How is it that not a single person has ever noticed that Kogoro's mouth isn't moving while he solves mysteries?
How is it that not a single person has ever noticed that Kogoro's mouth isn't moving while he solves mysteries?
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Don't forget he constantly closes his eyes. Maybe peoples secretly know about it, but just let it slide because whoever actually solve the case actually did a good job.
Holy shit you're right
suspension of disbelief is easier for asians in this case
nips have tiny rat mouths you barely notice anyway
He's meditating
Hahaha you sure showed them my seaman!
Cut the poor guy some slack. He gets really tired from solving those murder mysteries all the time.
I just wish he didn't bring that annoying kid with the bowtie with him all the time. What's a kid doing at a crime scene anyway? Leave this to the adults.
My mouth is also pretty small so it is really weird how many times people have posted images suggesting I have a very large mouth when I say something that bothers them.
They literally call him sleeping Kogoro though.
We should assume he's always facing downwards so people can't see his mouth not moving.
It seems implausible that nobody has rushed towards him and tried to grab him in anger only to find out that he is actually asleep.
They've noticed, they just don't want to tell him to stop. If he keeps on solving crimes while acting like he's asleep for some reason, why tell him to knock it off? Don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, and all that.
You mean Detective Carlos Guzmán?
>Carlos Guzmán
He's got nothing on Bobby Jackson
I don't understand these posts.
why doesn't Yea Forums just use their english names? richard is way easier than kogorou
They notice no one else says anything so they just ignore it.
Because literally nobody watches Detective Conan dubbed because first off they only dubbed a few episodes and gave up.
At least in the manga he was called "The sleeping detective" not sure about the anime and IIRC there have been close calls.
I remember Heiji Hattori straight up woke up in the middle of Conan solving a crime while using him instead of Kogoro, and that's how he found out Conan's secret. So that's probably why Conan tries to use Kogoro as much as he can, anyone else is unpredictable and can fuck him over. He lucked out that Heiji is a good guy that was okay with keeping the secret.
He looks like that boy who used to live with Professor Cardillo.
There are a few things really wrong with Kudo STILL using Kogoro to deliver solutions.
1. Kogoro's mouth doesn't move - he's clearly not speaking.
2. He uses Conan as a means to deliver little bits of physical proof, despite consistently showing absolutely no love or even tolerance for the boy in their regular interactions.
3. Consistently doping someone with a tranquilizer strong enough to cause instantaneous sleep would probably have a negative effect on Kogoro's longterm health. What is it's interaction with alcohol, which he frequently drinks? Does he eventually build a tolerance? Does it just eventually destroy his liver and/or kidneys? Conan is playing with fire here.
The first two are things you'd spot after knowing them for five minutes. Longterm acquaintances would definitely catch this shit quick.
Heiji suspected before even getting to that point, and actively did things to try to prove it. Conan knocking him out just confirmed what he already suspected/knew.
Why isn't he telling Kogoro his secret?
As long as Kogoro can solve the cases, he would certainly cooperate.
Whenever someone says they're from Osaka I unironically picture Heiji for some reason
Full moustaches are so rare in Japan that they're too busy looking at it to check whether his lips are moving. It's the perfect distraction.
What if Kogoro has already woken up a few times and just plays dumb because he enjoys the adulation?
He's kind of like Columbo, he's so effective that they don't care how weird it is.
Now that Kogoro's VA is Rikiya Koyama he sounds a lot less idiotic than the Kenshiro guy so it is more plausible to believe that he is playing dumb.
leter on they address it sayin he notoriously goes into trance when solving a crime iirc. I also remember a couple times when he stumbles around before falling asleep they say that means he's about to solve the case
there was that guy who attacked him with a katana only to comment on how admirable his courage was seeing how unphazed he was by it
I love the chapters where Kogorou actually straightens up and solves the mystery by himself. I especially loved that one case where he confronted the murderer with information that not even Conan had gotten behind. Give poor Kogorou a break
they are neat but way too few and far between
And that's what makes those episodes so great.
He could probbably solve 95% of these cases had he not been drunk/ given more time. Also doesnt help he doesnt seem to give a fuck for most of em.
this is beyond speedreading, it's always the bait OP that doesn't read the series fishing for replies.
"The Shinkansen Transport Case" there you go dumbass.
Did you not watch the anime or read the Manga? Several people find out about it.
Case closed would've been better without Conan.
do you think all those tranquilizer shots are good for his health?
>Kogoro is the MC
10/10 would watch and read
No. There was an article in which they interviewed a Japanese medic or something like that, in which he explained how repeated shots would have killed him a long time ago.
>Case closed
get out burger
They stopped translating it into Dutch after volume 13.
Everyone thinks he's a hobby-ventriloquist who uses his skills as part of his act.
Germany has 93, as well as multiple thick compilation books. Some of them were even exclusive the the German market
But Heiji woke up because Kogoro hit him iirc.
It's common knowledge that is a ventriloquist
Because it's a kid's manga.
last one here is 96 and 1 of the spin off
1048 raws were out
more death than MHA kiddo
On the one hand, this is definitely the reason I let it slide. On the other, if we could pick literally anything and get away with it because it's fiction, I would never choose this method because it's fucking retarded that not even Kogoro really takes a moment to be concerned about his regular bouts of mystery solving amnesia.
Im pretty sure Sato did that in some early-ish episode
To be fair they are few and far between because the anime has so much filler compared to the manga.
Spic dub names. At least until the dub changed hands because of stuff I don't know much about which then used the original ones.
A very capable detective
a young man with a mission
a very bold boy
This is what this song is about.
>Spic dub names
i thought only burger changed the names
it's the core appeal of the series though. its essence
Sera is an overrated smelly boy.
wop here. we do that too. what's strange is that we don't really adapt them in our language like you would expect. they're just random
It's not really an "adaptation" in English either. Richard doesn't sound anything like Kogoro, it's not even the same amount of syllables. Honestly I'm not sure why they're still insisting on localizing the names after all these years, nobody who watches Detective Conan of all things would be confused by Japanese names. It's okay for Pokemon since all the names in Japanese are puns so they're just doing the same thing for other languages, but aside from that I think Detective Conan is the only show to still do it.
>but aside from that I think Detective Conan is the only show to still do it.
i think Captain Tsubasa is still doing it
I don't think that show has been dubbed in America so that may be an example but not an American example.
there is probably one episodes where he says that he likes to practice ventriloquist skills
because Yea Forums is full of weeaboo's who think Anime is serious business
go back to your tranny board
I remember watching this show more then 20 years ago, why the fuck do japs love to dragging things out so much?
It's just a weekly murder mystery, you can do that forever. Scooby Doo has been getting regular updates for longer
It is. I am still mad at this guy here who started mocking me when I criticized his attempt at imitating the Japanese pronunciation of a show. Thankfully more people agreed with me than with him. He was probably one of those guys who squints his eyes and says VELY and thinks that's the pinnacle of humor. Scum of the earth.
How Kogoro ever landed that sweet piece of ass his wife has is the toughest case of them all.
he was a chad when he was still a cop
This, most Japanese shows are actually really short, like 12 episodes and then they're done, and Conan is one of the rare exceptions. It's like the Japanese Doctor Who.
He's still a chad.
His mouth is hidden by a shadow. Like faceless guys in doujins.
its not rare, they still have Anpanman, Doraemon and Maruko-chan
I know the needle is supposed to dissolve, but there must be some remnant of it in there. Eventually he's going to go to the doctor for neck pain and everyone is going to know. Incidentally, what happens if Conan misses?
I want to fuck Ran
if you can kick her ass
I remember he hit Sonoko by accident before
pokemon too
Wow, four out of thousands. Totally not rare.
It's a weird philosophy based on the idea that real asian rune names would be too hard to understand or follow, and that is basically true considering how much of a pain in the ass is to for example read a chinese novel with 200 characters all named ling,shao,xou, xin something.
The weird thing is that only happened for a handfull of series, others like for example Dragon Ball Z were extremely popular but conserved all the original names.
All this shit Ran has to deal with all the time, and Conan doesn't tell her about what happened to him, "to protect her." What an idiot.
>others like for example Dragon Ball Z were extremely popular but conserved all the original names.
they changed Muten Roshi, Mr Satan and Piccolo names
Why would I refer to a name in an obscure dub not in my native language, when my first exposure to the series was the manga with original names?
I think Mr. Satan's name was changed because it had Satan in it, rather than because they wanted to change it. That said the DBZ dub had plenty of other dumb changes like pronouncing Saiyan wrong. Saiyan is a correct translation of Saiya-jin but they fucked up the pronunciation. And all those weird dialogue changes like "I am the hope of the universe", and completely replacing the music with some weird MIDI shit that sounds like it was made in FL Studio.
sigh-on sounds dumb
"Sayin" is the one that sounds dumb, people are just used to it so they don't think so.
>That said the DBZ dub had plenty of other dumb changes like pronouncing Saiyan wrong
you're lucky they didnt changed completely it with "guerrier de l'espace" (space's warrior) in the french dub
who is the best of Aoyama?
Conan, Kid or Yaiba?
Have they dismantled the secret organisation that shrunk Conan yet? Used to read this back in highschool like 15 years ago but stopped since the story didn't seem to go anywhere
the manga is still ongoing so no
no need to dismantle it because it's 50% spies/traitors, and 45% jobbers
Have they even managed to unshrink him?
In Argentina we had the latino subbs who were made in Mexico (if I'm not wrong).
> and completely replacing the music with some weird MIDI shit that sounds like it was made in FL Studio.
That's like a burguer thing, I don't have idea why they do it.
They also changed the battle themes for Digimon and replaced some really pump-up music with a retarded digi-rap.
Burguers are wrong in the head.
Piccolo was called Piccolo and Mr. Satan was literally called Mr. Satan (Señor Satan).
I want to see a spin-off series or movie where the constant drugging and gaps in his memory cause Kogoro to gradually lose his mind, and Conan has to go to greater and greater lengths to hold him together just so he can do his job. Eventually, Kogoro starts seeing crimes where there aren't any, and the line between reality and his own delusions becomes so distorted that Conan has to solve completely imagined problems just to help piece his mind back together. Like Perfect Blue, but with murder mysteries.
What is Yaiba?
Yes, actually, but it's only temporary.
his 1st manga i think about a young samourai
>Señor Satan
I actually like this even better than Mr. Satan, it's alliterative and would be a good luchador name.
As a cultured person we don't change his name to Abdul Razak
I see. Going off that cover, Aoyama sure seems to have a thing for straight shota.
For me, this is the best Detective Conan character.
it was just his early Toriyama style
If it wasn't for his gizmos from Agasa, Conan would be one of the least capable characters in terms of physical/self-defense skills. And yet he's the one always going on about needing to protect the literal black belt, like his footie is anywhere on Ran's level.