Cuckoo's Fiancee

Read her manga.

Attached: kakkou-no-iinazuke-44278.jpg (350x490, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>cuck shit

Erika a cute, CUTE

Attached: page_39.jpg (848x1200, 250K)

oh no no erikabros maingirls dont win anymore...


I prefer opening it in a window and then reading a different manga in an adjacent window.


Attached: Ch 103 nancy.jpg (869x1235, 315K)

You're supposed to post Neneshit

It has "cuck" in the title, why should I?

Short hair girls are doomed in Miki' previous mangas

Attached: Ch 164 19 nothing change for neene.jpg (869x1235, 241K)

no toubunfags allowed

Attached: Noa=Erishit.jpg (300x385, 118K)

>Hiro was a filler

Attached: Ch97 tsubaki konno.jpg (740x1046, 202K)

Where the fuck is the chapter?

they dropped the series

Attached: 1580458354677.png (175x187, 46K)

stay on your shitty discord, shill

>Notice: There are no chapters in your selected language(s).


Stay in your dead general, Toubunchink.

Why has the taste in manga degraded so much in people of Japan to lead to such a boom to these obnoxious harem series?

What's your taste then?

Better than 5toubun

pussy inflation has spiraled so far out of control that most non-chad males simply cannot imagine a way a cute girl would become part of their life other than through the sort of deus ex machina that "starts" most harem/romcom manga
Won't dump, any volunteer?

I won't because your a faggot


Attached: Quadrangle love.jpg (1115x1600, 1.31M)

Only retards kept saying it wasn't haremshit


Attached: 3EnIek6.jpg (1115x1600, 909K)

>End of chapter
Everything else are filler
Miki must have been busy and couldn't draw more than 3 pages

Attached: bAFkeFG.jpg (1115x1600, 901K)

>otter would you like another watermelon


Attached: Smug ERICUTE.png (992x609, 828K)

Sachi is so cute!

Hiro has strange lips in her color pages

What's Miki's purpose in this series? Subversion? Of what?

To create more trash

Oh look, I found the missing pages

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>I came here to confess to you

Attached: d4geUDi.jpg (1115x1600, 1018K)

>I love you Segawa-san. Will you go out with me?

Attached: pDkCqrk.jpg (1115x1600, 812K)

Sachi chapter any year now

Attached: WGYVAhM.jpg (1115x1600, 942K)


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Kind of funny how Toubun threads and bokuben threads are on life support already.


Attached: YQ3JOys.jpg (1115x1600, 1.04M)

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I'm loving this dork rivalry


Attached: DT2pRkL.jpg (1115x1600, 1.17M)

>already have a fiance

Attached: yLoow9b.jpg (1115x1600, 1.33M)

>so I can't go out with you

Attached: c1z4jLK.jpg (1115x1600, 1.14M)

I can't believe Nagi is fucking dead.

This has been a good chapter. I love Hiro now

Thanks for dumping and translate a bit and remember to vote for best girl

Attached: EPzSF0pU0AA8XEk.jpg (659x659, 86K)

I'm really loving Nagi as MC. He had the balls to confess to his crush unlike 99% of romcom MCs

>Nagi and E̶r̶i̶k̶a̶'̶s̶ Hiro's romantic comedy

Attached: 1580763604583.png (133x143, 17K)

WTF I love Hiro now

Nagi x Hiro
Erika x Sachi
These are your endgames for tonight

sure when the art improves

Attached: 469CD386-0F4E-4931-8E14-73D359B4D067.png (875x843, 567K)

I can feel the trope subversion a mile away
Hiro's endgame

Yea Forums what is your opinion about Hiro currently?

She's a cute sore loser

I like her more than Erika currently because she is more amusing.

10000000 times better then Erishit and Sachishit

Prettu qt

I just picked this up, damn I love Erika.

Boring waste of time.

If you're doing a harem series with a predetermined winner, all the other routes 1) need to tie in with the main route in some way and 2) be interesting in their own right. Hiro's route is neither.

>Right text: The accursed love triangle now appears!

Attached: triangle.png (102x102, 18K)

WTF bros, i love Hiro now but know she will lose, what i should do?

Kill yourself

Hiro will be the winner though. There really is no point to this series unless there's a subversion.


Sachibros... when will we get our chapter

Just wait for the Sachi chapter she will blow the other heroines away!

>flexing on how hard they've been studying

Attached: 1582653792867.png (992x609, 471K)


Based hopefag

Attached: 1582650326178.png (1427x2048, 1.06M)

>Nobody is voting for Erika

A just has taste

Marry her yourself

Noooooooooo im starting to like hiroderagiri nene

Fuck off toubun faggot.

Attached: A599ED36-FA35-48A2-9FF8-7DF76B3070EC.png (402x677, 310K)

Let me guess: arranged marriage, doesn't love him, but won't go against her and his parents' wishes.

Why, she is my cute fiancee.

Hiro's fiancee is the one Erika is crushing on. Nagi and Erika plot to work together to break them off to get with their respective crushes. Along the way they get to know each other better and fall for each other and end up together. Sachi never gets a chapter.

There, that's the series. We can all go home now.

Honestly this was cute.

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Sachi will win

Attached: 1580745129332.png (757x548, 441K)

jaiminifags should be lynched

Especially this faggot

no shit, toradora again no

So Hiro is best girl with the best interactions and she will lose just like Fumino. Noted.
I also noticed how Erikafags are basically equivalent to Urukashitters. I don't care if they don't overlap they are basically the same already.


>Erikek got 1 vote
Yea Forums really love Sachicute

Attached: Poor eri.png (297x500, 216K)

>caring about a rigged strawpoll

>Popular girls never win
They are money-cow

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What this face is trying to convey?

Dick goes in here

Can we all agree that Erika is a boring shit?



she's gonna lose, so what's the point

>Fuuka died
>Yotsuba won
>Uruka won
You'll never know Yea Forumsnon.

chitoge won

Sachi is the Yotsucute of this manga

Sachi is the Raiha. Cute, but irrelevant.

Sachi running away with it.

She's going to be the best and most popular girl and has the best interactions with the MC like Ichika, Miku, Mafuyu, or Fumino but she's going to lose fucking hard nonetheless.

>lists a bunch of boring cookie cutter garbage
>best interactions

>fillerfags seething

How is she going to beat Sachi in popularity when Sachi is currently dominating in popularity without even having a chapter yet?

Why the hell is Sachi so popular anyways?

>Why the hell is Sachi so popular anyways?
She was a cute flat imouto in the oneshot.

Imouto are always the best

Now a third of her appeal is gone

I'm hoping all 4 of them end up with someone else and this series just focuses on all 4 of them growing together but none of the girls ending up with Nagi.

Redpilled opinion here

I'm guessing the fiancee is the guy that Erika likes, if that isn't MC.

Makes no sense though. No one would start dating their sisters just because they found out they were adopted.

Shut up

People think with their dicks


superior series coming through

Attached: 24104.jpg (492x700, 101K)


You're right, it would remove all the fun from it.

I miss OS Sachi...

Attached: Best girl wearskeep_best brand in OS.png (605x752, 427K)

Sachi is the only thing I care about in this.


She got heavily nerfed

Miki is the artist, you already know who is gonna win. Stop deluding yourself.

Sorry wrong image

Attached: 1582250662266.jpg (1593x1886, 381K)

Woops actually meant this one.

Attached: 1563791565317.png (402x461, 511K)

Literally seo killed the main character and known for happy endings.

100 > 2

Kinda dropped Yamada after the second set of witches where introduced, how did it end?

>fated encounter

Attached: Ch 241 p9 metting.jpg (800x1136, 187K)


Is there a chapter out yet?

Korean scans

I don't know who picked it up

What’s the title?

I feel like a cuck.

Kanojo mo Kanojo

>She's talking in sumo terms
This girl's awesome

So I take it people where mad.

Really? I like her even more now

so, this got serialized

I want to see Ericute in a bride dress!

Mating press Sachicute

Cringe and forced

Gotoubun but the clear winner is literally Nino. Just what I needed

>twin ribbons
>innocent-spoil-rich girl
>Idiot and delusional
>wet her pants after MC showing a bit his "cool" side
>Hit the MC
>Stuck by the door for a fucking hour
>cry baby
>daddy issues
>same room a smug from 2nd floor
>seen half-naked
>fighting with MC for a pic on the bed
>dress like a sl*t
>refuse to study
>lied MC behind a door
>owns drugs and served it to MC (MC collapse)
>drag MC to her room
>fake red string of fate
walking red herring who will be btfo by her bio-sister
ONO NO NO NO NO binobros we are supposed to win this time
The first time we have seen the naked butt of one of Yoshikawa's female "main" (LOL) characters (we never saw Shiraishi's or Hana's)

Attached: ahaha.jpg (195x322, 41K)


>Dead thread
Toubunbros we need (you), few hours later JB should release ch 6

The latecomer dumb genki sport girl will win.

This must be the single most forced series in all of Yea Forums right now. Not even Samurai 8 was ever pushed this hard here.

Where is Rean bro when you need him


>The latecomer GENIUS genki sport girl will win.

Attached: Perfect.png (1038x691, 1.17M)

How's about dumb genius girl?

Attached: 12.png (1079x1600, 812K)

I still don't get why out of all the series that JB had to shill, it's this. It even gets threads outside spoilers and dumps, which is something that 100toubun doesn't get (100toubun is lucky to even get more than a thread a week). Does JB care more about Cuckoo than 100toubun or something? And if so, why?

Can she really be considered a latecomer if she appears in chapter 1?

>we are losing against a 2 panel character

Attached: 1580285127375.png (205x186, 46K)

This manga isn't even 10 chapters old and it already has worse threads than 5toubun and Bokuben. Wow.

She isn't even in the oneshot, she's literally filler meant to pad the rom part of the com

>Nagi and E̶r̶i̶k̶a̶'s̶ H̶i̶r̶o̶'̶s̶ Sachi's romantic ~mystery comedy
Sponsored by Yea Forums, JB and discord trannies

Attached: New 4D chess master plotting.png (327x328, 131K)

It almost seems like people here are just posting random stuff just as an excuse to pad out the thread, but these people don't actually care about the manga enough to discuss it in a non-shitposting way.

>toubun tard style posting
Fuck off, retard. Make more vocaroos.

>only a few chapters out

kill yourself, toubun faggot

Usually how this works is that they’ll try to help each other get with the ones they like but fall in love along the way

Fuck off with your thread wars

She's the only character that feels genuine.

My guess judging by just hanging out in a few of their discords is they shill what most of their followers want and most of them don't care for real harems

that's exactly the case and i've been actively make these threads just so people shit on it harder

How will Miki Yoshikawa manage a quadrangle?
>Pentagon from yamada-kun
boy got rejected by all 3 girls and Miyamura did nothing

Attached: Ch 182 20.jpg (869x1235, 279K)

We’re still going to win in the end so who cares

Just kill these threads till you fuckers have something to actually talk about

new chapter drops in a few hours

So basically it's Discord's fault for all these dead and necrobumped Cuckoo threads?

Nah they just said it's delayed

JB manga's usually each have their own Discord with mods spread between them

Will we get a Miyamura bro character for Nagi soon?

But it's still true that the reason this gets so many threads but not other manga is simply because of JB shilling?

>Chapter 6 will be released tomorrow, redraws are still being done, sorry for the inconvenience

I couldn't say for certain but there is some fuckery going on behind the scenes

except this manga is like nisekoi one shot already spoiled the manga

And he regretted it and approved of her living in the anime.

It just sounds suspicious that out of all the new manga that has come out the past few months, it's this in particular that seems to have the shilling and the warring. No other new manga seem to have those, not even 100toubun.


Attached: 432.gif (480x270, 239K)

Except Kanokari is actually good and this isn't. Also Kanokari's characters are mostly fleshed out, while with Cuckoo the only girl we really know about is Erika. Shitposting and warring over girls that we know zilch about (like Hiro) is hysterical.

Both this and Kanokari are shit. You can tell by looking at the IP count how both series are extremely forced. 60 IPs at 200 posts like this thread is terrible and even worse than the forced generals. Meanwhile the Kanoshit thread is at 13 IPs at 66 posts which is even worse. Both threads/series are being forced by a few guys.

100kano is legit fun and people are enthusiastic about it, yet there's no push for it. But for some reason a manga that's ripping off nisekoi needs to be promoted even harder than rental whores.

Honestly the Kanokari threads are much better than this. It's also been around for longer and already has an established cast of characters, so character discussion and waifufagging is understandable (if not necessarily acceptable). Here, we're less than 10 chapters in, but as early as the Chapter 1 thread there were already people waifufagging about Sachi and Hiro, girls who showed up in a literal handful of panels (not even pages).


This is the one with the forced threads though. Kanokari really only had two real threads per week: spoiler threads and release threads.

duh cuz the author is well known for making yamada kun.
i hope she necks herself though i hate the forced threads

I always forget how few people actually post in these garbage threads.

And yet Hitman isn't catching fire despite being made by Seo.


>Sachi and Erika
>Nagi and Hiro
>boyfriend and girlfriend


He ruined Yea Forums

Don't make fun of the fallen...

all mine.

Cause two huge romcoms ended recently and JB knows the fanbases are looking for something new to latch onto

I want Hiro and Nagi to do cute things if you know what I want to mean.

Attached: image.jpg (2230x1600, 2.42M)

Cute future couple!

But why this and not 100toubun?

tuesday is almost over, where's the translations?

>necrobumping the thread
Let it die, just make a new thread when the translations are actually up.

wait until you realize that 90% of manga threads on Yea Forums are actually like this outside of bait threads

Tomorrow for sure

I swear this thread would have dead hours ago if only shills didn't keep on necrobumping.


>make this thread as an ironic shitpost 12+ hours ago
>expect it to slip all the way down to page 10
>its somehow still up

Attached: D8CRtMS_d.jpg (374x374, 14K)

It's being kept alive by shitposters. Just let it die.

Sure you did

Attached: 1582073813931.png (145x305, 72K)

>if only shills didn't keep on necrobumping.
Tell me about it.
I've tried to kill some useless Kanokari threads when there isn't much to talk about(non-chapter/spoiler threads) and it was pretty hard because people kept bumping the threads right as it was hitting page 10.
Yea Forums is a pretty slow board.

And it's like newfags don't know know the "sage" option exists.

Attached: chizudisappoint.png (895x617, 506K)

well sage hasn't even been visible for like 6 years now

I wonder how long it will take before people stop complaining about threads for this being "forced".

Not as long as the shilling and necrobumping continue.

What about when it's at 20+ volumes, will you still insist that the only reason anybody wants to talk about is because of shilling?

If it will even be popular enough to 20+ volumes, right now the only reason there's even interest for it is because of the forced threads.

That's obviously not true seeing as it's popular even in Japan. Nobody is pointing a gun to people's heads and forcing them to discuss it, they do it because they want to.

>it's popular even in Japan
[citation needed]. And no, you'll need a better source than the magazine itself.

Why is it called cuckoo?

>Reading this piece of shit instead of Kanokari

Attached: 1457712993396.png (324x316, 209K)

Kill yourself already


Attached: 1580458292355.png (487x369, 187K)

>shows up in less than 10 pages
>sachi 48%
imouto dominates the competition with her superior genes

The cuckoo bird lays its eggs into the nests of other birds, tricking other birds into raising the young as their own.

The two main characters Nagi and Erika were accidentally switched at birth, making them similar to cuckoo birds.

The victim of a cuckoo is a cuckold. The verb "to cuck" was coined as the action of the cuckoo taking advantage of the cuckold.

Erika is such a slut

shut the fuck up

>And no, you'll need a better source than the magazine itself.
Actually I don't. You'll need a better source to prove their lying, which they aren't, obviously.

The series being popular isn’t too surprising. The switched at birth premise is a damn interesting and relatively original hook. However, so far the series doesn’t seem to be doing a good job of actually developing this premise so the popularity might not last.

It's popular because it took 5Toubun's spot and this author has already had two successful series. I'm not sure how the popularity of her previous works varied with time, but that would probably be a good predictor of how this one's gonna go.

You are comparing 130 chapters series with less than 10 chapters series

>The switched at birth premise is a damn interesting
As well as retarded.

Precisely. This manga isn't even 10 chapters in and the threads are already a mess.

>Kanokari is actually good

Attached: 17.jpg (337x459, 68K)

>Read the first couple of pages
>Thought it was super heartwarming how Sachi didn't want to lose her brother
>Think she's going to join the ranks of great platonic imoutos like Komachi
>Author makes it clear she's going to be part of the harem and start vying for her now NBR brother
God damn it. Why couldn't she just have a nice, wholesome relationship with her brother?

Attached: 08b.png (901x1300, 436K)

>Kanokari is actually good

Attached: 1560601285113.jpg (546x490, 56K)

Because incest is better.

>Kanokari is actually good

Attached: image.png (398x582, 340K)

>great platonic imoutos
And the winner of gayest post of March 2020 is...

The relationship between Nagi and Sachi is honestly the most interesting one right now. It’s a shame the series doesn’t do anything with it.


Attached: KinokariCHADS.png (2001x2001, 1.7M)

Short haired girls are gonna lose in this, just like in this mangaka's previous work

Is this the next romcom where shitters will latch on to?

>They are not even hiding it anymore

The movie making arc is good though.
t. Kusokari hater

That's the only reason anyone cares about it

This picture is disingenuous. The MC can hardly be called realistic or relatable when he has at least two cute girls falling for him for at best superficial reasons, plus another two other mentally disturbed girls obsessing over him, plus the insane circumstances and luck that set him up with the main heroine in the first place.

As it stands, Cuckoo manages to make its MC more realistic and relatable because the premise, though crazy, is still less crazy than the insanely long string of coincidences set up for Kanokari’s MC.

Cuckoo's plot isn't that much better than Kanokari's. In both series, things mostly happen to protagonists instead of them making things happen.

Except Kanokari's characters are more in control of their situation and just keep stepping in shit on their own.

I like Yoshikawa's art but I don't trust her after stretching out Yamada-kun again and again and again and again.

Just like Fumino right?

>The switched at birth premise is a damn interesting and relatively original hook.
It is definitely original but it's not that interesting because in the end it is just another "destined from the beginning" bullshit.

Being honest only mami and chizuru are realistic, ruka is annoying and has no reason to exist and mami is filler, at least the otaku girl is a lesbian so she's not in the bowl.

What if Erika loses?

user, we're 5 chapters in. Give it some time.

I give her a 98% chance to win, considering who's writing this.

When you got new authors, you can only rely on meta assuming they try to hide the winner (Negi,22i).. Which might fail because you don't know if the author will go for ebin SUBVERSION LMAO or stick to a coherent story til the end.
When you got a veteran, you have a bit more ammo to use, secondly Yoshikawa is not a very big risk taker, her manga so far has been very by the book and it worked for her.. Sales wise, story going to shit is a different matter.

What is this expression trying to convey?

Attached: Hiro.png (1066x773, 919K)

Then the romcom is shit.

>I'm gonna be married off to some faceless old man

Yankee-kun's ending was so fucking garbage despite the series being good otherwise.
It takes some real skill to do something that bad.

Attached: 1558664381675.jpg (670x677, 85K)

She accepted her fate.

She has purple hair? Best girl right there.

Are Nenefags gonna cry again when Miki pairs up Sachi with some literalwho again?


They're the same shitposters, not even 5 chapters in. Unfucking believable.

>This might be the first time I've had this much fun
I'm getting a pretty dark sense of her family environment with this chapter.

This series could use more male characters.
She always does them great, but
>haremshit from the get go

Nobody cares about the shitty uninspiring sobstory of a filler character.

With the massive success of 5toubun and WSM seeking to replace it with Cuckoo, Miki will undoubtedly go for subversion. Sachi will win.

>t. Amano Erika

Magazine is so desperate for a hit after their two biggest series end.

What else is ending, Domekano?

Domekano may as well be over though.

SnK. DomeKano too. WSM is dead.

Senryuu Shoujo

still not over? This can't end fast enough.

Hiro has some juicy plump lips in that image.
I want to give her a big smooch.

For the moment for me:

>Nagi: a very good MC. He feels like a better Fuutarou. He's enjoyable and he has the balls to confess to his crush, something you don't usually see in romcoms
>Erika: my favorite girl so far. She's funny, cute and a dork. I love her interactions with Google
>Hiro: seemed a plain girl at first but she has surprised me with that personality of her. I'm liking also her too, very good personality and character setting
>Sachi: I can't give an opinion since we have seen her in 3 panels so far

I'm liking Cuckoo's Fiancee so far. Is comfy and funny

>Post has nothing to do with Toubun
Someone sure is scared of 5Toubun.

cute BEST girl expression

kill yourself toubun tard

I swear necrobumping is the only thing keeping these threads alive at this point.

You aren't wrong

Best girl winning

Attached: 20200304_125023.png (926x817, 60K)

I wasn't in the Bokuben threads was new, were its early threads this bad?

You popularityfags are gonna be disappointed, like you always do.
Every goddamn fucking manga.

Do you guys seriously need to be fighting for girls and warring with each other when the manga is literally five chapters old? And you guys have been doing it since the very first chapter. It's ridiculous.

>The switched at birth premise is a damn interesting and relatively original hook.
What's interesting about it? How does it affect the plot, characters, anything? This is the most boring and retarded premise imaginable. You could replace it with any fucking other reason to have a forced fiancee and the manga would be exactly the same.

It's literally just one or two guys roleplaying to keep the thread bumped.

This thread has 96 posters so far (assuming that the number is accurate and doesn't account for samefagging). I'm pretty sure it's not just two people, it's probably a clique of JB staff or fans.

I kinda don't understand why this manga has a waifu warring already but the 100toubun threads have been far more tame in that regard.

>(assuming that the number is accurate and doesn't account for samefagging)

100 shit has too many girls to even remember

>Yea Forums loves nini and now Sachi

Attached: SachiNo.png (128x128, 29K)