With the exceptions of Eizouken, Reviewers and Bofuri, it's been a pretty weak season.
With the exceptions of Eizouken, Reviewers and Bofuri, it's been a pretty weak season
I enjoy Dorohedoro a lot.
>exceptions of Eizouken, Reviewers
Isekai Quartet is pretty fun
>with the exception of reasons why the season is strong, it's been a pretty weak season
fuck off with your shitty bait
I dropped Reviewers after 3 eps for being tedious and unfunny. Even with the tits, I still dropped it.
Convince me I was wrong.
>Eizouken, Reviewers and Bofuri,
I think we've finally got it, the ultimate trifecta of shit taste.
ID Invaded is legitimately great and potentially the best psychological thriller in years.
>With the exceptions of Dorohedoro, ID:Invaded and Pet, it's been a pretty weak season.
Why do retards like you say the same shit every season, dont you get tired?
In/Spectre is alright.
I'd rather wait until it's finished.
most of the anime thrillers/psychological mysteries I've watched seriously dropped the ball at the end and it wasnt worth the investment.
those are the worst shows this season
Way to come out as underage coomer.
Back to Yea Forums.
Honestly gonna have to agree. At least we have BNA and the great pretender to look forward to
You weren't, it's the normalfag/ironic weeaboo show of the season.
*shuffles deck*
Where's the irony? Why has the term "ironic weeaboo" lost all meaning?
It's been a good season, Even Darwin's game is pretty entertaining, S2 of Murenase Gakuen please.
DoroheCG killed my interest in the manga
Plunderer is OK
haikyuu is haikyuu
Isekai Quartet is fun.
Kyokou suiri is pretty great
Yea Forumscalls any comedy that's sexualized and popular ironic.
The problem isn't with the show itself, it's an extremely mediocre comedy ecchi anime.
The problem is its fanbase, which hails it as the best show of the season because they've only seen adult swim shit and other normalfag shows.
Its just that its never used appropriately but not enough for it to lose meaning. After all, adding ironic to weaboo kinda lessens its effect funny snappy buzzword that you can post without even thinking
>Eizouken, Reviewers and Bofuri
>no Haikyuu
>no Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga
>no Pet
It's like you didn't even try, pleb.
>it's an extremely mediocre comedy ecchi anime.
Only people who don't watch a lot of ecchi anime claim it's mediocre, it delivers on everything expected from an ecchi anime and beyond. It's more brazen than a lot of hentai, even.
>because they've only seen adult swim shit and other normalfag shows.
Citation needed.
What's pet about should I check it out is it legitimately engaging or more psuedo science word soup bulllshit
Dorohedoro's been alright DESPITE the animation and not because of it.
What's with anons and reeeing at popular things?
That, Kyokou suiri and bofuri are the only things I am watching this season desu
popular = shit, you retard
>Go-toubun no Hanayome in Winter 2020
Surely everyone enjoyed this?
My top 5 this season is probably:
Some runner-ups are Kyokou but solely for its absurdly thirsty slut of a heroine, Somali, and hell Murenase is great fun too. Middle-of-the-pack ratings go to Darwin's Game, Runway, Hanako-kun, etc.
I'm a bit surprised Madoka and Railgun aren't that high on my rankings this season honestly. A bit of a shame.
>bofutrannies still trying to force their chink mmoshit
I like Ishuzoku Reviewers because I fucking hate the state of modern TV ecchi anime.
The vast majority of TV ecchi anime blueball the audience and never progress to anything beyond breastfondling and jokes.
>because they've only seen adult swim shit and other normalfag shows
Been here since shortly before morning lescue and Reviewers is a huge fucking breath of fresh air for seasonal anime, faggot.
Eizouken and Ishuzoku are the highlights of the season whether you like it or not. The rest is forgettable shit.
Based taste. Railgun unfortunately got CORONA'd and well I don't even fucking know what's going on with Magia Record at this point. When did SHAFT lose their magic Yea Forums?
It's about how bad it is to trust anyone in a crime setting where memory manipulation is possible
You must be blind, we have Eizouken, Mugen no Juunin and many others.
>heya camp
>isekai quartet
What do you mean? It's got Dorohedoro.
Winter seasons are always about quality over quantity, a few great shows like Reviewers rather than many good or okay shows.
imagine not watching ID Invaded
I dropped ID early because of the standard anime mediocre to bad mystery writing, still have no desire to pick it back up.
I keep on wondering when they're going to drop the ball but it keeps getting exponentially better and better
>it's an extremely mediocre comedy ecchi anime
Don't talk about things you don't watch. It's the most refreshing ecchi anime we had in years.
Stopped forcing myself to watch Eizouken six episodes in, after realising I didn't care for it and was only watching because of Yuasa.
The characters are as shallow as a puddle, the story is little more than "we're an animation club and we make animation", and there's only so many times I can be subjected to a template scene showcasing their animation for that episode and telling me it's amazing before I stop caring. Shirobako did this concept much better, and I'd rather rewatch that than pretend I find Eizouken engaging.
Replace Eizouken with Murenase and we have the same list.
Eizouken is trash.
>its been a good season
As always, Lelouch with his shitty taste and his 11 fitted hats.
Railgun is better at that.
Somali, Runway and budoukan kept me interested in this season.
I wish the MC from number24 had a more competent supporting cast.
ID didn't grab me in the first episode.
Who's your favorite Ishuzoku whore Ledouche?
Wasn't it selling pretty well? And anons were saying that it was great, though that might just be your average seasonal shills trying to make their threads more lively. I haven't checked it out yet but just curious.
Pet is severely underrated and is my top of the season. Other than that I'm only watching Dorohedoro and ID Invaded since nothing else this season appeals to me. Started watching Hanako and Suiri but got bored of them fast.
Oh well, I have a ton of classic/ anime from a few years back to watch so I'm kinda glad not to be clogged up from too much seasonal stuff
Eizouken epitomizes style over substance moreso than any other Yuasa show, Reviewers is constantly plagued with garbage threads that threaten to kill any remaining enthusiasm i have to airing days. Bofuri has a cute turtle so i can look past any of its shortcomings.
I think PET also good
Yes I too love ecchi and Memesaki Yuasa, fellow anime connoisseur.
It's good as long as you don't have an autistic hate-boner for CGI.
I cannot understand how people still caring about Index/Railgun. I would have killed for more seasons 8 years ago, but nowadays I just don't give a fuck anymore.
>With the exceptions of Eizouken, Reviewers and Bofuri, it's been a pretty strong season
I agree, Eizouken and reviewers are the worst of this masterful season
There's some pseudo-psychology in it, but given the context of the series that's basically unavoidable. Like said it's about mindbenders who work for a Chinese crime syndicate and do shady things for them but aren't trusted because the syndicate are all about absolute control and these guys basically are only loyal to the guy that trained them. The ultimate goal is to train/condition/create psykers with no wills of their own that the syndicate can command to do anything they want to without having to use an intermediary to convince them to do work. It gets sticky when one of the psykers has figured out they're expendable and decides to make a play to take over the syndicate, or destroy it from within, whichever.
Cope Winter 2020 literally strongest season in past few years your autistic shilling won't work
>weak season
This season is unironically better than the entirety of last year.
Quads of truth from outta nowhere!
Why people are still sleeping on budokan ? It's literally AOTY material despite on tight budget they managed to deliver , every episode is pure kino . WTF ??
quads o' truth
My kneejerk reaction was to call you a faggot, but then I actually looked back and... You're right.
t. filthy secondary
I guess a lot of people got burned by idol anime (e.g. Zombieland saga) that they didn't give it a chance.
>With the exceptions of Eizouken, Reviewers and Bofuri, it's been a pretty weak season.
You have no taste. Go back to r/animeS
And as always, OP confirmed for fag.
>didn't mention dorohedoro
your taste is weak
Didn't mention Richard either, they have no taste at all.
Only watching Chihayafuru this season. Dropped everything else.
>imagine believing that this isn't AOTY
Eizouken is shit. More boring than Somali, it only has it's art.
idolfags leave.
shit taste, not only it looks like dogshit, but it's also disgusting. Hahaha we otaku are so gross let's make an anime about prostitution and brothels hahaha so funny we just wanna coom. Disgusting. The jokes are not even funny, the few scenes when it's not boring it's just plain fucking stupid and has the humour a 12 year-old who just found his father's porn magazine would have.You should be ashamed of yourselves for liking this piece of shit, and this is coming from a dedicated lolicon.
Funny how quick are newfags to expose themselves.
I'm guessing most people watching Reviewers are doing it with at least a hint of irony about the whole thing and also it falls into ironic weeaboo territory for being a "LMAO JAPAN SO RANDEM XD" type anime that relies heavily on shock value and base humour. Real weebs probably don't give much of a shit about Reviewers, or ecchi trash in general.
sure thing buddy
>Real weebs probably don't give much of a shit about ecchi trash in general.
I've been watching ecchi shit for 12 years and still my favorite genre.
You're a fucking retard.
Lmao imagine unironically thinking weebs don't like ecchi
Go back to fapping your asanagi doujin kiddo
Normalfags usually don't like ecchi since it's not "socially acceptable".
>implying ecchi isn't weebs only way to satisfy their sexual desire
You are wrong in so many levels
I like it, but the main gag just being that Maina and Eripiyo keep misunderstanding each other got boring fast and we all know nothing will happen since it'll have a "read the manga" ending.
Don't forget to post a wojak on your next bait user
>and this is coming from a dedicated lolicon
No you're not. You'd appreciate the cunny in this show if you were.
Fuck off.
you alright in the head, user?
same, i was worried over CG at the start, but it serves the surreal setting very well. I'm definitely enjoying myself.
>I've been watching ecchi shit for 12 years and still my favorite genre.
Some people are doomed to trash taste forever I guess
Magia Record is really fucking good if you treat it as a SoL.
>not only it looks like dogshit
Even people who don’t like it will admit that the visuals and animation are generally well above average and a lot of people really like the bubbly art style for being somewhat unique. You clearly can’t even judge one aspect of the show objectively without being influenced by your bias against it, especially considering the rest of your post is nothing but “it’s bad because it’s stupid and gross and bad!”
What a fucking surprise. Go back.
>you alright in the head, user?
Are you?
No hard hitters.
even the faggots at Plebbit aren't enjoying it as much.
Their weekly scoring has the number 1 spot at like 2k upboats, when a season ago the top placers stone and vinland saga were farming 3k-4k on average.
Most of these "complaints" about Reviewers in this thread really exposes how many people need to lurk before posting. Yea Forumseddit buzzwords out the ass and blatant lies/misinfo.
>real weebs
Lurk moar.
Who the fuck cares about leddit?
What I like good.
What you like bad.
No need to read this thread anymore.
Even with Coronavirus this is still the best show of the season along with Toilet kun
I'm not a fan of ecchi but most people who complain about ecchi on are legitimately retarded.
My taste may be trash, but it proves his point wrong.
Maybe you should go back there
Go back yourself.
This season
This really.
It's a great season to start off the decade with.
Meidri best girl.
Reviewers is a blessing to this world, Id: Invaded, Seton Gakuen, Somali and Railgun are ok too, Orphen and Plunderer for the nostalgia and Hakumei no Tsubasa for the eye candy, this season is a good one.
Do all tripfags like to eat shit?
So far yes, thanks for the concern. If it will make you even happier, just know my doctor says my recent blood test results are spectacular, i seem to be healthy and in good shape.
It's good season and ID is best ongoing show.
I pray to God that show doesn't have an ending that shits the bed.
Meidori-chan is not a whore!
I'm glad Eizouken exist.
First time in years that I'm excited for something.
It's full of contrived shit that comes off as masturbatory and pretentious.
name 5
Ah-haha, that's hot. That's Hot.
Going to need some more of that.
everyone laugh at this newfag retard
It has potential if it wouldn't look so bad that my eyes would hurt
this is your average reviewers watcher
the jank's adorable
He said nothing about Ishuzoku Reviewers.
Stop forcing an imaginary fanbase war, Yea Forumsermin.
>Magical mumbo jumbo larping as science
Its absolute shit
>someone mentions eizouken or reviewers
>newfags immediately shit their pants and start crying about reddit
Jesus fuck I haven't thought of orphen since I had that on ps2 release. It's been what like 18 years or something?
id invaded is only rated highly by people that exclusively watch anime.
Are you excited for next season, user?
Yes, but not in the least because of that.
Can't be worse than Promare
The one thing that was missing in this great season was an anime original that all of Yea Forums could watch together and shitpost about. Honestly we haven't had one of those in a long time now. Popcorn anime are the best.
I highly rate iID Invaded because the writer is like the reincarnation of Philip K. Dick.
i disagree; id invaded is pretty solid
im enjoying this season overall
Kado still haunts me