What was the first anime you watched completely subbed?
What was the first anime you watched completely subbed?
I will tell you when I do.
Trigun in 98.
Slayers Revolution I think
Black Cat
Evangelion. I did watch it dubbed first.
The first anime I ever watched. Slayers, Full metal panic or Inuyasha, one of those.
Completely? I watched some of Yu-Gi-Oh in english (not my native language) and eventually japanese with subs because I ran out of english episodes.
Though from beginning to end with subs then Naruto would be the first.
Panty and stocking
The one you posted.
Subs takes all the soul out
First full series: Slayers
First exposure to subs: Dragon Ball Z
International Channel was a blessing.
>switched to subs long ago
>lost interest in anime pretty much full cloth
>return to dubs
>the magic is back
>everything people says has much more weight
>humor lands way better
>conversations stick with me since my brain is actually processing it
Dubs are soulful. Never looking back at subs.
I didn't watch anime dubbed ever.
I don't believe that even dubfags are actually believing in this.
I mean, it ll I know that dubfags are probably the most retarded people (not only about Japan and Japanese media, I'm talking about any foreign media dubbed), but come on.
Nice trolling. You almost baited me.
>I watch all foreign films in their original audio.
Shut up weeb, you just have a inferiority complex to the Japanese. No need to justify it
>SubFags are so retarded they can’t comprehend somebody not sharing their white guilt towards dubs
I struggle to understand your retarded burger logic, but I can't. Go being close minded xenophobe to reddit or Twitter.
Chobits with my big brother. I liked the sexy cartoons a lot
There's no such thing like subfags.
Original acting is OBJECTIVELY always superior.
If you're consuming the dub, you're no longer watching/playing the same thing. It's just bestialized version g for either kids or mental zeros.
The first season of Rayearth on VHS back in the day.
Thanks for another screen to my collection of most retarded dubfag opinions.
>Pornography. Pornography. :D
I see. Burgerism is a state of mind.
And people are laughing at Russians. Holy fuck.
Why dub threads are always a magnets for the biggest retards?
Actually nevermind, stupid question.
You replied so the bait was successful, dingus.
Ghost Hound was the first I started, but Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei was the first I completed.
>muh high end Japanese entertainment
This is your mind on white guilt
I can't believe that someone could ever be so fucking stupid.
This must be a cheap bait and I'm taking it.
Just fucking INCREDIBLE. Unbelievable. It's almost like original creators knew their characters and original actors were directed and chosen by them. And it almost like burger media were better with burger voices too.
Magic Knight Rayearth
based and dubpilled
Thankfully my country is not retarded and they dub only straight child content, so I never watched any anime dubbed.
original FMA
only anime i watched before that was maybe a half episode of pokemon and the german dub of spirited away
Some show on Animax.
Probably Kekkaishi.
I've rewatched shows that originally I did the sub and then dub. Honestly, it depends on the dub. I still get the same enjoyment out of them, even if not exactly original.
They're entertainment, as long as you like it, who cares.
Why don't they dub gay child content?
My country is SJW free too.
>humor lands way better
This especially. Even when translated properly, Japanese humour is usually too stiff, like they explain the joke all the time.
>*something ridiculous happens*
>character complains about something mundane instead of the ridiculous issue
>other characters go "THAT'S the problem?
Although I will say it's more of a recent problem. I rewatched some old Sailor Moon clips, and those jokes landed. Nowadays anime just tries to subvert expectations from cliches and expects that to be funny
Holy cow what a retard.
Blue Exorcist
Kill La Kill for anime as it aired
Subbed live telecast followed by monster on my local channel
go back
Kanokon, the fan subs are top tier. The dub is pretty bad, I just can't watch it dubbed no matter how hard I try. I made it through one episode and that was it.
Rozen Maiden. There was other stuff from which I had seen a couple of episodes subbed before but Rozen Maiden was the first one that I completet subbed.
Tokyo Mew Mew!
japanese humor is an oxymoron
Probably LotGH, since there was no dub
Haven't gone back since
>he uses words he doesn't understand
>he does it for free
Kinda wanna watch this. Watched it as a teen and I believe this is what started my love for cat girls.
Love Hina
>hmm I sure do hate dubs because they alter the creator's vision necessarily, remove the directors influence on the voice acting, etc.
>I don't mind that dubs exist though. Remix art can be cool.
>it's not like dubfags are literally racist and hate anything that's japanese
I thought this thread was going to be fun instead I have to be reminded that dubfags are actually on Yea Forums. Is there a better site for discussing anime where I don't have to talk to people who literally haven't seen the shows they think they're talking about?
Welcome to the future you contrarian faggot. As for your question yes there are actual subs only forums that disallow dub talk, stop being lazy and look for them.
>subfags are contrarians now
we live in a cruel world
You're the outlander here, newfag.
I hate what Yea Forums has become. Dubfags go and stay go.
I prefer dubbed manga.
Me too user. 144p in 3 parts per episode on 2006 youtube is the ideal way to watch anime.
Elfen Lied when I was 15.
Love Hina, and I hated Naru.
Samurai Flamenco
>Yes, user?
1st was Yugioh/GX. 2nd was Rozen Maiden. 3rd probably Higurashi. Started watching subs because dub was ongoing for YGO and I wanted to know the story.
One Piece
>Original acting is OBJECTIVELY always superior.
Ghost Stories says otherwise
meme words aside. the ghost stories dub is less of an adaption of the anime and more trying to be its own thing. I already consider english dubs to be remix art of anime. So take that as you will.
Fair enough and I agree that Ghost Stories is not an adaptation at all. I still have to call you a faggot though
I was more surprised that series became the biggest ecchi series ongoing. I hope Yubaki does magical mikan now that franxx ended.
>replying in a bait thread without sage
Yea Forums sure has fallen
Sailor Moon
Digimon Savers
Probably Rozen Maiden
Love hina or chobits i forgot it's been 16 years
Kaichou wa Maid-sama animated adaptation when it aired in Animax Asia.
Yeah. not only racist but extreme xenophobia too. Fucking retards that can't beat through thier burger bubble.
>the only argument that dubfags ever had
This is about all dubbed media.
It always feels like a bootleg.
I don't remember, it was in the late 90s / early 00s (VHS rental was amazing for that reason).
Since then whenever possible/reasonable I avoid dubs, I hate the voice acting studios in my native language - they never get the mood right, and a lot of the actors have retarded accents.
[Fucking grammar.]
>It always feels like a bootleg.
This. So much this.
because anime is for 14 year old autists and they dont trust their audience.
I mean if you don't want to read subs, learn Japanese.
>he doesn't learn japanese instead
user she literally makes that face in the scene. The dot eyes and the D mouth
It's been so long that I don't remember. If I can take a guess though I THINK it was Naruto back when it was first airing.
Queen's Blade
Girls und Panzer
>they explain the joke all the time
>tries to subvert expectations from cliches and expects that to be funny
So like modern cartoons a la Gumball.
Naruto. It stooped airing over here for a while and I had to use narutoget and watch subs if I wanted to continue the story. I was a freshman in high school when I discovered the joy of subs, and I haven't looked back yet. First from beginning to end was Cowboy Bebop a couple of months later
Go back to the ghetto, freak.
Your bait would be less obvious if you hadn't posted it with a boku no hero pic
Dubbed Boku no Pico when?
It was either Chrome Shelled Regios or a Miyazaki movie. Probably Castle in the Sky.
sometimes I feel the same and good dubs exist. Reading can be tiresome if the subs are bad and companies don't always put a lot of effort into them.
I still often come across bad dubs so I switch to sub.
>an adult
>watches the dubs
Burgers are really a state of mind
Angel Beats in german, shit's slapped
>Even when translated properly
Basically admitting that dubfags don't like anime, just companies like Funimation, Sentai etc.
my dick
Ghost in the Shell.
Evangelion. Was also my first anime.
It never occurred to me to watch media in the language other than the one it was made in. Later on, my dad bought Das Boot and he apparently had the same attitude towards dubbing. He couldn't understand why I wanted to watch it in German.
Angel beats
dingus brain detected
I never remember seeing subtitles on that channel, just Japanese dubs and me having no idea why Goku can become a red Super Saiyan.
It was all over the place. Slayers was definitely subbed, while DBZ/GT was aired raw. Come to think of it, it was predominantly raws they aired until several format changes later (AZN?) when they started airing dubs at the tail end of the anime boom. They went from airing stuff like Orguss, Cat's Eye, and Slayers to airing stuff like Black Heaven, Sol Bianca, and the El Hazard franchise to airing a version of the Outlaw Star dub with edits that made the CN version look tame in comparison.
Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's
Full Metal Panic TSR, because there was no german dub (and there still isn't). Man, that was a long time ago. I wonder how different my life would be if that hadn't happened.
>buzzword buzzword