Wow it's almost like the story would have ended up better if we got more fleshing out for the characters, more adventures with the actual main characters, less of Shinobu doing nothing for most of the story then dying, A more interesting Muzan, Less asspulls and less rushing. I could go on.
Kimetsu no Yaiba
>Why is the story draggin out so much, just fucking finish it already. WOW they are really trying to milk the series out
>Why the fuck is the series ending so early, not all the characters are fleshed out wtf i want more adventures killing demons. fuck you
I want the series to be longer, because with this amount of time the story ended up getting fucked, as I said I want more adventures with the main characters.
I miss this nigga like you wouldnt believe
What do you want them to do in those adventures?
Nah, everyone got their time to shine, now it's time to end it. KnY biggest appeal are how good the fights are while binging, there is no point in dragging the story just for the sake of drama like in MHA.
>now it's time to end it.
The problem is its not ending. There's still an hour in-universe until the sun comes up.
Reminds me of the RLD threads of people complaining of the pacing, now it gets remember as one of the best arcs.
It's Yea Forums what did you expect
>incest win
*casually speedmogs you*
>inosuke x aoi
Its C at best
I liked the beginning when it seemed like Tanjiro, Nezuko and Muzan were going to be the major characters instead of the clusterfuck of a cast we got.
General is a mistake. Is waiting until Thursday so hard?
>when level fagotary chart didn't give me (you)s
>make shipping fagotary chart in hope it gives me (you)s
you already posted this.
demon hell shenanigans spinoff will save the series
>this triggers the Doumacuck
Tanjirou have no one to play off. His type of character need someone to play off or else it will get boring fast. Also using Muzan too much will make him less scary
There's nothing new to talk about, just same stuff and shitposting. Better let thread die and make new one on Thursday.
If we're lucky it'll die
you forget to sage.
yeah if idiots don't bump it from last page or no one reply. But there's a way to kill it too sort of.
Man of culture
rent free
Hello Yea Forums, what if in theory you were poisoned by your bitchy ex side slut, and you had bunch of retards going after you, what would you do?
>I could go on.
Go for it
I would ship one of the retards with his sister.
>r-rent free(he's SEETHING now)
rape that pink haired bitch in front of the snake virgin to make him seethe
Then you will die faster.
>(he's SEETHING now)
You really are
>no u
zenitsu x nezuko should be E tier
Take your meds
how do we make this canon bros
i would activate third phase complete with a full reorchestrated main theme and time limit/escape sequence
more zoomer buzzwords by uninformed tards who don't even know how to consume foreign media
>giving the schizo (You)s.
I'm disappointed, user.
Nigga how can poison be real, just expel the toxins nigga
>he said it again
Stop defending shit writing
Flail harder bro
>left to right
this is not Yea Forums
Seeing tanjirou crying makes me sad
I must protect Tanjirou
gotta turn into a big blob too, can't forget
Unbelievably shit taste. Consider killing yourself.
The characters certainly got fleshed out if you know what I mean
stop being such a dumb ass consoomer zoomer coombrain retard that all you think of to describe anything is "boring" or "interesting"
>Look guys!! I posted it again!!
So now he's trying to falseflaging as TanKana shipper. What next? Falseflaging as Lovefag?
>dumb ass consoomer zoomer coombrain
Not that user, but wtf does this mean?
Dont worry, WW 1 and WW 2 story arcs are coming. Ready for Demon Hitler and Stalin
You just want another one piece
Alright go clap your sister then
It's actually doing both of these things without contradicting itself. The pacing is fucked because it has to cram all this shit into the presumably final arc that should have had more time to build up. So there's a constant stop and go where things come to a screeching halt because the story needs to quickly justify why the current events either make sense or have emotional weight behind them. A lot of the ideas are actually pretty good but their placement is absolutely disastrous.
hello Yea Forums
I must protect Kanao
You get a flashback in the middle of a fight.
Oh to be his fourth wife.