so close to the chalkboard, is that the secret to his success?

>le abuse
I'm not saying the family isn't lying but you definitely can't force a normal 4 years old kid to memorize 2000 words, you just can't.
t. asian

Why do you say that? How did you know I had just read that, are you implying I'm dumb

pure jealousy

asians have been squintmaxxing since the dawn of time

> could speak 4 languages fluently
what are these like 4 dialects of cantonese? I fucking doubt it he had any serious command of any language even cantonese or whatever his mother tongue is. This is like those clickbait youtube videos, meet man who can speak 12 different languages. In reality he can only say, hi how are you, good bye, your shoes are green.

>but you definitely can't force a normal 4 years old kid to memorize 2000 words, you just can't.
you can dress it in play and most of the 4 year olds could learn that


As of 2007, he served as adjunct faculty at Chungbuk National University. On March 14, 2014, he became associate professor in Shinhan University,

And he ended up an utter failure LOL. Note he was born in 1962. He became an ASSOCIATE prof (i.e. small step above grad student) at age 52, probably making $30k/year.

Imagine espousing the virtue of metaphysics yet clearly never read any considerably amount of Plato. You've a PHIL101 "reading reflection," due Friday lad, get back to work.

Yeah there are people with iqs of 120 and 130 who have done more to help humanity than this guy, and have made useful and innovative inventions.

Create Yea Forums charts

>all the bitter iqlets in this thread

Math is really about relationships, and very abstract ones at that. In my opinion, which is more informed than most people (though obviously not everyone), the descriptions math provides are very unsatisfying from an artistic, vital perspective, and therefore to most people from most walks of life. If you’re listening to mathematicians and physicists talk about how math “describes the nature of reality”, you have to understand they mean describe in a very specific, abstract, and usually quantitative way. They take a lot of liberties in pop sci accounts and talks and make the whole process seem a lot more romantic than it is.
>t. Mathematician

It's worse than that. Toddlers can't be fluent in any language. There's no way he knew 4.

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>And yet what is his contribution to society?
What is your contribution?

Who cares what he reads? To what use is a straight twig to the fletcher? He manages to make one straight arrow with little effort, but he doesn't learn to make arrows. Pedagogy doesn't gain a technique, a move. Better straighten the crooked ones.

Mogged by Uncle Ted

>210 I.Q.
>Goes for math
I.Q. truly is worthless.

>started university at 4 and graduated at 8

Godel, retard

why do they get mad at success?

University professor or making algorithms for quants

makes sense. if your job and all working hours are cerebral, doubt you'd want to spend your free time doing similarly intensive shit

whats there to learn about metaphysics?
existence is existence. there is no world of forms or a noumenal world.
real truth? truth is truth, there is no fake or real truth.

Math is really useful, even in everyday situations.

He reads quantom physics papers like sports magazines

Because it's touted as a natural product

tranny post

If this is real, I bet he is a miserable robot. I don’t believe it though

What's there to learn about maths?
1 = 1. There is no world of planes or an imaginary number.
Real equality? Equality is equality, there is no equality or inequality.

Is math a construction of the human mind or not? Do you agree with intuitionism or formalism?

>believing slant propaganda

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>has high iq
>looks like shit
>doesn't have the brainpower to get contacts


obvious /sci/cel falseflag post
true Yea Forumsizens appreciate mathematics