Precure thread
Dance Hikaru, dance until everything turns to dust
What happens if I tear of Lala's sensors?
That I shall do
Uuumm... Based Department?
You're all a bunch of faggots for watching this girly shit
Ok and?
This is the worst fucking thread on this website. Kill yourself for posting this complete garbage you complete wastes of life, Hikaru is the worst thing that ever existed. Fuck you.
It's for the best if you stopped responding to bait. There's some real schizos on Yea Forums nowadays.
No fucking shame...
Kirayaba kirayaba kirayaba
Oyo oyo oyo oyo
Lun lun lun lun
No, there is no shame in liking fun things.
This is the best fucking thread on this website. Pat yourself in the back for posting this complete perfection you awesome use of life, Hikaru is the best thing that ever existed. I love you.
Fuck off retard
Precure is for little girls brainlet. There's nothing remotely manly about it.
Even little girls know that Hikaru is shit unlike these retards
You should give precure a try, guys. It's pretty good. Best of all, you wont ever miss a kamen rider episode since it comes right after it.
Fuck off
Fuck off
What if I turn off the TV right when a Precure’s episode ended?
What the fuck happened to this thread
You miss the ED and the next week's preview
Fuck off.
Fuck off.
Post cute mahos please.
Thanks to those that recommended starting with Smile.
that's odd, people usually recommend Heartcatch
Posted this the other day and went from there basic on character traits.
god bless this Hikaru-zone
She is the best pink! Extremely kind and curious, she makes my heart all kirayaba
I hope you finish smile so you can start a new life as a big friend.
You're welcome
Cure star is hot. I'd like to lick her underarms.
Rate my wives! I love them so much!
Iona and Megumi for me although I was absolutely in love with Hime when hacha was airing.
>best pink
That's not Haruka.
Kirakira Boshi!
That exposed chest line and that open back. Bless Takahashi's pinks.
Top 3 pinks:
Mana > Haruka > Hikaru