You will never be a Napoleon, a Tolstoy, a Goethe, a Picasso, a Churchill, a Newton, a Kant, a Washington...

>you will never be a Napoleon, a Tolstoy, a Goethe, a Picasso, a Churchill, a Newton, a Kant, a Washington, a Shakespeare, a Caesar, a Mozart, a Kennedy, a Galilei, a Wagner, a Michelangelo, a Franklin, a Luther, a Linnaeus, a Ford, a de Gaulle, a Pasteur, a Tesla, a Rembrandt, a Columbus, a Tudor, a Voltaire, a Gutenberg, et al.

>you will be, at the very most, with a lot of hard work, cynicism and boredom, a midwit suburbanite, with a surface-level knowledge of art and culture, who falsely believes this makes himself superior to those around him, and is trapped in a cyclical routine of work, consume, procreate, work, consume, procreate, ultimately contributing nothing of value or even possessing original thoughts.

Books for this terrible realization?

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"quit acting so bitch made" by sage. seriously, you sound like such a whiny pussy.

t. consoomer

Crime and Punishment

>you will never be dead

Unironically Crime and Punishment

dude, life is full of wonderful, engaging and beautiful stuff. It's only the ugly who find only ugly. Learn how to fish, or go looking for bird, or just go on a hike at a public park. Go see a play or to the symphony. Just quit being so whiny & think you're so damn smart just because you're angry.

atleast i tried

this is the most reddit, normie response on this board
>just go heckin' fishing my guy!

you need to go back

>reddit-tier nihilist faggot calls others redditors while reddit spacing
Like pottery. How about you stop being a cynical midwit and kill yourself? Or just continue to soak up welfare and jerk off to lolis, not like you'll do anything with your self-confessed loser mindset lol.

Why would I want to be fr*nch?
>a Tolstoy,
Why would I want to be a r*ssian?
>a Goethe,
>a Picasso,
Why would I want to be a painter?
>a Churchill
Why would I want to be a genocider?
>a Newton,
Why would I want to be a virgin?
>a Kant,
Why would I want to be a virgin?
>a Washington,
Why would I want to be a genocider and slave-owning republican?
>a Shakespeare,
>a Caesar,
Why would I want to be a genocider?
>a Mozart,
Why would I want to be deaf?
>a Kennedy,
>a Galilei,
Why would I want to be a heretic?
>a Wagner,
Why would I want to be an antisemite?
>a Michelangelo,
Why would I want to be a painter?
>a Franklin,
Why would I want to be a slave-owning republican?
>a Luther,
Why would I want to be a heretic and antisemite?
>a Linnaeus,
>a Ford,
Why would I want to be an antisemite?
>a de Gaulle,
Why would I want to be Fr*nch?
>a Pasteur,
Why would I want to be Fr*nch?
>a Tesla,
Why would I want to be worshipped by ledditers?
>a Rembrandt,
Why would I want to be a painter?
>a Columbus,
Why would I want to be a genocider?
>a Tudor,
Why would I want to be inbred?
>a Voltaire,
Why would I want to be Fr*nch?
>a Gutenberg,
Why would I want to ruin literature?

The dogma of "everyone is an artist".

Of all the dogmatisms that have been imposed to destroy art, this is the most pernicious. Democratizing artistic creation, as Beuys demanded, democratized mediocrity and turned it into the sign of identity of contemporary art. Not everyone is an artist, nor does studying in a school make us artists. Art is not simply divinely inspired, art is the result of work and dedication, of spending thousands of hours learning and forming one's own talent. We are sensitive to art, but there is an abyss between being artists and creating art. This dogma started from the destructive idea of putting an end to the figure of the genius and it has a logic, because, as we have already seen, geniuses -or at least artists with talent and real creation- do not need curators. However, its consequences are felt in a very different field. Genius is not a myth. Education shapes geniuses. Talent is a part of it, but rigorous training and systematic work make the standards of results higher and consequently the artistic level better and better. We have had and still have great talents that can be called geniuses: what is the intention to demerit them by generalizing and equalizing all people? To standardize, to equalize, is the communism of art, it is the obsession that the truly exceptional should not stand out, it is to create a shapeless mass in which the only thing that stands out is an ideology, not people.


Start a cult. If you get enough people to join they will remember you.

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The central figure of this false art is contemporary art itself, not its artists. Never before in the history of art have there been so many artists. With the invention of the ready-made came the ready-made artists. This idea that demerits individuality in favor of uniformity is destroying the figure of the artist. With the figure of the genius the artist was indispensable, and his work irreplaceable. Today, with the overpopulation of artists, they are all dispensable and one work is replaced by another, since they lack singularity. The works in their ease and whimsy do not require special talent to be realized. Everything the artist does is susceptible of being art -excrements, philias, hysterias, hatreds, personal objects, limitations, ignorance, illnesses, private photos, internet messages, toys, etc. Making art is a pretentious and egomaniacal exercise. The performances, the videos, the installations with such obviousness that overwhelms are pieces that in their immense majority appeal to the least effort and in their creative nullity tell us that they are things that anyone can do. That possibility, the "anyone can do it", warns that the artist is an unnecessary luxury. There is no more creation; therefore, we do not need artists (in this paradigm).


Half of those you listed are cool things to be though

I don't know about you guys, but I think that picture would have benefited from a nice town hall or park in the middle

Each man is designated their position, their station in life, their raison d'etre. To compare oneself to the great men of history is folly. Why bother? Live an awesome life, get a woman and start a family, transfer existing knowledge to your children, etc.

>>you will never be a Napoleon, a Tolstoy, a Goethe, a Picasso, a Churchill, a Newton, a Kant, a Washington, a Shakespeare, a Caesar, a Mozart, a Kennedy, a Galilei, a Wagner, a Michelangelo, a Franklin, a Luther, a Linnaeus, a Ford, a de Gaulle, a Pasteur, a Tesla, a Rembrandt, a Columbus, a Tudor, a Voltaire, a Gutenberg, et al.
Yes I will.

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> Napoleon, a Tolstoy, a Goethe, a Picasso, a Churchill, a Newton, a Kant, a Washington, a Shakespeare, a Caesar, a Mozart, a Kennedy, a Galilei, a Wagner, a Michelangelo, a Franklin, a Luther, a Linnaeus, a Ford, a de Gaulle, a Pasteur, a Tesla, a Rembrandt, a Columbus, a Tudor, a Voltaire, a Gutenberg, et al.

Who? More people know about Flavor Flav.

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Death of a Salesman unironically

You are a narcissist. No one gives a fuck about your presumptuous and grandiose delusions. This shit only harms yourself and makes you unlikeable. People can tell if you think you are smarter or more "deserving" than them, and they will not respond well. Just focus on being a better person.

kek why does everyone make Reddit sound like a community of goofy, simple minded Canadians?

yeaaaah boiyeeee

Take the leap of faith or drown yourself in smelling your own farts while drinking yourself to death like Hitchens did.

Sorry but I'm already on my way to be a great poet so I can't empathize. Chekhov is brilliant at portraying mediocrity though. The novel Stoner is also quite good.

I am an integral part in God's plan. Every person, place and thing is.

I cant even imagine being at a point where you are worried about not being a great man. Every day for me is an existential crisis where I spend every walking moment torturing myself for not even being able to accomplish the task of being normal every man with a family

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Maybe not, but ill try
Also Kierkegaards Sickness upon Death

And the dogma is mainly fostered by capitalism so time to don the red comrade

Many great artists were weirdos and outcasts anyway, so you should be worrying about greatness since that's the only way for you to transcend every other lowly aspect of your self.

> great men
> the world is a hellish dystopia tiptoeing into oblivion.

Magum red pill: no one was ever great, it was all a dream.

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Unironically this. If you don't want to enjoy things, you won't. Embrace humility and enjoy the simple things because they're all you'll probably every have. If, by chance, you produce some great work of art in the process by sheer accident, congratulations. If not, it isn't the end of the world.

Not really a pill. Great artists have been showing you that since forever and showing outlets to escape it.

Who gives a shit?

>wanting be like someone else
>implying everyone you just listed isn't also, at the very most, a hardworking, cynic who grew bored, likely from or became a suburbanite, with a surface-level knowledge of art and culture, who falsely believes that made himself superior to those around him, and was trapped in a cyclical routine of work, consume, procreate, work, consume, procreate, ultimately contributing nothing of value or even possessing original thoughts.

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>and showing outlets to escape it.
More like selling copium by the paragraph

Is this where you live, user? I live like maybe 10-15 minutes away. Maybe we can have a Yea Forums meetup.

It sort of is, the parking lot near the center of the interchange is a trailhead for the path that parallels the road south.

Wrong. I've been carefully cultivating my autobiography since I was 16. Currently 25 and my life has been an absolute roller coaster ride that would probably get an autobiography with even a minor literary success.

Already published several translations and authored a highly successful copy-pasta which has garnered a lot of acclaim from the sad-sack autists on Yea Forums. When I was in university (dropped out of a top tier school after completing two semesters) I wrote an essay on Borges which not only earned the highest esteem of the professor, but also got half the girls in class wet.

Currently I'm backpacking across the United States with nothing but a bag of clothes and a pistol. I'm not doing this for any plebeian reasons such as "finding myself" or "seeing the world", oh no, I've been homeless on three continents and spoke four languages before my twentieth birthday. You see, I'm doing this because I had a hit put out on my life by the mob and had to flee my hometown, probably forever. My best friend was murdered three days ago because he didn't flee with me, and I have nothing to tie me down anymore.

Once I get a couple grand together I'll join the FFL. Wanted to for years, but it's only now that my life truly does suck so bad that I can justify it. For the time being I'm in the process of seducing an ex-girlfriend of mine from her loving boyfriend of two years, just to hurt her. Spent the last month sleeping on park benches and buses and robbing gas stations. Everything I say is true, but I embellish constantly. I guess you could say I'm a Hero of Our Time.

>and nobody will be you
>nobody will be me

half the people you listed were just hereditary secret bloodline descendants who were placed into prominence to achieve an end

> showing when things must be done

Life is an ugly mudfight for sex and coercive dominance over others, including self coercion to the threat of exclusion or iconoclasm that your gang of faggot friends imposes upon you. Your happiness stems from security from social predation and the satisfaction of immediate animal drives. And this is both good and bad, but the route where people find happiness is through protracted and compulsive self-deception and that is strictly bad. And your post is an example of the latter. Stage plays suck, at least if it's contemporary

The more pressing issue is consumer art in music and television. And I guess normie memes too

Based but people hate it when this gets pointed out.

>Why would I want to be an antisemite?
but i already am...

Exactly. And we are all placed into suburban mediocratic nightmares.

So you want me to start a discord server?

Is your name Max Lawton?


Wrong, I am a very proud urbanite and I don’t give a shit if I ever achieve anything beyond getting a lot of bitches on my dick

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we can't all be great



>slave-owning republican?

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>you will be, at the very most, with a lot of fertilizer, fuses, and wiring, a midwit suburbanite, with a surface-level knowledge of explosives, who falsely believes that using truck bombs to attack federal buildings can dissuade corruption, and is trapped in a linear routine of work, bomb, die, ultimately contributing one instance of a truck bombing of a federal agency to society and dying for a lost cause because the rest of your fellow men are meek, childlike cowards

You can always be a McVeigh

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Voltaire was an irl shitposter and definitely belongs to the second category, if he was alive today he would post on Yea Forums (Yea Forums, /pol/, /his/ and /biz/)

Churchill picasso kennedy de gaulle pasteur tudor voltaire and gutenburg are fags and even then no one as notable will become prominent in this century. Because of this awful environment you should be happy to get anywhere at all

>Pointless activity
>Pointless activity, Outside

t. person who is currently not in the middle of exploding, yet will continue to cope by believing that he totally will one day

Being a genocidal tyrant and change the course of history must be rad

There are some that I'm happy I'll never be.

>a Mozart,
>Why would I want to be deaf?