How far would you make it down the hole?
How far would you make it down the hole?
Just drop the nuke inside.
Balls deep.
its just an anus
about 6"
5.7 inches
What if you tied a GoPro to a very long rope and drop it down there? Would it glitch out or some shit?
Are there even lands beyond that island?
Assuming it didn't get snagged on the environment or destroyed by the local fauna, it might work. Time dilation would probably make it unusable past the 4th or 5th layer.
They say in the manga some people tried to go down with parachutes and shit. If you're in the open like that you just get taken down by the various flying predators. The long rope-based ways down are heavily guarded elevators reserved for high clearance to preserve the mystique of the Abyss.
Did you forget anime-russia from the anime? Not to mention other places that appear on the manga
Do you seriously think that would work.
Flying beasts would instantly snatch that shit up.
Where do you think Bondrewd kidnaps orphans from?
Feed that Abyss a Snickers!
Not me personally but my machine army of thousands of robot soldiers, support machines carrying tons of equipment and giant robots will clear it.
So what prevents me from parachuting down it armed with guns?
A million flying carnivores the size of great white sharks?
They won’t make it past the kaiju’s that are probably in the final maelstrom
This and the fluctuation environments between layers. But the flying creatures would definitely get you first.
Is that like a Enigma of Amigara Fault type situation or a Dorohedoro situation. because not far in either case I'd imagine.
Given they can't go up, why don't they just fucking drill a vertical hole until they exit through the side of the mountain (or under normal soil, if it's too deep, the curse doesn't stretch forever). Give me one reason why this wouldn't work.
This is literally what Bondrewd did. Remember how he took the children down? But this takes a lot of resources and time. The Guild has a vested interest in keeping the Abyss exclusive and mysterious as is pointed out by Ozen, so there's no way they would let the plebs set up an operation like that.
i would drain the ocean into it
That would probably allow some eldritch abomination to swim up and wreck shit on the surface.
You have ten minutes to explain why that wouldn't work.
survival of the fittest
Why? You can't destroy the curse with weapons.
well considering oze looks like shes immortal i would try to go at least as far as she had gone but without guns im not sure how far you could be expected to make it down really
Just ask ur mom lol
No One Asked
First or Second layer
There is no financial incentive for the Guild to engage in the massive enterprise of setting up a dam and draining the remaining water, assuming they have the technology to do it, only to make the Abyss less mysterious and drop the price of its artifacts.
Why would you destroy your source of income?
>Why would you destroy your source of income?
im not a jew money means nothing
Then you can't afford a nuke in the first place if you have no drive to hoard money
drive to destroy a source of pain and drive for personal hedonism are different. If something is inherently worthless but needed to end a great evil its retarded to assume that you wouldn't use that for it's needed purpose at that time.
>just nuke it lol
no wonder westerners are shit storytellers
not that user but nukes don't exist in orth and the curse can't be destroyed with weapons, and would probably be contained by the curse in the lowest layer, so it'd just cause a lot of damage to an area where a lot of white whistles retire to uselessly
Just start pumping the ocean into it.
>t. Takeshi seething cause he’s not allowed to have nukes
This, the abyss would tell something is up and turn the nuke into an obese furry
That thing would be the fittest.
So what kind of Extraordinary level & Unprecedented level creatures would you fags wanna see in the 7th layer
an empire of lolis
What is the point of going down there again?
well the empire of shotas is basically confirmed at this point so...
Tentacle rape monsters
From the map in the first volume i was thinking the final maelstrom was gonna be something like stepping into some reality bending mind warping portal tunnel severe delirium type deal. Like a mix of extreme nightmares and datura and psychedelia (hurdur drugs) but would that be wrong?
nothing. absolutely nothing.
Always assumed it would be like the abyss from berserk
The “point” is to gather relics that could get you rich, but it’s honestly not worth it considering how dangerous it is, plus white whistles like Bondrewd and Ozen or the guild have all the really cool shit, so you’d have to go down real deep to find stuff worth while, which again, dangerous as fuck and probably not worth it. It seems like being near the abyss makes you want to explore it though, which is why so many people go down even if almost all of them die at some point during their dives, you almost never hear of an advanced diver retiring or something, even white whistles say fuck it and go down to the bottom when they’re done.
I, for one, welcome our new kraken overlords!
with some guns and supplies i could make it all the way down in less than a week.
i could also probably make it all the way back up if it wasn't out of fear of being shot by the people since my appearance might change to that of a monster due to the curse.
Just jump lol you'll fall straight to the bottom
I strongly feel that the sweet spot would be guided expeditions to and from the seeker camp.
Ammo and food gets replenished at either end, you import personnel and export artifacts. The only real danger is foreign agents who don't play by the abyss's rules.
>I could also probably make it all the way back up
Stop right there retard, you can’t come back from the 7th layer, and the 6th layer doesn’t turn you fluffy like Nanachi or Bondrewd unless someone else bears the curse, you’d get turned into a little goop pile, or just straight up die if you tried coming back from the bottom
I can't even reach first base.
Are you a child?
A little more then 6". But like I'm not sure where we start measuring it.
dive down all the way to the bottom then back up
I simply throw the trampoline down to hit bedrock before I do.
disclaimer: do not repeat suicidal jokes you read on the internet, vague or otherwise, to your psychiatrist
that dude's dive is shit
>going down the hellhole
Fuck no, delvers have a mix of curiosity, itch to explore, greed, a wish of death and autism, and i only have autism on my favor
What happens if you were to drop a nuke on it?
Anyone have the screenshot with some user theorizing that the Abyss was a giant flytrap/machine that is powered by human souls?
probably something similar to dropping nukes in the ocean, which apparently isn't all that exciting.
The veil would hold in the destructive force and radiation at the site of detonation. You could cause some rockslides that way I guess.