>The MC of the last anime you watched is coming to kill you, pic related is you bodyguard.
How fucked are you? What is your plan?
>The MC of the last anime you watched is coming to kill you, pic related is you bodyguard.
How fucked are you? What is your plan?
can shiki kill servants?
>Miho is coming to kill me
Archer has no chance against Nishizumi autism. I'll ask him to kill me quickly so that I don't have to endure being crushed to death by Miho's tank as she stands there and laughs
Kek, this manlet doesn't kill anyway. I guess I'll be safe
Literally not fucked at all I could probably hold him down myself and beat him up
Of course.
EMIYA would defeat Tatsuya.
Yes. Sorry bud, that's the price for having good tastes.
Stunk. I think I'm fine.
So archer vs stunk. i honestly have no idea how that will turn out.
Can he defeat Jesus oni-sama or Kirito (forma de Star King)?
Emiya would probably defeat oniisama, Tatsuya Shiba is weak against spirits. Heroic spirits are on a whole different level than anything he's faced.
At that point I'll already have been torn to pieces.
Who you faced with?
I usualy have bad luck with posts like this but I guess I get to live another day
Being killed by an Eva would be a cool way to die
Come on bro
>Eroha vs. Archer
Eh, it will probably be fine.
Emiya would be able to trace Evangelion weapons.
>Infinite Dendogram
How the absolute fuck does Archer fend off his own imouto counterpart?
Can I at least request to fuck Nikaido before I accept death because no way in hell I'm taking either in a fight
>also Miho
cheer up lad we get to see if Archer can TRACE ON a Panzer IV
>Girl with one eye and one leg is trying to kill me
I may not even need archer.
Guess I live another day
Kaede or Maple? This distinction is very important.
I watched Handa-kun all I have to do is make friends with him
>trace a panzer
>still loses because you don't know how to operate one while Miho have a full team
What the fuck is Rei gonna do? Throw shogi pieces at me? Cry me to death?
Kuromu so he can face his Shielder version.
I think it's more important to figure out what the fuck is wrong with your head to cause it to think that Kaede is the MC.
How painful is it to get killed by psychic powers?
I thought at first that I'd survive fairly easily.
Then I thought about it some more, and then I remembered that Lupin and his crew defeated a person impervious to bullets, that Lupin quite literally has global connections to EVERYTHING, and that he can easily sneak past extremely tight-knit special ops units as if they were kids.
The only thing I can hope for is that he feels merciful, because otherwise I can imagine Lupin somehow convincing Emiya to kill me.
>Tai from digimon
If he is without agumon it's trivial.
If he is with him, I don't think red man can stop a mega. Maybe he can kill Tai and stop agumon from evolving.
Who is the main character of isekai quartet?
It's your fault for watching shitty anime.
You have to face all four MCs, I will spare you shield hero.
you tell me
I'm not entirely sure who the MC is, but entering Archer's mindscape seems like a really bad idea even if he is susceptible to ancient Chinese hypnosis. I'm totally fine as long as he stays nearby.
>Some animal hater
I think I'm good.
Seriously, I'm done for. I mean, Archer just can't stand against Kuro's adorableness.
I think I tell the red man to fuck off while the chink with the Nazi-symbol on his pajama lobs my head off in a single strike.
Made worthless by an AT field, unless he somehow manages to trace an entire EVA or a Longinus, which are both living beings and not just mere weapons.
Probably. Only if she can hit them tough.
Don't think she would be able to come close to Archer, given that he can spam a bajillion NP's.
Archer can trace NP's that bed space and time and pierce barriers. I don't think the AT field is going to stop either Caldabolg or Gae Bolg
After Rebuild, he's way on the top of the Counter Force's shitlist.
>Hokuto no Ken
Uh oh
Lucky for me he is a pushover and cries when doing something cruel.
I'll just hug him and stroke his hairs until he's defeated.
If he goes dark mode...I'm screwed
I should be fine.
Gilgamesh is the MC of Babylonia right?
Will he still job?
Im pretty sure he can fuck stunk from ishuzoku reviewers up. If its even close ill flood his man ass with my prana.
>Introduced a friend to Eva.
Eva01 vs Archer, this should be interesting if he doesnt get the chance to snipe Shinji at school.
Anyone can, a saber gets fucked by a random monk who knows martial arts.
>just watched kill me baby
the question is, sonya, or oribe?
question is, how hard will red man fucking die?
>Eroha will try to kill me
I guess I'm safe
Akari is too kind to kill me so we would just have a nice lunch on Neo Venezia and I would order Emiya to flirt with Alicia if he is my servant just to see if Alicia could get charmed by someone as handsome as Emiya
Stunk was in the party that slayed a demon god. So stunk has nice chances.