How does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
Indifferent, like pretty much everything else.
How does it feel knowing that of the 1000 series you saw, you probably only saw 250 worthwhile ones?
I just like to watch the number going up. Hitting thresholds is especially exciting, I'm about to hit 900 soon.
The majority of anime is garbage. Why should I care?
Honestly, total anime seen doesn't tell you anything about an indivudals experience. Imagine them being into comedies. Hidamari Sketch already accounts for like 12 entries on MAL. Gintama, Monogatariu, Pokemon and Dragonball movies etc. do the same. So someone who has seen 1055 anime, might only actually have seen like 300. I wonder what the total of amount of anime actually is discounting for sequels and OVAs.
There has to be a point were you feel like you're just mindless consuming anime and not actually enjoying any of it.
Not really, it's quite the opposite really, after many years you stop watching everything and just stick with the kind of premises and fetishes you develop over the years.
That's why you look at the number of franchises directly below. It is a pessimistic estimate, since some shows that do not have a lot in common are linked by the occasional special or crossover, but it's much, much better than the retarded entry count.
I feel pity
That's the issue. People who go beyond a thousand usually do so for the sake of exploring the medium. So you consume a lot of trash in an attempt to find stuff that's genuinely good but not many know of. For me, I think it's gotten to the point at which I gain some form of enjoyment from 1 in 10 anime. Would feel worth it if there were people to talk to, but most consumers simply consume. They hardly ever try to analyse what they've seen, or try to understand it beyond superficial levels.
Ironically, I think it's been worth my time. Albeit I have a strong interest in animation in general, watch many (terrible) short films, collect books, take notes if I feel like it etc.
The majority of any entertainment is shit.
Subjectively to yourself of course but also objectively to some degree.
I got 400 dropped
Who the fuck watches shitty shows that he doesn't even like to the end?
700 dropped here. Don't see a point in not allowing myself to be baited by a pretty PV or promo poster if I can simply drop it.
How much do I need to unlock 'anime pro' achievment?
I don't know what you're showing me, OP
240 dropped here. And I thought I was bad lol.
I try to give most shows every season a chance since in the past I've always missed some hidden gems.
I don't even bother adding the shit I drop, so the actual number of episodes is much larger, plus I regularly rewatch stuff.
>time wasted
Ah yes, Anidb. The original ironic weebs
consoomer? at least they contribute like mops in a closet.
I'm pretty sure "Franchises" completely ignores shows which have only 1 entry in your list. So... useless.
>I don't even bother adding the shit I drop, so the actual number of episodes is much larger
OP here, same I've probably dropped around 500 anime but I just delete that shit.
A masochist?
I can respect their willpower to not give up.
Oh wow.
They usually call themselves "true fans". Have some respect! If you drop anime you hate anime and should find a new hobby!
They're not wrong though.
better than censoring it.
>yes goy. the only time that isn't wasted is the time you've spent working and improving your work related skills!
Sad. Yea Forums used to feel like it was full of people who had seen at least 500+ and now people act like having seen even over 300 is too much.
It only works with manga for me
Cartoons are too long. 3 eps is a fucking hour, I could read this title in that time without even speedreading
OH har har.
Now if you could remove the tongue in your cheek you might stop yourself from making a hole in your mouth. :P
or gave a damn about free expression.
>you can only improve your skills for wagie tier jobs
Never gmi
>it's a small change. we have to remove problematic elements animes and vidya gæms. We need you to be an industrious go.
>if you disagree you are a bigot.
(You)'re taste will still be shit no matter how much you watch.
>oh my taste
Honestly, when will this fad finally end?
And that's the point where you kill yourself because you realize that an entire medium doesn't just stop containing good content and the problem is entirely within yourself.
When you stop liking garbage shows.
There are people who still watch shows? All I watch nowadays are (short) films.
That's roughly 6% more than you need to watch. The vast majority of anime is garbage.
never? And nor should it end. People will want to shame others for doing nothing wrong or liking certain things.
You tell people they shouldn't be ashamed and be themselves they won't get it. You keep teasing them and they'll stop and think "wait is this shit?" Think of it as a vaccine.
Shows, series, films, manga, comics, webtoons.
Fuck off.
9/10 people who use this meme have literal MAL taste, likely sport a double digit IQ and are in no position to shame anyone. That's the the meme's biggest issue.
What website is this?
it's hip to be square.
I truely believe that a lot of the bullshit, canceling, bullying, harassment comes from people wanting to conform without thinking that that means. at least here they're not so dead serious about it.
Then again anime isn't safe from the Tipper Gores and bullshit moral police and I wish y'all would take that seriously. That is a topic for another day.
>it's only fiction brah
there's a reason jews kvetch about nazis burning their degenerate gay books
bingo you get it.
now spread your gospel. I'm not kidding, more people should "get it" like you do. .
Oh oh, consider yourself FLAGGED
I too can worry about harmless shit and waste private and public resources. I thought THAT was the jewish trick.
Oh what's that, Lassie? The moral police end up abusing REAL kids and making REAL victims? We can't worry about that, we have to be inclusive and diverse of pedosexual people and 9 year olds dancing in strip clubs. THE FICTION IS THE PROBLEM. HOW ELSE CAN I PAT MYSELF ON THE BACK FOR BEING TOLERANT? I NEED THAT SELF-RIGHTEOUS RUSH.
>vast majority
So... the 93,64% he didn't watch?
oh fuck off fellow faggot.
gotta FLAG fag because someone said dirty words. We gotta cancel Mel Brooks for making jew jokes. Oh wait, Mel is Jewish? That doesnt' matter, we have to stroke our cocks.
Lost the ability to complete anime I didn't enjoy. The tradeoff of having an informed opinion on why something is bad, and being able to tell fans why what they like is shit, just wasn't worth the time investment.
>engaging people who love shit
If something isn't good enough to finish, it's not even good enough to shame people over.
Pretty sure I passed that threshold years ago
Why should anyone feel proud about watching glorified ads?
There are about 200 with some real worth, anything else it's either shit or just plain inferior to their manga/LN counterparts. And I'm saying that as someone with a similar number as OP
you can still be a judgmental cunt.
Here's the obective watch-count competency chart
>0 to 1500 anime seen
>1501 to 2500 anime seen
>2501 to X anime seen
Yeah that's always tempting but I try to keep an open mind and don't feel right without seeing the bigger picture.
You're mostly right.
Who's the biggest mangafag on Yea Forums?