overrated as fuck
Overrated as fuck
Not enough incest.
I think it's fun
I don't even find them hot.
t. Pleb
Watch more fag
I only watch it to fap to the snake, snail and shinobu.
pretty much only reason to watch
Anime yes, novel not really since nobody on Yea Forums is even able to read a book
Wouldn't that classify you as a necrophiliac?
Only if you like Doll
Yea Forums should only allow people who watch real animes like boku no hero academia
reddit the harem
No because she's not a corpse.
But she's dead.
Crab, Monkey and Snake are fucking shit and ruined the show for me.
sign me up for necrophilia then
But she's intangible.
What about them is so detestable that it ruined the show for you?
It's actually underrated due to the lolifilter
Name one anime/franchise other than monogatari that has an autistic novel writer combined with a well-known director who likes trippy borderline-psychedelic shit.
I don't think so.
I commend anyone who can keep themselves composed while witnessing something like this
my dick
But it’s the GOAT as far as harems go
All harems suck.
shonen shit for kids
No, it's cropped.
Yeah I was asking for the full...
Also overhated
gatari would be infinitely better if hanekawa was the MC