OVA's out.
Attached: [DefinitelyNotCrunchyroll] ACCA - 13-ku Kansatsu-ka - Regards OVA [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.18_[15.20. (1920x1080, 2.68M)
OVA's out.
oh shit, it's here
Thanks for the reminder, user. I was just thinking about ACCA yesterday.
I picked up the first volume of acca-13 and it was c o mf y
I literally did a re-watch last week. Great timing.
[DefinitelyNotCrunchyroll] or [Anime Time]?
This show has never left a bad taste in my mouth.
I'm glad I watched it.
Thanks for the heads up, OP.
I hope I can rewatch it in the future.
I remember dropping the show midway through simply because it wasn't captivating enough. Despite interesting premise, setting and nice visual style.
The show's biggest flaw is that it had no balls to actually raise the stakes in a meaningful manner. Nothing of note really happens as a result.
hell yeah thanks for the reminder, I love ACCA
I should really buy the manga.
Huh. Didn't know they were doing one of those.
The show is simply a vehicle to showcase cute men doing cute men things. It's all about the character interactions and setpieces and not so much about the plot.
the OVA should have been about those three
i need to know, does the blue haired mommy make an appearance?