Gyaru and Dinosaur Anime PV
A SoL 65 million years in the making.

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alright where's the porn?


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Why are gyarus so fucking ugly in real life?

>anime made in Flash
It's dead, Jim

she gets fucked hard by that dino daily

Fitting for a dinosaur series

I'm up to date with the translated manga so I'm watching this day one

>claymation hybrid
is this Yea Forums's most anticipated watch for next season?

for me at least
looks better than expected

there's that one trigger furry show next season

people are ugly in real life

but gyarus are even more so

Why does it look like Yea Forums?

Nobody who's pretty enough to match conventional beauty goes for subculture alternatives.

I've just seen a couple of panels from the manga and just assumed it was about a gyaru getting raped by the usual ofb, except he used a sock puppet in one of his hands.

you beat me to it
I was going to say that those that fit into society don't tend to create countercultures.
Innovation arises at the edges of society.

this looks like a really old cartoon network show

they're fusing together a number of animation styles I wonder how adventurous they'll be beyond this pv?

FACT: Anime needs more used goods.

Based dino drawing the house

The dinosaur looks like Ned's Newt

Dino looks like a fusion between Blue and Cookie Monster


I assume he means Bloo from that cartoon network show about imaginary friends.

gonna evidence of this bloo fella

He's imaginary, just imagine it.

Gyarus are BACK!

>flash anime

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That dinosaurs face unsettles me

The manga was cute, but I have missed the news that it's getting an anime adaptation.

>blushing dinosaur

Cut off that dinosaurs head and you have Bloo.

Is this a fan anime? Looks kinda wierd