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Other urls found in this thread:



Baby where are your eyes



Have sex.


Why don't you just have sex?



Jean Bros...
We won.

Wait what happened now?

it's a fucking daydream you schizophrenic retard, kill yourself shipperfags

So how does Jean plan to make Mikasa lust after his dick?
No matter the outcome it'll be shit writing because Isayama refused to develop Mikasa's character.

Jean had a baby with Mikasa, no joke

The fuck am I seeing just now ?

Is it just Jean fantasizing before his death ?

Cool. So its literally just shipping? How did I end up on tumblr?

>la creatura...

Mikasafags: Never recovering
Historia: Still the mother to Eren's child

>Looks exactly like Mikasa's dad
We should've seen this coming

Idk why people freaking out it’s already a confirmed daydream by him

Attached: 152647919307.jpg (285x160, 59K)

SNK threads on Yea Forums are exclusively sad incels and femcels shipping characters
consider it a blessing that you're not aware of this, it's the worst general on this board

>Jean is a literal incel
Why the fuck didn't he just move on from the girl that has spent the last 4 years getting wet over some other guy?

Attached: party.jpg (1094x1204, 838K)

Calm down, take a bath.

Her dad wasn't fat and balding

Hisubros, how are we feeling right now?

HeoAcademia threads are slightly worse since it is that but also a capeshitter shonen.

But Isayama wouldn't have put this in if he wasn't planning to expand on it later on.


You don't have to. Gamble is bad anyways. Go take a bath.

He will use a wig once again.

Is ACK here yet?


wow ISAYAMA will do "the last jedi" type of subverting expectations ending with the series lol

Because that other guy is going to be dead soon and then someone else has to be the emotional pillar for Mikasa.

Probably true or it’s a death flag, idc either way I’m an EHchad so jeankasa makes no difference to me

>Jeanbo can only daydream like a beta, instead of getting a serious moment with the girl he likes before shit goes down

kek are you fucking kidding me this is the kind of panel you use to waver a massive death flag

Because the other guy is gonna die soon and then she'll be emotionally vulnerable. Jean is playing the long con

>he still lusts after her

Pathetic considering he's a somewhat handsome tall high ranking officer.

EHsisters we won...

Why does Jean drink?

> Story headed towards an alliance between Marley(Italy), Paradis(Germany), and Hizuru(Japan)
What did Isayama mean by this?

I feel calm, but it's a false feeling. The war is not over, brother.

EHbros..... pfffft.... mhmm....



hair system*

When did /snk/ become /DBZ/?

So when does big dick america and russia come in to just stomp them out like a joke.



>Reiner gets kicked in the face and then beat up to a bloody pulp while Annie gets pie
These are some ridiculous double standards

Attached: reiner 120.jpg (419x412, 53K)

>EMfags saying it was an EM chapter

don't compare THE HALLS OF MANLINESS with this shipping faggotry

Is that Eren?

based retard

Instead he does nothing when she is actually emotionally vulnerable other then mention how cool Eren is and she spends all of her time with Armong

Holy shit, EMkeks are seething and its beautiful. They're going full spastic mindbreak.

>EMfags having mental breakdown

>Mikasa is a literal incel
Why the fuck didn't he just move on from the guy that has spent the last 4 years getting his dick hard over some other girl?

Attached: 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwBuqyPHSAQbXQQ1cQcW5T6A.jpg (1066x1015, 252K)

Whatever. As long a Chadner gets his Helos moment all this cruelty, pain, and unfairness will have been worth it right? RIGHT?

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it's worse, SNKtards can't even understand their own fucking manga, the doomposting Yea Forumscretins make the threads unbearable

Jean is dreaming about having a baby with Mikasa.

Literally anything is better than AM

Damn how does it feel knowing this is canon??

>louise died for this

Which one is the hall of manliness and which one is full of shipping faggotry?
They're both the same, user

Why didn't Mikasa just rape Eren?

Apparently not Hisu or Eren this chapter again.
Guess the wait just continues.

Because Eren was fucking her in the dl while seemingly spending most of his time with his other friends.

Holy shit EMfags want Jean to die now. Hahahaha

>JM vs EM vs EH
The absolute state of SNK threads

>Jean confirmed deathflag
What a way to go, so sorry.

Attached: THAT scenery.png (372x574, 168K)

good thing Isayama doesn't give a fuck about those flags

>the doomposting Yea Forumscretins make the threads unbearable
They made the threads worth visiting in the first place, before then everyone fell asleep in these threads


Let's wait for the full chapter

She can't even answer why she tells him exclusive family secrets without spilling spaghetti

Attached: 107-12.jpg (1114x944, 574K)

snk threads have been nothing but shipping since 4 years or so


EHchads congratulate Jeanbros EMdogs are the only villain

Talking about your retirement plans is literally the biggest death flag a non-main character could ever have.

You can say the same about Jean

So Jean is obviously dying..

Personally I am ok with JM

Jeanbros we did it!

incel does not mean what you think it means
mikasa can have sex if she wants, but she doesn't, that's what you call a volcel

>Bringing up shallow one-sided superficial crushes from 2013 as if they were true love all along
Reiner bros, we got this

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I would understand if shippers were celebrating if Jean confeased, instead of just some wishful thinking daydream with Mikasa being faceless

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Who's that?

So this month's collective cope is "Jean is dying"?
At least it's not (directly) about Eren or Historia anymore. That's refreshing.

She is a simp

Attached: Mikasa 123.jpg (424x642, 91K)

> in their meltdown, EMfags are now saying this is just a Jeanbo deathflag


the alliance is cringe as fuck



More like
EHchads & JMbros vs EMtards

Why are Mikasafags so against Jean?


The time has come

What was the point of giving them the Marley arc uniforms and new gear if they were just going to go back to the old ones?

>Hange in charge of cooking
Foreshadowing her fate as Manlet's housewife, I see

keep seething crackship redditor
n-next chapter for sure, r-right?

Isn't this a dream?

Is this what alliancefags actually wanted? Cringe as fuck.

Why bother bringing Levi along at this point? It's clear as day he's one step ahead of his grave already

Stop scaring me, I thought that JM really happened.

Attached: JMis dead.png (1192x335, 56K)

COPE EMtrannie


"This is what I want" is the most immediate death flag in this entire story.

Because they're EM (shipper) fags. Eren not getting all lovey dovey with his sister and impregnating her is considered a "loss".



It means as much as if Mikasa was daydreaming about Eren

Same reason Anniefags dislike the pairings with the characters that have shallow crushes with little development on her

all it does is confirm Jean is an incel, Mikasa doesn't even care about him

>Hange is poisoning the food

Where would they leave him? He was the number one target of the Yeagerists

we all friends!!!!!


Whatever you think of that alliance, this is a pretty fucking cool shot.

Just leave him die in dignity, jesus

She does but there's no reason why she should care more about him than about Connie or Historia

>its a picninc episode

>Daydreaming like a beta
>not confessing

Is the shallow crushes the telenovela cope of this month?

Mikasa is going to end up with Annie

>after all this time Jean is still lusting after Mikasa

And I just started to think highly of him.
Oh well fuck him then.
He deserves more than this shit character as a love interest.

>Pieck still in titan form

I know this is typical for her, but I find it pretty interesting she's still in it even for the talky parts of the chapter. I wonder if we'll finally get confirmation as to whether they can shift without Ymir.

Okay some interesting bits of information for all the JM Bros:
From AU smartpass
>Who the heck asked about that!
What’d (they) want to know!(?)
– Eeeh….say, what’s your first thought (of Mikasa? )
S..she’s just a normal classmate…
– Here’s a question of “Please tell us about Mikasa’s attractiveness.”
That hah! Beautiful hair, face; cute even with a slight lacking in the speech department… Why the hell am I answering to that !?

EMbros just keep in mind that this is merely a daydream and we STILL haven't lost

Go to see Shuuko's twitter yourself

pieck and her creepy snout ass should just fuck off really

You are actually defending JM and BA?

Is he not right now Paradis second in command and there most famous warrior to boot

Live vicariously through Mikasa and want her to get her abusive trophy boyfriend.
Jeanbo deserves his hapa hole.

Not gonna lie. I was one of the handful RK shippers back in Utgardt. And that's the reason why I rooted on Reiner all this time. Now, I'm still rooting for him, but for different reasons. (Also moved on to EH instead, obviously)

This is just confirms about Mikasa still cute, and Jean did not stopped dreaming about her

Because the fans like him

No, I'm wondering because this month was full of EM spam and even more EM spam after the cover

EMbros... we got too cocky...


>Also moved on to EH instead
So you are downgraded now, poor man

Jean doesn't deserve shit either. The only one who deserves to get what he wants is Floch for actually trying to get it.

> Entire cast looks uneasy about the situation besides Magath who is chilling despite the fact that he’s literally the only marleyan there and has the knowledge his entire race is about to be eradicated.
What a chad

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>the dream team against eren continues to gather
>they still haven’t reached an agreement but they all blame each other
>Hanji went somewhere everyone talking about their pasts
>someone is watching them, Levi has troublesome nightmares
Alliance is going to fall to shit?

>more suicide squad cringe and shipperfag bait

Bravo Isayama I'm really enjoying this final arc BRAVOOOO

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That's what most months have been like since 107. And endless shit flinging fight between EH and EM

Why isn't Jean over his teen crush?

I actually kind of can't believe snk is going to end like this.

He's a shit character himself.

Well every other member of the 104th undid all of their character development, do I don't see why he wouldn't too.

Mikasa's development is about falling off Eren's dick to someone else's

Because Isayama can't write good side characters for shit.

Isayama doesn't control this thread
Maybe if it wasn't filled with retards you'd enjoy it more

where do i read more of this AU smartpass

So, he still likes her...
And there goes another baby panel!

Pieck looks comfy af.

I don't want jean to die bros..

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Why isn’t Mikasa?

No, it's more of a they are guaranteed success now. Typical "Guys who can't get along, forced to work together, but cooperates and saves the world despite their rough relationship"

>Hange cooking for her future husbando


wow, bravo Isayama

Because he is bland about his ambitions and Isayama had nothing else to use

I don't read this series, but I support you. Keep on holding onto hope until the end.

Jeanbofags delude themselves because "muh relatable", "he is a nice guy", and his development 8 years ago.

But he is the worst case of character stagnation in the entire series.

If you want a girl to be happy, you want her to be with a former loser that she likes, not an eternal loser that only her fake personality gave a shit about.
I couldn't help but move on.

This should have been concluded a long time ago and not right before the climax. This is the problem when Isayama doesn't devote time with world building and character development.

Annie calmly geting some booze in front of crippled manlet who can only watch and seeth.
His whole squad must be rolling in their graves kek.

Because Mikasa is too cute

>EHtards so scared
i also like to imagine that Mikasa is my wife but that doesn't mean it's true, retard

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Holy fuck i'm gonna gloat so much when EM gets confirmed


Lainer is future Helos, not some loser

Mikasa grew her hair just like Jean want it to

They don't have a "rough relationship". The avengers had a rough relationship. The Cuck
Squad have spent literally their entire lives murdering each other's friends and families, and almost none of them even regret it.

Ahahahahaha. I can smell your fear xir!


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Helos is a lie invented to oppress Eldians.

I still can't believe Annie is back

in his dreams

>muh EM
Stop it spergs, this is embarassing.

What is Hanji is helping floch as she realized they’ve become the corrupt government that the former gov warned her she would become like

>H-Holy fuck i'm gonna gloat so much when EM g-gets confirmed heh heh....

it was never a crush

The difference is that Jean had a simple crush on her because she looked pretty. It's not her personality or because they had a deeper connection.
Meanwhile Mikasa has been crazy in love with Eren for years because he literally gave her a home, a reason to live and a drive to go forward.

How does that compare to Jean's "uuh you look pretty..."?

Are you crying?

Some of them were also military school buddies

>Hange helping the guy who threatened her husbando

Because the personality that Mikasa was in love in literally doesn't exist and never has.


This looks so uncomfortable, just like it should.

good. no EH yet and bringing up the idea of babies is pretty interesting. now to mention showing the Mikasa has other options

Jean is not an ackerman and not asian so his feelings are worth more

what time line is this snkbros what happened??????

For the 100th time, obsession =/= love

>He does not know...

Attached: Helos.jpg (2145x994, 222K)

Because it's actually honest in its purity. And not an unhealthy, mind-altering obsession.

Yeah, in which they were literally spies waiting for the right opportunity betray the 104th and smash wall Rose.

>Erenkeks thinks historia loves wren
Keks historias heart is still with ymir

Mikasa has been living with Eren for ten years and both of them consider each other one of the most important people in their lives.

I'd be fine with JM if they actually had a developed relationship over the years rather than Jean telling her once that her hair is pretty.

Why is Isayama so bad at drawing babies? Looks like a tiny old man.

Love comes in many forms, and obsession is one of them.

Mikasa considers Eren to be his brother
Mikasa has no romantics feelings towards Eren

i'm having sex right now

Helos was the one said to kill Karl the Cuck, not Ymir. All this guy did was get himself and his entire army slaughtered.

Hmm, maybe he is a fit for Reiner.

I found a bunch of interesting info here luckiestunluckyguy.wordpress.com/category/randomness/page/3/

Then why does she wish that she had confessed to him in 123?

>Mikasa considers Eren to be his brother
Name single scene in the manga where they calle each other 'brother and sister'. I will wait.

What am I even looking at?

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the future

>when your brain is so smooth that you can't even make basic deductions.
The ancient general most likely inspired the fake Helos story, user. The "real" Helos existed, just centuries before the fake one.

He was protoHelos, while Lainer have a perfect mix of Marleyan and Eldian genes

She wanted to kiss her brother right in his lips.

>All this guy did was get himself and his entire army slaughtered.
He stood against an impossibly more powerful foe and yet fought on to the bitter end, refusing to bow to a tyrant. He is an absolute legend and represents marley’s will to never submit to Eldia.

Some daydreaming of a beta who didn't have the balls the to confess

oh no no shingekifags

Mikasa also knew nothing about who Eren actually was. Her love is mostly superficial

EMfags are so mad right now.

the baby from the final panel

Jean's daydreaming

Yeah pretty sure a fairy tale about a regular human defeating the eldians is what opresses them and not the eldian family that stood at the top of Marley's hierarchy for a hundred years.

That's true even Grisha calls Mikasa her daughter. It means Grisha acknowledges Mikasa and Eren as siblings and Eren knows it as well. I'm sure Eren already see Mikasa as his sister

>t. didn't read the last two chapters
Seeth harder flochfag

That's why he's drinking an entire wine bottle huh


Why? Volume cover with Mikasa, JM leak confirmed as Jean's daydreaming

So Mikasa's feelings would be worth more if she just wanted to lick Eren's hot body?

Isn't he still a teenager?

>That's true even Grisha calls Mikasa her daughter.
Where? She calls him 'uncle' and 'your father'.

ok, stalker

Who the fuck cares about this page? There's still NO EREN this month. Absolutely ridiculous. Isayama is such a fucking hack

As expected, Annie is still maintaining that cool bad ass look on her face.

Bitch you are a murder who have killed millions of innocent people.your actions ignited a flame which is gonna now burn and destroy the entire world.

At least show a little bit of remorse for your actions.

Omg, mikasa can you punch annie in the face please.

ok, kid

Hopefully, if she still has a bit of self-respect

>we still have the final panel EHsisters
>turns out it's Jean

Yeah, Jean choosing yet again to moralfag over taking action for the good of his people truly shows how muc he has changed.

Mikasa has always considered Eren to be her brother
All "romance" hints you can think of are just Mikasa being protective of her brother

It's either a bittersweet vision before the alliance gets destroyed or a show of what's to come for Mikasa after moving away from Eren, either way EM BTFO even more than it already was.

JM baby.
Different from the final panels leak tho

Don't stalk me you creep

Lol, you cannot be so delusional

Pretty sure that Annie has had that RBF 24/7 since she was first introduced.


You're worse than cancer.

EH cucked Mikasa, let it go

She had a concussion, user.

That scene from Berserk where Griffith dreams of living a peaceful life with Casca.


Remember, Mikasa said it to Eren that he is a FAMILY. No hesitations, just spit the word FAMILY is what she sees on Eren.

Don't feed the troll. This is copypastas from some old threads


I've kissed my sister before
It's just siblings showing affection,nothing more

does that mean jean will rape mikasa?

When do chapters usually release?

Attached: nurfc21647.png (856x525, 191K)

EHloving Arninchads win. Again.

He's literally a 2013fag, user, stop with the copes.

Husbando is family too

So we full TG:Re now

They can't. It actually makes me wonder if they seriously think it isn't a bad sign for Jean and the scene will repeat itself forno reason or if they're just shitposting.

So jean confirmed going to die with this death flag daydream. Who else?

All I see is EH being cucked one chapter after another. Do we still have anything to grasp on EHbros?


So sensitive. I only post here in spoiler days by the way, just telling you there's no other possible development.

The fact that Eren has no feelings for Mikasa

EH baby and JM baby will be best friends

Marley side is very cautious, which is fair.

Nah, just that he'll lose to the MC.

Let them gloat, EVEN MY DOG CAN SEE THROUGH THIS BAIT AND SWITCH ~MYSTERY~ BY ISAYAMA. Mikasa has the red scarf of fate on her side.

Attached: MYSTERY.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

>noooo jean why aren't you an edgy nazi like my floch???

>still no eren
What's the point of reading this shit anymore?

Attached: QqtvK5M.jpg (600x315, 16K)

But isn't Eren Mikasa's Griffith?

As expected, Annie is still maintaining that cool bad ass look on her face.

Bitch you are a murder who have killed millions of innocent people.your actions ignited a flame which is gonna now burn and destroy the entire world.

At least show a little bit of remorse for your actions.

Omg, mikasa can you punch annie in the face please.

The ultimate cope.

EHbaby will be a girl, and JMbaby will be a boy, screencap this.
We next generation.

I know you’re all to “enlightened” for capeshit, but reminder that the heroes bring bad at working together was a major plot point. After be uneasy at first they all put aside their differences to defeat the big bad. We still got this alliancebros.

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JM son would be a handsome lad like Keanu. A great husband for Yumiru Jr.

lmao cuck

based hisokachad

Hunterfags were the first ones to say Eren is the father emfag

>JM baby will be obsessed with EH baby

Betrayal when?

Attached: BreakGlassToDefeatCodeGeass.jpg (1034x1113, 350K)

It's black user. And you can be sure she'll throw that rag in Eren's face seconds after she see you later's him.

we lost

Manlet could have had a gloryful death instead he's slowly and painfully dying in his little baby carriage

Is she supposed to cry or something?

But Grisha is not Eren

Someone please beat the shit out of Annie, her "I don't give a fuck" facial expression is incredibly annoying

At least Reiner is suicidal and don't act like that

In the name of Paradis, someone just punch her punchable face

Don't drag the entire manga with every parallol. A guy who is losing in a love triangle always gets his daydream scene.

you faggots do realize that jeancuck is gonna die yeah?

The interesting part of this page, is that we can see they are divided. There is a clear uncomfortable distance between warriors and SC.

They didn't "forget about the sins warriors committed" or any shit like that i heard last month with the alliance... They simple can't deal with it rn.

What are the chances of Eren being Historia’s baby daddy now?

No shit faggot, this is just our way of coping with the fact that we're gonna lose Jeanbo

Why do you think so?

hey im not even the same user, i just happend to have that screencap and you ask for it

I never knew EMfags hated Jean so much.

Listen EMfags
Calm down and take rest for a bit
Don't let this daydream make you upset
Its still to early for Hall of Anal Devastation: EM edition

You were wrong in the 5touben threads, you're also wrong here.

If I were one of them, I'd fucking smash Annie. Jean beat Reiner because he destroyed the wall. But Annie killed so many soldiers and actually enjoyed it. She killed our Levi squad. She killed and killed. And in the end, they're teaming up with their enemies to fight the guy who's doing everything for them.

I'm already screenshotting for the Hall of Anal Devastation EH edition ;)


Based Plotchad/Hunterchad, you guys are always right



Shut up, no he won't. ;_;


JM feels too one-sided and more like Jean obsessing over the female counterpart. With Eren and Mikasa, it feeels more dynamic and better developed..

Not enough people actually care about EH for a HOAD, user.


WHO CARES?? Why are both of these threads ONLY talking about fucking ships right now? Jesus Christ you all are so fucking cringe instead of focusing on important parts of the story all you retards do is hope isayama writes your ship in. Fucking pathetic and sad every last one of you.


>Isayama now pads volume with shipping fantasies
How worse can it get?

Bruh me too, Reiner at least regrets what he did and don't act like an asshole.

Annie is just acting like an arrogant person and getting away with it

Believe me, there are and they already delivered.

EM is not well developed but it might as well be the romantic story of the century compared to what JM has got going on for it

JM is more like NaruHina, one sided but overall nice. EM is SasuSaku tier of garbage.

>no more muh final panel

I am still not over the fact that they allied themselves, these people literally tried to kill each other every time they met, and now they are EATING PIE and cool with each other, even if it's the end of the world this seem very unlikely and forced as fuck.

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Are you saying EH is canon?


Jean does beat the shit out of Reiner at least

This definitely won't end in volume 32 at this point.

Attached: 1567460791117.jpg (2320x3540, 3.14M)

>the baby panel is jean telling the baby that it's free because there are no more shifters so its not going to obey anyone thanks to the hackerman genes

are you new? these threads have been like this for YEARS. it's ALL shippertards, probably 70% women and tumblr refugees. don't bother coming here until the chapter is out, then it'll be marginally less awful.


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It's obvious that the JM daydreaming is just a cheap red herring. If anything, it feels more like a deathflag than an actual endgame potential. The only thing that's a bit concercning is the fact that Mikasa left her scarf for whatever reason, even though she forcefully took it from Louise.

Never, Isayama just wants to make things ambiguous. The alliance will be btfo, but we'll be left with the doubt if they were right to pursue peace, since they managed and succeeded to overcome their differences.

EM and NH both involve a girl obsessed with the MC because of hero worshipping, though at least Mikasa got to actually spend more time with Eren before the end of the series.

This doesn't look like they're cool
with eachother.

They won't because they will listen Hange sob story

Why does Annie get a free pass?

"Last page is Floch holding a gun behind Kiyomi"

Attached: based.png (360x450, 170K)

People saying this is a deathflag havent been paying to isayamas quality writing as of late

Attached: 491690C9-6CE2-439D-BC97-E776B831F2C0.png (834x763, 599K)

You think the manga is going to timeskip now of all times?

Don't mess with me EMwhale
I'll have you know i have fought on three shipwars and i have win three times
I win with hinata on naruto and orihime on bleach, they still keep seething till today. Remember the fallout of Sidonia no Kishi ending? I have seen miles away who'll win the mc bowl
So don't mess with me on this shipfaggotry, kids
EM already dead and buried by Isayama


Hanji double cross with person watching them? Hacksayama may redeem himself

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Bait is laid, Switch next month. My dog has seen through this ~mystery~ JMfags will commit mass suicide on April.

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because she's a girl. Maybe Levi will beat her up when he wakes up. He likes smacking around kids

It's mostly just shitposting in general because it's one of the two panels we have got.

She’s Armin’s waifu, so they can’t lay a finger on her.


Attached: 1571853707971.png (1086x275, 48K)


What's the point of kiyomi even existing anymore?

JMfags are fucked the most obvious death flag I have seen

Because she is Armin's property and Armin is the authors' pet character

mikasa is already a mutt tho

"Jean punched Reiner in the face until he’s covered of blood"
OH NO NO NO Reinerbros

Attached: file.png (960x614, 907K)

based mysterious lurker

Only manlet could beat her up, she is too strong.

Grabbing Hisu by her shirt's collar is nothing compared to all the times he has beat he crap out of Eren


All three people...

I wish it wasn't but Isayama would have to draw the same scene twice then and the daydream would have no purpose. Why show it now, shortly before the big fight, instead of at the end when he survives. He could've used that scene on an actual conversation between jean amd mikasa instead.

How the fuck does he get these dubs?

t. ichirukifat

>Yep, They don't make em like they used to
>Erwin Smith, now that's a real Scout

Attached: Screenshot_20200304-085446.png (267x306, 182K)

>"Hello? Based Department..."
>"Yes, we added JM to the office, next to EH by the way..."
>"Isayama is our account manager haha..."
>"Ha has, yeah, fuck EMcucks"
>"Of course, Jannies as well"
"Bye, have a nice day"

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A HOAD has to literally upend a part of the mainstream consciousness for a bit. There's a reason why only Naruto and Bleach caused them so far; they were the only series popular enough and had significant supporters of the losing side. While SnK is popular enough, there aren't enough supporters of EH to actually cause a disturbance outside of Yea Forums. Most normies don't even consider EH a possibility, unlike the default EM. So at best, an EH butthurt storm will last a few days on Yea Forums, compared to the true HOAD levels of EM butthurt.

>Reiner is the favorite yet all he gets is pain and suffering
>Armin isn't the favorite yet everything goes his way all the time

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Based Hisochad.

He's gonna go back to his fat genes

So EH, JM and AA are the endgames with FG then

eren is at another side of the table

It's a open possibility for Mikasa to let go of her obsession with Eren and choose her own path. Think from Isayama perspective, it serves to give Mikasa and Mikasafags something at stake for the final battle, or it would be too boring.


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Honestly, EHfags should be a bit woried. Bringing up so many forgotten plot points from 2013 like Marco, Connie's mom, Shadis and Jean waning to bone Mikasa shows that may only a matter of time until he brings up Dykemir again and shows Hisu as someone incapable of moving on from her.

Typeset in 2-3 hours.

Is he already balding? No one would ever picture himself as bald in a mid 20s fantasy.


Except she never loved Ymir like that and Jean got over Marco after beating up Reiner and Connie is letting his mom stay a titan forever.

>that fucked up posture
Jeanbo get some self-confidence.

What revived the hype?


There was far more basis for Hisu having feelings for Dykemir than for Jean to end up with Mikasa

shipfaggotry bait

quads of hype

>Jean got over Marco after beating up Reiner and Connie is letting his mom stay a titan forever
Don't you just love Isayama's writing haha...

your quads, sir


You did

Historia is literally pregnant you idiot.

Is Isayama a fucking idiot? After establishing Eren and Mikasa since time immemorial? 10 FUCKING YEARS FOR THIS. AND WE GET THIS? IS ISAYAMA AN IDIOT? DON'T FUCKING BULLSHIT ME

god I miss Eren so much

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Tl;dr but I don't care about what happens outside of Yea Forums. I'm not a reddit or twitterfag.

Remember all these ''leaks'' are fake and they already have the chapter.

They do it for attention.

Chinese will drop the chapter and then minutes later they'll suddenly release it.

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I don't care about the global HOAD. Just local hoad here on Yea Forums, and I'm sure that EHfags will deliver. An example of a bokuben shows that there will be a sea of tears and bitterness, there will be posts "I love Mikasa btw, but the last chapter is just shit" and so on.

Hey, get away from that ledge!

>EH butthurt storm will last a few days on Yea Forums
I wouldn't count on it. We get a shit ton of sperging, theories and all forms of cope in these threads regularly. Usually it's more about the mentality rather than the numbers of the shippers in question. EHshippers already used every single argument from Bleach shipwars
>she doesn't understand Ichigo/Eren, only Rukia/Historia understands him
>her love is unhealthy and obsession
>if she moves on from him that's character development
>EM/IH didn't get the necessary development, it was rushed and an asspull
>Isayama/Kubo is a shit writer
Prove me wrong. You can't. Because the exact same whales with the identical arguments, aka an identical taste and mentality, are shipping these crackships. Thus the sperging will be identical.

Jean showed romantic feelings. Historia never did. She moved on a long time ago. She let Ymir do what she wanted to do and accepted it. I can see her being mentioned, but not in a I will never love again way.

Based agitated EMchad

>I love Mikasa btw
That's simply not possible. Nobody on Yea Forums loves Mikasa

Not gonna lie, former EH supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Eren crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy penetrate the queen's pussy.

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The next few hours are CRITICAL for SnK

My boy Jean scoring some high quality pussy.

And it could easily end up being like those retarded YH fantasies where she fucks the farmer while pretending that he is Dykemir and revealing that she never got married because she would only marry the dyke she knew for three years.


At least we know he has indeed in love with her haha...I know this a bad omen ;_; fuck Isayama you mother fucking bitch

I do.

It's already over

You sounds like EHfag

based flochad

Uncanny, it's even from the same position of just outside a window. What did Isayama mean by this?

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Ymir is also just a beta orbiter in the AU.

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Historia wanted to leave Paradis to go live alone with Ymir at one point. All Jean ever did was say that Mikasa had pretty hair.

In his dreams.

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EMkeks FEAR the JeanChad

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At one point and then she got over it. and Ymir is freaking dead

Can we meme jean into surviving?

EM and JM are both equally good, I only hate EH crackship

We're laughing at EMfags. Especially the delusional ones that still think Eren isnt already involved with the mysteriously offscreen character who happens to be pregnant and shared an arc with him prior

Except it's not peace, it's annihilation

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Girls living alone isn't weird

*teleports behind you*
heh nothing personnel jeancuck

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>Name my band

>disregard everything that happened previously

Based, that tight petite butt is ready to be HORSED.

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Holy kek

1 fucking month of dealing with this ufcking sperging and apeshitting. Isayama is a fucking mad genius and I hate it.

>JMfags please attack EHfags, support EM

Shadis is going to save Kiyomi and kill Floch. Shadis x Kiyomi incoming!

smug titan

It's your fault for seeing something that wasn't there, even after being repeatedly told so. After all, every chance he had, in every interview - he kept saying that they're not romantic and the Endgame is separation.

So JM became even more of a joke, EH is actually a joke remembering AU result, BA was one sided joke, YH was onesided death, people might bitch about it but the best outcome from this story we can say have development is EM or EAr pairings.

As soon as Isayama discarded Mikasa for Historia in Uprising, right after the only decent EM moment, you should've seen it coming

> Tall man who's going to be the next commander of the survey corps
> Ded man wanted dead by the world
Jean > Eren all the way. Not even mad.

I don't feel so good about EM anymore. If it was going to happen why show Jean still having a crush on Mikasa and even dreaming about a baby with her? Either Isyama is setting up Mikasa moving on or Jean dies but dying like this is making him an incel who never got the pussy he wanted.

This guy seems like a real bro

Jeanfag here, EM, JM and EH are all cringe, stop using him for your shit wars.

How do we know that woman is Mikasa? Could just be Jean watching his own birth?

So if this Shuuko is posting leaks means they're cleaning and translating the scanlations as we speak?

The fact that he has keep it a secret to everyone says volumes about the honesty of his feelings.

Yes they said 2-3 hours.

there'll be no need for s*rvey c*rps after god eren destroys the rest of the world and flochad kills jeancuck

I'm a Jeanfag too, just saying. You should quote that fag too then

Who will Connie end up with? Everyone in the 104th is already taken (JM AA EH), so it has to be one of the warriors.

Because the leaker said it you dumb fucking retard. Who else would Jean be dreaming of if not the girl he has a crush on, and she has Mikasa's scar?

Annie was being blackmailed and is a good girl. Reiner though... Reiner has no excuse.

You agree with this right?


>Jean dies but dying like this is making him an incel who never got the pussy he wanted.
That's the point.
We saw Historia dreaming about future with Ymir in side story but she didn't get that either instead of becoming prego sided joke.
That's Jean fate, I don't see a reason why he should be the only one who get his onesided fantasy resolved in positive way.



He just didn't want to turn his manga into a romantic story.

he's balding, fat and looks like a horse

You wouldn't lie to me now would you?

There's no way there will only be another volume with this pacing


There was a post in one of hte threads where they said this. I'm not.

Im pretty sure they can. Shifters always take energy from the body to shift. They are sorta the offspring of the founder.
Its new titans that need to be molded by Ymir, and Zeke ressurection case was a special one has he's a royal, and I think its like Reiner hands to protect falco, they both had a deep desperate wish for something and Ymir heard their plea.

He's alive though

his mom as a human

But Historia never had romantic feelings for Ymir

It happens to everyone

Everything is resolved, we will get one or two chapters about alliance vs Eren fight and then one chapter of epilogue.
There's no need for anything more.

Link the post.

I honestly don't like Jean's post timeskip look


Jean will inherit the AT, that scenery is Mikasa happy family

My bad.

Jeanfag here, EM, JM and EH are all cringe, stop using him for your shit wars.

But at what cost?

Jean, please, I really need you to fuck my sister

Attached: jeanpls.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

95%, only retards and shippers deny it at this point


It's actually in this thread you bitch625

he hasnt acted like it was a crush in years.

I wonder why some EMfags are crying, this scene pretty much confirms 100% that JM will never happen outside a joke reasoning.

Fuck Eren. Fuck you Eren so much

the death of EM

Thanks cunt. Don't see anyone else replying to it so it might be some random faggot lying.

>the biggest death flag
>can even be called the death bell for a character

How’s EreMikaHeaven taking this chapter?

EMfags getting yet another stake through their delusional skulls. Also the Alliance doesnt seem as cringe and asspulled as originally thought

Why? Eren's done nothing wrong here

She gave up on the manga a few chapters ago


Because this fanbase always overreacts to anything resembling romantic teasing

Most of it sounds like falseflagging. Just with ships exchanged this time.

It's the fact that isayama created a dream sequence with Mikasa having Jean's baby that triggered them. Although it's pretty obviously a death flag, it's a very solid shipping hint.

This is foreshadowing Jean finally confessing to Mikasa and it will encourage Mikasa to confess to Eren that she wish he would just die.

Get fucked loser, did you think EHchads were just blowing smoke up your ass the last 5 years? What did you think the Louise subplot was supposed to imply about Mikasa's relationship with Eren? Read some more books nigger

>Also the Alliance doesnt seem as cringe and asspulled as originally thought
But nothing has changed? If anything, conveniently putting Levi to sleep just to avoid potential confrontation between him and Annie is so retarded and just shows how he's scared as a writer. He doesn't risk and plays it safe.

Hanji is meeting with someone that will give her a serum

shonenkeks get out

Lel you really thought Isayama would make Levi insult his golden boy Armin's girlfriend?


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I don't care about EH or EM or JM or any other shipper retardation.
But when has Mikasa expressed any romantic interest in anyone other than Eren? She'd probably just end up alone if she can't get muh Ereh.

Connie is dying to Eren 100%


Thats why he had Eren impregnate Historia amirite?

Isayama wouldnt waste time on something like this if EM was going to be a thing, even if its just a deathflag for Jean

There's not such a thing like something or someone more pathetic than a EMfag

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>Isayama wouldnt waste time

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Connie assrapes Zeke and kills Eren with this 7

A-ANONS... This is fake right?

Isayama has said in interviews he views it as strange to date someone you grew up with as a sibling with.

I think that was his subtle way of saying Eren/Mikasa was never going to happen.

But who knows, maybe his editors will have him do it anyway.

Oh shit...
Finally, It's happening HALL OF ANAL DEVASTATION 3

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That's coming from an author with the same editor as another series I read WHO IS ALSO KNOWN FOR LYING. Fuck them all, FUCK WSM

Oh my lord

Don't joke user, 4 recent chapter seems as a big waste of time anyway.

>Isayama has said in interviews
>he likes yuri
>he kills Ymir
>makes Historia pregnant with a guy
>kills Louise again in brutal fashion just cause she is into Mikasa
Nah this author will make everyone cry.

What's the point in making a picture of Orihime if it's gonna be so out of character?

lol, this is a quality shitpost, aussie tier.
upvoted and subscribed

You can see the scar on her cheek fucking retard

Who goes to sleep at 10 PM on a Saturday.

The baby is Eren, Zeke is holding him after everything is over, he was reborn to lift the 13 years curse from him

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I just want Mikasa to bang everyone, and that's never going to happen(probably not even in a douj), so whatever.

I love when dumb niggers try to play the GUESS WHO THIS CHARACTER game with isayama, a shitty hack who can't fucking draw in a series where every character looks the same