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Other urls found in this thread:



ritual posting: the manga


>ritual posting
Nani sore?

The manga has been over for a while, just die already.



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Why is this all thats left of 5toubun threads? Is it just so some can keep the threads alive until the second season so they wont be ghost town dead? whats the angle here?

I love my Ichicute

OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE post more Ichicute!

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It's like a dead corpse moving from muscle memory.

I only started reading this manga after Ichika kissed Fuutarou on the bench, reading about it I saw that Ichika was hated a lot and went in expecting to do the same, but I ended up liking her character a lot, her interactions and chemistry with Fuutarou was by far the best one and was the most important person to keep him in the quints' life. I was pretty pissed after the ending but by now I can remain happy with what I got and ignore everything after the kiss chapter.

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>was the most important person to keep him in the quints' life.
>the same person who sneked miku
>the same person who tried to fuck off by her own and had to be brought back by miku


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The fact that she was the sole provider for all the 5 sisters, including rent, food and any other necessities and STILL managed to get the highest grades is what made me ship her the highest.
Not to mention she was the one who helped Miku get so far to begin with, she was the one who asked Nino to help Miku make the chocolate, once Miku certainly would never get better.
Was the one who opened Fuutarou's eyes to romance.
After Fuutarou quit she was the one who came up with the plan to leave their house so that he could continue.

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I dropped the manga long ago, do we get to see who gets to marry the other four quints in the end?

Of course not, Negi made a joke about how most series never show what happens to the losers, and then did it anyways. Maybe his wife should've told him that being self aware about shit writing does not mean his writing won't be shit

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>who gets to marry the other four quints in the end?

She was literally too perfect to win.

Fellow Ichicute fans, who was your favourite out of the main five in Bokuben? Mafuyu for me

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Mafuyu is also cute!

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Ichika got bullied the hardest by Negi. When he was planning SW he already knew that she was the least popular quint. He said he needed a villain and he simply picked Ichika. He knew very well it would tank her polarity even more, sepcially since Negi was throwing her against the most poular quint.
Then Ichika tried to fuck off from the bowl to get some peace, but was forcefully dragged back by Fuutarou.
During the festival every quint got 2-3 chapters dealing with their issues. But Ichika's chapters focused more on Fuutarou and his feelings instead. And even her kiss was later ruined by the a stupid can of orange juice. Same with Fuutarou checking her lips.
In the last volume her clouse was only half of the chapter. After that she got a total of 4 lines in the next 5 chapters.

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>I'll give them all closure!
>Ichika's closure is just repeat of chapters 94-95
>Nino didn't get any closure at all
>Itsuki fans wish they had no closure rather than what they got
>also in the end they all go on a honeymoon together which implies they ALL still might have feelings or him 5 years later

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I think "Ironic shitposting is still shitposting" fits Negi to a T

Same. Mafuyu was way too good for that manga.

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Yotsuba is a kind girl and will share with her beloved sisters, but there must be a cheating schedule.

The ending was pretty based ngl.


>she was the sole provider for all the 5 sisters, including rent, food and any other necessities and STILL managed to get the highest grades
And then Fuutarou calls her do-nothing lazy bum. What a nice way to insult the most hard-working quint in the very last chapter.

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probably uruka if she isn't a nigger


So what was the reason the bride had to change her wedding dress so often or whatever it said in the one glimpse of the future that made people suspect the quints were swapping around during the wedding?

Retconed, ignore it

>Retconed, ignore it
What a faggot this author is.

Along with the bracelet and the ring(s)

Kek, he wanted to get this shit out of his hair as soon as possible

God I hate post SE and everything after that 5toubun, only good part are the Ichika side of the last festival.

Negi is a retarded hack for not making this cutie win.

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Don't forget the earrings.
What was the fucking point of that scene?

Why should the bracelet have been important again? It's just a good luck charm.

Doesn't matter what it represents, it just vanished.

Posting superior Ichika clone. who's also the most popular girl in her own series now despite being a side character

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>4fags were saying Fuutarou would put the wedding ring on Yotsuba's finger after successfully passing the quint game
>instead they got THIS

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>Look Yotsuba, dead mom earrings!
>proceeds to not wear them
>every bride shown in flashbacks has been with earrings

Good job Negi


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It doesn't make any sense to show it if it's just a good luck charm.

Nino is better

I bet Fuutarou is still a virgin.
Thankfully Ichika and Nino will fix that on Yotsuba's honeymoon.

Yotsuba set herself up for this, F ain't getting out of that honeymoon alive.

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Hopefully he gets NTR'd in lots of doujinshi after how this shit ended. Can't wait to see fat, old men get all the quint and his imouto while he doesn't even have sex with his bride.

>We are discussing penises, want to join in?
>Yes, penises.
>I'm gonna need to drink a bit more for this discussion
>Uesugi-kun's dick will suffer the same fate as this Napolitan

I don't read this shit, is it over yet? Which one won?



If Ichika is the cutest then Itsuki is the best. Itsubest!

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Negi tweeted something

It's his 2nd tweet since the manga end and he is just shilling new toubun single with character songs.

Dumb pig, only good for body modification doujins

Not my normal poster but. In the butt!

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Go back

Such a thing will be the cover of volume 14 like this?

It will be announced on March 20 (I read it)

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The reader in a hospital bed with a IV drip in his arm while Negi is saying "do you rike it please read my next work sankyuu"

Generic princess, could be any one of them
Ryugujo's Otohime?
Red Riding Pig

Anyone knows who 1 and 2 represent?

Itsuki=Little red riding hood

Not a self inserter so no, I don't want any of that. All I wanted was a good story with good characters.

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Teasing onee-sans are guaranteed losers, especially if they are actresses. Nothing screams NTR more than the entertainment industry and that turns otakus off.

Based Mami Kawada Lover


Nino is Sleeping Beauty. Her dress resembles Disney's design and it has roses as another reference.

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Weird that they're all Western fantasy but only Miku is Japanese fantasy, could Nino be Kaguya?

Imagine having this much of a shit taste.

So, what is this? IT says March 6?

Don't worry, she'll get what's coming to her obscenely moralfag body.

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Imagine having this much of a bad taste.

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>just to crash Nino with a single chapter
>04 Dec
Little did we know that Negi left the killing blow for the final chapter.

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Imagine 14 years of butthurt, how fucking destroyed was Negi when he read Ichigo 100%? He's like 30 right now right? So he was around 15/16 when it ended?
That a big damn.

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Based Negi.

What about "lol I actually love Fuutarou let's skip that" Itsuki?

>Shingeki no Kyojin and 5toubun had the same editor
>both went to shit

Wedding itself was western styled in a christian church, the quints could have been irish due to biodad and it would make perfect sense

To get back at cursefag

Didn't seem to work, the last 3 volumes are cursed.

I love Yotsuba!

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Their thread bumped in about 1 hour. Just like we did in December...remember? ;_;


Fuck! I need her!

SnK has been shit for years.

I even saw an Itsuki reaction photo in one of their threads, and it was something never posted in our threads. Are Quintbros also SNKfags?

Would explain how they're mostly retarded then.

Negi being based as always.

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>butthurt shipper

Been saying this for two months now, manga took a drastic turn once Yotsuba's pity party started. It's kind of ironic that before ch.90 Itsuki (editor's choice) was the face of the manga and it was great, then Yotsuba's flashback came and itsuki and Yotsuba (editor and negi's choice) become the face and manga became mediocre and finally in vol.14 Yotsuba(negi's choice) was made the face and it was a disaster. Coincidence? I think not. Negi is not a genius, his editor was.
Yotsuba is underdeveloped and her asspull healing does not justify it. Let this sink in, negi had an entire volume of content on his hand to gradually heal her, but decided against it.
Reason? Her existential crisis and self worth are done just for the purpose of gaining pity from many and it worked like a charm. Negi himself doesn't know how to fix her so he reverted to timeskip. With these problems, negi gained many new fans because he was doing something not every mangaka do in harem genre. But, he dissapointed many because there was no proper remedy to her issues. (All talk no show situation)
Yotsuba's love for Fuutarou is borderline obsession.
Yotsuba's happiness and unhappiness is totally dependent on Fuutarou. This is a co-dependent relationship and it's unhealthy. Ofcourse this was again fixed by timeskip.
Yotsuba is the real snek. She kissed him under the bell while knowing her sisters like him. People try to excuse this by saying it was an accident, her action prior to kissing him suggest otherwise. Even Negi have no justification so he left it open for interpretation.(this debate will go on forever)
Also, her festival kiss was made on a sleeping Fuutarou who was defenseless and vulnerable. Atleast the other kisses by her sisters Fuutarou could refuse. So this was the cheapest form of kiss.
Yotsuba is a far bigger doormat than Miku.
Yotsuba took Itsuki for granted.


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T.Karl aka the 4fag

All the kusoge on the planet could not have prepared me for this shitpile of an ending.

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I hate Nino!

In the BUTT!

Which quint has the most sensitive body and which body part is their ero zone?


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Ichika is so fucking cute

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Ichika - ears and back
Nino - feet(hentai), shoulder/nape in reality
Miku - sides(canon)
Yotsuba - brain and armpit
Itsuki - belly

Why is she so cute bros?

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stfu toubun tard


Greetings quintbros. My arm is healed! Not fully but I can move it now and use it normally. Anyway, have you guys picked up any other series? I feel like picking up some so I could read something at work when there's not much to do. I probably won't be able to follow it as much as I did 5toubun but well, that's how it is. 5Toubun ended already. How is everyone? And of course:
>GOtoubun no Hanayome
>GO = 5
>born on MAY 5
>secret identity name: MAY
>Name is a portmanteau of EAT+SUKI
>Loves eating
>Expressed "TSUKI ga kirei desu ne?" a romantic double entrende in the Japanese culture
>Has stars barrettes enhancing her celestial motif
>Color theme and volume cover alludes to the red thread of fate
>Aims to be the mother figure of the quints while Fuutarou volunteered to be the father
>Introduced Fuutarou to Rena in front of her gravestone
>Closest quint to the entire Uesugi household spending a week with them in their house
>Wants to be necessary to someone just like how Fuutarou also wants to be
>Featured in the spread in the most popular quint's chapter
>BTFO mudou, the quints' asshole bio-father
>Excellent in Science
>Prideful yet gentle and gentle yet brave
>Has pillow-like tummy
>Never hesitates to support Fuutarou in times of distress
>Could be a Michelin Restaurant Inspector
>Had the most aesthetically pleasing bikini during the pool chapter
>Has the most luscious, silky, and beautiful hair
>Aims to be a teacher
>Will do everything to achieve her dreams
>The only one who stood tall, unfazed and confident, against Takebayashi who posed as a threat to every other quint
>The fluffiest, thickest, and puffiest quint
>Interacted with Fuutarou the entire day they were in the resort which resulted to the chapter's title: A Secret Mark

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I'm still mad

Aren't we all

Now that I think about it Yots is prime material for tentacle brainfuck doujins.

Let's go a bit darker..

Ichika - NTR/Enjo/Ryona
Nino - degradation/humiliation/DP
Miku - Semen urinal/exhibition/slavery
Yotsuba - brainfuck/coercion/moral degradation/lifeless
Itsuki - shame/bestiality/body inflation/modification

Takechad - femdom vanilla

>Ichika - NTR/Enjo/Ryona
Brainlet opinion, her type is the only one who would fit best with vanilla happy sex.

>actress in Japan
Haha dude, they're literally considered pseudo prostitutes there, they carry a very different image there than in the west.

>My arm is healed
Glad to hear it

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Which of the quints is the best sucking dicks?

Who has the best S2 design?

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>Glad to hear it
Cheers! I hope you're doing okay Yotsubro.

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Itsuki eL Vacuumo Modo (non dientes)

Which is precisely why I'm calling you a brainlet, barely looking at the surface level and making an assumption based on it is what idiots do. The gap now of Ichika is the cutest thing about her.

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Yotsuba loli NTR when?

Nah, prostitute. Also insanely jealous and moneygrubby. Surface level fits her.

>surprised at fans jumping aboard the Miku ship (first heroine shown falling in love, w/ helpless "must protect" aura even others sisters can't help but ignore their own best interests to join forces to carry her even if she does not ask for help) right at the start as well as Yotsuba being popular before he how could reveal her depression and Nino being unpopular when she was hostile to MC and liked someone that she genuinely thought was his "cousin"
>was going to put lolikano rather than the bride in the first chapter making it a generic as they come romcom setup right from the start
There should be no room for doubt at this point that Negi is a mediocre writer at best; a fluke that was carried by his editor(s) and the sheer amound of detail* in the early to mid arcs is the result of everyone (it has been confirmed there were mutiple editors that worked with him) involved sitting down and thinking over each chapter. Negi himself does not understand what made his work a hit, it was definitely the result of teamwork.
Towards the end Negi definitely begins half assing it possibly due to his editors going easy on him after the manga began making really Big Bucks, as well as him just not handling the weekly schedule well especially after his second kid was born. The result is Negi failing to keep up with stuff that had been established back in the early half of the manga, dropped plot points and stuff that plainly does not make sense. Big panel of Nino saying Fuutarou will recognize Yotsuba for sure, turns out he obviously didn't and not only that but in the very same chapter it's confirmed he only figured out the BK identity from what the bride said.
*A few examples include legend that binds tree with the five branches talked about by the S1 director, wedding flashforwards in general, lots of different outfits for the quints when they are at home comparing to the second half they wear their school uniforms 90% of the time or simply reuse from the same wardrobe).

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based. Nigno getting what she deserves for being the bitchiest tsundere ever created (runners up goes to hitagi)

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>Big panel of Nino saying
Uh, obviously not Nino but Itsuki.

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It's not surprising that people who dislike Nino are faggots with reddit tier taste. And are also phoneposters.

>bitchiest tsundere ever created

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Something's wrong with those faces.

>When she was the one who worked day and night to take care of all the sisters
All the fucking quints were jealous fucks.
Surface level moron, she even refused to kiss any actor because Fuutarou was the only one whe wanted.

I hate that all quint fanart is the same body with 5 different heads pasted on.

Itsuki's barrettes are supposed to be gold!

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Nino was only bitchy when she hadn't realised that she loved Fuutarou, after her revelation she went full dere and never looked back.

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There's no need to white knight a prostitute user, just hire her

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That's what they're supposed to look like though

What song do you dedicate to your quint/jam to as you read her chapters?

>I haven't read the manga but have only in it for the shitposting
Post Ichicute or fuck off

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I don't listen to music while reading manga because I'm not a faggot.

Sorry bro you got the wrong place, KO thread is that way >

Cool jam to Itsuki!

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not only you, actually I'll always mad

>bitchiest tsundere ever created
what the fuck I love Nino now

I don't hate Nino

shit I've loved her too much, now I can't stop

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You should

Cute Nino.

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That's good


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Cuter Nino.


Itsuki was the first one he could recognize!
Meanwhile Fuutarou didn't notice that the bell kisser was Yotsuba until 5 years later when she told him about it.

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Ichicute sure knows how to ride a cock
t. Producer-san

>spics and "I like some other girl" fags in the comment
Why does this happen?

I remember a video with Ichika with the song "best friend" playing, can't find it anymore.
Keep crying Yotsushit, keep crying that even after winning no one gives a shit about your girl.

even the author didn't recognize it HAHAHAHA

He knew, but since he wanted that Yotsuba end so badly he needed to retcon stuff to make it work as his initial planning stopped around vol8.

I came up with a good doujin panel of this!

Itsuki while eating.

Fuutarou violates him brutally!

And he puts a meal in his ass.

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Stop trying to get this thread nuked Yotsutard


>violates him
Violates whom?

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What's up my fellow Binobro?

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