But after watching this show I cried like a bitch
I haven't cried in a long time
You’re a pussy and virgin
You're a virgin and pussy
That's because you are a bitch.
Thats because i am a bitch
You're not alone OP. There were some depressing moments earlier in the show but last episode finally got me.
I almost didn't notice Nari buying pastries through the tears
We are all pussies, virgins, and bitches on this blessed day.
you guys see that anime "pet"? I'm not going to actually make a thread about it, but because this thread is pretty pathetic already, I might as well mention another anime exists.
There's some yaoi-baiting but the all the mindfuckery is really fun.
They really would need to fuck this up hard to not make this AOTS.
>this shitty bait again
Nips are masters of unsatisfying endings so they will gambatte really hard to make it happen.
me on the right
>she calls him Aki-kun
>they were childhood friends
The only anime men are allowed to cry over is VEG. You must be a total bitch who can't hold himself together.
So that's why it ended the way it did, childhood friends aren't meant to be winners.
I think OP meant crying because of emotions. not because of how shitty the anime is like your example.
I did cry over VEG because it was very decent animation on top of an actively bad story, like Angel Beats bad where the writers just give up and tell you you must feel sad now
I cried when I finished VEG because I realize that was 6 hours of my life wasted.
Sure, but only because I replied in kind.
>watching pretentious garbage
Will Nari forsake the world for Kiki?
Based /u/chad. Fuck this 2deep4u 6D chess inception rip-off.
nice bait
Leave this for real thread.
This one is just full of monkeys flinging shit.
almost everything on that list actually applies to anime as a whole because the japanese cannot write for shit
what a pretentious and edgy post
Now I'm sure I will never watch it
>not pretentious
ID: Invaded in one picture
Hondo gives you her tits as a present on Valentine's day instead of chocolate.
How do you repay her on White day?
give her something white if you get me
Give her my dick so she can use it as a toy. I hope I can feel what she's doing.
>he says this while posting madoka
Maybe he was saying watching pretentious garbage is cool.
But then what does it have to do with this show. It's not even that pretentious
I would.
Mindlessly flinging buzzwords is f/a/ggots' staple.
based and redpilled
You're a cunt in a trap.
>Solving crimes through magical mumbo jumbo posing as technology
Fucking dropped
see you next week faggot
I remember it was called pseudo-pretentious once.
Name a more based ED this year. You can't. This anime is gonna be AOTY and EDOTY
They were asking for it desu
wow his daughter and his wife died! thats emotionally heavy dude
did she fuck her sister? I think I dropped it a little too early
Try listen to Dorohedoro ending.
It means it's pretentious enough for pseuds to like.
the last one was meh
Yeah I would agree there, Night Surfing and DDDD were pretty good though.
I found some OST on YT
Something I just noticed about the ED. It resembles the opening sequence to True Detective with the style of visuals a lot. Probable inspiration?
your pacing is absolutely terrible
Year is still young, but yeah this is shaping up to be the best show this season. Dorohedoro is also really good though, and I'm really enjoying Eizouken too.
I wish Eizouken wasn't hyped so we could have comfy threads about it, it was never meant to be a blockbuster
Pet's full ED is really good too, if you ask me. Doesn't work as well at the TV length though.
Luckily it's enjoyable enough without Yea Forums threads. It's the shitposting target of the season and you always avoid threads for that show. Glad this show isn't popular enough to be targeted, the threads have been really fun.
I always love it when I find a meh OP/ED song's full version is actually really good and they just fucked up the TV cut, like finding a diamond in the rough. The opposite is always shitty though. Good cut on the TV version, but the full is a mess and doesn't flow as well.
>Slavek Kowalewski
How often does that happen that they hire a non-japanese person?
Occasionally, and that's when you know the OST is gonna be amazing, re: Kevin Penkin's work on Made in Abyss.
>not this
Apparently he's working in Tokyo. Even his website is half english, half japanese. He's polish by the way and the soundtrack is amazing.
Ore wa...
Based gaijin weeb living the life.
>try to put the video in the background so I can listen to it while doing other things
>notice and appreciate the voice acting and sounds even more
TsudaKen is amazing.
You are a vagina and celibate
He kinda did that already when he declined to kill her.
post yfw this was all an elaborate illusion set up by aliens that kidnapped narihisago, he's never had a family, there's no challenger, no perforator, no john walker, no hondomachi, the aliens just wanted to fuck around with him for the hell of it
it took you 10 episodes to notice or do you just want the attention
Where does Sakaido rank on the Suffer Chart?
Somewhere above 70 in suffering and somewhere below 30 in deserving it.
So, what endings does this guy write? Drill hole in the brain was fine, but what about his other works?
>i must go now my well needs me
Nari is a piece of shit serial killer in the real world and Kura is using him as an experiment for their new technology. And the real world the viewers see is actually his delusions where he's a former cop.
I want to read Biorg Trinity but it was scanned on a flip phone and translated by retards
>Momoki is his case worker
>Hondomachi is his attempt to give his homicidal urges a productive outlet and innocent appearance
Low quality like your pretentious garbage
It's getting there.
It picks up a little more steam every week and some anons seem to be forcing a rivalry with Pet.
If it ends well we'll see some contrarian shitposting and some disingenuous AOTY shitposting.
If it ends poorly there'll be a deluge of shitposts for about three weeks until everyone has forgot about it in the next season.
I remember the Petposting being pretty benign at first, I even watched a few eps. Not enough to make me binge it but it seems pretty good, and I wouldn't have touched it otherwise.
Not clicking on that shit.
It's crazy how much work he's been getting yet he doesn't really phone in any of it.
I figured as much. The Japanese have an aversion to working with people who don't speak Japanese, understandably.
>ywn make him smile
why even live
And it's only translated to ch 46 from what I could find despite it supposedly being finished.
He did nothing wrong.
also he is a pretty cool guy.
>So, what endings does this guy write?
short stories: generally okay
Smoke, Soil or Sacrifices: good
Childish Darkness: mindfuck/10
Asura Girl: meh
Tsukumojuku: the emotional conflict from ep 10 is actually based on this ending, except the book doesn't tell you whether the narrator chose his family in the dream world or went back to the real world where his wife and kids don't exist. It's good.
Disco Wednesdayyy (ayyy): not great but servicable
Jorge Joestar: pretty bad
I would expect the anime to have an okay ending unless maijo pulls off something really batshit like time-traveling fetuses again
>Infinite Dendrogram is a trashfire
>ID: Invaded is the best the medium has had to offer in recent years
>both made by the same studio
legit what the fuck
The same way Sarazanmai was "made by MAPPA".
So Akihito entered the well previously and died with his family photo?
No, that's just a piece of the well. I'm guessing that the cognition particles were left at Momoki's house because of a suicide attempt by Akihito. It's symbolized by the emptiness of the desert and his self-image inside a sandpit.
The actual staff is more important to the overall quality than the Studio.
The big twist at the end is going to be everyone is in a dream and the only way to wake up is to die in the dream so John walker is creating serial killers to help people wake up because he is actually the good guy, right.?
any studio that doesn't have a small list of in-house staff has very little effect on the quality of an anime, insofar as all they do is hire freelancers. Like said, it's about the people and not the studio. Almost all studios contract bigger studios to do bulk work like inbetweening anyway
It's even worse when you realize that his dream family has been filtered through the lens of his own memories and desires of them. In reality his wife must have been silently suffering for a long time and never showed it until she finally broke down. And what's worse than that is that deep down Narihisago understands that his family wasn't really as perfect as he remembers them but still doesn't want to let go.
I'm half convinced Infinite Dendrogram just isn't suited for the medium. That being said Nemesis is cute and the sole reason I'm still suffering through it.
I like how everyone at Kura knows exactly what they're doing by putting prisoners next to him but they don't talk about it.
If it was up to me I would have placed trees in the foreground to make this scene more impactful. They're far away in the back and the change of season is not very noticeable. I also doubt that many viewers will remember the exact position of the cars. Showing the parking lot being in construction would also have helped to differentiate the timelines.
I really want to see her fight with Challenger, she looks pretty tough.
Anything to this beyond being inception with more focus on crime fighting than conducting the crimes? Just id/ego/superego character (slow) exploration stuff.
Who knows. Try watching it and find out.
>They really would need to fuck this up hard to not make this AOTS.
don't fucking doubt a nip's ability to fuck up an ending or anime so thoroughly you end up regretting wasting your time watching it/reading it in the first place.
What point was the big guy trying to make about Hondoumachi when he likened her to a serial killer? I get she smiled when stabbing the guy but what else?
That she enjoyed killing.
I can't believe they went from fucking ImoImo to this.
Also that she deliberately provoked the murder instead of waiting for backup or something like that.
Had she failed she would have put her partner in danger.
To be fair ID is being carried by it's writing. Solid direction has led to some memorable shots, but overall the best you can say for the animation is that it's been serviceable.
I can.
That doesn't even look that bad.
There are far worse examples in the show.
You’re telling me there’s a wedding scene with his dead wife? You sons of bitches, you got me again.
That's honestly just the show's style. Someone like Hondoumachi looks much more standard in all her shots.
The way the eyes are drawn in this artstyle does look pretty weird.
The key staff for ID are mostly former White Fox animators and the director made sure the production schedule has plenty of lead time. Pretty sure they’re all done by now.
I keep rewatching the last episode over and over.
>You don't have to die anymore.
Yeah but you kinda do.
taking dangerous risks she shouldn't when provoking dangerous murderers for the thrill of it
Kokuryu Matsuoka (big guy detective) also questioned why she split from him during the arrest of the Gravedigger Copycat. He barely mentions it, there's a quick flashback and he doesn't elaborate. It's a bit confusing because we don't see them split up and they don't mention it afterward. The sequence of event is this: at first she is seen investigating the floor above next to the Big Guy detective, then the SWAT team discovers the Gravedigger Copycat in the basement, then they discover the casket with the corpse, then we see the SWAT team kicking the criminal and she's in the background. Big Guy detective isn't there. It's not entirely clear what Big Guy detective wanted to imply. I think the most logical explanation is that he assumed that she ran quickly to the arrest hoping there would be a confrontation where she could possibly kill the criminal in self-defense. That might be the case since Big Guy then ask how early she knew about the real Gravedigger. The implication would be that she rushed immediately to the criminal arrest scene, hoping for a justification for a self-defense homicide. She even taunted Haruka Kazuta to make it happen. By contrast if she was immediately sure to have found the criminal she should have sit back and requested more backup.
I particularly like the scene where he is ejected from the world and he throws down his notes. The music clicks it together perfectly.
I don't detect a lack of skill from the animators, the art style used for the designs is just inherently a bit derpy with faces
>"... is in reality"
>suddenly remember all my insecurities about work, my family, loans, etc. in that split second
How the fuck did something so simple do that
The biggest difference is that in inception the protagonists are mostly reliable. Dicraprio had a secret but it wasn't that bad. In this show a lot of people are lying and it's not clear which or by how much. As another detail, in Inception the technology for entering dreams is just plot convenient, they never try to explain it, in this case a lot of the plot concerns where it comes from and how it works.
someone can make a webm of the guy getting shot trough the fucking drill hole
that was the most bullshit i've seen in anime in years
what is her full name i must know it so i can look up pornogrpahy of her
why are they so sweaty?
this is so fucking dumb hahhhhhahah
I really want to see someone make a fake trailer of ID Invaded but using the Inception theme.
Kind of like how someone made a fake trailer of Flip Flappers with the Mad Max theme.
Miyo Hijiriido
Who took all of the pictures in Narihisago's prison cell anyways?
Hondomachi Koharu i think
It's kind of odd since his drill is at an angle that shouldn't be possible.
John Walker took all these pictures.
ok i will pick this up because you said you cried. i want to cry too
I love it when this show does stupid shit like this. Any other show with this type of premise would be pretentious as hell, but this knows how silly it is and runs with it.
>JW ends up being a personal friend of Narihisago that we haven't seen yet
It's called a timer.
Mister Fixer
>JW turns out to be Colonel Sanders due to an intense amount of rage Narihisago felt when KFC got his order wrong
Is there a version of this for every board?
I didn't, the insert song absolutely ruined that montage, it's a case where not understanding the lyrics works in favor of the show.
Colonel Sanders is an alternate identity that Narihisago came up with by accident after KFC got his order wrong
Narihisago has split personality disorder where one moment he's Narihisago and the next moment he's a murderous fast food icon who creates serial killers and fries chicken
screencap this post
>Inception theme
The OST is practically a Hans Zimmer sound-a-like already.
Inspirational Narihisago encouragement video to this please: youtube.com
god damn it, all this time I was trying to unlock his true ending.
I think part of the reason he didn't kill her is because he was afraid it might cause the false reality to end.
I can't believe the show is popular enough for crossboarders and retards to start spamming bait
Happiness hormones could have prevented his wife from committing suicide if he fucked his wife like there was no tomorrow.
Eternal Rail when?
All three of the Brilliant Detectives refer to Kaeru by a different honorific.
>Sakaido: Kaeru-chan
>Anaido: Kaeru-kun
>Miyo Hijiriido: Kaeru-san
I just thought it was neat.
The only one i'd say is relevant is Anaido.
Sakaido: Kaeru-chan
Probably just because she's a female younger than him
>Anaido Kaeru-kun
Could indicate he's worked with JW longer than she's been involved?
>Miyo Hijirido Kaeru-san
roughly equal age probably the reason.
I only watched the first episode to see what the hype was about and found it too unbelievable.
To be honest I was surprised when they said that Kaeru/Kiki was over 20 years old.
Early episodes I thought she's supposed to be a kid, especially when they compared her to Muku at some point.
This show is shit
I bet she didn't drill herself all the way through. That kind of amateur hole isn't going to bring liberation.
>in a few weeks there will be no more episodes of cute serial killers we just want to see succeed
She was tied to a table user, cut her some slack, she'll need it to drill the rest of the way through.
You know what to do
I think this show's kinda mediocre if I'm being honest. I like the characters, they have charisma and I can connect emotionally to them but the mysteries inside of the killers minds aren't very well done and the staff watching the great detective are mostly useless fluff just there to say dumb shit the whole time.
shit i actually got baited by an image for the first time in years
fuck this one makes me mad
Momoki also seemed to know whose cognition particles would be at his house, he mightve been the one who stopped his suicide attempt
Narahisago's well from ep7 had a decent puzzle. But yeah that's basically the only one.
>what is Inami and Kazuta's well
>anaido literally killed himself dozens of times solely to pretend to be retarded
>there's no clear purpose to this subterfuge
>he then chooses to blow his cover for the sole purpose of trapping himself and some other guy inside a well forever
what's the plan here, bros?
i think the pretend retardation was mostly to set the premise that they couldn't have a reason to ever bench narihisago, he couldn't predict that hondo might come into the picture at that time
I think he killed himself to fake retard and also to observe the well. Can't do your shit if they extract you because you show signs of promise.
>newcancer's first detective mystery action
>perforator in moonspeak is 'anaaki', which sounds like the word 'anarchy'
No plan at all.
You should actually watch it dude.
Please user, can't we have one ongoing anime where the bait is at least funny?
>it's a "nu/a/ gets won over by basic bitch storytelling" episode
user, please
>thread filled with lazy bait
>people still replying
yeah okay you guys have fun
He's either working for John Walker or just fucking around for shits and giggles.
This episode just confused me more about the nature of id wells. How can one person have more than one? Isn't it supposed to be a snapshot of their subconscious? Hell, the lightning one was counting digits of pi and was up to date with all the time that had passed.
I bet he noticed that people don't go into their own well.
>can retain memories
>never saw his own
>Narihisago never went into his own because Hondomachi was in his
150 IQ.
It's a snapshot of the moment, so one person can have multiple moments of seriously intending to kill. The real question is why was Narihisago in Momoki's bedroom.
Then why does hondomachi just show up in the Perforator's well in the midst of Nakaido investigating?
It's gathered from the killing intent of the moment, Hondo's well wouldn't be filled with drills if we took another of her readings. However, the current state of mind of the killer can influence a well from the past, as established in episode 1 with the perforator, so it isn't so strange that Narihisago's well has just been going since the day Muku died.
That doesn't make any sense. I fucking hate cognition particles, I have to stop trying to make them logical.
maybe going deeper is simply approaching closer to the combined human collective unconscious, hence why the fabrication in the wellwell is a lot more detailed and elaborate than the little worlds of regular wells
Because he killed people in the ambulance, all while the ambulance is right next to Hondomachi?
the b8ers simply need a holesome enlightening
It's probabl;y because the system was labeling them as being from separate wells even though they were not. The labeling seems to be at least somewhat manual. The system can seem to update a well with newly detected particles, as you noted with Hondomachi, but perhaps that doesn't work if they're deliberately classified as different wells.
It's just like Heroquesting from King of Dragon Pass.
The only (you) baits should get in these threads are some finger guns.
pew pew
So far all self-updating wells we've seen have been from same cases, with same motivations, MOs and not far from one another.
Maybe if the same person produces cognition particles in two different circumstances, then the signature and the state of the well differs.
Right now I have two hypotheses:
The desert well is Narihisago's suicide well. As in, he was about to off himself but was stopped.
Hondomachi's suicide well was also very desolate.
Or the desert well is from cognition particles that Narihisago produced when talking someone to suicide.
Since someone in Kura seems to be in kahoots with John Walker, it would make sense that they'd have the means to gather the particles from his cell.
His voice acting was phenomenal this episode
I joked an ep or two ago that someone used a dustpan and brush to collect particles from a site and dump them in Momoki's place, but I hadn't really thought just how dense Narihisago's cell floor must be with them.
About in confused thinking this thread who is anyone should needs in just to non-linear open their the Perforator's up to minds goals.
I never really stopped to think about how many suicide wells they could theoretically sniff out all over tokyo and explore. Theyre simply not useful to find though compared to criminals' wells.
hondo has the most spiral energy
I don't think your first theory is correct, In Hondomachi's suicide well Kaeru hung herself and he commented that there was no case to be solved. Since the lightning well is under the desert well and nearly identical in that the detective is tied to kaeru, I might even lean towards the idea that the desert well is the incident where he killed the challenger but was taken by JW and through some unexplained shenanigans unable to update. I don't think we will get an actual answer though unfortunately and the focus will be all on John Walker, Perforator, and escaping dogma.
He never hid it. Even in the other well he didn't speak, he just thought, "this is Kaeru, I'm Anaido, no other name provided" and bit it.
The desert well has Narihisago's corpse sunken into the quicksand though, presumably because he decided to walk himself into it. Lightning well would fit his anger at the moment of murdering the Challenger.
The handcuffs and wrist ties might not necessarily be inherent to Narihisago's wells but a message (although a weak and feeble one) from Kaeru-chan. I think Narihisago tried to kill himself while staying over at Momoki's house, since Momoki seemed to know right away whose particles would be present at his house.
The footprints in the desert well were way too fresh to belong to that dried up Narihisago.
Sorry I touched a nerve.
Shit he did can only get him any personal gain (freedom for example) if he's working under someone's instructions.
If not it looks like he just did shit for LULZ.
But Narihisago should also know if he could have left particles Momoki's house and would be suspicious of particles collected from Momoki's house. And how did the particles stay there for three years?
I can definitely see the possibility of it being a suicide a well. I do think the 2 wells are more connected due to what Anaido says although that could merely mean he could recognized similarities to identify who the well belonged to or was told prior to entering by JW.
>Hondomachi was holding the Wakumusubi when they meet
>She doesn't recognize Narihisago until he turns around
>He was getting ready to kill Fukuda in the well
>So Hondomachi found him because she detected his cognition particles
I enjoy these little details.
How would he know about dogma? He only figured out there was an amnesia function when he was injected with Sakaido.
Is each well definitely a 'zone' that represents a snapshot/dream of killing intent? If so what do Kiki's secondary wells represent?
did the investigators ever imply they knew what two kiki wells-in-a-well were supposed to be/?
Perhaps it is true that it's not actually, or at least wasn't at first, him. Remember how Anaido seemingly pulled that picture from thin air and only claimed to get it from the body.
>So Hondomachi found him because she detected his cognition particles
Its completely retarded and nonsensical that this works within a well.
if he really is following someone else's lead on what he's doing in the wells, he could be fed info through a similar power or method to what Kiki had with the killers tormenting her in her dreams
>So Hondomachi found him because she detected his cognition particles
I think she found him by pure chance. Wakumusubi isn't some long range detector.
She was already going to pay a visit to Mr.Driller or else she wouldn't be in the neigborhood.
This well is supposed to feel like the real world, though.
He probably figured it out when Narihisago wasn't entering a well even though he entered every other well. The conclusion that he went with was "that well was Narihisago's and he can't go into it because something is going to happen". He most likely got a confirmation when he went into it to save Hondomachi instead of Narihisago.
It could be his 150 IQ speculation that he wanted to test, or the information just entered his brain through his hole is what I want to believe.
Does Hondo even know what Narihisago looks like? she's only seen Sakaido right?
There's a lot we don't know about holes.
True, but that's why she walked up to him and told him to drop his gun. I thought that was neat.
What an absolutely based post
She's Kura staff, remember.
Also from her reaction it looks like she was a fan.
Yeah, definitely a nice scene.
A fan of Sakaido, and as far as i can tell this is the Perforator was her first mission on the team. I can't imagine they advertise that the Brilliant detectives are serial killers.
She probably read the news about Narihisago plugging the Challenger and went
>wow, being a cop is really cool
Old man Matsuoka mentioned Narihisago and she went 'Sakaido?' so she surely knew both of his identities.
ahhh fair enough.
Maybe "Anaido" will enter Kiki's well as well next episode.
>we don't see them split up
Fun fact: it is the only deleted scene that was shown in the trailer:
What would even happen if someone would enter Kiki's well while they were already there? Would they become them or would there be two of them? What happens if they meet?
What if he enters and happens to meet the Perforator that Narihisago was going to kill?
Since Narihisago never met himself in the well I assume that Anaido would take fake Perforator's place.
If Perforator would've been killed there, would he spawn already dead?
probably the most basic anime i have ever watched. great animation though
What? Pet is good.
I don't know what The Right Answer is, but this ain't it.
>I don't know what The Right Answer is, but this ain't it.
We... can't go like a samurai anymore.
Just like how Hondomachi got in the chair before but showed up after Narihisago, Fukuda had shown up even earlier after getting in the chair while Narihisago is yelling at sand.
The scene at 3-4 second? It is in the anime.
What was your favorite moment of the last episode?
Mine was
>Where are you right now?
The way it had panned out and shows Nari and Hondo standing opposite each other in that moment both Nari and the viewer had the concrete reality that this was merely a well within a well, not his reality.
>Both Hondomachi and Narihisago have seasons kanji in their given names, spring and autumn respectively.
I guess they were trying to do something clever with their name and the seasons.
The well particles are made to generate the fictional serial killers. Maybe what would have happened is that killing fake Perf would break real Perf's link to Mizunahome and dissolve Anaido.
Why is the wellside so stupid and not notice Anaido doing things before Sakaido awake in the desert well?
What is the meme/reference in that fanart?
They only get feedback from Sakaido.
Why it's Nichibros of course, a classic.
Perhaps when both detectives aren't awake they can't see anything?
Before Sakaido woke up there was a 10~min blank spot where Anaido took the cloth bandages off everyone
Well side could have been blind while Sakaido was having his depression adventure.
Not sure but it's showing that Anaido was actually Fukuda the whole time.
Why is user so stupid and not notice subtitles explaining things?
>Are you coming home?
>Yeah.....I'm definitely going back...
But Anaido removed the Kiki skirt handcuff thing before Sakaido woke up. That lead them to think about the watch stealer and moving further into the desert.
I'd invade her 井戸, if you know what I mean.
>The real me is...
You are right, my mistake.
Maybe Matsuoka's implication is she thinks too much like a serial killer.
im pretty sure it's implied she aimed for the head but missed, the camera is what goes through the drill-hole, not the bullet.
This is where I thought the show dropped the ball but then the episode ended with that absolutely kino train scene.
it was silly but the show isnt about the wacky action scenes pasted on top in the first place
>the camera is what goes through the drill-hole, not the bullet.
You are probably the only one who thinks that.
yea... probably..
what does falling into dogma even mean in this context?
He turns into a dog.
maybe what Kaeru chan was afraid was happening to her: losing sense of self and dissolving into larger reality whatever that implies
It was a really deep scene because it showed that Kazuta's and Perforator's holes are orifices going through their heads and they are different from Hondomachi's hole.
That illustrates why only Fukuda can remember himself in the well.
Did they actually explain it in that scene? Can't remember. Which episode was this?
Mine was when you saw his relationship with his wife devolve and him buying cake for her only to find her corpse.
Episode 03
While I loved the emotional scenes my favourite part had to be Anaido's reveal, it was such an "Oh shit, we've been had!" moment
How does Nahirisago fare in the suffering chart?
100 suffering, 0 deserved
He doesn't deserve his wife and daughter dying. He also suffered by reuniting with his family only to have to leave them a second time.
It's hard to compare emotional suffering with physical suffering.
y=90, x=55
It could be something like
>Chief, under the guise of John Walker, creates serial killers by planting a need in their psyche that drives them to kill, but they can never fully satisfy it themselves. He influences them to do his bidding through a combo of temptation and fear.
>Fukuda watching Hondo perforate herself satisfied the need and broke John Walker's influence on him, unbeknownst to the Chief.
>Chief didn't like that the Wellside crew was catching on to John Walker. He tried to get Fukuda to replace Narihisago since he thought he still had control over Fukuda.
>Fukuda being the Drilliant Detective lets him retain his consciousness, so he intentionally throws dives so he can't be used. Chief just thinks Fukuda is useless.
>Chief goes to plan B, frames Momoki, and tries to get Fukuda to take down Narihisago.
>Fukuda goes along but is playing 4D chess and has a plan.
dafuq, what makes you think he deserved it more than he didn't?
He was happy and I wasn't.
god damn using MIYAVI for the ED is cheating
Okay, but can we be real about this for a second? The well mysteries are bullshit and not actual murder mysteries. They're not even trying with those.
Yeah that's the point, they're dream landscapes created to justify a conclusion.
90 Suffering, 40 Deserved
He didn't deserve his daughter getting murdered and his wife committing suicide, and he didn't deserve his mindfuck simulated reality trip. But he's in his situation to begin with because he took revenge personally and is willingly throwing himself further into it on a personal vendetta.
Pretty much any suffering he endures as Narihisago is undeserved, and any he endures as Sakaido is completely deserved (except falling to dogma).
Oh shit
It is, but the stories are so well-paces and entertaining that you don't think too hard about it, and when you speculate it's about the stuff that matters.
based, and accurate
Narihisago has always been an obsessed workaholic who was neglecting his family. He didn't realize how important it was to him until he lost it, and now he can't let go. I can't help but feel that his hell is much of his own creation.
>being a detective chasing down killers is more exciting than your boring family life
>well guess what your boring family life is now part of your serial killer job
It's sad because it's true
Pet is okay, but ID: Invaded took the same general concept and did much better investing us in characters and making the bullshit worlds be believably bullshit. The whole Hayashi/Tsukasa thing felt like a plot requirement with a handwaved explanation.
Yeah, we depend a lot on Sakaido and the wellside to spell it out for us but the wells themselves showed a lot of things about the killer themselves. Kazuta and Inami generated a lot of speculation when those episodes aired.
hence the inside-outed title
>tfw people thought the inside-outed means inside a well of a well
>it turns out to be Anaido's coat
This better not be fucking it. AOTY if true.
But JW appeared inside Perforator's id well as a separate entity.
Split personality?
It's a bit too late to pull the split personality card out of him without making it look like an asspull now.
It keeps happening.
Drilled bits of brain acting on their own.
>Name a more based ED this year.
No, as in they were actually split in the dreamworld.
>that torso piece
>wanted the voice of JW to stop
>drilled his brain
>it brought him liberation
It's just the abdomen though. Nothing else matches up.
It wasn't a clean break.
I wouldn't even be mad
What? He was playing everyone from the very beginning.
>He's naked because Johnny is wearing his clothes
Ah fuckity fuck.
No wonder he was so cocky while in prison, he'd already won.
>a punk-gentleman dichotomy
It's comparable to the dream "puzzles" in Somnium Files
Logical sense doesnt completely apply to emotional and instinctual manifestations. The criminal doesnt get much opportunity to hide whats lurking inside their head no matter how clever and sneaky they are irl
>The well mysteries are bullshit and not actual murder mysteries.
Apply yourself a little. The well mysteries are clues that contain the modus operandi of the killer. Solving the mystery helps the detective elucidate the intentions and/or the motivations, which is a big step in solving the mystery in the outside world.
you son of a bitch
My sides. Thanks for the hearty laugh user
I mean, one of his victims did end up getting John Walker'd themselves...
Kinda want to give this a shot now but I'm getting flashbacks to when people hyped up boogiepop and it was mediocre crap. Gonna watch the first episode at least
Boogiepop is good tho, the anime adaptation is really not
This is an anime original however
Yeah, was talking about the recent adaptation
The first two episodes were alright but episode 3 is when it gets going.
>Was getting caught part of your plan?
The first 2 episodes are some of the worst I've ever seen from a mystery show, the last 2 have been alright, overall this series is a solid 7/10 with massive potential to hit 5/10 if the ending is as retarded as some of the other points.
People hyped up boogiepop? I thought that show was dull and silly start to finish. Anyways, I'm pretty sure people only watched that show because boogiepop was cute and had a cool hat.
It's pretty obvious that his entire plan is to kill Narihisago though, that's what merging his waking personality with his subconsious is for.
The bigger mystery is how did Narihisago's particles get into his buddies place. It's obvious enough that Narihisago murdered the doctor after finding out he put Kaede in the machine and that's what they're all using to dive in the first place, but the timeline doesn't really match up, I think they went a little too far with the whole time travel thing.
you forgot "asspull" translating to "something happened that I didn't predict and don't like it"
Boogiepop was 2019 AOTS, stop being fags.
I am a sucker for crime trillers or mystery shows. I also hated boogiepop adaptation. the best arc was the flashback for the bg origin. I guess some anons just turn off their brains when it comes to cute girls doing stuff or nostalgia from the novels. Anyways, ID id my AOTS so far. Really love it. The whodunnit show has amazing direction.
>dull characters
>bad visuals
>forgetful plot
>narrative structure outclassed by Baccano and Durarara
yeah, it was mediocre all around. not really AOTS material.
This guy know
[laugher stops]
Absolute madman
delete this right this instant
So Narihisago went back to shortly before the events that caused his breakdown, right? Same with Hondomachi, given she's only been there 20 minutes and getting drilled was her trigger point.
So far the only explanation I can find for all this shit is that JW is also a time traveller, and he's the one who had Muku killed as revenge. But with all the time lines, I can't picture a satisfactory conclusion that doesn't slip up on a loose end. Sure, it's obvious enough that diving is only accessible to killers because they're the only ones with the potential to end Kaeru's suffering, but the intersection points are too convoluted.
Wasn't it mostly just speculation on their part?
What about Kiki?
>next episode
>inside-outed III
you're not wrong
>>narrative structure outclassed by Baccano and Durarara
Yet it was better than both of them as well as everything released in 2019.
No, when they told that amnesia is a defensive mechanism it was clear they'd bring it later.
They couldn't say "Remember Limbo from Inception? This is it" , but everyone got the reference.
Obviously, but that doesn't mean it's exactly what will happen.
Definitely not better than Baccano. 2019 was an extremely weak year, so I could see how someone could pick it as the best, but even Mob Psycho 2 seems like it blows out boogiepop
I really don't want another babylon ending punch in the next three weeks. My mind's had enough bad mystery plots.
Given she's the whole basis for the machine, and she immediately kills herself every time she enters a new id? 100, 0.
they just finished having some hot loli secks
This also, maybe I should wait for the show to conclude, have enough seasonal watched I'm already lagging behind on
If it's terrible, wouldn't you rather experience it with Yea Forums?
>wait for it to conclude
I wish I could, man.
It's impossible to get me to sit still on Sunday afternoons, waiting for the release.
>inb4 delay for the final two episodes because of Coronavirus and it's fucking Madoka levels of delayed all over again
just wait till we get another recursive Well
Now this is fucking brilliant.
This is why I love watching stuff like this with the rest of you.
No way in hell, even after rewatching I'd catch all these little details.
>and it's fucking Madoka levels of delayed all over again
We got 'lucky' it happened after ep.10.
that's all I remember from this discussion:
>you have to have generated well in order to dive as a brilliant detective
>how well you perform as a brilliant detective is partially dictated by your compatibility - how big of a boost Mizuhanome decides to give you (based on what seems to be either unknown or not mentioned)
>amnesia is speculated to be a defense mechanism against falling into dogma, in case the brilliant detective ever dives into their own well
>diving into one's well makes one's consciousness aware of their unconscious mind, which is speculated to be the cause of the "falling into dogma" effect
>one person so far has been known to fall into dogma, which is where the knowledge comes from
>when one falls into dogma, their mind stays in their well forever, regardless of whether their real body stays alive or dies
Oh fuck, the whole thing is falling into place. Asukai created Sakaido, possibly unintentionally, because he's the only one who could actually go back far enough to save her. He's the only person in the timeline who would be eligible for dives, while still possessing enough of a moral compass to be an ally. Hondomachi would work, but her break point is at the start of the show, which is way too long after Asukai has broken down mentally and been placed in the machine.
So, Muku's death was actually an accident? In order to prevent Asukai's death, JW interfered with the challenger's MO? He kidnapped Hondomachi solely to give him an excuse for knowing what the Wakumusubi did? And was then caught on purpose to be given access to the dive machine? Hell, he hid himself among serial killers and drilled through his own head to give himself immunity to the amnesia?
But how did he arrive at all the information? If he knew this much in advance from a future JW, why would he kill Muku? He should know that that path is Asukai's only salvation, which is the only way to stop him. He tormented her in order to make her id collapse and create the entire dream world of the future, is there some reason Sakaido is necessary for his plan? He can't possibly be unaware of Asukai's role.
So, JW had Muku killed by the challenger in order to create Sakaido. Which, at the same time, is also his only weak point. If cognition particles can be carried off by the wind, then I suppose they could also be planted in Momoki's house, so JW killed Shirakoma, possibly to conceal Asukai's location and gain access to the prototype?
How can Asukai and JW make Sakaido at the same time?
They're both doing it, just for different reasons. Asukai's half might just be all the extra support Sakaido gets in the wells, which is misinterpreted as compatibility. He needs to keep solving cases to eventually get access to his own well.
>Hondomachi spends 16 years in wellwell
>She gets a husband and children
>Kura team saves her
>She looks at Narihisago
>Shots him and becomes new detective
They said his IQ exceeded 150. How much is it really?
decent idea, but the shape doesn't match
>cognition particles can be carried off by the wind, then I suppose they could also be planted in Momoki's house
Judging from Momoki's reaction it's more likely that Narihisago tried committing suicide at his place.
When is the last episode?
Besides all those well deserved 'well spotted' replies, what does this mean actually?
In his well there was Perforator and John Walker so they aren't same person.
Sakaido was also guessing Perf was so scared of JW he hid inside Kaeru's body.
Isn't that just random coincidence, or staffs way to fuck with viewers?
So Asukai is hooked on a machine somewhere and JW is controlling her? If we think of the "real" world as real and not a future projection
I wish Sakaido went after the scientist instead of fucking ignoring him , what the fuck
How deep is his hole?
Imoimo was kino though.
Given he's adamant it's a trap, that could be true. Regardless, JW has knowledge of his particles being in Momoki's place.
Asukai is the inaccessible core of the Mizuhanome, which explains both Kaeru and, you know, the whole dream world where you can enter subconsciousness.
Everything Perforator did was to conceal his identity as JW. The only real question is if he's aware of it or not, split personality would be pretty lame at this stage.
Why didn't the crew notice this? Shouldn't they be aware of what the detectives are doing when they are awake?
They mentioned that they weren't getting a feed for the first minute or two before Sakaido woke up, but they attributed it to them trying a double dive for the first time.
What woul John Walker's well look like?
>Everything Perforator did was to conceal his identity as JW
Yet he was under surveilance from JW like others.
How did he frame Momoki from his cell?
Even if he's immune to amnesia from Mizuhanome diving no way in hell can he control his subconscious.
It's either a glitch from 2 people diving or whoever fucked with the well and instructed Anaido/Perf to fuck thing up for Sakaido did also this part.
Honestly it probably was the double dive given how they did have the feed when he was going alone.
>>How did he frame Momoki from his cell?
He set things up in advance. A body he buried there years previous would work fine as a catalyst. It's also likely that he's getting help from someone inside the department, and if not, getting someone to call in a tip while you're in jail isn't tough.
We've already had a killer who was trying to hide a tree in the forest, this is just that on a larger scale. We already have plenty of evidence that he's capable of manipulating the subconscious, there's no reason he can't turn it inward, or you know, take a chunk out of his own brain to hide it.
Silent Hill - other side crossed with a butcher shop, only instead of animal meat Kiki body parts everywhere.
Well, too KEIKAKU DOORI for me, but we'll see how this plays out.
The show hit peak KEIKAKU DOORI when the police just let a suspect chill out in an ambulance without even handcuffing him because he might've been a victim.
I've watched a lot of shitty detective stuff, but that might actually take the cake.
I just thought of hannibal at that part
It's a Silence of the Lambs reference.
>handcuffing a victim with life threatening injury because there's 1:1000000 chance it's 150IQ supervillain pretending
I really hope you're just some edgy teen, working nowhere near any emergency services or hospitals.
For some reason, it didn't feel anywhere near as dumb there. Or in Leon.
Have you never seen actual SWAT shit? They don't just let people run out of the building, they cuff everyone, because getting shot in the back really sucks.
You stole my post here and got more replies, fuck you.
>They don't just let people run out of the building,
Do they also handcuff unconscious victims with heavily bleeding head wounds?
We're talking about US, aren't we?
they didn't expect the 150 IQ dude to drill a hole on his own head did they
Where does this user fare in the suffering chart?