Which authors defend our Lord against Nietzschean critiques?

Which authors defend our Lord against Nietzschean critiques?

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Nietzsche defended Christ. He only (rightfully) attacked christianity.

Wagner responded to Nietzsche with innuendos in a series of articles.

>To what is the preacher bound fast in the pulpit, but to compromises between the utmost contradictions, whose subtleties must necessarily confound our very faith itself and make us ask: Who now knows Jesus?—Historical criticism, perchance? It casts in its lot with Judaism, and, just like every Jew, it wonders that the bells on Sunday morn should still be ringing for a Jew once crucified two thousand years ago.

Obviously a reply to the 113th aphorism of "Human, All too Human":

>On a Sunday morning, when we hear the old bells booming, we ask ourselves: Is it possible that this should be for a Jew, crucified two thousand years ago, who said he was the son of God? The proof of such an assertion is wanting.

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The patristics.

Christ set up the Catholic Church.


David Bentley Hart (pbuh)

> And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

You WILL worship the Pachamama

I like this meme

Don’t leave Jesus because of Judas.

You WILL let our gay priests be alone with your kids


I can't believe there are still faggots believing in those jewish fairy tales in 2022

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tell the demons in hell that they are just spooks bro

stop spreading lies on the internet user

the concept of "honesty" is a spook

hell is full, user; the demons are upon the very earth and they preach your message of life-negation and otherworldly salvation if you enter into covenants with them

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>my life negation is better than your life negation
you are a spook

>more than a century after his death, The Nietzsch still pisses off christtards

How did he do it?

The Catholic Church has similar levels of sexual abuse to public schools and Boy Scouts. The Church also forbids those with homosexual tendencies or confused sexual identities to be ordained. Some may lie about their homosexuality, but there is no way to circumvent that. Pope Francis has recently called for tighter psychological examinations of candidates in order to prevent homosexuals from being ordained. The scandals of priests avoiding punishment by being shipped to different parishes was dealt with in the pontificate of St. Pope John Paul II, who made it mandatory that all allegations be turned over to the local police authorities for investigation. The practice itself arose from the prevailing philosophy of the time, which said that such sexual perversions can be cured through therapy. Obviously the practice was a disaster, which is why the Pope quickly acted to shut it down.

>The Catholic Church has similar levels of sexual abuse to public schools and Boy Scouts
Brutal self own.

>boy, I'm sure glad I didn't fall for that life denying cult!

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Yeah this a real case of breaking your legs to avoid conscription

Christians don't care about Nietzsche.

The Christian answer to Nietzsche criticism was basically:
>Who gives a fuck about you?


that's very Christian of them

Nobody is happy about this by the way. Every Catholic acknowledges that clergy sexual abuse is horrible and does exist. We just don’t like it when people make a minority of priests out to be representative of the whole Church, or act like this is a problem unique to the Church, when similar institutions where adults have authority over children also experience such issues. Really the problem lies with society’s unwillingness to punish criminals and sex offenders, like they do, eg, in Saudi Arabia.

>the real problem with the church is that it isn't Islamic enough
I am tempted to agree here for the wrong reasons; certainly it would curtail your influence even further

No need, he condemned himself by his own words.

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seethe chud

>le abusive priests
Jewish psyop.

The Church doesn’t decide the laws. But Shariah Law is more closely related to what a Christian system of laws would look like than are the modern liberal states of our time. Unfortunately the Popes have been speaking against the death penalty recently, which completely goes against all Catholic history and doctrine.

seethe chud

>when you don't understand you are being made fun of
the absolute state of christers

Yes Jesus wanted all transgressors put to death that was very much his message to the people of Galilee

No, Jesus’s spiritual message was about God’s mercy and justice. But that doesn’t mean that Catholic states shouldn’t enact punishment against criminals for the public Good, or that human justice is odious to God. How can it be, if human justice is a representation of the justice of God, who is Justice itself?

none. you have to be a retard and/or a hypocrite to be orthodox/fundamentalist in the current year

humans cannot know other's souls as things in themselves, that's why God is the only legitimate arbitrator of justice.
>but human society cannot function if we do not implement practical justice
And? Life is meant to be a test. You will suffer enormously and you will turn the other cheek. You will own nothing, you will be shot and stabbed, sexually assaulted, and you will accept it all. They pale in comparison to eternal salvation.

Nigga is using chud as a pejorative LMAO

And yet here you are. Because you totally don't care


And I sure hope Islam isn't the actual right religion, otherwise you're burning along with me

No, the purpose of the state is to instil virtue in its citizens and secure the public Good from criminals. This is the Catholic conception of the state, explicated first by Aristotle. Thats the difference between the liberal state and the Catholic state: the liberal state is focused on “securing freedoms” and “individual rights” for the purpose of liberty and self-expression, whereas the Catholic state recognises man’s fallen nature, and realises he needs a rod in order to attain virtue, which is true freedom. Your position of lawlessness and anarchy seems completely ludicrous.

This. I don't know much about it but I do remember seeing it once on EWTN that Chesterton did address Nietzsche.

Max Scheler

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nonsense, the point of life is suffering and no man can judge another. none of what you said refutes my post

People are good or bad by habit and personal choice. But personal choice is heavily influenced by habit. Hence the State should exist to steer our habits in a virtuous direction, so that we are pleasing to God. It does this by applying laws so as to prevent us from falling into bad habits. Christianity isn’t about anarchism.

Judgement of others and resistance to evil contradict Gospel teaching, Read the Sermon on the Mount
>resist not evil

You need the interpretative tradition of the church in order to interpret the Gospels correctly. Jesus said a lot of things that were not meant to be taken literally, e.g. cut your eye out if it causes you to sin. The Church has never interpreted this passage to advocate for anarchism or lawlessness.

He says quite clearly not to resist evil in the sermon. Why would he not speak clearly? These are very basic commands.
>resist not evil
What else could he have meant?

>the State should exist to steer our habits in a virtuous direction, so that we are pleasing to God. It does this by applying laws so as to prevent us from falling into bad habits.
And your conclusion is that Saudi Arabia's legal code is most admirable? If that is your true concern why aren't you a Muslim? You cannot make a thing what it isn't. If Christianity isn't allowing your beliefs to be enforced, why persist larping as a Christian when you could larp as an Islamist? Because your more permissive fellow citizens would find you repulsive? Because you think Christianity is more aesthetically Western? Chose your cargo cult carefully or the right plane won't land.

The Sermon on the Mount is a lecture telling people on a personal level how to live and find salvation, it isn't about legalism or how to govern a land.

the government is comprised of persons, and these people cannot function in their official capacities without violating the principles of non-judgement and non-resistance

therefore the objectives of the state are opposed to gospel doctrine

>the government is comprised of persons,
the government is composed of n-persons

Typical gaytheist nonsense.

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Nietzsche wasn't against Jesus, retard.
Go read him again.

>giving a fuck about Neetzsche

this is because of v2


I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ and his Church. Why would I change my belief for political purposes? Islam is a blasphemous religion which says that Jesus was not the Son of God and was never crucified. Just because I like the legal code of certain Islamic countries doesn’t mean I believe everything about Islam.

Public schools actually have a far greater amount of sexual abuse: 201 to 29,000 average yearly abuse cases of Catholic priests to public school employees according to the us department of education. Not to mention the amount that all religious leaders commit including jew rabbis which they actively conceal and protect them from media scrutiny.

Christers larp as them constantly—and consider themselves to be the better followers of Yahweh, give their children their names, rely on cherrypicking of their prophecies and scriptures to support various doctrines of Platonic import and Hebrew fanfiction, etc. If you have a problem with Nietzsche because he is just throwing your own method back at you, you ought to rethink your values.

Based Nietzsche dabbing on christcucks in the year 122.

Heresy within the one true church, the Catholic Church, does not invalidate the truth that it is the one true church founded by Jesus Christ. Vatican II and the novus ordo will be abrogated one day and heretics will be expelled.

>Just because I like the legal code of certain Islamic countries doesn’t mean I believe everything about Islam
Then you can't have Islamic jurisprudence and you WILL worship the Pachamama.

Ressentiment... against your own church? Christkeks are precious

There’s nothing heretical about the Novus Ordo or Vatican II. Archbishop Lefevre signed all the VII documents.
Nobody worshipped the Pachamama. The person who presented it to Francis called it “Our Lady of the Amazon”; it was presented as a representation of the Virgin, which is why they venerated it. Was it a good thing to do? No, it was horrible; but just because a Pope sins doesn’t mean the Church is invalidated. Popes have sinned in the past and will continue to do so. There are Popes in hell right now. Catholicism has never taught that Popes are sinless or going to heaven.

>cherrypicking of their prophecies
This is the argument the jews use against the church. Once again the atheist can only mouth the words the jew has written for them.

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Do you understand that you mouth their words every sunday or are you mentally circumcised

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>its another episode of one abrahamic monotheistic religion criticizing another version of the same abrahamic monotheistic religion

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The jews called themselves "vipers" and "the synagogue of satan"?

Moses was a Christian.