Anyone else get older and realize this guy was right about everything?
Anyone else get older and realize this guy was right about everything?
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Well yeah. But that's just because it's updated jung.
Right about everything? No. Better than the alternatives (Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Left-Wing mental illness) yes.
the destruction of the nuclear family and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Jordan's all well and good for depressed 16 year old boys who've been demonised for their entire developmental period, but that tweet about him being too cowardly to slay his enemies with the flaming sword or whatever is spot on.
>Nuclear family
You mean the extended family. Atomization led to the nuclear family, which was the furthest erosion of the family unit.
The opposite for me
He felt pity and wasn't disturbed.
Does this book have the “Wash your penis” meme?
cringe. jordan peterson doesn't even believe in god, and people that do certainly aren't interested in vaguely genocidal rhetoric of 14 yr olds
>step one, clean your room
>step two, get addicted to benzo
lmao, any sane man would know never mess with gaba receptors
Jordan's entire thing is that when he says "god" he simultaneously does and does not literally mean the Christian deity. The twatter poster is only following him in that. It's why people think he's just a conservative who wants to push Christianity because he's always like "man these things are so complicated, luckily the only terminology we can use to discuss these problems is religious terminology isn't that neat.
He insists on using religious language for sufficiently complex non religious problems and then acts surprised when people like you think he is literally talking about god. Honestly I blame him more than you for that.
I certainly do not think he is literally talking about God. but he wants to seem to others as though he is talking about God. only I don't think his use of the word "God" is meaningful in any philosophical sense -- except maybe in the way stoners philosophise. his tweedle-dee obscurantism doesn't have any real precedent.
I think we agree desu
this site is 18+
>Just blame yourself for everything and be stoic bro
Wow this is so profound....
>get older
user the book only came out like 4 years ago
Its better to think life is like a Marvel Movie with super villains plotting against woe is me. I want to feel important even though I'm not as important as I want to be. Roleplaying is fun.
what does this all mean? break it down for me boys.
what a tool
its neoreactionary larp. they're basically saying that the deeper JP stared into the abyss, the more it dawned on him that his humanitarian methods of restoring the world to order was untenable, and that the only way of defeating evil was by embodying the monster that he's sworn to keep within.
in other words, they claim that all is lost, that the degeneracy has taken too deep a root, that violence and war is the only way back to sanctity, and that JP has now realized this too but is too much of a coward to self-confess it.
>My inability to get women to fuck me is the superstructure derived from the economic base of bourgeois ownership of the means of productions, personal agency is ideology
It's Jung, of course it isn't right.
This. Although the first three words seem to indicate that you don't believe that it's the case? You literally spelled it out perfectly. They want to kill you and rape your children. What possible way do we have out of this other than violence and war.
>you don't believe that it's the case?
no, i'm not a 21 year old virgin who observed the whole planet through the lens Yea Forums
>They want to kill you and rape your children.
These seething righties have gone completely mental.
Kek smartest rightoid everybody
the destruction of large, extended, close family was. Nuclear family is fucking totalitarian concept.
Your mockery only reinforces my beliefs
Couldn't care less.
t. radicalized terrorist
Wasn't this always his point, though? That the world is evil but you shouldn't waste energy on that and instead focus on things you can change?
congratulations, you have reached peak foolishness.
not really, or at least that's only part of it.
JP believes that the world can (and must) be repaired, but that it's a bottom-up process. repair yourself before you repair the world.
>That the world is evil but you shouldn't waste energy on that and instead focus on things you can change?
JP would say that you should indeed spend energy on repairing the world and ridding it on evil, but that its a daunting enterprise and that you gotta have your shit fixed before you even try
i should also add:
repair yourself before you repair the world, and also that repairing yourself will as a consequence repair the world when collectively undertaken
No, OP. You always were a far righter but you finally admitted you have this problem.
>Right about everything.
It's a jung fanfic. There isn't a single new idea in this book, just reworded shit for rich white 16 year olds.
Oh yeah, I'm a dumb dumb.
How secular of him
The rich 16 year olds are discussing how to kill him in their mandatory high school feminism classes
i dont like peterson but this is from when he was in the process of moving lol. if youre gonna attack someone at least do it honestly
stop marxist literature then
Where are these mandatory high school feminism classes?
The demons that those pictures were talking about. Though half of the replies is one samefag
get help
Stop it.
Applying Sun Tzu to life is a decent idea, but thinking everything shares the same idea of evil is utterly retarded.
Also, the world is collectively dying, so it’s impossible for it to collectively repair itself.
plus, it's obviously not trash
>in other words, they claim that all is lost, that the degeneracy has taken too deep a root, that violence and war is the only way back to sanctity
This is basically the whole fantasy the neo right thrives on. "They're out to get us, we must defeat the liberals/marxists/globohomos/jews or they will kill us."
Have we decided on his diagnosis? I think maybe he's a paranoiac?
This user gets it. The breakdown of extended families into nuclear families was an early symptom of modern degeneracy.
imagine taking seriously the words of a benzo addict who eats nothing but meat and cries incessantly
So you’ll ruin yourself and others simply out of spite? If that pettiness is what your absurd beliefs have done for your character, then don’t you think it’s time for some radical introspection?
On his last JRE episode he says that will to power is a psychopathic postmodern idea. When I watched it I could tell he was hiding something because he seemed very desperate in the way he was saying it. Soon it became clear to me: his entire philosophy is secretly justified by will to power alone. He teaches that responsibility brings meaning because you can't have positive affect without goal pursuit, that ethics are fundamentally pragmatic, and that you become a "better" person once you've encountered the shadow and consciously incorporated it into your personality. All of this is justified by the fact that you become more powerful if you accept it. None of it implies any metaphysic or any form of religious truth whatsoever, but people are deceived by the way he talks into thinking that's what they've been provided with. If ethics are pragmatic and therefore a tool, no deeds are done fundamentally for their own sake. Everything becomes a means to a means, with a hypothetical end that only exists in the future, never the present. He says his definition of love is "to act out the desire of one's best interest" or to "be on the side of the person that is struggling towards the light", but that's clearly retarded once you consider that people who love each other will knowingly waste time together or even hurt each other. Jordan's definition of love implies that people only love others inasmuch as they are useful to them. It also implies that Jordan does not love people entirely, only part of them. He uses the metaphor of "burning off the part of you that is unworthy", but somehow misses the fact that everyone except the messiah will have a part of themselves that is not "aimed at the light" which means that Jordan Peterson (if he follows his own doctrine at heart) does not love anybody fully, that there is an aspect of every person which Peterson does not love. This ironically justifies people calling him a Nazi because he applies the same ethical standard individually as Nazis do collectively except while Nazis do it by asserting that it is the responsibility of all citizens to act in total benefit to the state, Peterson does it by asserting that if you act in a way that is not ultimately pragmatic you both lack and are unworthy of love. Its clear that the reason he does this is because he hates collectivism of any kind so he resorts to inventing a new (false) definition of love that can work while excluding the fundamental aspect of unity that renders love psychologically collective in nature. By doing so his ethics essentially amount to high-functioning psychopathy.
His writing speaks for itself. Anyone who has actually read or listened to his shit knows firsthand that his ideas are sound and logical. It blows my fucking mind that people are so eager to shit on him; his work is the incarnation of human integrity.
The first mention of JP on Yea Forums
Better than fashy tradboyz?
I thought nucks were all goofy weirdos.