>Dex > Str, lel
is he right?
Dex > Str, lel
when you're using weapons yeah
in a fight with swords, armor and shields?
yea, 100% yes
They work in tandem. Honestly have no idea where this retarded 'MUH DEX > STR or vice versa' came from.
>implying that gobbo slayer isnt int maxxed
brainlets, everyone
This. Being stronger allows you to be speedier in a way as well as utilize your overall body far more efficiently the same for speed. They are interwined as general physical fitness isnt something that can be broken down to linear independent stats
okay but what about no weapons then? wouldn't Dex be everything compared to Str?
Goblin slayer has a int lower than 14.
He's not stupid and he has a good wis stat but if he had a int of 14 or over he could cast spells because he's a multi class ranger/fighter.
He's not stupid but he's just a psychopath that thinks outside the box.
GS would be a literal murder hobo if his childhood friend didn't pull him off the street.
See: Fury vs Wilder
Body builders can't touch their own backs, jog for more than 200m or run very fast. You're, as they say, blinded by idealism.
Is there one of this for the rest of the party?
All AGI !
And a body builder isn't going to fucking fight someone and risk injuring themselves and fucking up what they're amassing to show off.
Not that user but fuck did you just pull the exact shit you accuse.
You could build them, except for lizard priest. And the shaman class is unimplemented. So you'd be stuck with a dwarf mage or kineticist.
based 3.5 poster?
>hurr +7 attack after a 3 hour nap
You fags told me this wasn't "cheat" based """"isekai"""" shit. The only difference I'm seeing is it isn't isekai but has the exact same shit that's in just about every fucking one.
>non-monster PC
>CHA 5(-3)
>gets all the whores anyway
This was made by funimation, they know shit about D&D.
fucking DEXfags doesn't stand a chance on us INTchads
Intfags can't even kill a goblin with one hit.
That's because Intfags don't kill things by hitting, the cast Cloudkill repeatedly from remotely operated illusions until the entire underground has been gassed out.
Being able to swing/thrust hard or fast doesn't guarantee you to be able to hid the target
That's not fun.
Of course it's not fun, that's why you use Suggestion to make the goblins rape each other to death while using Prestidigitation to make it a funny punchline
Manlet cope fantasy tier
Great taste tier
Absolutely gentleman tier
go back to sleep kazuma
>no charisma
Bruh, do you even DRAGON SLAVE?
t. jew
Luck >= INT > Everything else
>Agi/luck character
Literally toss a coin servant tier
>13 WIS
Shit stats
I prefer bloodtinge
Dark Souls
Elves are sluts and it's contagious.
Other series with AGL > STR beside Kino Seeker?
I think that is the rhea faggot.
>Kino seeker.
I think you mean "axed seeker".
So what if they won't? They can't. The human body trades speed, stamina and flexibility for strength levels that are above a certain point. Those things are all essential for melee combat in their own unique ways.
mass and strength get more and more important the less tools are involved
hence why there's a scarce dozen weight classes in mma while hema even has some mixed sex tourneys
Body builders arent even that strong, but strongmen look pretty fucking slow so you're still right.
He couldn't get enough people to save the farm until GG appeared.
How the hell are they smarter and wiser than GS?
Because they are, GS just has more experience but Priestess is smarter and Erufu is wiser even though she is a little childish at times.
So the movie sucked ass? i keep seeing report that loads of things were skipped and people is not happy.
Wow guy who specializes in thing can't do other thing that other guy specializes in. It goes both ways.
he has +10 to hit total with his buff
but he's either lvl 12(his actual HDs) or 5 (he has 5x2=10 con hp bonus)
he's fucking trash
This is what INT and WIS dump statting does.
You are not a WISfag.
When does Elf ever do anything wise? She's retarded to the point of being a danger to herself and others.
Most anons don't go out, do you think any of them have ever been in a real fight in their life?
Well it came from the fiction we're reading and watching, user. No need to drag real life into it.
In 5e? Yeah, sure.
its jap cope