>you will never be a Napoleon, a Tolstoy, a Goethe, a Picasso, a Churchill, a Newton, a Kant, a Washington, a Shakespeare, a Caesar, a Mozart, a Kennedy, a Galilei, a Wagner, a Michelangelo, a Franklin, a Luther, a Linnaeus, a Ford, a de Gaulle, a Pasteur, a Tesla, a Rembrandt, a Columbus, a Tudor, a Voltaire, a Gutenberg, et al.
>you will be, at the very most, with a lot of hard work, cynicism and boredom, a midwit suburbanite, with a surface-level knowledge of art and culture, who falsely believes this makes himself superior to those around him, and is trapped in a cyclical routine of work, consume, procreate, work, consume, procreate, ultimately contributing nothing of value or even possessing original thoughts.
Books for this terrible realization?