If you could make all of Yea Forums watch one anime, which anime would it be?
pic related, it's my choice. Accessible, but high quality.
If you could make all of Yea Forums watch one anime, which anime would it be?
pic related, it's my choice. Accessible, but high quality.
Master of Martial Hearts
>mecha harem comedy
>high quality
It's not horrible, but still.
>mecha harem comedy
it's a space opera with mecha, harem, and comedy elements
I pretty much just remember harem hijinks and mecha battles.
Season 2 Vandread never ;_;
you are misremembering i promise you
the show builds the relationships of every character on the ship and focuses on them growing and working together to overcome challenges and personal demons in a fight against an oppressive alien race that seeks to exploit them.
Lupin III, including all the spinoffs.
I feel like overall the benefits would outweigh the boredom.
Season 3*
the extra chapters of the manga still have yet to be TLed, that's really all i want is the chance to say goodbye to the characters
Attack on titan
it's actually really good, Yea Forums just hates anything that's popular[/spoi;er]
Vandread was super cool.
idk the anime is pretty good but the manga right now is kind of going in a direction I can't see getting any better. Final season might ruin it
S3 shitcanned
Vandread season 3 / 3rd stage was planned once
Oh man this brings back so many memories. Too bad S3 was shafted.
A harem where the MC is not a totally spineless pussy for once.
if I could I'd say don't watch fucking anime
one piece or case closed to weed out casuals
>weed out casuals
since Yea Forums is mostly moefags I'd have to go with One Piece. everyone would be forced to watch over 900 episodes of based shounen.
Hunterchads would probably tell me to recommend hxh but it's nowhere near the amount of episodes as one piece and I really want to see moefags suffer.
It's not like S2 ended on a cliffhanger and needed one.
For Yea Forums I'd go with Elfen Lied. Short series, awesome soundtrack, and intense action.
For newbies, Planetes. One season, futuristic but not ridiculous, and not too hard to digest.
>lets have people watch casual garbage to weed out the casuals.
To Love-Ru
it sucks though
Dita best girl, maybe ever
bazum best girl.
is nun girl from the spine planet?
sorry. Bazum best woman.
One episode a week
So much to learn out of Lupin.
i'm not a fag,i'm just have a good taste
you're fag
Forget anime, anyone who likes movies should see this.
As far I could find, 3rd Stage ...
>The new series will be set 20 years after the events of Second Stage and focus on the next generation
>One of the characters will be the daughter of Hibiki and Dita (the redhead in the left image)
>Another of the characters will be the daughter Hibiki and Meia (the character in the right image)
>As this new incarnation looks at the new generation, the original characters will be either absent or limited in appearances
>Finally, the setting will be in an orphanage
Typical Gonzo sequel were they fuck everything up, I am still wondering how they didnt fuck up 2nd Stage.
did you mean "series"?
There was no series. It was just a movie.
Meia's brat
>meia who was seemingly the least romantically interested of the three ends up having sex with hbiki in any matter other than pic related.
>some how barnette doesn't end up cucked by her obviously straight (prison lesbian) girlfriend
>orphanage so all of the previous cast on the ship are dead
>no mentions of any kind of mech-aphores let alone any sexual ones
Di Gi Charat
Gunsmith cats
No, user. THEY'RE THE ONES running the orphanage. Don't you see it? Nun, orphanage, 20 years?