Scenario experiments lain

scenario experiments lain
can't we start a petition? I want this translated

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it's the only way to fully understand lain. After 22 years! Damn

Learn Japanese, faggot.

>10 years of study
no thanks

You've had 22 years.

Translate Despera first.

Biggest meme. I was able to read newspaper articles in less than 2 years. And I didn't even cram THAT much. Pursued it as a hobby while studying law. If you study 60-90 minutes a day, you can likely get there faster than me. And once you're to read Yahoo news excerpts, you can basically read anything bar some highbrow literature that uses obscure kanji for the sake of using obscure kanji. Even then, you'll be able to translate them in 10 or so seconds using jisho.


Do explain to me why Japanese use three different alphabets when they can just use two, effectively getting rid of kanji.

fucking zoomers need 10 years to learn a language

Katakana are used to indicate loanwords, and work fine, albeit are a bit annoying to keep track of at the start cause you don't encounter them very often. Kanji are interesting, make the language fun to learn, allow you to grasp a words meaning without being to know kun- or onyomi. Take this as an example: 特別支援学校. Looks retardedly complicated, but even without knowing what it means the kanji essentially translate to [special] [help] [school]. So without being able to read what it says, you can deduce that it's a school for cripples. It lets you condense information, cause otherwise it'd look like this とくべつしえんがっこう

I still want the PS1 game translated.

let's all fuck lain!

Exists if you didn’t already know.

>The truth is out there

>I was able to read newspaper articles in less than 2 years.
You are a genius. Probably a korean

But I heard from that knowing what single kanji means doesn't help you to understand the full word most of the times

maybe not when you see it the first time but if you bother reading japanese instead of threads on Yea Forums you might pick up how words are formed

At a certain point, having the kanji makes reading JPN easier. Too many homonyms in that language to just have the kana.

"You must not understand Lain, your stupid American"
- Konaka & Ueda

that's just Ueda

I'm not American, though.

Is there a patch or something or is this only web-based?

I've always wondered why the hate, and even more as what he meant by Americans not understanding, I'm not American myself so I really am not getting it

Completely false. Japanese may have more meanings assigned to individual words, but a simple examination of English makes it clear that there is no shortage of homophones to deal with. Considering the ease with which homophones are understood in spoken language and the existence of so many homophones in English and other alphabet-using languages like Korean which reformed its language to remove Chinese characters, it’s fair to say that the role of kanji in distinguishing homophones has been greatly exaggerated.

Kanji is not at all required for written Japanese and there are organizations in Japan that advocate for reforming the language to write only in kana and romaji.