Are there any books on this nigga? They all initially thought he's a schizo that's overreacting about leftism but now with 99% of academia infiltrated by leftists and woke culture seeping into all facets of america I'm starting to think he just had 200IQ and predicted this shit
Are there any books on this nigga...
Anything Bolton cites is probably good
Bella Dodd's School of Darkness and Whittaker Chambers' Witness are two classic starting points. If you want to go much deeper, read Peter Dale Scott and Carroll Quigley.
>There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the ... Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies (notably to its belief that England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain isolated from Europe), but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.
>The New York Intellectuals were a group of American writers and literary critics based in New York City in the mid-20th century. Mostly Jews, they advocated left-wing politics but were also firmly anti-Stalinist.
The origins of neoconservatism involve a lot of secular, former leftist radical Jews.
Even if he was right - so what? The US is a fascist dictatorship that literally went around over-throwing socialist governments. Why is that when communists oppose fascist governments that promote multi-national corporations that enslave people to fruit companies. You need re-evaluate your politics if you actually think the communists were the bad guys in the cold war.
Listen I dont have double digit IQ to consider politics as being the interplay of LE GOOD and LE BAD. I have interests and my interest is to see all communists dead even if it would make me seem hypocritical
They were both bad guys. In the USA you have to distinguish between the WASP elites who were just American chauvinists and patriots with boomer tier fears of Communist subversion, from the people who inherited the overreaching and overpowered structures the WASP elites set up. The CIA nucleus around which the deep state formed was, and remains, basically a military junta controlling the country. Until recently it still recruited from "old American stock" for its footsoldiers and ideologues, people who could be told they were doing good by causing horrible atrocities and denying Pinochet was a bad guy and so on. But even those guys were only puppets. The apparatus itself is not "America," even if American chauvinism was used to spawn it.
The same is true of the Soviet Union. You should read The Spy Who Came In From The Cold. You can't win the war against evil by siding with one evil vs. another evil.
You have a single digit because you just believe everything the US State Department says about communism.
>Communist subversion
Just stop with this non-sense. After the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany, all the Nazis (many of them being Trotskyist elements) joined with the West/NATO for Revanchism. NATO countries were just Nazi safe havens, and still are today. The Communists had every right to fight the US because it was the promoter of fascism after World War II. That's why the CIA carried out so many coups and genocides in Latin America and Africa to stop the USSR - it was the only opposition to post World War II fascist and colonialist hegemony.
Once again, you're trying to reduce a very complex war to "which side do I want to be on, Satan's or the Devil's." Go through this phase if you must, but don't become so reliant on Breadtube and whatever Discord/Twitter groups you're part of to do your thinking for you that you close your mind off entirely. Neither state was "the good guys."
Next you're going to tell me about how Russia and China were communist utopias where everyone was happy because Americans never intervened there.
We've been through these talking points a million times and its literal kindergarten tier thinking just accept the loss and leave the thread
He did not have a 200IQ. He was a drunk midwit. He was also 100% right. He was simply dumb enough to make noise about it
Its not complex. Stop with the word salad and obscurantism.NATO (Nazi American Terrorist Organization) was the biggest promoter, and still is, of coups, mass murder, genocide and imperialism in the world. Former nazis literally made up the heads of NATO. There's nothing "complex about it." Fascism is alive, and well, and it won't stop until NATO and the West stop existing so that oppressed nations such as Africa, China and Russia have self determination from Western armies and central banks.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but your opinions on these countries come from landlords, paid shills, and fascists like Solzhenitsyn, and various other CIA assets. I'm sorry you are stupid enough to accept what they say at face value. You think the same people who control the media, the education system, and control corporations are not to be trusted when they speak of communism... but what do I know? They clearly have your intentions best at heart. Clearly, communists are the one forcing you to be a wage slave, forcing you to accept homosexuality and transgenderism. For all we know, according to you, the real communists are Bezos and Schwab lmfao. Maybe, just maybe you're useful idiot for Western intelligence agencies? You literally mouth off about communism like a glownigger spook. Calm down.
Do you get paid in rubles by post or by (you)s? Either way this discussion is over
>Shill Can't engage with facts
>has to run
Clearly NED isn't sending their best since the war in the Ukraine.All the good personal and funding went to Azov Battalion I see.
Is this satire
Damn boy, didn’t know capitalist big dogs browse lit. You’re right, keeping workers exploited is totally in your class interests.
Fucking bootlicking retards.
Ah yes, Russia is famously still communist. I lose brain cells every time I visit this site.
Redditor detected lmao
Socialism is uniquely and inherently evil. The people of countries that have opted for governments of that type would have suffered much more in a world where anyone was concerned with justice.
>Fucking bootlicking retards.
>muh material self-interest
You're different from Ayn Rand in aesthetics alone. Egoists like you are a cancer on this world.
McCarthy was 100% vindicated when Soviet documents were declassified after the dissolution of the USSR and it was made public knowledge, that yes, the USSR was subverting the entertainment industry and academia in the US.
Of course this was never made common knowledge because after the Soviets collapsed the American left was swept up and turned into commodities of the liberal establishment. "Leftism" for 90% of American "leftists" is essentially center-left neoliberalism, and that is exactly how the liberal elite want it. It is easier to just maintain them as controlled opposition.
>communists vs capitalists
Two sides of the same shekel. Both are my enemy and deserve to dangle from the same rope.
Blessed third position poster
>Socialism is uniquely and inherently evil.
Its funny how Russians love it, and the only who denounce are openly fascist agents, or slave owners who fled Cuba when Castro nationalized their farms.
Oh my God, it really is commie bingo in here lmao. The NPC meme is apt, because you lot all run off the same anti-intellectual script.
>Can anyone tell me I'm right? This guy is universally loathed for his paranoid bullshit just like me. I'm starting to think me and this schizo are actually in the right here. Books for this feel?
>handwringing about muh fascist boogeyman
You could just say that you believe yourself to be so important that you want the entire world economic system to revolve around making your body comfortable. We don't need all of this melodramatic whinging.
He's a delusional tankie - a red fascist projecting his dim-witted brutality onto others
How's the weather in Langley
>those who have systematically taken over the educational system and have used their position as those responsible for vetting and training the educated labor force in order to infect industry and government with their ideology have villfied the man who came closest to stopping them.
How could something so clearly and obviously true even be questioned at this point?
>it's le CIA
And they called McCarthy the paranoid nut
>red fascists
Fucking CIAnarchists. Why are you against the state, but repeat everything the State Department says?
Because its authoritarian to kill fascists and landlords oh no!
>Why can't all of the world's productive forces be organized in a way that maximized my bodily comfort! I deserve it it since I'm human!
"Class consciousness" and all other forms of egoism should be treated as a disease. The world would improve if people were tested for it and those found to have it were lobotomized.
>I can't believe Stalin gave illiterate peasants for the first time free healthcare, free housing and free education
>Those fascists who burned the kulaks and tried to overthrow the government were the victims
The CIA gave you brain worms
Yep, anti-communists are really just idiots against their own interests.
>Yep, anti-communists are really just idiots against their own interests.
Being concerned with your own interests is pathological. The quality of any social system is determined almost entirely by its ability to convince people to act for a cause other than it.
The removal of egoists from our species is the cure to some of our greatest ailments.
There were no genocides in communist countries after WWII??? Lol Im mildly sympathetic to communism but come on.
Landlords are essential workers incel. Individuals manage land better than brain dead politiburo commies.
Stalin was a bitch and a Nazi collaborator who worked with Hitler to illegaly annex large segments of Europe, commit ethnic cleansing, and is guilty of planned genocide in Ukraine.
Tankies are called red fascists for a reason.
Yeah? Pol Pot was CIA. Even the "Holodomor" was a fabrication by Goebbels and other high Nazi officials.
>Landlords are essential workers incel.
Kulaks weren't essential workers. Otherwise their decline would have been the USSR would have not industrialized without them. Its almost like they parasites holding the country back, just like capitalists are today.
>Stalin was a bitch and a Nazi collaborator
Yeah. He collaborated to ensure his suicide. The Nazis largely funded by US industrialists and other capitalist spooks.
>Tankies are called red fascists for a reason.
Because the US State Department has done a number on you. Anyone who fights against US hegemony, and US imperialism, is a "tankie" at this point.
Everything is a psyop!
I've encountered many professors at many colleges. Very few were marxists. Leftists "systematically taking over the education system" is another instance of the right making the left sound way cooler than it actually is. Looking at the rest of the thread it's another instance of OP being a vile nutjob.
yup no one really teaches leftism at university its all academic anyway
>Very few were marxists.
Did I say they were Marxists, but they're all part of the broader left in one way or another. I have never accused all academics of being Marxists even if Marxism likely informs their worldviews to some extent or another.
>Leftists "systematically taking over the education system" is another instance of the right making the left sound way cooler than it actually is.
If the left had not taken over academia, academia as we know it would not resemble itself at all. The methods of problematization in the social sciences would be entirely different, the field of cultural studies would not exist, literature and art programs would focus on different sets of works and different methods of analysis, and the language of every field would be dramatically different. To claim that much of academic work today isn't built from a foundation of letists normative positions is either a lie or delusion.
When I had my sociology of religion class 20 years ago, our teacher was this pretty lowkey gray haired older dude who would smoke ciggies before class with me and the other smokers (a couple of metalheads, a fellow normie) and shoot the shit. Inside the classroom, there were three bubble headed retard girls the one metalhead called "the barbies". These girls would occasionally stop the class to point out shit like "um, actually, the bible says THIS happened". The teacher was super chill about it even though he probably thought they were unruly and stupid. 20 years later, I feel bad for being so dismissive of those girls in my head, and I'm sure the equivalent to my sociology teacher is now an insufferable reddit faggot. Thanks for reading my blog.
And I've had this conversation with leftists so many times. No matter how many specific examples of individuals or fields that can be pointed to show the manner in which the left has seized control of academic spaces and the clear influence that control has had over spaces outside of it, they will just dismiss it with some sort of flippant comment. The leftists here are not interested in conversation, they are only interested in defending the social institution which they dominate and which is the single most powerful institution within an advanced technological economy. As much as they pride themselves on their intellectual achievements, remember that learning bad faith arguments and refining their rhetoric. The human race would immediately advance if every bit of continental "philosophy," social "theory," social "science" "research" were destroyed.
You should stop spending so much time on pol or makes you retarded
> 99% of academia infiltrated by leftists
Only people that have never been in academia believe this, except for maybe some schizos that think women voting is leftism and somehow where autistic enough to get into comp-sci
>99% of academia is leftist
absolutely delusional. please, for the millionth time, learn the difference between leftist and liberal
McCarthy was an opportunist who took advantage of anticommunist sentiment to advance his career user, don't get confused and mistake it for some kind of ideological thing. Bobby Kennedy was on that panel and he was basically Bernie Sanders v1.0
>the US is fascist
>doesn't get that most fascism is based around socialist economics
>he doesn’t know about the f-scale
Again, you're not really disputing what I'm. Any sober and honest analysis of the facts will lead to the same conclusion. The leftist infiltration and domination of academia is probably the most truthful and incontestable claim one can make about society. There isn't a single claim made in mathematics or the sciences which which is as undeniable as this.
There is no difference, faggot
> Any sober and honest analysis
> The human race would immediately advance if every bit of continental "philosophy," social "theory," social "science" "research" were destroyed.
All I see are two truthful and consistent statements. If you want to defend phony science, philosophy, and social analysis be my guess. Just know that the world would probably be better off with you you and all people like you.
Even your response proves me correct. The reason leftists respond to factual and easily observable claims like this is precisely because through their domination of academic world they have been able to seize control of the medical profession. This allows them not only tp shift the direction of these fields to serves their ends but also allows them to pathologize their opponents and use the instutions of medicine to try and cure them.
>They all initially thought
Lefty propaganda faggot
Communists called these struggle sessions. Jannie fags deleted the original post already that triggered the lib what did it say?
It’s called demoralized people
“Lib” here. He wrote his entire post in meme arrows, then deleted it and wrote it again, this time without the error
Yeah, it's just this post.
This they do a really good job of controlling “centrists” by setting up psyop boogie men like “proud boys” vs “antifa”
The reason they spend millions promoting those irrelevant organizations to national level is to create boogie men foils to get opposition to those things to vote a certain way. Politics is a collection of fears not nation building and hopey changey bullshit, remember that.