So which country is Lupin going to steal from in Part 6?

Italy, France what's next?

Also Lupin thread.

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What's he going to steal there?

the antidote

I want to get into Lupin, but where do I start?

Anywhere. Cagliostro.

Portugal? Lupin going after the secret treasures of the Knights Templar only to be disappointed that all of their "treasure maps" are puzzles that both are esoteric teachings themselves and lead to further teachings rather than physical loot. The series could start in Jerusalem with the gang poking around in the tunnels under the temple mount and feature a side trip to Malta at some point. The overarching antagonist is some nutjob who considers himself a descendant of the Templar and is trying to reclaim their (non-existent) treasure so that he can reshape the world according to his ideals (which is essentially the opposite of the esoteric teachings of the Templar who had taken up the legacy of the ancient mystery religions and were thus seekers of societal balance through personal enlightenment). He starts off with a treacherous employer relationship toward Lupin who he tries to use to get closer to the treasure but does not want to share it in the end, but he becomes increasingly infuriated that Lupin is able to solve the various riddles, ciphers, and symbolic maps left by the Templar while he cannot. At first he seems like a competent villain and threat, but he is revealed to be a seething man-child who poses a risk to the gang because of how erratic and extreme he gets as his jealousy of Lupin grows. Guest girl of the series is a STACKED librarian with a demure but flirty disposition who is secretly an actual descendant of the Templar bemusedly overseeing Lupin's "quest" because she acknowledges that thieves are seekers of truth in their own way because they must dispense with illusions in order to find tangible things to steal.

Of the coronavirus?

Cagliostro is a perfectly fine introduction, just keep in mind Miyazaki makes the characters a little more noble than they're usually portrayed.

I'd suggest starting with Lupin the 3rd: Episode 0: The First Contact which is a nice little introductory movie, Miyazaki's episodes from Part 1, Castle of Cagliostro and then Part 4 and 5

There's no overarching story with Part 1, 2 or 3 aside from a couple character introductions in "Part 1" just about everything is self contained. Characters are the same, just the jackets are different. There's no real watch order either.

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green jacket. episode 1

Read the manga

Also watch the Koike Lupin III trilogy


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Who do you think should take the trophy for best romantic interest? Fujino isn't a choice ofc since she sucks.

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Did he even steal anything in part 4 and 5?

Also I said Fujino. I meant Fujiko ffs.

When is the new movie getting an English release?

>implying fujiko isn't based

Stole the Mona Lisa in Part 4

>When is the new movie getting an English release?

Dub or sub?


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Fujiko a sloot

and thats why she's the best because she doesnt care

Attached: Fujiko sexy tickling.webm (1024x576, 1.15M)

Lupin goes to steal the hoard of loot taken from the jews killed in the holocaust, only to discover a terrible truth...

that Fujiko is a jew

>You've done it now Lupin! Interpol might not have cared enough to give me the resources to take you in when you were just a thief, but now that you're a holocaust denier I have an entire taskforce at my disposal and the courts here are ready to lock you up forever.

He should steal Russia.

Why wouldn't you use the clip of Lupin heiling hitler from mystery of mamo?

Anywhere except pink jacket, most popular starting point is green jacket.

The only continuity is between seasons of blue jacket, but it's minor

Did the gang ever try stealing Kinkaku temple?

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because i dont have it

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A similar temple appears in the Fuma movie, which is great and underrated.

Overspent their budget on animation to the point where they couldnt afford the voice cast or composer Yuji Ohno anymore

Pink jacket is great though.

>Lupin the 3rd: Episode 0: The First Contact

That shit has 0 seeds everywhere. You got a working torrent somewhere or is it one of those you're just forced to stream?

Did anyone see the CG movie? Is it any good?

you need to wait for italianbro to come here

The Z man of course

loopzoop is literally the only good lupin ship

I want to see them hit Hong Kong so much. But not current HK as much as HK under British rule still

an arabic country like Egypt or Morocco

* i want to see Fujiko bellydance

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