Was this entire thing faked and exaggerated Yea Forums?
Was Solzhenitsyn just a capitalist wrecker and stooge of international anti-Soviet forces as is often claimed?
Was this entire thing faked and exaggerated Yea Forums?
Was Solzhenitsyn just a capitalist wrecker and stooge of international anti-Soviet forces as is often claimed?
American nationalists worship him. Russian nationalists hate him. Find out more.
>russian nationalists hate him
why though?
He was a writer of stories. Many stories have certain amounts of truth in them.
The commies were unambiguously evil, get over it
No its real
The Soviet Union had higher living standards than the US well until the 70s. Solzhenitsyn was a known fascist stooge for Western intelligence agencies. He was was on the US State Department's pay roll like every "human rights activist." was and still is today.
>The Soviet Union had higher living standards than the US well until the 70s.
was zum teufel
I imagine because they're all diehard USSR fanatics who believe it was the pinnacle of Russia and did absolutely nothing wrong. See: Putin.
It's true. Due to the nature of how the books were put together there are easy (but shallow) criticisms to put forward, fit for contrarians with an undeveloped ability to contextualize information and pseuds triggered by what it says about their politics. You could make an argument it's in the same literary vein as something like In Cold Blood but the wider spectrum of historical information that you can bring to the table while reading it lends credibility to whatever biases of the authorial voice exist in the text.
Imagine buying into Soviet propaganda this hard--and 30 years after the empire collapsed at that.
>Everything is propaganda (except when it's in line with beliefs I hold). My takes are highly intelligent and aren't shallow at all--you see, I understand that propaganda exists which means I'm automatically critical and thoughtful. I don't need to engage with information contrary to my take because the fact I recognize propaganda exists means I'm extremely discerning. What about, what about, what about, what about...see, I have certain things memorized I can bring up and that means I'm allowed to be disingenuous. Forget about details or trying to see something from other perspectives--did I tell you that I know propaganda exists? I know bias exists too but, you see, I'm above it because I know about propaganda and how it exists. I can project you believe in propaganda because you aren't as intelligent to have figured out it exists everywhere (excluding my own beliefs though because I also know bias exists and am therefore above that too).
You're a midwit and mistaking your flawed reality-testing for wisdom is literally what's wrong with the world.
KGB/FSB are not better than the CIA
>all that text because he got basedjak'd
>muh text
A simple criticism, intentionally drilled with repetition, and all you can come back with is "you wrote words." Cope midwit.
>Was this entire thing faked and exaggerated Yea Forums?
Are you in middle school?It's not a report from New York Times. Are you expecting the story exactly corresponds to what happened in USSR?
It's presented as such to millions of gullible retards globally.
It's a highly exaggerating version of the truth
What the fuck was wrong with humans of this time period? Don't get me wrong, we're still on this bullshit wavelength and the vaxx is all the proof needed, but this period especially was unfettered bullshittery. You have kikes spinning fictions about the holocaust and this fucker weaving tall tales about the ussr. You have soviet propaganda photoshopping images and the cia doing fucking insane shenanigans and outright murdering dissidents. What is this element of humanity that persists to this day that makes us prone to such insane behaviors? Now you even have China massively mobilizing their citizens for active irl crisis acting. As if total dominance of the information sphere through shills was not enough, now the next stage is live acted bullshit. Sure, the west engages in this on a small scale, but China is upping the game to an epic scale. What is the end game of this human drive to create false realities?
People forgot that it was mortal sin to lie.
I REFUSE to care who this guy is, ever. :)
Unironically was he just a useful idiot or a shill trying to destroy the union with baseless lies and slander?
His numbers were wrong, but imagine trying to get numbers out of the the soviet union at the time
It’s the truth intermingled with falsehood, but unintentional on his part. They did so much to obfuscate the facts, it’s like preemptively poisoning the well, so they can say “look he was wrong about this so it’s all fake haha we didn’t do anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯“
>What the fuck was wrong with humans of this time period?
the pinnacle of ideology, we still live in an ideological world tho!
>it's different when I do it midwit!1!!1
keep coping
Russian nationalism has coopted the USSR, funnily enough. Since it was essentially the peak of Russian world influence and hard power, they see it as a good (for Russia)
>The Soviet Union had higher living standards than the US well until the 70s.
The USSR didn't even have the highest standards of living in the Warsaw Pact kek
Wrong, Putin likes this guy for some reason
>Was this entire thing faked and exaggerated Yea Forums?
He literally admits it isn't a "historical study" and that it's a book of people's story's who were in the Gulag system. There's obviously bullshit, lies and exaggeration but even with all of that it doesn't at all change the fact that Soviet leadership sent significant numbers of people to their deaths.
>Was Solzhenitsyn just a capitalist wrecker and stooge of international anti-Soviet forces as is often claimed?
Considering all the faggot socialists that ignored what the actual socialists were doing (killing workers) I'd say he was angry that the Western intellectual elite were scum who themselves would've been murdered by the ideology that they supported.
these kinds of images always reek of seething and impotence no matter what side they 're from
Consider this one instead
What do you think of the way the National Socialists brutally executed Jewish veterans of WWI and their families? Ernst Jünger and his brother resigned from their veterans' society after it capitulated to Nazi demands to expel Jewish members. Do you agree or disagree with their action?
I'm literally a neo-nazi and I find this kind of shit vulgar and depressing. Disgusting subhuman trend-followers just looking for an excuse to be sadistic and dehumanize others. Every group needs an extremely strong immune system against freaks like this joining, just free-floating sadists and psychopaths and other defectives looking for a group to join that will legitimate its attack on some other group.
same shit goes on today with right wingers making up stories of celebrities doing satanic rituals and anti-vaxxers making up stories of people dying of the vaccine
Yikes post.
>The Soviet Union had higher living standards than the US well until the 70s.
Starving and getting gulaged if you say Communism is shithouse are not indicators of high living standards
You can tell he is a genuine, modern onions-leftie by how he doesn't use punctuation. Reddit and tiktok has ruined a generation.
There was nothing exaggerated in the Gulag Archipelago. If anything Solzhenitsyn pulled his punches and didn't show exactly how evil Communist regimes actually are. It is an ideology that caused more needless, death, suffering and persecution than any other ideology in human history. Countless of Russia's best and brightest like Pavel Florensky, who was put on a train and shot dead in St Petersburg before being thrown in a mass grave for the crime of being a Christian.
I'm the real rebel, my political views are illegal in many western countries
Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum.
>There's obviously bullshit, lies and exaggeration but even with all of that it doesn't at all change the fact that Soviet leadership sent significant numbers of people to their deaths.
Fascists like Hitler and Mussolini, landlords, slave owners, monarchists, aristocrats, and other human scum who deserved it. Yes. You can tell by the fact the only people that come out of the wood work to shit on USSR are of the following groups seething and coping.
The 'Solzhenitsyn was a CIA stooge' narrative was started because he told his wife to pound sand when she demanded he stop cheating ("You've helped me to create one novel. Permit me to allow her to help me create another."), and because he was debriefed after his defection in '76. His wife then wrote memoirs shitting on him that was edited by the KGB. Trusting anything ascertained by a woman, never-mind an ex-wife just rubs me the wrong way
Let me give you one example of this guy's writing and you tell me if he's a credible source.
His estimate of the number of people that died in the construction of the white sea-baltic canal is 300,000. His methology is thus:
>"peoole were saying" 100k died during one winter
>so 100k probably died during the other winter
>and 100k during the period in-between, probably
I am not making this up.
All other historical estimates, even the ones that are explicitly anti-soviet or anti-stalin, don't go above 20,000.
You mean prison systems like every other country? The gulags had a lower mortality rate than most US prisons.
US prisons mostly contain niggers though
Soviet prisons mostly contained traitors and violent criminals. US prisons are labor factories for the poor, chattel slavery
>Soviet prisons mostly contained traitors and violent criminals.
So did Auschwitz but people kvetch about that all the time
>What do you think of the way the National Socialists brutally executed Jewish veterans of WWI and their families? Ernst Jünger and his brother resigned from their veterans' society after it capitulated to Nazi demands to expel Jewish members. Do you agree or disagree with their action?
Outside of posting memes I find it just as appalling. The Holocaust is the the most well documented genocide.
>Every group needs an extremely strong immune system against freaks like this joining, just free-floating sadists and psychopaths and other defectives looking for a group to join that will legitimate its attack on some other group.
I believe you'd be the minority in such groups. now meet 99.99% of the group's population.
> and other human scum who deserved it.
Of cause they deserved it user, you wouldn't agree with it otherwise.
>akshually the slave labour camps weren't that bad
You people deserve to be dropped out of an aeroplane
>it’s not slave labor, we pay them between 23 and 1,41$!
"that bad" as compared to what?
US utilises prison labour to this day.
>The Soviet Union had higher living standards than the US well until the 70s
>first toilet paper factory opened in 1969
The real value in Solzhenitsyn is not in wallowing in the supposed brutality of the regime in the vain of the holocaust etc. but in exploring the sheer absurdness and stupidity of the Soviets and their bureaucracy.
The real value in Solzhenitsyn is not in wallowing in the supposed brutality of the regime in the vain of the holocaust etc. but in exploring the sheer absurdness and stupidity of the Soviets and their bureaucracy.
True Russian nationalists respect him. We also respect Vlasov and support Ukraine.
>no you
I didn't do it retard. I agree with what this user said . Cope.