Wake up

>wake up
>still no season 3
The best gambling anime deserves better

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Why does Yea Forums whine and beg so much for new seasons of these 7/10 shows.

Some delusion fag

The best gambling anime needs a season 2.

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How is kaiji a 7/10. Name at least 5 flaws with it

Akagi seems too dead set on mahjong to be worth making a new season out of. Kaiji has different games each arc at least

>Shitty art
>Shitty music
>Shitty plot
>Shitty protagonist
>Shitty cgi

>>Shitty art
Filtered. Go back to moeshit
>>Shitty music
A blatant lie. OPs and EPs are great
>>Shitty plot
>>Shitty protagonist
If you want every protagonist to be superman then yeah
>>Shitty cgi
Budget was small. Even then it was good enough. Better than your blobshit

Akagi S2 would work well. The events are just that solid.

Kaiji peaked on bog. He made it out of the hell, he made it even. Everything after that is just him getting greedy, it's not as fun to watch as him trying to survive.

does he ever get out of debt? i watched the 1st season and part of the 2nd one before dropping it

do you even bait bro?

Season 3 would be boring as fuck unless they either cut half of the filler matches or put Kazuya in it.

I just finished the first part of Kaiji and I still like Kakegurui better. I'm waaaaay more interested in that cast than in Hyodo and Tonegawa - it ain't like those two are going to develop as charcters, that's not what they're here for. Also, fuck how everything is drawn out.

Kaiji himself is great and I'm probably going to read more Fukumoto stuff, but that's the tea. Every other time I'd tell you to keep seething, but now I'm just gonna sympathize, 'cause I'm in a positive mood.

(There is no such thing as gambling anime. Gambling is not a genre.)


>wake up
>Kaiji is still moe

All is right in the world sometimes.

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Everything is supposed to be drawn out.
Kaiji is all about torturing you by drawing you to the most tense moment possible and keeping you there for as long as possible.

If it's doomed to be an incomplete adaptation, at least it ended at the best possible point.

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yes but he can't stop gambling

The anime covered most of the best stuff except for Washizu finally resorting to betting his blood which got covered in the live action adaptation. All of the stuff with visions of slapstick Hell and the anticlimactic ending aren't that great.

I liked this rant Washizu did

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Imagine being this brainlet. Late Washizu is the best part.

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Part 3 is the best Kaiji part

>Kaiji peaked on bog
That's not Minefield Mahjong.

>Everything after that is just him getting greedy
Not really, the underworld summons him

>Also, fuck how everything is drawn out.
wait till you get to the pachinko arc lol
but kaiji does meet some other ambitious losers along the way you can sympathize with, it's not like it's just him and the villains

No one watches this shit. It's like continuing it for no reason.

If 4/10s like Madoka and Eva can get so much animated content then why not Kaiji?

No homo but, Kaiji kinda cute when his happy. Remind me, myself when i'm feeling happy.

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>entire Washizu arc animated
just imagine the shitstorm, people already complained about the bog in Kaiji S2 being too long

They're plebs

where's the new chapter?

look at the bottom right

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Oh shit I never noticed that. I was worried that there was more drama with the translators again

what is 10/10 for you?