holy fucking based
Holy fucking based
I cannot believe he would say something so inappropriate, he's always been so polite.
How will she look in 10 years?
What a madman.
>the character that single handedly triggers tumblr
Truly based
the same because her quirk will constantly rewind time essentially making her an immortal loli.
Fuck those hypocritical horny perverted faggots.
Mirio gets to see what she looks like now and in 10 years.
What is her relationship with Mirio? Are they close friends?
Fake subs
>immortal forever-loli
>has already been traumatized so severely with body horror shit that she wouldn't even be bothered by sex
based CHADneta
imagine being literally named cunnilingus
There’s a reason he’s only crotch high
Never watched/read this, what has he done to make hambeasts rage?
Mirio is already fucking Eri
>dont say the f word in front of eri, she's only 7
Fucking kek
He's a based coomer in an otherwise flat manga