books that fucked you up
Books that fucked you up
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This website seems to be what’s messed you all up.
you are no different
I’m told I stick out and don’t belong. You people are messed up and wish only to mess each other up more so. When I try to reason with anonymous, he gets irate and combative. I am different.
Remains of the Day because I realized Mr. Stevens was literally me. I had chills for days.
cool bait post dude im sure its gonna trick everyone
It has social Darwinism and eugenics and lots of brutal murder.
I cried constantly!
Under the Volcano.
>Somebody threw a dead dog after him down the ravine.
The phone book because that's what my parents used to beat me with as a kid
As I Lay Dying
Lolita, unironically.
The Persian Boy, but that's because I have issues and the end hit all of them.
No longer human and the setting sun.
Seize the Day ruined me.
East of eden and flowers for Algernon
i'll give it a go wish me luck
Confessions of a mask
Reading the complete works of Baudelaire and Rimbaud obsessively for like, a year straight probably brought about some sort of damage, which I can't say I regret though it is now time to move from for a while
(Now I read Eluard and Wordsworth - what a mix - much more often)
Read Animal Farm as a nubile high school boy and I found it really disturbing. Also around that time, I read a book called John Dies At The End which brought on some existential crises. I was also smoking a lot of wannamaker around that time, so that didn't help my sense of sanity.
>ohn Dies At The End
Fundamental quirky comedy horror soiboyery. insufferably pathetic attempts to be funny. Remember reading a pdf when I was a teenager and finding it retarded.
The ending to A Farewell To Arms even though I could see it from a mile away. Guy punch
The Rings of Saturn.
Society of the Spectacle
Capitalist Realism
The other books on the blindpill chart
They will legit give you mental illness
I've never been the same ever since
they'll only give you mental illness if you're paralyzed by a lack of activity or will to attempt to do anything about these issues, which, granted, describes most of the people in our society, so I get where you're coming from. I think it's best to read these books as a means of scientifically understanding the world so that you can plan and organize to improve it, otherwise like you said they are just antidotes to good sleep and peace of mind.
Yeah I can see where you're coming from. I loved it at the time, as I had never really read anything like it before, and I still have a bit of a softspot for it, though I haven't touched it in a long time.
beloved benjamin is waiting
Just thinking about this book makes me cry
Some boomer's inane pop culture comparisons and banal observations gave you mental illness?
Pretty much.
The Mysterious Stranger
Lord of this World
A Canticle for Lebowitz
Did you start it? The second half is really what got me.
Wasp factory I read it stoned and developed anxiety
Yeah; You're forever, btw.
Never had I put down a book on the second page because I hated the prose so much before The Persian Boy. God damn terrible
Genesis, because when I started reading the Bible as a teenager I realized how impossible it will be to solve even the slightest contradictions, of which there are many, without a deep understanding of Hebrew and the culture the book originated from.
Then I realized my ancestors couldn’t read for shit and just took word of mouth and then later some translated shit about 600 year old Jews as truth.
The other one would be Technological Slavery because I study computer science. I actually agree with his „level of adaptation -> less mental troubles“ theory but I’m a product of my environment.
I’ve integrated it but sometimes it comes up or a drop a thesis or two from it to friends. Sadly none have even tried to refute it. Most actually agree but don’t care. Just like me.
flowers for algernon lol
Dying Inside, just recently. I feel like I'm on an accelerated timeline of the protag in that. Other than that, maybe some really melancholic shit I read as a kid that I've been remembering briefly in fantasy.
Is that really so bad? Even if I'd never heard of 4chin, I'd probably be similar to as I am now. At least this way there's people out there I can tell myself are like me.
Oh and also The book of Disquiet -- but that helped more than it hurt if I'm honest. I really enjoyed working my way through it. If we're really talking about books unhealthy to the mind, there's a poisonous one I read recently, that I loved but I can recognize is probably bad for me : Journey to the Edge of Night.
Yeah, what of it?
Gospel of Matthew
The Sea of Fertility
No Longer Human
The Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go
naked lunch and american psycho
i am very impressionable when it comes to body horror.
Mount Analogue fucked me up in a positive way
I don't like either of those, not because they're scary but because they're not very good
As for me, I didn't like 1984 as a kid because no one was allowed to fuck and that made me mad
Oh and A Modest Proposal, too. Hated it.
Oh boy this guy’s wiki page is a wild ride.
Read this because a certain videogame was apparently based off it. It was horrible and permanently damaged my sanity
The anecdotes are even better. I heard that he would constantly go to the bookshop next to where he used to live and yell at the employees there if he found that his books weren't properly and prominently displayed.
Killing off all of my favourite characters withing the closing 50 pages is bullshit.
Sapkowski is a fucking hack.
death of ivan ilych
Oyasuni punpun
bitch nigga
thanks faggot
>Genesis, because when I started reading the Bible as a teenager I realized how impossible it will be to solve even the slightest contradictions, of which there are many, without a deep understanding of Hebrew and the culture the book originated from.
>Then I realized my ancestors couldn’t read for shit and just took word of mouth and then later some translated shit about 600 year old Jews as truth.
And that's why Greek Orthodoxy is the most justified Christianity
normie book i know but reading The Stranger by Camus at 14 was definitely not a good idea.
it made me depressed for so long.
As a kid who got really immersed into books I read Malazan BoTF in middle school, all the gratuitous brutality made me an edgelord looking to find out how fucked up the world REALLY is. So I would watch gore and seek out mentally ill niche communities at age 14.
I came away from that better than I could have, but yknow, I still use chans
Redwall made me a furry
Redwall made me an ethnonationalist
>Let us consider two of your most easily deflected criticisms.
>1. "My constant and wordy descriptions of food." - Oh come now, have you even read one of my books?
>2. "My insistence on referring to all stoats as 'niggers' and all rats as 'sand niggers'." - This one can be shoved aside right off, as it was a simple editing oversight on my part. Ordinarily I replace those terms with the correct ones after they have served their purpose in exciting the necessary passion needed to describe their malevolence. I simply forgot to run the usual "search and replace" before printing. This is almost as embarrassing as the time that Mossflower was published with the vermin's castle still referred to as "Africa".
>For now I must get back to my own little dibbuns (I am a grandfather now, if you did not know!), but please contact me if you have any further questions concerning the book. Thank you.