Why did the American right swallowed anti college/university and intellectual meme so hard?

Why did the American right swallowed anti college/university and intellectual meme so hard?

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They (correctly) believed that most university professors outside a few fields were and are left-liberals, and from that they drew the (incorrect) conclusion that the wisest course of action was to give up on academia altogether.

True. We do need a Pol Pot here at this point

I wish they would try to reclaim academia instead of spurning it. The politics of academia has changed hundreds of times.

but "do you wear glasses?" needs to be updated to "do you wear face masks?"

Because the American right has been for and by retards since the turn of the millennium.

Because communists infiltrated the west, particularly western universities, and now pretend that means academia = them.
If this wasn't the case, then they would accept without reservation that Kant was racist, Schmitt and Heidegger were Nazis, and Schopenhauer was a misogynist. Basically every great western intellectual from before a certain decade (which has become a sliding scale coming up close to the 90s) is anathema and would be persecuted as a modern academic. It's more than a little suspicious that the current university administrators and professors are considered genuine heirs to the western intellectual tradition. They're an alien contagion. Only a diseased body fights against itself.
If the modern state of Israel was run by Hitler apologists, wouldn't you consider that suspect?

>t. perfectly brainwashed model citizen of the future

right wingers are retarded. clocking at lower iqs for the average white dude, college educated guy, and even minorities. what makes you think they were going to accomplish anything in universities and in the intellectual realm lol.

Yes, universities are bastions of fertile intellectual thought. I too enjoy reading papers about the heteronormativity of anal fisting and its implications for the afro-lesbian community, as I imagine what those right winger oafs must be doing with their time.

Right wingers are very practically minded and outside of a few degrees, college in America is just a great way to rack up debt. Even if the right "infiltrated" an English department, so what?

liberals dunk on college all the time too. Usually, they complain about having to pay for it and "forcing them into debt that they'll never pay off." However, taking out thousands in loans for a gender studies or dance degree (or any degrees in which there are no jobs for once you graduate) is just not very smart. It's not smart to get a degree that does not have demand in the job market. Essentially, people hate college when they fail through it, do not get a job out of college, or they just never went in the first place and managed just fine without it. They're frustrated it did not work out for them or never needed it in the first place. I don't blame them if they hate it because they didn't play their cards right. It does suck to finish all that work and struggle.

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Because of the emergence of materialist science.

The socialists are found in every institution and on both sides of the aisle of our government, steadily taking over America at point, and when having morals is seen as being out of touch and discriminatory, or rejecting Marx being seen as lunacy, only with Christ at the helm will many of those who have destroyed this country be able to get burned off and swept off. I do pray for such an event, but I do feel sorry for the rising generation. They will never have known when America was once great. This is definitely not the America I grew up in, that's for sure.

Based, the right not falling for the stupid memes that leftists fall for is the real indicator of intelligence and understanding of reality.

They don't care about socialism lol. It's just a tool they use but there are other ways of achieving the same thing. They're not going to call it socialism in the US.

>communists inflitrated universities

Socialists may have taken over twitter, but they have not taken over america. Get off social media and look at reality.

They won't call it socialism, but it'll introduce the same tyranny all the same. We can already see it with "progressivism", "social democracy", etc, its all just a mask for communism at the end of the day. Continuously making these compromises with tyrannizers (oh, we can't have an "unnuanced" viewpoint, we need to allow for a few concessions to the left) only gives them more leverage to force even more compromises, until we find ourselves loving Big Brother without any idea of how it happened. Whatever you want to call it, its still socialism, and socialism always leads to communism.

>Communists infiltrated universities

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Worry less about Big Brother and more about Our Ford

>communists infiltrated universities

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Its been a gradual process for sure, but socialists in both American political parties have been chipping away at our American freedoms for decades. We absolutely have degenerated from a country of natural human rights coming from God to a country where the government now is expected to pretty much provide from cradle to grave. Leftists, being the people they are, see no problem with this, but we who look at history understand the evils of Marxist totalitarianism and big government. We probably don't have much time left as a freedom country, and when the time is up the downfall will be far more rapid than it seems now.

It's not socialists, it's jews. Do some reading grandpa.


dear god you cringelord boomers are unsufferable

I want the election season to end

>socialists in both political parties
>republicans are socialists

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University tricks many unwitting children into selling their lives to work for ever so they can pay off a degree that wasn't worth it. This is not socialism.

This thread makes a convincing arguement for me to move to china and enjoy the luxury of never hearing a political debate ever again.

>implying democrats are socialists
the idea that 'socialists' are anywhere near the levers of power in the United States is idiotic. They're neocons and neoliberals.

I prefer to just call it tyranny because communism is a meme.

As opposed to George W. Bush supporters, the free thinking rebels.

It's so adorable when you see these people stuck in the 2008 election cycle that desperately want to argue against evangelical christians and boomercon strawmen about gay marriage and universal healthcare.

Right wingers have more testosterone, better looking faces, and bigger dicks so shut the fuck up faggot

because they kept losing elections despite putting up decent candidates like romney and mccain

Kill yourself


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Cope about it tranny nigger worshipping cuck, its been proven by the science that you love so much

I miss 2008. it was a simple time, arguing about fag marriage. "let them get married." we said. now people are arguing that it's ethical to mutilate your child's genitals for the sake of their mental health.

samefag leftoid replying to himself to make right-wingers look silly, nobody can be this dumb lol

"Intellectual" used to mean organic intellectual reasonably rooted in the nation who can mostly be relied upon to speak for it and to it. Now it means neurotic transatlantic ivory tower sinecure holder, likely Jewish or some second generation immigrant whose father was part of the traitorous robber baron capitalist class in their homeland during its vassalization to Anglo-American finance, and used that ill-gotten money to move to the colonial metropole so he could send his kids to grad schools where they can write about decolonization and "provincializing Europe."

It's the same as any other colonial hierarchy, from Rome to Spain to Britain and American "soft" imperialism. You offer the richest and least principled members of the colonized population the opportunity to become "house niggers," they betray their own people but they get to live in the capital city and LARP that they've meritocratically transcended their colonial condition by stepping on the necks of their own fellows.

Read Benedict Anderson and become a fascist ASAP.

You're not fooling anybody, everyone knows that its the left who willingly inflict mutilation and disease upon themselves, whats ironic is that while you faggots LARP all day about being a revolutionary fighting against the system you cannot live in a world without lining the pockets of surgeons and pharmacy executives. Not to mention that you go crazy over some CEO virtue signalling and immediately buy all they have, leftists are genuinely fucking retarded.

That's what you were defending, dipshit.

sir this is a wendy’s

from buckley to kirk, they've been re-writing the same retarded book for 100 years

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The right's vanguard are more interested in grifting and pointing out hypocrisy while lefties infiltrate organizations and steer the bureaucracy

You cant grift on the right vanguard, no banks will accept you. Cryptocurrency is presently making an exception to this rule but I'm sure it will be reigned in soon enough

No it's not

Yeah you'll get censored to death. Have fun, user

the us government purposely classifies all true information

the "average white dudes" are plato and aristotle you british robber

you have it backwards, judaism is a conservative and fundamentalist religion. it would be an improvement to the current regime of child prostitution, consentual sodomy, and eating the bugs

>do you wear glasses?

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how are you posting on Yea Forums in 2022 without having ever read culture of critique
go fucking read it then come back and you'll be allowed to post again
jesus fucking christ

Orthodox Jews are not secular Jews, Orthodox Jews basically just want to be left alone to study Torah. They are actually a major issue for Israel because they outbreed secular Zionist Jews at a rate of like 10:1 and they are welfare queens from the state's perspective, because literally all they want to do is Torah.

Secular Jews were always the problem. Israel was a retarded, retarded solution to the Jewish problem, they had no right to the land and they should have negotiated an alternative but of course wealthy secular Jews turned it into a vanity project. Nevertheless, once Israel was established the Jewish problem could have been solved forever by just sending every Jew there, secular or not.

Instead tons of Jews wanted to remain in London, Los Angeles and New York as European man's "conscience," typical secular Jewish arrogance, while of course making a neat profit as usurers and smut peddlers (and raping gentile women in the entertainment industry).

I'll say it again, you will fix the Jewish problem overnight when you make a deal with the actual Jews, Orthodox Torah studying Jews, to diagnose the secular Zionist ones as the cancer they are.

>What do you mean "liquidate" the coastal elites? That's tens of millions of people, almost half the population!

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atheistic communist jews are by definition not jews

They study the Talmud user. And it's...well you should just see for yourself

>You cant grift on the right vanguard
no but you can engage in futile kvetching about culture war issues while doing nothing legislatively to roll back any of that. it pays good money to get Boomers outraged on facebook.

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That's not the vanguard. Not that the vanguard are exactly high quality individuals but it's people like Anglin who are completely blacklisted and deplatformed

>Jews are not Jews

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people blame the jews for the lgbt bullshit but the rainbow flag actually represents the noahide laws and the gay rights movement is a giant honeypot so the sanhedrin know whom to behead

conservative reading-the-bible-jews are not the problem with this degenerate society

honestly i've always wanted chabad and the nazis to realize how much they have in common

>That's not the vanguard
who would you consider part of the intellectual right?

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Yeah read any mid century Israeli talking about what Israel is and what it represents, it's literally just organic nationalism / fascism. The only tragic part is that they stole the land from random Arabs but still.

The Nazis wanted to send the Jews to Madagascar or somewhere they could settle and stop bothering everyone. It would still work. Jews could avoid a lot of the resurgence of antisemitism that is about to happen by just renouncing positions of influence in the countries they inhabit and expressing their intention to emigrate to Israel (or some substitute).

Eustace Mullins is a kind of archetypal example.

It boggles my mind that people can be so up on esoteric anti-semitism without understanding the basic fundamental: Jews do not see you as their people, they see you as an ethnic rival. You cannot be on their team, you can only be their golem. Nationalistmfor me, but not for thee. It's not that hard to understand. It doesn't matter how much you have in common with them when the problem is that you don't have a common POLITICAL GOAL. Jews in a foreign country want a society safe for jews to do jewish tricks like usury and shady lawyering and grifting off the stock markets and insurance scams and shoddy landlording, Nazis want a society without those.
Naturally their behavior and politics in Israel are different because they're not a diaspora within a host country in that context.