When is it coming back?

When is it coming back?

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She waited for you...

Attached: enterprisebrekkie.jpg (1920x1080, 235K)


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Ark destroyerland ova never


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Less than 2 weeks I believe

Didn't they actually announce a second anime already?

11 days until episode 11

Post some bote lewds.


Azur Lane: Slow Ahead will be done by Yostar themselves, probably going to be 3-5 minute shorts since the manga chapters themselves are 3 pages.

After making us wait months, this shit better be worth it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Azur Lane - 10 [1080p].jpg (1920x1080, 256K)

Ah yes, they started their own studio. I guess more AL and then Arknights is inevitable.

Do we have any predictions for what's gonna happen in the next 2 episodes? I'm pretty confident they'll rescue Akagi in episode 11

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Does it have lolis?

Enty has such nice pits

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This is official and should allowed as long as it's spoilered according to Hiro

Attached: SnapCrab_NoName_2020-2-18_17-51-2_No-00.jpg (1892x1058, 140K)

Sort of? Kind of? It's less fanservice than other Yostar stuff and more edgy dark storytelling. Still enjoyable as a waifu gacha

Attached: 4.jpg (1034x1800, 206K)

Good God, those are some perky tits.

More official stuff that should be allowed according to Hiro.

Should be noted that this particular image couldn't be uploaded for some totally mysterious reason.

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so where's the rip?

Holy shit, the QUALITY

God the models are so inconsistent and I still don't care

Attached: 31.jpg (1920x1080, 86K)

Well some guy posted vol. 2 on nyaa not too long ago, so hopefully he'll post this vol. soon

Attached: SnapCrab_NoName_2020-2-18_17-52-20_No-00.jpg (1896x1064, 141K)

She has some huge tits for her age.

Yeah, that was the point of that scene, Uniporn feels insecure about her big tits.
> for her age.
She is 70+ though

Attached: SnapCrab_NoName_2020-2-18_17-49-23_No-00.jpg (1894x1068, 136K)

Apparently in March, but I don't remember the exact date.

They look big cause she has a tiny body but her Unicorns are very nice

Attached: 65.png (695x1000, 534K)

I'm liking those perky tits better though.

And it's wonderful.