Jojo part 6

Why is this considered the worst part again?

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Bad writing and plebians not understanding the stands and calling them lazy when they're the coolest and best part of it imo

Because our girl got shafted AGAIN
Here have another shitty Rohan fanfic
Part 6 never

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Cause these faggots are scared to relate to wamen.

>tfw this anime adaptation will be the best part.

I think part 6 had the best fights in the entire franchise to be honest with you.

Thus spake Rohan is essential because Rohan is one of the most iconic characters in JoJo that isn't ORAORAORAORA KOREWA STANDOSKAI.

Part 6 will come if you watch the fuckin thing.

In manga format this part is a fucking headache to read. Maybe the anime can fair better.
Also, pacing. writing.
The characters themselves are amazing though, extremely Araki-esque.

I think Jolyne will work better in this decade than she did in the 00's as waifu culture was not such a big thing as it is today, and girl mc's were rare compared to nowadays. The Jojo anime only fags will hate it because no more pretty boys.

I do too, i love part 6 its my favorite part
But the writing isnt the best!

TSKH is great though, you pleb
I always saw them as Araki trying to write Junji Ito stories

Part 6 is literally the worst written part. It's difficult to read through, the narrative is sloppy, the pacing is all over the place, the minor antagonists are lackluster, all of the stands are terrible and it has the weakest cast by a long shot. Jolyne is a pathetic MC who is just an edgy whiny bitch with daddy issues. Her poor actions are blamed on Jotaro and she doesn't have a moment of self-reflection to become a more mature person. Being a Strong Female Characterâ„¢ isn't being mature, by the way. Pucci is a cliched, generic shounen villain with a backstory that is ridiculous, laughable and tacked on late into the story. DIO's sons were a complete waste as they were just more fodder of the week with no personality. And the ending is fucking terrible.

look at that copy pasta

Rohan is a big faggot and nobody likes him except for little girls.
He adds nothing to the story and is useless for the team. Kira was found out entirely by efforts of Hayato.
His only value was comedy when Josuke was fucking with him, and that's not a thing here.
His stand is also overpowered as shit, so there's no tension.
I'd watch more shit from Morioh-cho in a heartbeat, but Rohan is the worst choice for that. The guy's just unlikeable
(thank God he's not in Jojolion)

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>it's bad because it's bad, badly made, terrible, weakest and bad stupid bad and laughable and also bad and fucking terrible
Damn I feel like I just watched a youtube essay.

Part 6 has a lot of needlessly complicated stands which make the fights too bullshit to be actually enjoyable. Dragon's Dream is probably the peak of that. If it was just a luck based stand it wouldn't have been that bad, maybe a bit boring, it's when they add the teleporting limbs thing which anyone can do that the fight becomes really stupid. And I don't even want to get into the fucking pantomime act that is Yo-Yo Ma.

Bohemian Rhapsody and Heavy Weather are both clusterfucks, and long ones at that. I know JoJo is JoJo and I should expect bullshit, but I still have my limits. More needlessly complicated Stand powers go beyond the point of fun, that whole body/soul separation concept in Bohemian Rhapsody's fight was bad. Another problem that extends to most of the fights is the way they end. They're anti-climactic and that sours my opinion on them. Most of the appeal for the fights in JoJo is the clever ways in which the manage to overcome the enemy's seemingly broken power. With part 6, a lot of the ways that they beat the enemy just feel flat.

Doesn't help that there are also a few fights early on have stands which feel like bargain bin versions of other ones. Because of that, the fights themselves also feel like inferior versions of the fights those stands came from. Goo Goo Dolls is just a far less tense yet ridiculously more powerful version of Little Feet seeing as it can just shrink you instantly. Manhattan Transfer is a far less threatening rehash of Geb, plus dumb illusion bullshit because Whitesnake is broken.

Also, did we really need another gambling arc? Especially a gambling arc which removes the concept of cheating, something that was an integral part of all the other gambling arcs before this one, but the user can still cheat making it way less about strategy and just an unfair test and they don't even beat her by playing her game. Jolyne just fucking ORAs her.

Nice try copypasta fag

this desu
Araki's art isn't exactly easy to comprehend, just like One Piece's Oda.

Only sexually starved retards like Jolyne.

I like Jolyne because she is an airhead and cute
How does that make me sexually starved when she is like 99% of anime girl protags

People forget what the word BIZARRE means.

only fujos hate Jolyne because they can't write yaoi fanfics with her

Of course, how could we forget?

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Part 1 is the worse part and part 2 is the best, thoughts?

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Okay cuck.

>Part 1 is the worse part
Part 3 and 4 are worse
>part 2 is the best

always felt like he dried up the creativity well after stardust crusaders
half as long twice as bright kind of thing

I think the problem was that Part 3 was too successful, they kept pushing him to rehash the formula. Finally in Part 7 he broke free and was able to make good stories again.

He just started rehashing the formula in part 7 again after the beginning.

A true aristocrat would know that part 1 is indeed the best.

Official power ranking
Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4 > Part 5 > Part 6 > Part 7 > Part 8

>Part 3 and 4 are worse

>(thank God he's not in Jojolion)

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>Back in 2013? Araki said a mangaka character will appear in Jojolion

he forgot

Part 3 was bad, tho. Every chapters between the moment they leave Holly's house and the beginning of the fight against DIO is filler and could have been skipped without missing any important information for the story.

>I hate characterization

>fights are filler
>in an action series

When they don't make the plot advance, yes, they are filler. Araki could have found to make them relevant like making enemies reveal clues about DIO's location or power, or making DIO invincible while his followers are not defeated, but he didn't.

Because ass hurt main universe fags got the finger by araki

>man bad
>woman good
Back to Twitter.

Fighting DIO's minions is the plot. Every fight advances the plot.

I like men and I like Jolyne

Terrible pacing, poor villain motivations, distasteful treatment of characters, unsatisfying ending.

Jolyne and her moss friend are cute but sorry "COOMING" doesn't win out over story.

5 is objectively the worst

Jolyne is basically a man

More like
>man good
>woman good

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That's true though.

I still for the life of my can not fucking understand why 5 is so universally "hyped" all over the internet. Fucking normal shits everywhere losing their shit dressing up like Bruno. Everyone obsessing over it like it's the most important part to look forward to when no one ever fucking gave it a passing thought before it came time to roll out the anime for it.

Have sex

It gets pretty routine when you're married 2bh

He forgot to add jojo to this jojoba just like in pt3

Bullshit, Jotaro was just a introvert main character that didn't talk much and was straight to the point. Ofc the goofballs will be more interesting on first glance.

Part 6 is the only part with a story before 7

What a dumb thing to say.

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>SOtists aren't shameless coome-

based chad

Bros, I want Jolyne to cuck and findom me.

I think that most people who say they like it subconsciously know that is a complete nonsensical trainwreck but they like the general ideas it has, the IDEA of the setting, the stand mafia, Giorno etc. Some acknowledge that and some try to make excuses for it and make shit up about the story to make it seem like it works. Others are just fujoshits.

Shit taste

>SOtists aren't ES-

Rank Time!

2 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 4 > 6 > 5 > 8

Well who else would you choose to do it to you?

Shit fetish I mean

5 is easily the worst part, 6 was when Araki got his groove back.

7 > 8 > 6 > 5 >2 > 3 > 1 > 4

>Her poor actions are blamed on Jotaro and she doesn't have a moment of self-reflection to become a more mature person.
wow, just like a real woman

Swap 2 and 4 and I'll agree

>before anything

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1 > 8 > 7 > 6 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 5


>3 and 5 at the bottom
based and redpilled