>no one piece chapter this week too
Is he dead?
No one piece chapter this week too
Someone in a prior thread, , asserted that the pacing fell apart post-timeskip. I am uncertain if that is true, or if it merely the pacing relative to real life just went to shit (meaning the pacing didn't change in-universe, just fewer things happened per unit of real life time).
What is user's opinion on this?
>Wan Piss
Like fucking clockwork
We can hope.
he got corona and he will die soon.
1 or 2 days.
its over
>blatant pneumonia
>not seeking medical care
Toriyama is going to be fine. The lethality rate is only 5%.
obors... say it aint so
why couldn't it be the my cuckold academia faggot instead
Say what you will about CNHA, but without it there would be no Chadugo.
yeah so why couldn't it be the my cuckold academia faggot instead
Fuck off you made me think he got sick again so I checked everywhere. This week's not a break or sick week.
>just fewer things happened per unit of real life time
That's poor pacing. Learning to juggle things based on the alotted time is a key component to nailing perfect pacing.
Weren't the weeks just switched?
My point is that there is a difference between in-universe pacing and IRL pacing. They are distinct. All monthly mangos have horrible IRL pacing, but not all of them have horrible in-universe pacing.
In-universe pacing problems are inherent to the story, but IRL pacing problems are only a problem to people actively following releases.
Kaido was right and you all know it
I hate how Oda writes this story. Everything happens in the perfect time for the Starwhats.
Alabasta civil war did not break out until they arrived, despite the detour to Drum Island because of Nami's illness.
They are always there when an uprise against a tyrant villain starts froming. They always save the day. They never arrive in the middle of event (inb4 Skypia, the war between tribes) or into a completly peaceful territory where nothing happens. Now they arrive in the perfect time to Wano, and despite of Kanjuro was captured, Momo was taken by Caesar, Kin'emon was split up they still did manage to arrive to Wano days before the propheted 20 years into the future at fullmoon night.
I'm tired of this shit.
Punk Hazard and Dressrosa should only have been about half as long as they were.
It's utterly absurd that Luffy had two failed encounters with Caesar before taking him down in round 3. That was a record previously only held by Crocodile.
>Everything happens in the perfect time for the Starwhats.
I'm a speed reader and even I am calling you a speed reader.
>Now they arrive in the perfect time to Wano,
Literally 20 years late and a month+ early...
The perfect time to arrive in Wano was 20 years ago when Oden was alive.
Punk Hazard was in the middle of its process. So was Dressrosa.
Water 7 they instigated because of Robin, there was no timing involved.
you sound like someone who hasn't read any monthly manga
people tend to forget some details, and the anticipation might die down before the chapter drops
but with One Piece that's not the case, the storytelling itself is just plain horrible
Kaido is totally right, and pre-TS Luffy would agree with him just like he agreed with Crocodile that Vivi was naive to think everyone could be saved.
>you sound like someone who hasn't read any monthly manga
Bort, titan, absurd number of isekai
>people tend to forget some details
That's why you re-read the last chapter. If you change your story for IRL pacing, you are making the story worse.
By perfect time I meant they did manage to arrive before the day Toki propheted. They managed to ally with minks, before the full-moon night. What a coincidence!
They managed to arrive at Wano in time despite they needed to sail to WCI. Not only manage to arrive in time, but even a week early, so Luffy had time to perfect the Ryuuou.
Feels like he realized his morality and he's trying to end the series by finally going into Roger's backstory and more into the polygraphs.
holy shit, i forgot how strong Chadbeard was even during marineford, despite terminal illness, ludicrous wounds he still made Akainu spit buckets of blood
Primebeard could have probably wiped the floor with modern Kaido
Why did aDa change Luffy into, I will save everyone, fuck you, you are the type of person I hate the most?
Oda lost his sense. Udon training could be done with 1 chapter less. He could spare another chapters during Wano. And he rushed trough Oden, Roger flashback. People says it was unbearable, dragged, etc, but in reality it was rushed. If people red it in one-go like you did, then they know why you and I say this flashback was rushed.
you didn't exactly argue in favor of One Piece
One Piece isn't bad because people forget details, its pacing is currently bad because we get unnecessary plotlines and characters that nobody cares about
But there is a chapter this week. Is OP just retarded?
>because we get unnecessary plotlines and characters that nobody cares about
that is your opinion
I don't think even post-TS Luffy would agree to dance instead of trying his chances.
the flashback was both rushed and dragged
it was rushed in parts with Whitebeard and Roger
but dragged with the stupid Oden back in Wano part
OP forgot the two weeks were switched. Break was supposed to be on this week, but due to Oda's illness the break was on last week, and last week's chapter will come out this week.
it doesn't look like I'm the only one holding this opinion
in fact, I would argue the majority holds this opinion
but they already dropped the manga when it became tiresome thus you won't find many of them in these threads
Odan part at Wano wasn't dragged, just the WB/Roger parts were rushed.
I have a different vision of the work. The interest of one piece is precisely that it is a manga that gathers dozens of different intrigues for dozens of different characters outside the main casting. It is this diversity and the fact that it is a very comprehensive and extensive narrative that makes the universe as lively and attractive as I see it
Tell me one person who gives a shit about Blue Gilly, Hajrudin or Sanji's shitty brothers.
>one is covering his dick
>the other is covering his ass
what happened here?
No, people did drop the manga because they grew up. We who still follow One Piece or other mangas are the minority of our generation.
I cannot blame people drop anything which runs for 20 years. Tastes, life, priority, etc can change. And be honest, when old readers drops a serie new ones won't come easily especially if the manga has almost 1000 chapters. Anime is far worse (and I not speak about QUALITy or horrible pacing this time) with 900 episodes. Even if you cut out the intor and summary it is still a 15 minutes long episode. so nobody will start watch and catch up to a serie this long.
They will chose a fresh anime like KnY or anything which is not longer than 24 or 50 episodes at max.
Well, I would argue that Dressrosa was different.
Doffy was just one guy personally causing all the destruction and everyone was united against him. It's not like how Croc manipulated Alabasta into tearing itself apart with a scheme that was several years in the making.
In the past anons have pointed out far apart the two really are. Doffy never stopped being a Celestial Dragon brat, and everything he did to Dressrosa was impatiently done through string and toy/memory/slave magic, so stopping him was simple once someone knew what to do. Croc was far more meticulous and down to earth, building his image and driving the country to civil war through mostly mundane means over time.
One Piece is not for you. It always did focus on characters outside the main cast. There is nothing new in this.
literally worse than togashi at this point
the absolute state of the idol of nu/a
>you didn't exactly argue in favor of One Piece
Because that was irrelevant to the content of my post you replied to, and I didn't want to devolve the chain away from the points I brought up. (I disagree with the storytelling being bad, not in whole, but in large part)
>its pacing is currently bad because we get unnecessary plotlines and characters that nobody cares about
But is it bad pacing, or bad IRL pacing? The last few chapters have been short and relevant to the overall story, it's just that no one cares because it's getting in the way of the story for active followers. 10 chapters from now, bingers will hardly notice it as they rip through the garbage semi-filler in under 10 minutes.
>I just read the chapters after Roger's voyage in a row (I hadn't since this year started) and people are talking too much shit about both Oden and Kaido, I think the flashback was very entertaining but still a bit rushed
Don't know why post is dead, but it is a fair point and I am going to greentext it anyway.
Hajrudin is the only giant who's ever defeated a notable human.
No, people drop this manga because they are tired of its pacing
Then drop it!
I give a shit about the grand fleet, they're funny guys
wait, that's true?
I care about Hajrudin.
>Don't know why post is dead, but it is a fair point and I am going to greentext it anyway.
was meant to quote instead of the other post, I deleted it, went to take a shit and didn't bother to write it again
Literally the only giant that is not a jobber
>Have a two year timeskip to train
>Job to some nobody scientist
>Spend 100 chapters fighting a shichibukai and barely winning with the help of others even though you already beat two of them before the timeskip
Oda is a hack. I don't care how strong Doffy was, it shouldn't have taken so long
only shit burgers dont like OP and never will because there is too much plot
It doesnt feel like an "epic adventure" if muh nuworld is filled with jobbers and fodders (donquixote pirates)
>people tend to forget some details
Not with one piece. Oda knows his fanbase is made of children and retards so he keeps re-explaining the plot points so they don't forget
people drop it because it's very very long. Do you still know people who read Conan conan or HJNI? No, it’s already incredible that more than 20 years after there are so many topics here, only one piece and jojo can last so long in time
I only cart about Bortolomeo and the Barto Club
Crocodile was a stupid but legit counter fight
Moria lost because Luffy can't be beaten by power alone
Doflamingo was a literal powerhouse
No. Next chapter comes out officially at March 9 in Japan. Which means we will get spoilers and fanmade translations this week.
>>East Blue saga - 100 chapters
>Romance Dawn arc - 7 chapters
>Orange Town arc - 14 chapters
>Syrup Village arc - 20 chapters
>Baratie arc - 27 chapters
>Arlong Park arc - 27 chapters
>Loguetown arc - 5 chapters
>>Baroque Works saga - 117 chapters
>Reverse Montain arc - 5 chapters
>Whisky Peak arc - 9 chapters
>Little Garden arc - 15 chapters
>Drum Island arc - 25 chapters
>Alabasta arc - 63 chapters
>>Sky Island saga - 85 chapters
>Jaya arc - 19 chapters
>Skypiea arc - 66 chapters
>>CP9 saga - 139 chapters
>Long Ring Long Land arc - 19 chapters
>Water 7 arc - 53 chapters
>Enies Lobby arc - 56 chapters
>Thousand Sunny arc - 10 chapters
>>Summit war Saga - 156 chapters
>Thriller Bark arc - 48 chapters
>Sabaody Archipelago arc - 24 chapters
>Amazon Lily arc - 11 chapters
>Impel Down arc - 25 chapters
>Marineford arc - 31 chapters
>Post War arc - 17 chapters
>>Fishman Island saga - 56 chapters
>Strawhats Reunion arc - 5 chapters
>Fishman Island arc - 51 chapters
>>Pirate Alliance saga - 148 chapters
>Punk Hazard arc - 46 chapters
>Dressrosa arc - 102 chapters
>>Yonkou Saga - 171* chapters
>Zou arc - 23 chapters
>Whole Cake Island arc - 78 chapters
>Reverie arc - 6 chapters
>Wano arc - 64* chapters
One Piece never had a stable good pacing, but, pretty much everything from Punk Hazard till now has consistently had the slowest pacing possible, if you want it put more bluntly
>From Romance Dawn to Long Ring Long Land - 321 chapters
>From Water 7 to Fishman Island - 331 chapters
>From Punk Hazard to Now - 318 chapters
>only one piece and jojo can last so long in time
Well there was this one 2X year old with early onset alzheimers who wrote a popular shitpost inspired by a chink shitpost after he was done with his gag comedy shitpost.
>all the Shichibukai are the same strength
You really aren't very smart are you?
Luffy only got mad at Orochi's tricks when he heard Oden's backstory, and also cried over some part of it.
I think pre-TS Luffy would have said that what Oden did really was foolish, and that as a former pirate he shouldn't have been so easily deceived. He'd also have called out Oden for keeping everything to himself and not confiding in the Scabbards during those 5 years. As someone who thoroughly trusts in his crew and knows he'd be hopeless without them, Luffy shouldn't be quick to sympathize with Oden.
>Conan conan or HJNI
One Piece is a fantasy-adventure story, it's not hard to say and understand that it has many subplots, characters and worldbuilding going on unlike those two that are real life-like stories.
Let's say a character becomes a master smith in 1 day, but it takes 30 chapters for it to occur.
That's not unreasonable IRL pacing, but it is horrible in-universe pacing.
IRL pacing is not inherent to the story and therefore only matters for sales.
Defeated Machvise even in disadvantage.
Ah yes, my favorite character...eh...what is his name again?
Depends on the work itself you dipshit. There are stories that span lifetimes that aren't even 1000 pages.
based Orlumbus
Timespan =/= pacing
If Water 7, Enies Lobby, and Thousand Sunny are divided, then the sea train trip should be considered a sub-arc too.
NO!!!! MOMOO!!!! How could he?
It's especially bad because Doflamingo had been presented as the crafty trickster of the group, not a brute. The fight being a slugfest was horrible.
Those two things are not mutually exclusive.
>By perfect time I meant they did manage to arrive before the day Toki propheted.
Almost like it's a prophecy lol
>They managed to ally with minks, before the full-moon night. What a coincidence!
Ya know full moons happen every month and the one piece planet has more than 1 moon so full moons probably happen more than once a month
>They managed to arrive at Wano in time despite they needed to sail to WCI. Not only manage to arrive in time, but even a week early, so Luffy had time to perfect the Ryuuou.
They were waiting for all the strawhats to arrive so the plan would work at all
>the one piece planet has more than 1 moon
Citation please. Cover story sources do not count (as they are purely visual and therefore open to interpretation).
Which is my point you blithering dipshit.
It depends on the story. Things can progress in mere minutes across hundreds of chapters or eons in panels. Pacing is relative to the story. 30 chapters and one in-universe day is fine depending on the story. *Why* does he succeed in just one day? How rigorous was it? What did we focus on?
Pacing is relative. Always.
Think it's not part of Enies Lobby because of the Ace vs Blackbeard arc, but yeah Sea Train should be one as well then, Water 7 should clearly be it's own arc tho
The point is that measuring pacing by chapter is irrelevant, because the only meaningful metric is in-universe pacing.
Bingers and active followers have completely different perceptions related to pacing, with bingers having the final say because they are evaluating the work more as a whole rather than an on-going experience based on the last 10 minutes of their life.
All but one was destroyed during the Void Century.
>archaeologists and historians
These are not the same thing.
>Reverie arc - 6 chapters
It hurts.
>Protagonist name is Luffy
>final island is called Luffy Tale
he's based on Columbus I think
Think you didn't read
>>From Romance Dawn to Long Ring Long Land - 321 chapters
>>From Water 7 to Fishman Island - 331 chapters
>>From Punk Hazard to Now - 318 chapters
You think what happened in universe in these timespans should translate in such a similar amount of chapters?
ryou is going to be the means luffy can harm kaido. if he learned this ability in one chapters amount of time it would feel like a cheat by oda. there has to be some work involved. he could've just had a chapter that moved forward in time in the course of a few pages but that is not fulfilling.
>he doesn't know about the super-secret discord
You poor soul.
>geocentric celestial model
lmao these retards were supposed to be the smartest collection of people on the planet?
the sheer amount of beating it took to put him down was ridiculous
>o my (not)healing strings
>You think what happened in universe in these timespans should translate in such a similar amount of chapters?
No, but I blame that on publisher-san and editor-san, not the story itself. If you broke it down into pages that would still be improper, but I would be more inclined to view it as a somewhat acceptable proxy measurement.
there's no sun so they're probably moons
Do japs have 8 wisdom teeth instead of 0, 2, or 4 like whites have?
WB bastard son
If there are multiple moons how does Enel's motivation make sense?
I blame having a weekly publishing schedule, Oda has to prepare chapters not based solely on the events in the story but mostly on the time he got, after so many years it'll catch to him, Dressrosa, WCI and Wano are filled with dumb cliffhangers and running chapters because of this
>it was "Laughy" all along
>Laughy's tale
>how does Enel's motivation make sense?
Most of the world is water, not verth. He can see the moon and it is only verth.
why is he saying such things? it´s a guided visit? i hate this kind of shit, i mean, he´s saying that to the Ohara people that already know that shit.
Lmao imagine being bullied so much it wraps around respect.
Name a more kino fight scene than this
he was making a speech for Robin's graduation
No shit that Whole Cake and Dressrosa sucked. Way too long.
Oda has Coronaropathy and short breath already user. He also smokes closer to 2 packs than 1 a day. One piece will be ended by whoever got told the finale.
>he doesn't know about the oriental smoking disparity
Nips smoke differently than the rest of the world. For unconfirmed reasons, they receive an abnormally low rate of smoking related health issues. (comparing equivalent smoking demographics between orientals and non-orientals)
>every arc has to be SHs rushing in punching the baddies until the end of time
There's nothing wrong with wanting to do bigger arcs, shit was getting repetitive
>low rate of smoking related health issues
>smoking related health issues
>what is coronaropathy and short breath
Is that so? I wonder what gives them resistance.
the anime scene is 99% filler compared to the manga
Alabasta was a long arc and it went fine. Enies Lobby and Water 7 together are among the longest.
Too many long arcs without short arcs as set up donìt work. That's the problem with WCI and Dressrosa. Especially the second.
That model is old, probably from the old century, most of those moons were destroyed and now there is only one
>implying Dressrosa and WCI arc wasn't the same formulaic shit
It's funny because the arcs that don't fit the "SHs rushing in punching the baddies" archetype are actually the smallest ones
It's a combination of things, both genetic and cultural.
Orientals start smoking later (on avererage 2-3 years later), they smoke differently from a mechanical standpoint (depth of inhalation), the square-cube law means that they have a different ratio of inhalation to effect, their lungs are genetically distinct, etc and oddly enough they smoke far far more when measured in packs.
wow the moon wars were brutal bravo odachi.
>most of those moons were destroyed and now there is only one
headcanon as fuck
One of those has a moon, they are clearly planets.
he should smoke cigars instead of cigarettes if he is that rich less tar in your lungs as plus.
He sure got fat for a nip.
What if Luffy was white
He is white. And a bit of black. Because he is a fucking manga character.
>Alabasta: 63 chapters
>Dressorsa: 102 god damned chapters
Jesus Christ Oda. Theres no excuse. Maybe it wouldnt have felt so painful if the Straw Hats werent all split up for 5 fucking years. I mean fuck me, they're finally all on the same island together again and they're STILL split up. I can only hope the rest of Wano and the series as a whole is a return to form.
Eiichirobro... why did you... betray us...
Jinbe hasn't kanpai'd with the crew yet so it isn't official.
Makes way more sense than saying that they have multiple moons because of the Ohara model, when there is a lot of evidence that there is only one moon
Whole cake island should have ended after the chest explosion, instead we got
>oxygen Luffy
>Sanji working for the enemy while pedro dies
>sunny getting destroyed, just kidding
>big meme being harmless when she is into rampage mode
I agree with you but the tag team against big mom was pretty cool
The Big Mom cake scene was pure kino along with the Pudding Sanji scene so it was worth it in the end.