>I write like a woman
Please help me.
>I write like a woman
Please help me.
Other urls found in this thread:
Use proper grammar and punctuation. Be clear and concise. Be convincing and confident. Be kind and compassionate.
Wouldn't that restrict what I can do with my prose though?
Isn't that what you are doing by limiting yourself to masculine writing?
as;kdjf a;kldafsd as;dlfjsla;
That's what unrestricted writing looks like. There can be no creativity without limitation.
There has to be a way for me to write incredible prose without every fucking sample of my writing coming up as female.
Women tend to emphasize descriptions of things and the subjective emotions they're "intended to invoke." Men tend to emphasize direct actions and the objective qualities of things that engender certain reactions.
>soi rage
>passive, both in voice and in wanting someone else to fix it
Who is telling you your writing is female?
It said Moby Dick was written by a guy, and pegged George Saunders as a weak male, so it seemed pretty accurate.
I just checked, and it seems like my older writing comes up as male. I switched writing styles to show and invoke emotions recently, and my newer samples drift between weak male and female.
Who cares what a writing program things just be yourself.
Yeah, true. I've just always been insecure about my masculinity, so any indication that I might not be a man sends me off the fucking rails.
If you're self-aware of this, why not work towards changing it? You know you're a man, so the next time something suggests you aren't, just shrug it off, see how it goes.
I know, if you can write a joke the program will have to recognize it as masculine because it is commonly held that women are not funny.
>kind and compassionate
Kek. Have you read any book ever? This is one of the most moronic takes about writing I've ever seen
Fuck you kill yourself
See? He's getting the hang of kindness already!
Where is your kindness and compassion, fag? kek
What a fucking retard. Go commit yourself in a mental institute, mentally challenged person with mentally challenged opinions
That's the joke. Here have a (you)
Go to sleep dad
make sure you describe how all the characters have huge dicks and giant muscles.
>weak female
It's over
>If you're self-aware of this, why not work towards changing it?
Solutions fall into two schools of thought. One is the Reddit/therapy solution, where you taught to believe you're a man for having a penis, or just because you want to feel like a man. The other is the redpill/sigma shit commonly found here, which usually amounts to 'just ignore it bro', or some generic bullshit. is a retooling of that advice to fit writing (which I think was supposed to be the joke.)
Neither of these are helpful. Unfortunately, it's all you'll find.
>You know you're a man, so the next time something suggests you aren't, just shrug it off, see how it goes.
This isn't just a feeling I don't like. I've had fears that I might be intersex or one of those XX men without realizing it. There's been other shit that relates to it that I don't remember right now, but it's well past being 'just an insecurity.'
I hope not. Some of my pieces come up as strong male, and I hope that's not just for the jokes.
Try other samples. I think it's geared towards people with well-developed and practiced writing styles, since they have less variation and their style is deliberate.
I'm sorry you didn't have a positive strong father figure while growing up.
I didn't, which is part of the issue. I'm convinced my father, who wasn't always around, actually has similar issues himself, which would mean it's upbringing and passed down. That's also a big part of why I want to fix it, and not just suppress it like suggests. If I can end it here, my children won't have to deal with it.
I thank my lucky stars every day that I didn't troon out as a kid. Not that I ever wanted to do that, but I seem like the prime candidate for it.
You're definitely insecure like a woman. Quit being a faggot. The chances of you being intersex or an XXY aberration are astronomically low, and if you have actual cause to believe you might be aside from insecurity and hypochondria, go to a doctor.
My brother solved it by seeking out father figures to learn from and was lucky enough to find some who weren't rapists. You probably won't have much luck here.
>Quit being a faggot.
Read the post again. I've tried this but there's always some shit that crops up out of nowhere. And .
'Just stop thinking about it bro' doesn't work here. I've used it in other areas of life, but it hasn't worked for this one. In fact, it only makes it worse.
Just keep thinking about it bro
Meant for
>This isn't just a feeling I don't like. I've had fears that I might be intersex or one of those XX men without realizing it. There's been other shit that relates to it that I don't remember right now, but it's well past being 'just an insecurity.'
You might actually benefit from therapy.
>not just suppress it like suggests.
That's the thing, I'm not talking about suppressing it, and it's not supposed to be a permanent solution. If you believe you are acting insecurely, you can test whether it's something you can change by not taking those actions, as an experiment.
Let me put it this way, what would happen if you *didn't* go off the rails if something suggested you weren't a man?
>You might actually benefit from therapy.
I sure hope so. I've been debating it, but I'm worried that it'll either amount to 'you choose your definition of a man' or 'you might actually be a woman and repressing it.' Those seem to be the likely outcomes. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
>If you believe you are acting insecurely, you can test whether it's something you can change by not taking those actions, as an experiment.
This was a change. I usually just keep it to myself. First I used to suppress the thoughts, then I tried to deconstruct them by staying rational. Seeking out help, even if in the dumbest way possible, was the change.
>what would happen if you *didn't* go off the rails if something suggested you weren't a man?
The anxiety of secretly being a woman or a failed man of some sort would eat me from the inside for days. Either that or I'd try to prove that the thing was lying, over and over again until it either says I'm a man or I'm able to find a flaw.
I'm going to bed now, but it's gotten to the point of concern. Spoilers for nsfw stuff, it's affecting my sexual health. I can't consciously get boners to women. I have no problem getting erect to the idea of a woman, or getting an erection while I'm too lost in some fantasy, but if I look at a woman and consciously think 'yeah, that's hot', any erection in my dick immediately disappears. I don't understand any of this, except for the fact that all the symptoms seem to feed into the problem. I just want to feel like a man.
After reading this thread, post your writing. I'm genuinely interested in seeing what you've wrote.
Your mentality is probably fucking with your boner more than anything, but it might also be T levels. You unironically need to get some help, user. This is really neurotic behavior
Get mistaken for a man everytime I write. Just write in short sentences. Don't key smash like a retarded zoomer. Apparently that's all it takes.
I'm sorry for your situation. You need to get help. Talk to some men you trust first before therapy, but don't give up. Please be strong, I hope you find peace and stability
>nsfw stuff
bruh, ED is not nsfw
just quit being a bitch
nice numbers tho
If you decide to go to therapy do not go to a woman for the love of God. I'm not even the usual woman-hating type on here but they will not understand or be able to help your situation. Make sure to get a male therapist who doesn't look like a fag
just start lifting
train both body and mind
>The anxiety of secretly being a woman or a failed man of some sort would eat me from the inside for days.
I agree with , that's something for the professionals.
>Those seem to be the likely outcomes. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
Keep in mind that if you are really sure you're being steered wrong, you can get a different therapist.
This is important. All council I have received from women is worthless compared to men's. Not even being sexist. It just makes things worse.
>say that men are kind and compassionate and write books that are like that
>get called out
>kys, but you know it's a joke because hahaha I did sth against what I'm advocating
Truly, hang yourself dumb faggot
Dude! Why are you complaining? Treat this as a blessing, explore this ability to develop different characters/perspectives in your writing, and have fun with it. Apply it with direction and discipline to become a better writer.
I have no idea what intersex is, sounds like yet another psy-op to keep zoomers weak and narcissistic, but treating it at face-level, I would argue that reading is an intersex activity, so again, use this to your benefit.
If you’re really concerned about being XXY, chances are you’re not. There are distinct physical traits, look them up (spoiler: they tend to look long-limbed like basketball players but with hips) or get a test if you think it’ll help with the neurosis. If you think you might be gay or bi, who cares (as long as you don’t become some groomer)? There are plenty of good writers from these camps. Cope or rope, man.
Good advice.
Also good advice.
Best advice, unironically. Going along this vein, you may also want to check out Wim Hof’s channel and try his breathing exercises.
Just realized what prompted this reaction.
> About Gender Guesser
>In 2003, a team of researchers from the Illinois Institute of Technology and Bar-Ilan University in Israel (Shlomo Argamon, Moshe Koppel, Jonathan Fine, and Anat Rachel Shimoni) developed a method to estimate gender from word usage. Their paper described a Bayesian network where weighted word frequencies and parts of speech could be used to estimate the gender of an author.
OP, are you trolling us (if so, we’ll done), or did you fall for a psy-op by non-native English speakers?
Give me some time. Or better, give me a prompt so that I can write something that I won't use later.
I was going to get them checked out.
Okay, I'll see what I can do. I don't trust therapists at all though. Even going to one feels unmanly.
I'm already doing that. Sometimes it feels like cope.
Not trolling. It seemed accurate to me, but it can't place my writing. I'm hoping that's a good thing. See the last reply in
Here's a shitpost from an old /wg/ thread that I wrote, according to the gender guesser it's my most masculine work by far. It's also one of my favorites for unrelated reasons.
Paul's deepest meditations came at the commode. The act was the highest form of the visceral. The one tangible divide between himself and the good Lord in heaven, yet the only thing that crossed the barrier between creation and creator. In these ignoble motions lay the first metaphor conceived by man. Far before the Bible, Gita, or Quran came the daily release. It forced life to wait. Meditation for soul and body at once: the entirety of one's being sat cleansed, languorous, enlightened. Paul desperately desired this cleansing after dinner with his family: the twins were fighting over pudding again. His wife asked him to help mediate.
Paul quietly backed away from the breakfast table and into the washroom. With his wife and children in full view, he closed and locked the door with utmost care. Screams made it through; no ritual was complete without an altar sacrifice. He dropped his pants and - somewhat stimulated by his excitement - hopped towards the bowl with a bouncing semi.
He took a deep breath as he wiggled his buttocks to position the commode's hole under his own. The sacred transference always began with an unknowable force. It came from nowhere, with no counterpart, to press the contents of his stomach into his solar plexus. This force always travelled straight down: in his teens, Paul had conjectured that sinuous intestines existed to mystify the tsaheylu of man and porcelain throne. The solar plexus, not the stomach, turned wine to water.
A 'poot' emanated from his cleared passage. A vacuum akin to space had formed in his landlocked body. He released his breath; a baked bean incense signaled the coming of the divine. The smell enticed his mind, drowning out the sound of the fetters outside.
His buttocks spread as he sharted into the bowl. The ensuing backwash measured their separation in a process akin to sonar. He had also conjectured that technology often found its basis in shitting. A brown head peaked out of the widened hole. Divinity had been achieved; he was both man and mother. By way of water-birth, his head was cleared of all earthly thoughts, filling his mind with ecstasy and thoughts of kumbaya. Endorphins ran up his spine, down his arms; they whirlpooled in his skull as a rock hard penis pressed against the edge of the seat. Eyes closed, Paul projected to the end of time and humanity. It was nothing, it was everything; here, his spirit was reborn.
He emerged, renewed like the river that washed away his excrete. Past Paul had problems, present Paul had the moment. No woes or regrets for him. He tuned out his screaming family and left for work.
>without every fucking sample of my writing coming up as female.
And yet, still not a woman. This is a validation-free zone, sir.
I'm tired of this shit. I can't bring up any of my problems without people assuming I'm either a repressed tranny, or a baiting tranny. Or a porn addict.
How much more evidence do you want that this is a real problem for me?
Don't speak in first person at all, except at the beginning when you summon the muses to aid you in recounting the forthcoming tale
What kind of non-concern is this?
What do you want people to say? You're heavily mentally ill with this obsessive-compulsive neurosis you have. Cool. Nothing works apparently. Pray to God, sir.
>What do you want people to say?
Nothing, honestly. Some of the anons in this thread seemed to know more about this, so I figured they could help. Now I'm just bumping for the writing I posted.
pretty decent, could be more specific at certain moments in my opinion.
Thanks user, but what moments? I know this thread is about something else entirely but I'm always taking writing advice.
I'm bumping again for the user that wanted to see my writing, this'll probably be my last bump.