Bros, i'm worried. Is it gonna get cancelled due to Corona-chan?

Bros, i'm worried. Is it gonna get cancelled due to Corona-chan?

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Protip: corona is just regular flu take goes aways after some time. Only old and frail people die because of it.

>anime expo
Fuck off reddit.

fuck off

I'm curious on how many Anons actually attend these conventions. Some friends of mine convinced me to go with them and I'm regretting it. What should I expect lads

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Ask /cgl/ they're the animu con board.

It was already cancelled.

I assume a good amount have gone to at least one convention.

Who gives a fuck? I'm more worried about Comiket by far.

Lots of walking around in 90-100 degree weather surrounded by smelly neckbeards
Booths selling cheap bootleg merchandise
Cringeworthy "fan panels"

I only go because I love my friends and it's great having a few days to just chill out with them exploring LA and the convention. The con wouldn't really have much value to me otherwise.

I've gone for about 3-4 years now.

I mainly go with friends is all. The exhibit hall is fun to wander around, and the artist alley lets me grab a few more posters for my room. Some of the cosplay is cool, but that's about it.

You shouldn't go if you don't want to do much. It's a waste of time and money, not to mention the scalping on merchandise.

Still, I do enjoy my time with friends.

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I've never been to one but I'm considering going to A-kon later this month. Any you anons ever been?

so many brown amerimutts

>went to anime expo the past few years
>2018's was so bad i completely fucked off midway through
>didnt go back for 2019
>2019 was even more poorly handled somehow
>they didnt let shops for the merch area setup beforehand for some reason yet let everyone in so people's shit got stolen a lot
>on top of just generally fuck all to attend for
if it wasnt for the fact i met a qt girl in 2018 id say my experience at anime expo has been net negative for a number of reasons. theres fucking nothing enjoyable left there and given how overcrowded it is now theres no reason to even try attending
ive met up with people by chance, planned meetups, gone alone and with friends, and none of it even slightly makes up for how shitty it got over the years

but hey, at least i got some free publicity and contacts through it

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my first convention was last year so I definitely was willing to look past all the shit like how crowded it was and how expensive it was because I was out with my friends and I had never been surrounded by so much anime before. Growing up I only ever got to talk about it in small circles so to see so many people it honestly made me happy. I also live like an hour from LA so it was about half as expensive as it could've been.
tl;dr you get out what you expect - go in hoping to spend some time with your friends and you might end up happy you went

Was it last year where the day 1 line was absolutely insane for basically no reason?

>2020 and still havent moved to a bigger venue

They will do the animejapan announcements online on the 21st.

Its cancer. Theres not really anything to do. You go to panels or walk around and look at booths selling gunpla and dakis. The best part is looking at the hot cosplay girls you wont get to fuck then going back home and fapping to hentai of their characters but as AX has become even more popular a lot of them dont even do anime cosplay anymore.
Of course, its 2 hours from the border there are spics everywhere.

yeah it was last year. coincidentally it was the time for earthquake shit so the news wrongly labeled the big fucking lines outside as con evacuation when it was really just people waiting. earthquakes did happen though

why are people saying this shit when it's obviously not true

fuck, the earthquake during Promare was insane

Oh shit, yeah I remember the earthquake. It was right after the Promare screening when they were doing Q&A or something.
I was sitting right under big hanging speakers which were swinging around like mad, shit was frightening.

you sure it wasnt just the fact they let the lines go at the same time?

kek I was right around there, row 6 or so, I remember someone cracking a joke that it was the promares

I went in 2017 and I'd never been to a big con before.
I should have expected it be normalfag central but for some reason I didn't, really didn't feel like the gathering of like minded losers like I had hoped and more like a gathering of otacool kids that would have bullied people like us in school.
Lodging was fuck off expensive but I was able to split it with friends. Nearly everything in the exhibition hall was marked up at least 50%. Lines were out the door and going outside for pretty much any interesting panel (which were few and far between). To top it off it's in downtown LA which is a total shithole.
It was fun just to hang with friends and I did have a nice conversation with a dude in probably his late 60s who was selling cels he'd been collecting since the 70s.
Probably wouldn't go again.

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Some of you people are seriously autistic.

I remember sitting through the shitty Promised Neverland panel beforehand just to make sure I didn't miss Promare. I didn't think I could hate english VAs more than I already did, but they damn well made sure it happened.

Was promised neverland before the jojo panel? I thought I'd get in at the jojo panel then snag better seats for promare but the line for jojo was fucked and the security basically just said fuckit and people were getting tossed around. Barely made it in like halfway through the panel

And Amerimutts still say they are white

i went in 2017 even though I didnt have any spending money, I guess it was cool to see the cosplays and exclusive stuff but that was it. long lines that you'll have to get in early for and all merchandise you can probably find cheaper online. as for LA it's hot of course and theres a shit ton of trash on the roads.