Yea Forums screencaps

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Other urls found in this thread:é

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I guarantee you that butterfly remembers that.

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I'd rather read the inside of a public restroom stall

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jokes on you, I carve Yea Forums screencap stories into every bathroom I visit.



Wow, this is how I write. That’s really depressing to see.

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I dont see why you screencapped this. Its not particularly witty or entertaining, just a common response. did you just record one of your posts that you were proud of? thats kind of sad.

And its not the subject matter either. replace the top comment and bottom with anything else and its equally as mediocre.
>In fact le revolution is good. Only revolution allows the working class to rise
>Well there are plenty of revolutions going on now…..

I had the same reaction but I was too lazy to post it


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>Wow, this is how I write. That’s really depressing to see.
if your shit is as funny is that you gotta post

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thats fucking hilarious

This is a Reddit Screed

That's just really sad for everyone.

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Damn man. I’m sorry I brought you to this. But it had to be said.

Did BAP post here?

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no, he's better

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Have you noticed the level of social conditioning going on where simple words indicate no level of thought it required, your opinion should already be formed?

Cringe and based are good examples that are polar opposites. I've also seen far-right used. A pre packaged easily consumed logical fallacy that requires no exploration of the points made. Just type cringe or based and move on.

Okay this is very cringe.é

>on the eve of Pope Leo II’s pontification too…
my sides

In fact, I dont even think the first post here is being sincere given
>le good
and the curtness.

Based is a based word thoughever, whole cringe is itself cringe. Based actually means something too, it's not just "thing I like".

the guy is retarded and coping definitely, but you dont have to armchair psychoanalyze.
>logical fallacy
he is just coping.

It's just a resurgence of binary, good/evil type categories after a period of relativism.

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How does someone appreciate IJ if they haven't read other books?

I'm confused, was butterfly an actual tranny
I always assumed it was just a joke
Never even knew they were doxxed. Just another reason to never be a tripfag

I posted this because all tripfags on /lgbt/ are "ban them for homophobia" reddit-types.

>How does someone appreciate IJ if they haven't read other books?
he didn't, that's the entire point of the story.

to my mind they just mean fundementally cool or entertain for based. boring performative overdone “not getting it” for cringe. they are basically aesthetic statements. You can admit something is aesthetic without necissarily liking it, and liekwise you can admit something is less then aesthetic while still being partial to it.

Like “I respect the shear audacity of the man” kinda thing.

retarded take. IDK about you, but I can admit things that I dont like still being based. or likewise for cringe. And usually cringe isnt something evil. Its more something pathetic. good/bad would be a more apt binary if you were disposed to see it as one. Based and cringe is more of a reaction than a metaphysical concept though.

Based has the connotation of flagrantly disregarding social conventions and norms. It came from Lil B whose shtick was playing a clown whose absurd behavior deconstructed hiphop tropes and then was adopted by frogposter types since their entire ethos is transgressing the progressive norms that dictate contemporary culture.
Yes exactly

"Cringe" I dont like and have never used.


>Children's book
>"The rape scene."

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post "them"

that's the cherry on top

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eh, idk if thats quite it. A large part certainly, but not its core. It specifically requires a confidence about it. if you transgress, but do it meekly its not all that based. Its more about how its done rather than what. its more about the confidence of it.

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>Based has the connotation of flagrantly disregarding social conventions and norms.
This. It has an actual meaning that goes beyond "I like that" and you can even be personally opposed to something but still recognize that it's based.

Is it true that she dropped books entirely and now posts lewd photos of herself online? Yea Forums really did mindbreak her

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Its pretty good becasue to begin with you think he honestly might be an idiot newfag, but then he lays it on just thick enough that you realize hes doing it for the bants.

Katie really was a fucking retard in regards to the discussion of 19th century literature, she deserves what she got.

The confidence is definitely key but the transgression aspect is not incidental, it is necessary. From the very start the word always referred to that

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idk if I agree with that. I think its more “confident enough in a position (even ironically so) that you will transgress to do it/say it”.
I think its the confidence thats the key, not necissarily the transgression.
Like I could say
>you know, ice tea is kind of based
and of course there is exageration there, but I mean it (or dont if its ironic). Or
>Nah, weitgenstins based
I dont know his opinions on niggers or if he did anything transgressive, but I am confident in his shit.
So I think the confidence in a position is what primarily makes something based. transgression simply serves as a proof of that (that is to say, it survives social disaproval)

Or another way to put it is that its pretty hard for a lot of feminist stuff to be based (low hanging fruit I know, its an example). And its not that it isnt transgressive to something, it is, but its the fact that it needs to justify itself often in opostion to something. “girls can do it to!” it requires social affirmation rather than just being confident in its own nature.

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