How come this loli can talk and hear if she's disabled?

How come this loli can talk and hear if she's disabled?

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That's becau- You can't just... Wow, there is so much to unpack here, I don't know where to start.

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disabled people can talk too sometimes but it is very rare


Better question is how come MC understands what this loli says even though she is missing an eye and a leg???

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Perhaps he's missing an ear or something.

She's magic so she uses telekinesis to see.

she's a loli.

Why does she need a prosthetic eye when she can hear?

The tomboy is way prettier than the midget.

Attached: Saki_yumihara.jpg (447x446, 83K)


What's her masterplan?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Kyokou Suiri - 04 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_10.35_[2020.02.01_20.40.58].jpg (1280x720, 287K)

she's feminine as fuck

you're a loli

Attached: namba.jpg (285x177, 20K)

Ah, another child blessed by Buddha.

Attached: [U3-Web] Dororo 2019 - EP14 [AMZN WEB-DL 1080p AVC E-AC-3].mkv_snapshot_14.10_[2019.04.15_20.03.37]. (1920x1080, 147K)

Tomboys aren't devoid of femininity.

Tomboys ARE unfeminine.



Tomboys aren't the antithesis of woman. Are you gay or misinformed?

They are supposed to be boyish, therefore unfeminine.

boyish =/ devoid of femininity, otherwise it would just be man and liking them would be gay

Liking tomboys is gay.

You are gay.

No u.

how come her eye can move if its just a glass ball

Are you sure about that ?

It's a separate being.

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How come this OP can post if he's retarded?

ur mom's a loli

I think she's faking it. I mean how could she make my dick hard if she was disabled?

She can do backflips and high jumps with a prosthetic leg. Realism isn't a strong suit of this manga

Because she'e a loli and every loli make your dick hard pedo.


maybe, but can she spit bullshit like a bullshit-machine-gun?


When will this arc ends? It's been so many episodes of talking and talking with only some good bits.

Attached: Karin_Animetmp.jpg (395x417, 71K)

Speedwatcher here, who is this?


that's flatty mcWashboard, kirin nanase's idol sidekick and secret mastermind behind flabby mcCowtits' father's death

Just fucking look at this.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kyokou Suiri - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.33_[2020.02.01_22.04.09].jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Modern glass eyes can actually move you know.

Re-chon is tired of your shit user